Autocomplete without using a callback - drupal

I want to use autocomplete-fields that link to an external source for their autocomplete-data. Drupal seems to refuse all autocomplete_paths that are not reachable within Drupal. Any ideas how to circumvent that problem? The form field looks like that:
$form['business_city'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#size' => 30,
'#title' => t('city'),
'#autocomplete_path' => '_/city?=',
'#default_value' => $userProfile->field_address_business_city[0]['value'],
_/city is not reachable within Drupal for performance reasons. The script bootstraps Drupal up to session-level to check for a valid login.
If I create an autcomplete-field by attaching the needed markup manually to the field it works but it is awkward to maintain:
'#attributes' => array('class' => 'form-autocomplete'),
'#suffix' => '<input type="hidden" disabled="disabled" value="/_/city?n=" id="edit-private-city-autocomplete" class="autocomplete">',

Instead of hacking, you could make sure that the path you are querying "/_/city?n=" is a valid menu_hook item. That way it will validate against the drupal_valid_path() inside theme_textfield(). From within the menu hook function callback you could then forward the request to your external data source.

Drupal 6 validates in theme_textfield() if the autocomplete path is a valid (internal) path.
So, you can't work around this unless you override that theme function.


How to add/Modify Redux Framework options in Child Theme

I am using a paid theme which is using Redux Framework. I am trying to add a new field in Footer Options. I am able to add this field in options but only in print_r() function it is showing not showing in Themes Options Panel.
function add_another_section_bl($sections){
$sections[12]['fields'][] = array(
'id' => 'rd_footer_message_1',
'type' => 'textarea',
'title' => __('Text 2 to display in footer under bar', 'thefoxwp'),
'subtitle' => __('write your copyright information or anything you\'d like.', 'thefoxwp'),
'validate' => 'html', //see
'default' => 'Copyright 2015 Tranmautritam\'s team | All Rights Reserved'
return $sections;}
add_filter("redux/options/rd_data/register", 'add_another_section_bl');
In array data it is showing the required data but not in Options Panel in wordpress dashboard.
Kindly get me out of this.
There's a much simpler approach if you use the Redux API:
You can modify, add, update any section or field before it is rendered. Please note, you may have to put your code within hooks. Also please note the Redux 4 method names have changed from setArgs to set_args (camelcase to non).
Otherwise, you will have all you need.

Get out an error message if noone of checkboxes selected

I have set a checkboxes form that works perfect, i have this if statement which also works perfect but what i really want is when the user hasn't selectected any checkbox from the list, when he pushes the save button to get out a drupal error that will says "Oh!you do not select nothing"... How i can do this thing?
if (!$selected) {
drupal_set_message(t('You have to select at least one option from the list.'), 'warning');
You can set the message manually from your code:!
Where you have that your if logic add drupal_set_message() call.
Do you use Form API?
If yes try the #required property
$form['test'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#options' => $myOptions,
'#required' => TRUE,
'#title' => t('Test'),

Change cache settings programmatically in Drupal 7

I have a block which displays list of RSS feed from an external site. I want to keep caching other blocks except the mentioned block. Howto do that?
For example, I have blockA, blockB and blockC. I only want to change the blockB's cache settings permamently to DRUPAL_NO_CACHE and leave other blocks as they are and I want to do that programmatically.
You can change the caching roles in the specific module that creates youre block.
In the block info like beneath:
function pref_block_info() {
return array(
'pref_main' => array(
'info' => t('Display flash game for auth. users'),
'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
'pref_winner' => array(
'info' => t('Show the winner of the last week.'),
'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
'pref_leader' => array(
'info' => t('Show the leader of the current week.'),
'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
'pref_top' => array(
'info' => t('Show the top 10 of the current week.'),
'cache' => DRUPAL_NO_CACHE,
The answer given by Jurgo is perfectly right, if you are defining the block within your own module.
In case if you want to change the caching behavior of a block written by some other module then you can use the function mymodule_block_list_alter
function mymodule_block_list_alter(&$blocks, $theme, $code_blocks) {
// Remove the caching on rss feeds block.
// Here rss-feeds is the unique key for the block
$blocks['rss-feeds']['cache'] = DRUPAL_NO_CACHE;
Where do the blocks come from? That's important. As Jurgo said, you can specify it in hook_block_info if it's a custom module. If they are views blocks, there is a caching setting per display within views that handles this. If they are blocks provided by some other module, you'd need to directly query the database to change the block's caching setting.
As a general note, to display RSS feeds, just use Feeds and Views. Then you don't write custom code at all for any of this.
This will reduce the work by going to performance settings page (admin/settings/performance) & clicking "cleared cached data" by scrolling down.
But make sure that this page is only accessed by administrator.
For Drupal 7 is same as Drupal 6:
drupal_set_message('cache flushed.');

Drupal: How to theme a module

I'm trying to theme a modules output.
In particular i'm working on
Any idea how that works?
Thanks in advance!
Generally, if you want to theme a module you have a few options.
Overwrite theme functions. You can overwrite the theme functions that the module uses/implements to change the markup, one example of such a function is theme_service_links_node_format. You change make a function in your theme's template.php called 'your_theme_name_service_links_node_format' and make your custom markup in it instead.
CSS. If you don't need to change the actual markup of a modules output, you only need to add the needed css, to theme it into your liking.
In some cases, it doesn't look like sercive links is such a case, you can also make your own templates, and make Drupal use them instead.
Another way, again it doesn't look like service is service links is such a case, is to implement preprocess functions in your template.php. This is needed if you want to alter how certain template variables are generated.
If you want to implement your own theming function services links defines 3 themables. In your theme you should imlement the following
'service_links_build_link' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'text' => NULL,
'url' => NULL,
'title' => NULL,
'image' => NULL,
'nodelink' => NULL,
'service_links_node_format' => array(
'arguments' => array('links' => NULL),
'service_links_block_format' => array(
'arguments' => array('items' => NULL),
Have a look at line 389 and below
What's the problem? I mean, every module should use a different name for main container and so. You can use css selector in clever way to refer the template pages.
For example, the FAQ module use identificator to all part of html output, like faq-question and faq-answer in the main page.
Just inspect your resulting code and css it, if possible modify the module-related css!
If the module implements its own theme hooks you can use that. You can also use CSS.

Drupal 6 passing variables from Forms to Content, how to?

I created a BLOCK (left) with this simple form.
Now I want to PROCESS and DISPLAY results on PAGE (center)
How can I do it ?
name = James
surname = Bond
output I want :
<div style="color:red">Welcome, James Bond</div>
here is a BLOCK which i wrote and works.
echo drupal_get_form('myForm');
function myForm($form_state) {
$form['name'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Name'),
'#size' => 20,
'#maxlength' => 10
$form['surname'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Surname'),
'#size' => 20,
'#maxlength' => 10
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Save')
return $form;
function myForm_submit($form,&$form_state)
Now I need to display the output :).
Please don't suggest to use VIEWS or any other addon.
I want to learn Drupal from Inside out. Not the other way around ;)
Well, it depends a bit on how you want to do things. Since you are learning how to make a drupal module, you might want to start with an implementation of hook_menu(). This hook is used to define menu items, which basically means that you can register urls with that function. Going that route you can:
Implement hook_menu()
A general way of handling redirects is using drupal_goto(). However, in this case it is much more fitting to use the $form_state['redirect'] as Henrik explained in his comment.
For the url you are redirecting to, you should have a call back function which is where you put your logic, the way you setup the hook_menu and the callback function will determine how you get your variables available. You probably want to look into the arg() function which is what generally is used to get the values from the url.
Run the user input through a filter to make sure that they haven't posted nasty stuff like script tags ect, use check_plain
return a theme function, alternatively make your own, look at theme() and hook_theme()
There are quicker ways to do this, but doing it this way, you will generate urls for every search result that drupal can cache, which is nice. Also not being dependent on the post parameters people can bookmark the search results
Another thing is that you might want to put some basic validation to your form. That would be a good practice to learn. That would look something like this:
* Validation handler for myForm.
function myForm_validate($form, &$form_state) {
$name = $form_state['values']['name'];
// do some checks to $name.
if ($error) {
form_set_error('name', t('error message to be displayed, showing the value of the field: #name', array('#name' => $name);
You could implement AHAH in your form, and specify an element inside your page's content area as the 'wrapper' (the element in which the results of the callback function will be placed). But, you would need to understand the excellent advice of Mr. Opel before you even attempt it.
How about using drupal_set_html_head() to write a string of script to the head section of the page? I am doing this on specific pages (getting user latitude and longitude and passing them into my gMap function), but I am interested in dong the same thing directly from hook_form_submit(). I have made a few tries at it, and I am obviously outputting the script string but calling the function from submit doesn't seem to work.
if the submit function creates a page full of html output; what is the best way to pass this to a page callback? i doubt that passing as an arg on the url would work.
i stuffed into a session var but maybe a better way?
