Mix ada with assembly - ada

How I can mix Ada code with assembly (assembled using GAS)?
I know how to link Ada with C, but how I can link with assembly? I know that gcc generates assembly code from Ada code, and because of this, I think is possible to do this cross-linking.

Presumably you would compile the assembly into a .o object file and give this as a parameter to your Ada compiler.

how can I work with the two codes?
If you are using GNAT on Intel x86, the Inline Assembler includes related examples.
Addendum: The -S option allows one "to examine the generated assembly code." This applies to Ada, C, C++, etc.

If you want to perform any kind of mixed-language programming with Ada, including Ada/Assember, you should probably look at your compiler's documentation on Interfacing pragmas, in particular its allowed calling conventions.
For example, Gnat provides an Assembler convention for pragma import/export.
Generally you will have to craft your assembler to act as a subprogram which uses a calling convention compatible with the "convention" used in your interfacing pragma.
Most compilers also support some kind of inline assembly, via the System.Machine_Code package. This allows you to mix small amounts of assembly language right in the same source files with your Ada.


How to link an application written in Ada language?

I have a running a board with FreeRTOS. What do I need to do if I want to link an application written in Ada language?
Does the SDK source code of FreeRTOS need to be recompiled with GNAT?
How to realize static link and dynamic link an Ada application?
Your question reads as though you already have an application written in Ada and you want to run it on a board already running FreeRTOS; in that case, Trashgod’s link directly applies.
Ada code relies on a runtime system (RTS), which is (usually) almost entirely written in Ada. Your application will very likely have been written in full (unrestricted) Ada, using exceptions and, possibly, tasking. The GNAT folk (AdaCore) have produced one bare-board RTS that supports exceptions, but only the Ravenscar (and now Jorvik) tasking subset.
FreeRTOS itself shouldn’t need recompiling. If your other code is written in C++, it should be OK if your compiler is GCC.
FreeRTOS doesn’t support dynamic linking.

What reflection mechanisms are available in C++/WinRT?

I remember C++ had some runtime type information (RTTI) added sometime after Bjarne Stroustrup's original The C++ Programming Language, but I never had call to use it.
I am familiar with some of the COM and CLR reflection APIs including ITypeInfo and System.Reflection. Would any of these work in against types declared in compiled C++/WinRT app?
This question addressed a similar question 5 years back for C++/CX, have there been changes?
C++ /WinRT doesn't add to the native reflection capabilities of C++. However, the xlang metadata reader APIs can be used to inspect Windows Runtime metadata files (.winmd) that describe WinRT types. You can see the metadata reader library here (and there are examples of usage in the various tools in this repo):
You can use that in conjunction with the Windows function RoGetMetadataFile to locate the metadata for a type at runtime.
Note that C++ /WinRT itself does not use the winmd file at runtime, and as such, code built with C++ /WinRT does not require the winmd to be available at runtime. If the winmd isn't present, you won't be able to rely on it for type information.
If the metadata file is supplied for a type written in C++ /WinRT, the .NET runtime can use the winmd to reflect over the projected types in much the same way that it can reflect over types written using the .NET runtime.
C++ /WinRT does not provide any support at this time for dynamic invocation of types. This is an infrequent but recurring ask and is on our backlog.

Assembly language standard

Is there a standard that defines the syntax and semantics of assembly language? Similarly as language C has ISO standard and language C# has ECMA standard? Is there only one standard, or are there more of them?
I'm asking because I noticed that assembly language code looked different on Windows and Linux environment. I hoped that assembly language is not dependent on OS, that it's only language with some defined standard and via assembler (compiler of assembly language) is translated into machine instructions for particular processor.
thank you for answer
Yes, there is a standard.
People that built assemblers even up til the 1980s chose an incredible variety of syntax schemes.
The IEEE community reacted with a standard to try to avoid that problem:
694-1985 - IEEE Standard for Microprocessor Assembly Language
As with many things in the software world, it was and continues to be largely ignored.
The closest thing to a standard is that the vendor that created the processor/instruction set will have a document describing that language and often that vendor will provide some sort of an assembler (program). Some vendors are more detail and standard oriented than others so you get what you get. Then things like this intel/at&t happen to mess things up. Add to that gnu assembler loves to mess up the assembly language for the chips it supports as well so in general you have chaos.
If there were an assembly language whose use were comparable to C or C++ then you would expect an organization to try to come up with a standard. Part of the problem would still be that with things like the C language there is an interpretation before it hits the hardware, with assembler there is none to very little so a chip vendor is going to make whatever they want to make due to market factors and the standard would have to be dragged along to match the hardware, instead of the other way around where a standard drives the vendors.
The opencore processor might be one that could be standards driven since it is not vendor specific, perhaps it is already.
With assembly assume that each version of each assembler program/software/tool has its own syntax rules within the same instruction set as well as across different instruction sets. (which is actually what you get with C/C++ but that is another topic) either choose your favorite tool and only know it, or try to memorize all the variations across all the tools, or my preference is to try to avoid as many tool specific syntax and nuances, and try to find the middle ground that works or at least has a chance to work or port across tools.
No, there is no standard.
There are even two different types of syntax: the intel-syntax which is predominant on Windows plattforms and the AT&T-sytanx which is dominant in the *nix-world.
Regarding the differently looking code in the wikipedia: the windows example uses the Win32API and the linux example uses a system call of the 0x80 interrupt.
Assembly languages differ from processor to processor so no, there is no standard.
In general, the "standard" assembly language for a particular family of processor is whatever the processor designers say it is. For example, the "standard" syntax for x86 is whatever Intel says it is. However, that doesn't prevent other people from creating a variant of the assembly language that targets the processor with slightly different syntax or additional features (Nasm is one example).
Well, I'm not sure if you are asking about syntax for x86 processors (I suppose yes, because you're mentioning NASM).
But there are two common standards:
Intel syntax that was originally used for documentation of the x86 platform
AT&T syntax which is common in Linux/Unix worlds.
NASM you have mentioned prefers the Intel syntax.
You can find some examples of the syntax differences in this article: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-gas-nasm/index.html.
There's none because there are many different CPUs with different instructions and other peculiarities and it's entirely up to their designer what syntax to use and how to name things. And there's little need to standardize that because assembly code is inherently unportable and needs to be rewritten for a different CPU anyway.
Assembly language is not OS-specific per se, it's CPU-specific, but for an assembly routine to access things that appear standard to you (e.g. some subroutine to print text in the console) OS-specific code is needed. For MSDOS you'd use BIOS and DOS interrupt service routines (invokable on the x86 CPU through int 13h, int 10h, int 21h, int 33h, etc instructions), for Windows you'd use Windows' (available through int 2eh and sysenter/syscall instructions), for Linux you'd use Linux' (e.g. int 80h). All of them are implemented differently in different OSes and expect different number and kinds of parameters and in different places (registers or memory). You can't standardize this part. The only thing you can do about it is build a compatibility/abstraction layer on top of the OS functionality so it looks the same from your assembly routines' point of view.
Assembly syntax / language depends on CPU rather then OS. For the x86 CPU family there are however two syntax's AT&T (used by Unix like operating systems by default) and Intel (used by Windows and DOS etc.)
However the two assembly examples on the wiki are both doing different things. The windows example uses the WIN32 API and to show a message box, so all function arguments are pushed onto the stack in reversed order and then calls the function MessageBox() which on his turn creates the messagebox.
The linux example uses the write syscall to write a string to stdout. Here all 'arguments' are stored in the registers and then the int 0x80 creates an 'interrupt' now the OS is entering kernel land and the kernel prints the string to stdout.
The linux assemly could be rewritten like:
section .data
msg: db "Hello, world!", 10
.len: equ $ - msg
section .text
extern write
extern exit
global _start
push msg.len
push msg
push dword 1
call write
push dword 0
call exit
The above assembly must be linked against libc and then this will call write in libc which on his turn executes exactly the same code as the example on the wiki.
Another thing to note, is that Windows and Unix like operating system use different file formats in there libraries and applications.
Unix like systems use ELF http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executable_and_Linkable_Format and windows uses PE http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Executable
This is why you see different sections in the assemblies on the wiki page.

Can C/C++ software be compiled into bytecode for later execution? (Architecture independent unix software.)

I would want to compile existing software into presentation that can later be run on different architectures (and OS).
For that I need a (byte)code that can be easily run/emulated on another arch/OS (LLVM IR? Some RISC assemby?)
Some random ideas:
Compiling into JVM bytecode and running with java. Too restricting? C-compilers available?
MS CIL. C-Compilers available?
LLVM? Can Intermediate representation be run later?
Compiling into RISC arch such as MMIX. What about system calls?
Then there is the system call mapping thing, but e.g. BSD have system call translation layers.
Are there any already working systems that compile C/C++ into something that can later be run with an interpreter on another architecture?
Could I compile existing unix software into not-so-lowlevel binary, which could be "emulated" more easily than running full x86 emulator? Something more like JVM than XEN HVM.
There are several C to JVM compilers listed on Wikipedia's JVM page. I've never tried any of them, but they sound like an interesting exercise to build.
Because of its close association with the Java language, the JVM performs the strict runtime checks mandated by the Java specification. That requires C to bytecode compilers to provide their own "lax machine abstraction", for instance producing compiled code that uses a Java array to represent main memory (so pointers can be compiled to integers), and linking the C library to a centralized Java class that emulates system calls. Most or all of the compilers listed below use a similar approach.
C compiled to LLVM bit code is not platform independent. Have a look at Google portable native client, they are trying to address that.
Adobe has alchemy which will let you compile C to flash.
There are C to Java or even JavaScript compilers. However, due to differences in memory management, they aren't very usable.
Web Assembly is trying to address that now by creating a standard bytecode format for the web, but unlike the JVM bytecode, Web Assembly is more low level, working at the abstraction level of C/C++, and not Java, so it's more like what's typically called an "assembly language", which is what C/C++ code is normally compiled to.
LLVM is not a good solution for this problem. As beautiful as LLVM IR is, it is by no means machine independent, nor was it intended to be. It is very easy, and indeed necessary in some languages, to generate target dependent LLVM IR: sizeof(void*), for example, will be 4 or 8 or whatever when compiled into IR.
LLVM also does nothing to provide OS independence.
One interesting possibility might be QEMU. You could compile a program for a particular architecture and then use QEMU user space emulation to run it on different architectures. Unfortunately, this might solve the target machine problem, but doesn't solve the OS problem: QEMU Linux user mode emulation only works on Linux systems.
JVM is probably your best bet for both target and OS independence if you want to distribute binaries.
As Ankur mentions, C++/CLI may be a solution. You can use Mono to run it on Linux, as long as it has no native bits. But unless you already have a code base you are trying to port at minimal cost, maybe using it would be counter productive. If it makes sense in your situation, you should go with Java or C#.
Most people who go with C++ do it for performance reasons, but unless you play with very low level stuff, you'll be done coding earlier in a higher level language. This in turn gives you the time to optimize so that by the time you would have been done in C++, you'll have an even faster version in whatever higher level language you choose to use.
The real problem is that C and C++ are not architecture independent languages. You can write things that are reasonably portable in them, but the compiler also hardcodes aspects of the machine via your code. Think about, for example, sizeof(long). Also, as Richard mentions, there's no OS independence. So unless the libraries you use happen to have the same conventions and exist on multiple platforms then it you wouldn't be able to run the application.
Your best bet would be to write your code in a more portable language, or provide binaries for the platforms you care about.

JIT compilers for math

I am looking for a JIT compiler or a small compiler library that can be embedded in my program. I indent to use it to compile dynamically generated code that perform complex number arithmetics. The generated code are very simple in structure: no loops, no conditionals, but they can be quite long (a few MB when compiled by GCC). The performance of the resulting machine code is important, while I don't really care about the speed of compilation itself. Which JIT compiler is best for my purpose? Thanks!
Detailed requirements
Support double precision complex number arithmetics
Support basic optimization
Support many CPUs (x86 and x86-64 at least)
Make use of SSE on supported CPUs
Support stack or a large set of registers for local variables
ANSI-C or C++ interface
Cross platform (mainly Linux, Unix)
You might want to take a look at LLVM.
Cint is a c++(ish) environment that offers the ability to mix compiled code and interpreted code. There is a set of optimization tools for the interpreter. ROOT extends this even further by supporting compile and link at run-time at run-time (see the last section of http://root.cern.ch/drupal/content/cint-prompt), though it appears to use the system compiler and thus may not help. All the code is open source.
I make regular use of all these features as part of my work.
I don't know if it makes active use of SIMD instructions, but it seems to meet all your other requirements.
As I see that you are currently using the compile to dynamic library at link on the fly methond, you might consider TCC, though I don't believe that it does much optimization and suspect that it does not support SIMD.
Sounds like you want to be able to compile on the fly and then dynamically load the compiled library (.DLL or .so). This would give you the best performance, with an ANSI-C or C++ interface. So, forget about JITing and consider spawning a C/C++ compiler to do the compilation.
This of course assumes that a compiler can be installed at the point where the dynamically generated code is actually generated.
