Asp pattern page execution - asp-classic

I am working on an old asp project. I am new in project. My question is,
I required to execute the certain number of pages in a specific time but when I put in a loop to execute the page for certain pattern it execute only one pattern and shows time out expired problem. Though I searched in net what ever answer I get it will not fulfill my requirement. So my team lead said we have to find out some thing that can execute my page for 3 min each then it call back freshly. Is there any method is there in asp. as I am new in asp. as it possible or share some idea.
I want to execute for each pattern. Here is my simple code.
dim arrList()
dim mySQL,x,strPtrn
mySQL="select distinct(pattern_no) from pattern_master where std between (dateadd(hh,8,getdate())) and (dateadd(hh,11,getdate()))"
set rstptrnmst= conn.Execute(mySQL)
do until rstptrnmst.EOF
for each ptrn in rstptrnmst.Fields
' Response.Write(
'Response.Write(" = ")
'Response.Write(x.value & "<br />")
ReDim Preserve arrList(x)
Response.Write("<br />")
'for each ptrn in arrList
'response.Write("<br>" & ptrn)
for each ptrn in arrList
response.write("The first pattern " & ptrn & "<br />")
So I want execute that page for each pattern. How can I? For each pattern it take 3 min(approx).any idea?
thanks for advance.

If your script is going to take that long to run you will need to set the script timeout option to cater for that:
Server.ScriptTimeout = 180
The timeout is set in seconds, with the default being 90. You should set this at the very top of your page.
More information about timeouts here: How do I increase timeout values


In asp, how to set boolean values to english?

When I run this:
www = false
response.write www
response.write "UPDATE table SET domain='"&www&"' WHERE id=n"
I get this:
UPDATE table SET domain='Falso' WHERE id=n
Notice the 'Falso' word that is in Portuguese instead of English.
Is it possible to change the boolean values to English?
I have a Windows 2008 / IIS 7 in pt-BR.
This question was asked just recently here
I don't have a good machine to test the following code, which came from a working solution. It forces the locality you need (of course you can change the locality to what you need it to be, if 1033 is not your goal)
Response.Write FormatDateTime(Now) & "<br />"
oldLocale = SetLocale(1033) '1033=English(US)
Response.Write FormatDateTime(Now) & "<br />"
SetLocale oldLocale
Response.Write FormatDateTime(Now) & "<br />"
I'll not be able to provide any more testing for this 'issue' anymore.
That's because I've made a decision to format my windows and install a new one now in english.. I did this because I'm running out of time, I need to put this server working as soon as possible..
But I want to thank everyone who contributed on finding the resolution for this problem =)
If anyone is having the same issue, please leave your comment, so the others can provide more options to try to solve this.
If you dont mind changing the code, you could use a function to print the boolean value. For me thats not an option, but i'm starting to believe its the only way.
Function PB(pVal)
If pVal Then
PB = "true"
PB = "false"
End If
End Function
Response.Write "UPDATE table SET domain='"&PD(www)&"' WHERE id=n"
Just use string instead:
www = "false"
Then it won't be affected by regional settings.
If you want to keep working with actual boolean values, use Parameters instead of raw SQL.

Using a variable from a VBScript in a ASP.Net website

I've been researching this for a majority of the day and can't find the answer. I am relatively new to stackoverflow. Is there a certain etiquette for asking a number of questions (I've asked three in the last few days)?
Here is the code in a codebehind file. It executes a script systeminfo.vbs, and that is working fine. But in the script I have some variables assigned.
Dim WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run("wscript.exe c:\systeminfo.vbs")
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colSettings = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem")
For Each objOperatingSystem in colSettings
dim osName
osName = objOperatingSystem.Name
Wscript.Echo "OS Name: " & objOperatingSystem.Name
dim osVer
osVer = objOperatingSystem.Version
Wscript.Echo "Version: " & objOperatingSystem.Version
Wscript.Echo "Service Pack: " & _
objOperatingSystem.ServicePackMajorVersion _
& "." & objOperatingSystem.ServicePackMinorVersion
Wscript.Echo "OS Name: " & objOperatingSystem.SizeStoredInPagingFiles
I want to use osName and osVer and put the values into a label on the ASP side.
I understand that osName and osVer are simple examples, but I just need to figure out the concept of putting variables from a VBScript into ASP. My client has multiple VBScripts they use on a daily basis and I need to automate those scripts and produce a report saying if it failed or not.
Thank you for the help.
As a person new to Stack Overflow myself, I was happy to find this very comprehensive FAQ for Stack Exchange sites. See the 3rd question "Is there a limit on how many questions I can ask?" for an answer to your first inquiry.
Regarding the heart of your question, I agree with #Ramhound that using a log file to exchange information between your WSH/VBScript script and your ASP.NET page is a feasible approach.
What you need is the Scripting.FileSystemObject. Here is a comprehensive WSH reference as a downloadable Windows help file.
Hint: as the download page advises at the bottom, to unblock the help page, 1) Right click on script56.chm, 2) Choose Properties, and 3) Click on "Unblock."
You'll find an intro to FileSystemObject under the heading "Script Runtime."
One more suggestion: since you'll be running this script via ASP.NET in a multi-user environment, you may find you'll need to create a log file per user or per page access. If that is the case, you'll need to generate a temporary file name for each log file to avoid name collisions with other log files. To generate your temporary file, see GetTempName in the WSH reference.

ASP 3.0 - Server.Execute Problems: Suffering from "ASP Amnesia" (Text Revised) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
ASP 3.0 - Server.Execute Problems: Suffering from "ASP Amnesia"
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm using IIS 6, and created Two ASP 3.0 files:
If sColor = true then
Server.Execute "Colors.asp"
End If
'If sColor is true, Pops over to Colors.asp
'Then pops right back over to here again
'Once back here again, it has no idea what
'sRed or sBlue was at's as if has
'been "blank slated"...sRed? Who the heck is sRed?
If sRed then
Response.Write "Color is Red"
End If
'Does not work...skips right over...
'Who is sRed? What is sRed?
'Oh well, keep on truckin'
Dim sRed
sRed = instr(sString, "Red") >0
Dim sBlue
sBlue = instr(sString, "Blue") >0
Dim sGreen
sGreen = instr(sString, "Green") >0
If one were to go into the Colors.asp file
above and modify/append it to read as follows:
Dim sRed
sRed = instr(sString, "Red") >0
Dim sBlue
sBlue = instr(sString, "Blue") >0
Dim sGreen
sGreen = instr(sString, "Green") >0
If sRed then
Response.Write "Color is Red"
End If
One would receive a screen with "Color is Red" when sColor was true over at Main.asp and sString
contained "Red." So I know she's getting over there, and also returning back over to Main.asp...but somehow she has no clue about those variables: sRed, sBlue, or sGreen that were dimmed over at Colors.asp. Once she gets back over to Main.asp she's clueless.
What gives? Why does she have ASP Amnesia once she gets back to Main.asp after having just been over at Colors.asp?
Dear YougoTiger,
I did what you suggested (I think) in Main.asp:
If sColor = true then
Server.Execute "Colors.asp"
If sRed then
Response.Write "Color is Red"
End If
End If
Nothing...still has ASP Amnesia- sRed Who?
Edit 2
Dear Bitwize,
I'm using Server.Execute instead of #include in order to free up the server. As you know #includes always get handled first in ASP, regardless of whether they are inside an If block. I'm basically trying to do dynamic server-side includes by way of Server.Execute, which can in fact be placed within an If block according to Microsoft:
Microsoft Support - Using the Server.Execute Method
The New ASP 3.0 Server Methods (Note: this is was originally but that site is gone, the link is now a redirect to a numeric domain. Feel free to do your own search for the article by Paul Litwin and update this link if you can find it.)
A Look at ASP 3.0
The low-down on #includes
I still needing help with this, or a better explanation as to what is going on in my particular case. I've got a lot of dimmed variables over in that Color.asp file that I don't want the server to bother with if sColor=False.
Don't think it can be done without some changes. Using server.execute, the 2 pages are completely unaware of each others local variables (see proof below). An include would be better although you do loose the conditional ability.
The Request / Response Objects are shared by both files so you can work with those as need be. As far as sending variables between the files your only option is session or application variables. See below for code sample.
file 1:
dim localParent
localParent="start Value"
Server.Execute "file.asp"
Response.write("Parent after Exec:"&localParent&"<br>")
file 2:
localParent = "Child changed"
Response.write("Child Afer set:"&localParent&"<br>")
Parent:start Value
Child Afer set:Child changed
Parent after Exec:start Value
Session variable passing:
file 1:
Dim myVar
'Do stuff
session("myVar") = myVar ' Save variable in session
Server.Execute "file.asp"
myVar = session("myVar") 'get changed variable back out of session
file 2:
Dim myLocalVar
myLocalVar = session("myVar") ' Get variable from session
'Do stuff to myLocalVar
session("myVar") = myLocalVar 'Put variable back into session for calling page to use.
I'm wondering if this might be a scope issue? I'm seeing two possible places that you're running into scope issues:
First, since your sRed in in another file, is scope limited to the file when you run a server.execute?
Second, since you're calling server.execute inside a if then, I'd expect that your other file has a scope of between the if and endif . You're then checking sRed AFTER the endif. Of the two, I'd think the second was more likely. Try your
If sRed then
Response.Write "Color is Red"
End If
block inside your first if then block, after the server.execute and see if this is the case.
Bitwize is completely correct - The calling page has no access to the executed pages local variables and neither does the executed page have access to the calling pages local variables. If you need to share local variables then you need to use include directives.
I have built entire ASP site architectures using the Server.Execute() technique and each executed script executes effectively in isolation. The only variable sharing you can do is via the Application or Session objects both of which have issues.
The only other way you might achieve your desired effect is via HTTP requests in your code to other scripts and have those scripts return JSON/XML structures with the relevant information, but IMHO this would add far more overhead than just using include directives.

How to delay a response in Classic ASP

I have a site running Classic-ASP and on the login page I would like to delay the response to a failed login attempt (by like 10 seconds) to help prevent brute force attacks on accounts.
Quick google searches show some hacks using SQL server queries that seem hack-tastic.
Is there a good way to do this in classic asp?
I am not going to answer your specific question, as many have already done so, but there are far better ways of preventing brute force attacks.
For instance:
Why not lock a specific session or IP address out after say 5 (being generous here) failed login attempts? You could lock it out for say 10 minutes. You could even write a "401 Unauthorized" HTTP status and then simply end the response with Response.End.
In a similar fashion, but not even linked to failed logins, you could block requests for the login page more than X times in Y seconds for a specific IP, UserAgent and other client features - ensuring kind of a 'unique' client.
Ignore IP address (it is easily spoofed and can be a proxy server IP), and simply detect the automation of the login attempt. X number of failed logins within Y seconds for a specific username/email address, block it for that username for a set period of time, and end the response.
Just saying there are other options than putting unnecessary load on your server by locking some resources and waiting.
Obviously, doing this at the hardware layer - firewalls etc. would be the preferred option.
There is another approach, but keep in mind the aforementioned caveats about unessecarily consumed resources. Here is an approach though
Sub DelayResponse(numberOfseconds)
Dim WshShell
Set WshShell=Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "waitfor /T " & numberOfSecond & "SignalThatWontHappen", , True
End Sub
There is the WScript.Sleep method for general purpose VBScript, however, this won't work in the context of ASP.
There are a number of other mechanisms you can use to achieve this, however, they're all effectively "workarounds" as there's no built-in way to cleanly cause an ASP page (running VBScript) to pause itself.
See here:
How do I make my ASP page pause or 'sleep'?
To specifically answer your question of:
Is there a good way to do this in
classic asp?
No. There's no good way to do this, and there's only the "hack-tastic" hacks that can be used, however they bring with them all sorts of side-effects and caveats. (See the last part of the "How do I make my ASP page pause or 'sleep'?" link for a specific memory eating, page faulting nasty side-effect.)
You can use :
function Sleep(seconds)
set oShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
cmd = "%COMSPEC% /c timeout " & seconds & " /nobreak"
oShell.Run cmd,0,1
End function
There is no simple way to do so in pure ASP.
Either SQL WAITFOR, or create simple ActiveX component in VB (or anything) that sleeps.
Note that this will increase load on the server. Sleeping requests keep memory and connections consumed for nothing.
set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
t1 = timer()
t2 = timer()
response.write "waited "& t2-t1 &" secs"
function sleep(seconds)
if seconds>=1 then shell.popup "pausing",seconds,"pause",64
end function
Other approach to avoid brute force attacks without using IP restrictions is to offer a captcha after the second fail attempt for the same user. This is the way Google do it.
There is the Response.Buffer option that you can use to tell it to delay returning the response until the page has completed processing, so you could perhaps combine that with some kind of timeout in the script, but it would not be especially elegant especially as VBScript doesn't really offer you a way of asking threads to sleep so you can end up thrashing the CPU.
Maybe better to use a server-side session and javascript on the client, so the client delays the request and the server will only send the response after the expected delay is over. That should provide some server-side safeguards and be useable for users who aren't trying to mess around with your system...
I'm using this:
function sleep(scs)
Dim lo_wsh, ls_cmd
Set lo_wsh = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
ls_cmd = "%COMSPEC% /c ping -n " & 1 + scs & ">nul"
lo_wsh.Run ls_cmd, 0, True
End Function
sleep(5) 'wait for 5 seconds
Bye :-)
For those using MySQL, you can do the following :
Sub SleepMysql(n)
'Define Query
Dim SqlStr : SqlStr = "DO SLEEP(" & n & ")"
'Run Query
Dim rsTemp : Set rsTemp = YourDatabaseConnection.Execute(SqlStr)
'Release resources
Set rsTemp = Nothing
End Sub 'SleepMysql
Of all of the ideas - I liked Dercsár's answer - here's my implementation of a wait that I found works well. - requires your application to have access to a SQL server:
' ASP Script to example to wait
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open strConnString ' your connection to sql server here...
Response.write("Waiting for 15 seconds...." & now() & "<BR>")
Call subWaitTime("00:00:15")
' Wait 15 seconds
Response.write("ok - Done" & now() & "<BR>")
set conn = nothing
'---- Utility sub to wait
Sub subWaitTime(sTime)
' Call subWaitTime with number of Hours:Minutes:Seconds to delay
sqlWaitTime = "WAITFOR DELAY " & fnSqlStr(sTime)
conn.Execute(sqlWaitTime) '
End Sub
In response to the “delay the response” part of your question:
dim SecondsToWait : SecondsToWait = 4
dim StartTime : StartTime = Time()
Do Until
DateDiff("s", StartTime, Time(), 0, 0) > SecondsToWait
Pure Classic ASP without SQL and WScript Shell, but for debug delay purposes only. This is a snippet for testing (very helupful), but it does not address the “good way” part of your question
This answer for the sake of completeness and for people looking for (debug) delays. Failed login attempts should not be handled like this.
Another way you can delay asp response by using this code.
Sub MyDelay(NumberOfSeconds)
Dim DateTimeResume
DateTimeResume= DateAdd("s", NumberOfSeconds, Now())
Do Until (Now() > DateTimeResume)
End Sub
Call this function by using this code.
Call MyDelay(5)
Just redirect to a randomly named large image that takes the desired amount of seconds to load.

asp errors not displayed

I have moved an sql database from one server to a new one (detached/attached)
Now i experience some strange behavior as it does not work but NO error is displayed.
This is the code
const database_dsn="PROVIDER=SQLNCLI10; SERVER=FR-2626\SQLLOP;DATABASE=Lop;Uid=admin-sql;Pwd=xxxx;"
response.write "Step 0//"
set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set RS=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.Open database_dsn
response.write "Step 1//"
req = "Select count(*) From tblArticleList"
response.write "Step 2//"
set RS = conn.Execute(req)
response.write "Step 3//"
The program stops at Step 2; then nothing, no error is displayed...
I just don t know what to do..How can i get some error?
Oh i partially found the answer for the error display.
In the Debug pane of the IIS directory configuration, Enable ASP debugging should NOT be checked...althought i thougth it should...
have you got your browser set to "show friendly http errors" this in conjuction with what you have already identified is the common causes I've had for not seeing an error message.
Shahkaplesh is also right that you can use Server.GetLastError() to get the last error that occurred but you shouldn't need to do this in this example.
When executing a query you don't use the "Set" command. I don't know why its not showing you anything, but your code should look more like this:
const database_dsn="PROVIDER=SQLNCLI10; SERVER=FR-2626\SQLLOP;DATABASE=Lop;Uid=admin-sql;Pwd=xxxx;"
response.write("Step 0//")
set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set RS=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.Open database_dsn
response.write("Step 1//")
req = "Select count(*) From tblArticleList"
response.write("Step 2//")
RS = conn.Execute(req)
response.write("Step 3//")
Yes, the parentheses on the "Response.Write" are optional. But I'm OCD like that and it makes troubleshooting a little easier.
You need to place error checking code to find out what the actual error might be.
I would suggest that you change you code like so:
const database_dsn="PROVIDER=SQLNCLI10; SERVER=FR-2626\SQLLOP;DATABASE=Lop;Uid=admin- sql;Pwd=xxxx;"
'Its very important to add this line!!! '
On Error Resume Next
'Its very important to add this line!!! '
response.write "Step 0//"
set conn=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set RS=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.Open database_dsn
if err.number<>0 then
response.write err.description
end if
response.write "Step 1//"
req = "Select count(*) From tblArticleList"
response.write "Step 2//"
set RS = conn.Execute(req)
if err.number<>0 then
response.write err.description
end if
response.write "Step 3//"
And not to kick a dead horse but I'm doing something similar against an Oracle database and I've had two phantom problems I have yet to identify root cause but here's two things that made them go away.
1. Name all columns in a Query and Alias any that are calculated (sum, count, avg, etc.) So your query would become
req = "Select count(*) NumRows From tblArticleList"
2. Wrapping my query string in a call to cstr caused the result.EOF flag to be populated correctly rather than be returned with an empty or null value causing a simple DO WHILE NOT result.EOF Some Action LOOP to create an infinite loop until the web request timed out. So e.g.
response.write "Step 2//"
set RS = conn.Execute(cstr(req))
Nothing major just a couple tips if you get stuck and can't find out why. Follow the debugging advice above though, that's good info.
I think Server has a GetLastError method, which you can check to find out what error occurred while running any statement.
e.g. On error resume next
.... statement that could cause an error....
errorObject = Server.GetLastError()
For ASPError object, refer
Actually don't mean to be disagreeable, but yes you do need a Set there, as you are setting an object type and presumably wanting to use the return value at some point (if this wasn't just a test script which it looks like to me).
Also btw parentheses are not really correct there in Response.Write() as it does not return a value. They only happen to work on single parameter subs because you can put parentheses anywhere you like around expressions.
a = (b)
Response.Write ((("test"))&(1))
