how do i get css source file path from firebug? - css

I need to modify a couple of classes in the css of the site i'm currently woking on. another person worked in it, so i really don't know where he has put the styles. i know firebug shows the css path on the corner, but it's just showing the url like this: 149) . what does it mean? how do I get the file path? Thanks for the help everyone.

Click on that URL.
It will open the correct file to the correct line. From there you can easily see the path...
However, if you mean file path, on the server, you cannot get that from the browser or Firebug; it depends on your server settings.

Open firebug and you'll see a CSS pane/tab you can then select the stylesheet you want/need to edit.


Failed CSS link on atom

So I'm new to coding but this seems like a no brainer that I can't seem to work out. I created a proper link saved in a styles.css file but the background color isn't coming up. when I inspect the page it just tells me it can't find the file. What could I possibly be doing wrong here?
And here's the site I'm starting--->
My site

Can't find resource from css

I can't find solution to load image linked in css. Chrome inspector shows me message:
404 (not found)
and shows me this link:
even if I have in my css
background-image: url(../src/splash_1/img.png)
Could anyone please help me with appropriate linking... I can't find answer how to correctly link that image in that folder structure.
Below in the second picture attached, I added print screen with real data from Chrome Inspector and code and the element. Maybe that will be more helpful. I want to link correctly
Thank you!
You just need to pass the path as a string in single quotes with the same path you tried first. The .. is needed to step one folder up from the css folder.
background-image: url('../src/splash_1/img.png');
Note: it can be that the path is cached locally on the client side, you may need to clear browser cache to make it work.
Eventually it turned out I had 2 pairs of the same css files in different location. One pair in correct location and the other in main folder. I was changing css files in editor located in main folder, but in index.html css files were linked to specified folder. So even I changed css it didn't reflect changes in index.html, because the changes were done in the same name css files but in other location. I wonder how it happened I had 2 pairs of css files in different location, this is something really unclear for me. Thank you All for your help and your time.
Try this
background-image: url('/src/splash_1/img.png');
Please try below code...
background-image: url('components/src/splash_1/img.png');

External CSS images won't load

Good day.
My structure is like this:
/style/main.css says something like this:
body {
background-image: url('/images/SomeImage.png');
background-color: #000;
/index.html has a link to this CSS file, but, as the title says, no image will load. But it's connected though, cause the background is actually black, so the rest of the style (but images) does work.
Also, if I write the same style internally into /index.html the background will load.
Also, I created /test/test.html which says nothing but
<img src="/images/SomeImage.png" />
and the image is displayed on that page.
So, obviously, for some reason my /style/main.css can't reach files, that any other file from any other location reaches. Why does this happen? There's clearly nothing wrong with the syntax. I'm lost.
add ../ to the beginning of /images so it read ../images/imagename.jpg
Here's what your code should be:
body {
background-image: url('../images/SomeImage.png');
background-color: #000;
Because your image is in another folder (thats a level up than your style sheet), you need to start with "../" for a level up folder in hierarchy relative to the style sheet. So you need a relative URL:
background-image: url('../images/SomeImage.png');
Try to copy webpage, css and example image in one folder temporarily. Then use only image name for url a see what happens. If it works, it will be the image path, if not something else.. possibly position.. is this complete css you are posting?
Initially, it looks like your code is fine.
So how do you know the image isn't loading? Look in your browser's developer tools to see if the image is loading, or returning an error, or not even being referenced. My guess here would be that it is loading, but not display because of something in your CSS.
if you are in /styles/style.css you need to add:
../ 2 levels back to get to the root folder.
So as Rokin answered :
background-image: url('../images/SomeImage.png');
is the way to do it.
To link your CSS within your index file use the following:
<link href="./style/style.css" rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
./ 1 level back within the index.html to reach the root folder.
In addition your problem might also be a file permission problem, I always face this issue when i download images from my email and use them directly.
If you are working locally on a mac:
- Right click on the selected image
- click on **get info**
- In sharing and permissions, make sure that the **everyone** has the **Read only** permission instead of **No access**
If you are working directly on a live server:
- login using FTP (with any ftp client such as File Zilla)
- Go to the selected image
- Right click and select file permissions
- set permissions to : **664**
Ok, so basically, I replaced the not-working /style/main.css with the copy of it (test.css - described in post comments) and now it works. Why is still the question, but the problem is kinda solved I guess.
Same with me, I guess images that used in css must be in the same folder as css file. I tried every possible solution while checking with the browser tool and the only thing that works is when I put the image and stylesheet in the same folder.
I am having the same problem. Working with Visual Studio Community.
I went inspect elements in browser and found that the file directory "automatically" (i did not set it this way) says that my image folder is nested inside my css folder. dont know why yet... so I then went and moved my image folder into my css folder seeing that this is what my browser showed me in the dev tools...
so maybe for some reason when working with css your images inside your image folder should be located in your css folder and not the complete Webpage worked.

Css background Wont work?

I have a question.
I am currently building a "blog" website. Not that it matters but..
I am trying to set my background to be a specific image that i have.
And it used to work! Until recently and I just don't know why it wont.
It works when i am on my computer, everything works fine.
But i am using 000Webhost as the hoster for the website.
So if u go to ""
You might see that the website is completely white. Cause the picture wont load for the background.
In my css sheet, i am using:
body {
background-image: url("bakgrund.jpg");
And yes, i did name the picture bakgrund.jpg and uploaded it to 000webhost. Its the exact same name etc. I wondering.. Could two different css stylesheets make so it gets weird or something? Cause I added a second css style sheet to be able to have a drop-down menu in a different sheet, and i added the drop-menu. Around that time it started messing with me..
Is it me doing something wrong.
Or is it 000Webhost?
(Might add that none of my pictures is working now, i can also contribute with more code if needed!)
If you go to you get a message
"The image cannot be
displayed because it contains errors".
If you go to you get 404 page, which means that the first path (bakgrund.jpg) is correct - but the image itself isn't good.
Try to upload it again or contact the hosting service.
If you use FTP maybe you need to change something in your FTP program settings - maybe change from ASCII to Binary transfer.

Is there a tool to check CSS url files exist?

I've just been tasked with migrating a website from a Windows server to a Linux server.
One of the issues I've noticed straight away is that there are a number of CSS url() definitions that don't work because the case in the CSS is not the same as the actual file.
background: url(myFile.jpg);
while on the server the file is actually MyFile.jpg.
Does anyone know of a simple tool or browser plugin I can use just to scan the CSS file and verify that the url() declarations exist so that I can easily find and fix them?
The site is quite large, so I don't want to have to navigate through the pages to find 404 errors if I can avoid it.
Use Developer Tools in Google Chrome or Firebug in Firefox.
When you load HTML page with that CSS, it will show any missing resources in Network tab.
I guess there is no any tool that will
Scan through CSS file for all the URLs
Check whether each URL exists or not.
But you can try following two links for these two tasks.
RegEx to get the URLs from CSS : With this you will have all list of URLs used in CSS
Check if a URL exists or not with cURL : An example in PHP was given.
You can still search for these two items separately and try fixing the issues.
Let me know if this helps.
What, if you simply write a http request into browser's URL bar pointing directly to the image and/or css?
How about firebug in firefox? It would give you all 404 in its console.
You can install Firebug if you're using Firefox or you can press F12 if you're using Chrome.. i think that goes the same with IE.. From there you will be able to check the URL and even view it in a new tab.
Turns out that the W3c Link Checker also scans CSS files which is very handy.
Had this have not worked I would have had to put together something like Vanga's solution.
Here's how I would approach this.
Make sure all image requests are handled by a (PHP) script, by adding the following to my .htaccess
RewriteRule .(?:jpe?g|gif|png|bmp)$ /images.php [NC,L]
Use file_exists() to check if the file exists, maybe even try if a lowercase version of the file exists.
Log missing files into a database table or text file.
Use a script to loop through the website's sitemap with curl to get a complete list of requested filenames that resulted in a 404.
