EF4: The closed type 'xxxx' does not have a corresponding element settable property - asp.net

I'm using this guide to call stored procedure in my projet which using EF4 EDMX through WCFDataservice.
I have mapped a complex type to return items from the stored procedure. If I call the method by http, the XML'result is perfect, but when I call with this code:
public void Test()
Uri methodUri = new Uri(entities.BaseUri + "/GetCase");
List<CaseFiltered> result = entities.Execute<CaseFiltered>(methodUri).ToList();
I get this exception The closed type CaseFiltered does not have a corresponding element settable property.
I had try this solution but it doesn't work for me.
Have you a solution?
Thank you!

Ok I find the solution according this article
Actually, you did everything
right...However, our client library
does not support materialization of a
collection of complex types directly
(yet). If you look at the output of
the service op, you would see a list
of tag, rather than an Atom
My workaround: I'm using Case entities, not the CaseFiltered complex type


Modifying a Biztalk message from custom code

Disclaimer: I am a complete biztalk newbie.
I need to be able to read and potentially edit 4 nodes in a biztalk message; preferably this needs to be done from a c# helper class as I am making a service call and also have unit tests written for this.
I already have this class wired up and it works with the XLANGMessage class, the problem I am running into is at this point in the orchestration the message is a Schema based type and doesn't seem to have any way for me to modify it.
I've done some reading and found a few ideas but have not been able to confirm if any of these can work from custom code.
1 write a map to transform the incoming message to the desired type
2 write something like this in your helper component to transform the message
public XmlDocument TransformMessage(XLANGMessage message)
Then pass the result document to a biztalk message in a message assignment shape.
responseMessage = xmlDocument;
You may get better performance if you pass streams instead of messages around.
You can pass messages into and out of C# helper classes easily. The simplest way is just to treat input parameters and return values as of type System.Xml.XmlDocument. The XLANG/s engine will safely cast back and forth from the XLANGMessage type to XmlDocument.
As you are essentially creating a "new" instance of the message (messages are immutable in BizTalk), the call to your helper class needs to be performed in a Message Assignment shape, with the outer Construct shape constructing the copy of your original message.
public static XmlDocument UpdateMyMessage(XmlDocument sourceMessage)
/* Do stuff to your Message here */
return sourceMessage;
A best-practice to consider is to declare all your C# helper methods as Static. This will avoid any issues with de/serialisation of your helper class during dehydration.
Are BizTalk messages immutable?
Generally speaking they are however, by creating a “corrective” orchestration and using a pass by reference option on the incoming message parameter, an existing message can be modified.

AutoMapper: Action on each element during collection processing?

Is it possible to invoke a method on each object that is being copied from a source to a destination collection using AutoMapper? The destination object has a method called
Decrypt() and I would like it to be called for each CustomerDTO element that is created. The only thing that I can figure out is to perform the mapping conversion and then loop again to invoke the Decrypt() method. I'd appreciate your help with this question.
IQueryable<CustomerDTO> dtos = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<IQueryable<CustomerEntity>, IQueryable<CustomerDTO>>((BaseRepository.List));
foreach (var item in dtos)
It depends if you are decrypting just a property or the whole object. I wasn't sure based on your question.
If you are just decrypting properties, then I suggest that you look into AutoMapper's Custom Value Resolvers. They allow you to take control when resolving a destination property.
If you need to decrypt the whole object, then I suggest you look into AutoMapper's Custom Type Converters. That gives you complete control over the conversion, though it does sort of take the auto out of AutoMapper.

How to correct the objection about dymanic Object type by FlexPMD?

I have the code in one of my flex file used as labelFunction in a DataGrid.
When I run the FlexPMD to do the code review, it generates an objection about the dynamic type object used in the following method signature and it suggests to use strongly type object.
public function getFormattedCreatedTime(item:Object, column:DataGridColumn):String {
var value:Date=item[column.dataField];
return dateFormatter.format(value);
Does anyone know how to rectify it?
You have the answer in your question - just use a strongly type object, or perhaps an interface if item can have various types.
But basically there's nothing wrong with using dynamic type objects as long as you know what you're doing. I'd say just ignore the error.
In this case it would be of course possible to type item to something less generic than Object, but some times you can't, or Object is exactly the right type, in this case you can use //NOPMD comment - it will instruct the PMD validator to skip the definition. Of course the good practice is to also explain the reason you used //NOPMD.

DLR and reflection

Everywhere I read about the new DLR in .net 4, they say that a good use for it is reflection, and the code snippet always shown is something like
dynamic d = GetSomeObject();
d.SomeMember = 1;
What does GetSomeObject() look like? I can't find anywhere that explains that.
I understand that it can be anything, but in the context of reflection what is it? Is it the assembly? an instance of a type?
The return type of GetSomeObject() will be an instance of some type. For example, here's what it might look like:
public Customer GetSomeObject() {
return new Customer("John", "Doe", 12345);
And then the code would say:
dynamic customer = GetSomeObject();
string s = customer.FirstName;
// now the "s" variable would have "John" in it
The GetSomeObject() can return anything. It might return a Customer object or a Product. And it doesn't matter! The idea is that when the variable is declared as being dynamic that when you call a method or a property, as you have shown, the compiler will generate code that uses Reflection to try and call the method or property. If they exist then the calls will succeed. If not then you'll get an error at runtime.
In the general case this example is just simplifying the usage of Reflection by having the compiler generate the code for you.
Having said that, if the Customer or Product object implement IDynamicObject themselves then they can do far more advanced stuff.
What you are describing is the duck-typing aspect of dynamic (there are other facets). The answer is that it could be anything:
a true dynamic object (IDynamicObject)
any regular object, via reflection
A useful example (for reading properties, at least) might be an anonymous type; it could also be a COM object, for example - or (in Silverlight) an object in the html DOM. Or it could be your vendor's Customer object that doesn't implement any common interface, but is remarkably like your own InternalCustomer object. Heck, it could be an IronPyton object.
Well, GetSomeObject() could, for instance, return an instance of type _ComObject. That's one of the primary reasons of having it dynamic, I think.
I think that it's more interesting, as far as dynamic, DLR and reflection concerns, to see what happend in line 2 for instance.
using dynmic you go like this
dynamic d = GetSomeObject();
while with reflection it's a bit more noisy
var d = GetSomeObject();
var mi = d.GetType().GetMethod("DoSomething");
As I see it, the first one is more elegant and we are talking about an argument less method, things can go really crazy when you are interoping with COM or APIs with long signature methods. I been there ;)

JSON string to list or other usable format in asp.net 2.0

I have one JSON that is coming in a string format. I need to store it in a key-pair value or something like that. I am using asp.net 2.0 and can not use 3rd party DLL like Newtonsoft.Json.dll. I guess last option will be to use regular expression.
Can anybody please help me in this?
If you go to http://www.json.org/ and look towards the bottom of the page there are dozens of json libraries most of them open source, I believe they list 8 for C#. If you can not reference one of these libraries, I think your best bet would be to find one with a permissive license and simply add the code to your project.
Another idea is to look at the diagrams, grammer, and syntax at http://www.json.org/ and just write your own parser, but regex is NOT the way to do it. If you dont know how to write a parser you could look at one of the open source json libraries or start with something less complicated like a good CSV parser, here is a paper that looks pretty good: http://www.boyet.com/Articles/CsvParser.html
It is possible to serialize JSON using JScript in C# into key/value pairs. You need to add a few references to your project. They're part of the .NET framework, you just need to add the references to your project. You'll need:
First, the usings at the top of your class:
using Microsoft.JScript;
using Microsoft.JScript.Vsa;
Then the Engine that will execute the script needs to be initialized somewhere in your 'Page' code-behind:
VsaEngine Engine = VsaEngine.CreateEngine();
Then you just create this method and call it by passing in your JSON object:
object EvalJScript(string JScript)
object result = null;
result = Microsoft.JScript.Eval.JScriptEvaluate(JScript, Engine);
catch (Exception ex)
return ex.Message;
return result;
The type of object returned (if JSON is passed in) is a 'JSObject'. You can access its values as key/value pairs. Read the MSDN documentation for more details on this object.
Here's an example of using the code:
string json = "({Name:\"Dan\",Occupation:\"Developer\"})";
JSObject o = EvalJScript(json) as JSObject;
string name = o["Name"] as string; // Value of 'name' will be 'Dan'
Could you use JScript.NET?
If so, should be easy enough with eval() - then just loop through the objects returned and translate into KeyValuePair's or whatever
You will need to use jscript.net as the code behind language, but other pages of your site should be fine to stay as c# if thats what you prefer.
As mentioned in previous comment, you will need to be aware of the security aspects and risks - only use eval if you trust the JSON you're parsing!
