Open large files with R - r

I want to process a file (1.9GB) that contains 100.000.000 datasets in R.
Actually I only want to have every 1000th dataset.
Each dataset contains 3 Columns, separated by a tab.
I tried: data <- read.delim("file.txt"), but R Was not able to manage all datasets at once.
Can I tell R directly to load only every 1000th dataset from the file?
After reading the file I want to bin the data of column 2.
Is it possible to directly bin the number written in column 2?
Is it possible the read the file line by line, without loading the whole file into the memory?
Thanks for your help.

You should pre-process the file using another tool before reading into R.
To write every 1000th line to a new file, you can use sed, like this:
sed -n '0~1000p' infile > outfile
Then read the new file into R:
datasets <- read.table("outfile", sep = "\t", header = F)

You may want to look at the manual devoted to R Data Import/Export.
Naive approaches always load all the data. You don't want that. You may want another script which reads line-by-line (written in awk, perl, python, C, ...) and emits only every N-th line. You can then read the output from that program directly in R via a pipe -- see the help on Connections.
In general, very large memory setups require some understanding of R. Be patient, you will get this to work but once again, a naive approach requires lots of RAM and a 64-bit operating system.

Maybe package colbycol could be usefull to you.


In R and Sparklyr, writing a table to .CSV (spark_write_csv) yields many files, not one single file. Why? And can I change that?

I'm doing some data manipulation (joins, etc.) on a very large dataset in R, so I decided to use a local installation of Apache Spark and sparklyr to be able to use my dplyr code to manipulate it all. (I'm running Windows 10 Pro; R is 64-bit.) I've done the work needed, and now want to output the sparklyr table to a .csv file.
The Problem
Here's the code I'm using to output a .csv file to a folder on my hard drive:
spark_write_csv(d1, "C:/d1.csv")
When I navigate to the directory in question, though, I don't see a single csv file d1.csv. Instead I see a newly created folder called d1, and when I click inside it I see ~10 .csv files all beginning with "part". Here's a screenshot:
The folder also contains the same number of .csv.crc files, which I see from Googling are "used to store CRC code for a split file archive".
What's going on here? Is there a way to put these files back together, or to get spark_write_csv to output a single file like write.csv?
A user below suggested that this post may answer the question, and it nearly does, but it seems like the asker is looking for Scala code that does what I want, while I'm looking for R code that does what I want.
I had the exact same issue.
In simple terms, the partitions are done for computational efficiency. If you have partitions, multiple workers/executors can write the table on each partition. In contrast, if you only have one partition, the csv file can only be written by a single worker/executor, making the task much slower. The same principle applies not only for writing tables but also for parallel computations.
For more details on partitioning, you can check this link.
Suppose I want to save table as a single file with the path path/to/table.csv. I would do this as follows
table %>% sdf_repartition(partitions=1)
spark_write_csv(table, path/to/table.csv,...)
You can check full details of sdf_repartition in the official documentation.
Data will be divided into multiple partitions. When you save the dataframe to CSV, you will get file from each partition. Before calling spark_write_csv method you need to bring all the data to single partition to get single file.
You can use a method called as coalese to achieve this.
coalesce(df, 1)

Split big data in R

I have a big data file (~1GB) and I want to split it into smaller ones. I have R in hand and plan to use it.
Loading the whole into memory cannot be done as I would get the "cannot allocate memory for vector of xxx" error message.
Then I want to use the read.table() function with the parameters skip and nrows to read only parts of the file in. Then save out to individual files.
To do this, I'd like to know the number of lines in the big file first so I can workout how many rows should I set to individual files and how many files should I split into.
My question is: how can I get the number of lines from the big data file without fully loading it into R?
Suppose I can only use R. So cannot use any other programming languages.
Thank you.
Counting the lines should be pretty easy -- check this tutorial (the "iterating through lines part).
The gist is to use ireadLines to open an iterator over the file
For Windows, something like this should work
fname <- "blah.R" # example file
res <- system(paste("find /v /c \"\"", fname), intern=T)[[2]]
regmatches(res, gregexpr("[0-9]+$", res))[[1]]
# [1] "39"

R passing data frame to another program using system()

I have a data frame that I pass to another program using system(). In the current setup, I first write the contents of the dataframe to a text file, then have the system() command look for the created text file.
df1 <- runif(20)
write(df1, file="file1.txt")
system("myprogram file1.txt")
I have 2 questions:
1) Is there a way to pass a dataframe directly without writing the text file?
2) If not, is there are way to pass the data in memory as a text formatted entity without writing the file to disk?
Thanks for any suggestions.
You can write to anything R calls connections, and that includes network sockets.
So process A can write to the network, and process B can read it without any file-on-disk involved, see help(connections) which even has a working example in the "Examples" section.
Your general topic here is serialization, and R does that for you. You can also pass data that way to other programs using tools that encode metadata about your data structure -- as for example Google's Protocol Buffers (supported in R by the RProtoBuf package).
I spent quite a while and couldn't understand the accepted answer. But I figured out a workaround.
df1 <- runif(20)
system("myprogram /dev/stdin", input = write.table(df1))
However, according to documentation, the input argument will actually be redirected to a temp file, which I suppose will involve some i/o.

Reading in only part of a Stata .DTA file in R

I apologize in advance if this has a simple answer somewhere. It seems like the kind of thing that would, but I can't seem to locate it in the help files, by searching SO, or by Googling.
I'm working with some datasets that are several GB right now. It's enough to fit in memory on one of the cluster nodes I have access to, but takes quite a bit of time to load. For many debugging/programming activities with this data, I don't need the entire file loaded, just the first few thousand observations to have a dataset on which to test code. I can of course just read the whole file in and subset, but I was wondering if there's a way to tell read.dta() to only read in the first N rows? This would of course be much faster.
I could also use a proper format like .csv and then use read.csv()'s nrows argument, but then I'd lose the factor labels in the Stata dataset (and have to recreate quite a few GB of data from someone else's code that's feeding in to this project. So a direct solution on .dta files is preferred.
Stata's binary files are written row-by-row, so you could change the R_LoadStataData function in stataread.c to limit the number of rows read in. However, this will only work if you do not need the value labels because they are written at the end of the file and would require you to read the entire file--which wouldn't save any time.
That's going to be a difficult one, as the do_readStata function under the hood is compiled code, only capable of taking in the whole file. I believe that in general binary files are hard to read line by line, and .dta is a binary format. Also the native binary format of R doesn't allow to select a number of lines from the dataset while reading in.
In my humble opinion, you can better just create a set of test files from within Stata ( eg the Stata code sample 1000, count will give you a sample of 1000 observations from the loaded dataset), and work with them. And if you have no access to Stata, someone else in the project should be able to do that for you.
To follow up on Joris Meys: For this kind of thing, I use a "test" data set and the "real" data set, each in separate folders. I keep a macro at the top of the .do file (with if/then statements below) to (1) take a sample of the data and (2) point input/output to the right folder containing one or the other. I probably do it different for every project, but something like this:
data creation .do file
blah blah blah
save using data/myfile.dta
save if uniform()<.05 using test_data/myfile.dta // or bsample, then save for panel data
analysis .do file
local test = "test_"
// when you're ready to run the file with all the data, use the following
// local test = ""
use `test'data/myfile.dta
blah blah blah
outreg2 ... using `test'output/mytable.txt

Is there a way to read and write in-memory files in R?

I am trying to use R to analyze large DNA sequence files (fastq files, several gigabytes each), but the standard R interface to these files (ShortRead) has to read the entire file at once. This doesn't fit in memory, so it causes an error. Is there any way that I can read a few (thousand) lines at a time, stuff them into an in-memory file, and then use ShortRead to read from that in-memory file?
I'm looking for something like Perl's IO::Scalar, for R.
I don’t know much about R, but have you had a look at the mmap package?
It looks like ShortRead is soon to add a "FastqStreamer" class that does what I want.
Well, I don't know about readFastq accepting something other than a file...
But if it can, for other functions, you can use the R function pipe() to open a unix connection, then you could do this with a combination of unix commands head and tail and some pipes.
For example, to get lines 90 to 100, you use this:
head file.txt -n 100 | tail -n 10
So you can just read the file in chunks.
If you have to, you can always use these unix utilities to create a temporary file, then read that in with shortRead. It's a pain but if it can only take a file, at least it works.
Incidentally, the answer to generally how to do an in-memory file in R (like Perl's IO::Scalar) is the textConnection function. Sadly though, the ShortRead package cannot handle textConnection objects as inputs, so while the idea that I expressed in the question of reading a file in small chunks into in-memory files which are then parsed bit by bit is certainly possible for many applications, but not for may particular application since ShortRead does not like textConnections. So the solution is the FastqStreamer class described above.
