Wordpress site not logging in - wordpress

I created a site locally on my machine everything is working fine, I uploaded it to my server a couple of weeks ago for testing/client review.
Everything looked good so the site was launch. The sites been up and running fine for about a month, today I tried to login to the backend but I have'nt been able to.
I'm able to access the login page fine. I insert my username and password and the page does nothing, just refreshes the page and clears the login form. I've tried resetting my admin password using the login form and it just keeps telling my to input a username or email.
I've downloaded the entire site and database installed it locally and it runs great no issues. I've up graded the local version to 3.1.3 it was still working fine so I replaced the live version with the new files, and still no luck.
Any suggestions?

I'm still not 100% sure what caused the problem, I'm guessing something in the core wordpress install was corrupted.
I ended up installing a fresh version of wordpress, exporting and then importing my database into a new database, and uploading the media, theme, and plugins separately which seemed to do the trick.

When you have a duplicate of a site on localhost or dev server and they have the same security keys it can cause a cookie collision.
Make a change to all of the security keys in the wp-config.php file and it will reset all sessions and cookies.

Same issue for me and i already mentioned here what worked for me.
Wordpress 3.8 gives me "You must enable cookies to use WordPress." at login


WordPress Site - Site not sending any data on user login and checkout

I'm just wondering if anyone might of been had the same experience as me before? I have just migrated a WordPress site (running on an older version of WordPress) to a new dedicated server.
My website loads up perfectly fine, however, when my users are logging in or trying to access the WooCommerce Checkout page, there browsers are returning the "Site did not send any data".
The strangest thing is, some people can log-in, others can't. I've advised my users to try deleting there browser cache and I've setup a tempoary log-in link (Incase the old log-in link my users was seeing was being cached from when my site operated on my previous server)
I've disabled all caching plugins, but in the Network tab, I'm still seeing a few elements being cached, I'm not too sure if this could be WP CLI cache which is perhaps operating in the background?
Ultimately, I'm just trying to get my head around how to solve th "Website did not send any data" error - It's been around 4 days since the server migration completed and previously, users had no trouble at all logging in and navigating the website.
Here's what I've tried so far:
Reset the htaccess file
Disabled caching plugins (Third-party plugins)
Installed Really Simple SSL to ensure all my website paths are being redirected to HTTPS
Changed my PHP handler to SuExec
Disabled server-side cache
Reset permalinks (Changed my permalink setting from Post Name to Plain, and vice versa)
But quite a few of my users are still reporting the same error, whilst other users can access and navigate my website perfectly fine.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue before?
Thank you!

Error - different homepage after login and after logout

Yesterday I was migrating from my "Localhost" to my new Hosting after completing (somewhat) my website.
I was migrating using the "All in one Migrating WP" plugin, and after Restoring my backup everything seemed fine.
Then some users told me that they see another homepage. I went to the website and logout, then I saw that they are right.
Some pictures in order for you to understand what I get:
At Logon Homepage
At Logon
At Logout Homepage
At Logout
Static page is set in settings to my "Elementor", everything looks like my localhost but only after logon of users. What is weirder is that I deleted the "Theme" that the page (after logout) is using, but it is still shown.
I am using Linux (ubuntu 20.04, php8.1-fpm, nginx, redis, mariadb (mysql)) and tried to restart them all after the "All in one migration plugin" did his magic.
I just can't put my hand on this problem.
Thanks for everyone in advance.
Answer: If using "Webinoly" the first thing to do is importing using the migration plugin you use, and then execute sudo site <your_site_name> -cache=off and then same again pass the 'on' argument.
restart using systemctl the nginx service.

Wordpress login refresh issue, have tried everything but it doesn't want to load

So I was given this file and was asked to integrate PayPal using WooComerce. but I can't seem to access the wp dashboard. Here's what I've done
Created a database in phpmyadmin using XAMPP, stored the files in my htdocs, and then imported an SQL file to the database, the website page loads on my localhost, but when I type http://localhost/mysite/wp-login.php or even http://localhost/mysite/wp-admin, and I enter the correct credentials, the login page just refreshes.
I have tried
clearing cache and cookies
removing .htaccess files
renamed plugins folder
But none of them seemed to work, the page just kept refreshing. I've even tried opening it in incognito mode because I heard it may help but it didn't. Please let me know if there's anything I missed or if any further information is required.
if anyone faces this issue, You should access the database file and go to wp_options and change the url there to match your localhost. You can add an admin command in your theme functions.php file as well after doing that to add more users.

woocommerce_my_account stopped working after moving to another hosting provider

I recently moved my site built in Word Press to another hosting provider and I found the shortcode [woocommerce_my_account] is not working anymore.
Previously, I had a page called account login where I had the shortcode [woocommerce_my_account]. In the settings I set the landing page to be the same page (account login). so, after an user logged in, it was redirected to the same page showing his/her details.
However, in the new hosting provider this is no longer working. After I put the login information and attempt to login it is taking me to wp-login.php page and ask me to enter my login details again.
The URL path that I see in the browser after attempting to login is similar to this <site_name_url>/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http://<site_name_url>/account-login/
Anybody has got to the bottom of this issue? Thank you.
Try adding this to your wp-config.php:
Make sure you change http://example.com with your own domaine. You can also try to search and replace your domaine in the database if it has changed.
You can also try to clear browser cache and cookies. I had an issue like this before, launched a private navigation and it was working fine.
Try setting define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);, you may see something going on.
Sometimes, php version makes a difference, try to set the same php version on you new host (google the name of your hosting provider + change php version).
When you move sites/restore databases you often need to save the permalinks again.
go to /wp-admin/options-permalink.php and click "save". This will setup your .htaccess file with the correct information for redirects.
Finally, after all of these days searching and trying different things, the answer for this issue in my case was not related with the Word Press installation itself but, with some software installed on the server called varnish, apparently used to cache the site and improve its performance.
After having a support chat with the hosting provider, they mentioned that varnish is breaking the woocommerce plugin.
At this point, I am not sure if varnish is not compatible with woocommerce or the settings applied on the server using this software make woocommerce not to work properly.

Cannot access the site after changing admin password

I have drupal 7 site hosted on bluehost.
After I changed the admin password, I got an error. I then tried to access the site, and I was able to do that, but it was very slow.
Now, I can't access the site as an administrator. It becomes even more weird: If I delete all history and cookies from the server, I can access the site; I can also login as an authenticated user.
When I try to log in as administrator, I get a white page or a "500 internal server" error. (It depends on the browser; I tried Chrome, FF and IE.) After I do that, I cannot access the site even as guest or authenticated user; only when I delete all the history and cookies, I can access the site as guest or authenticated user.
How can I fix this?
This is the error log the bluehost Representative gave me:
[15-Apr-2014 14:48:49 Europe/Helsinki] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function intel_path_filter_type_to_arg() in public_html/includes/menu.inc on line 814
Is it possiable this module has something to do with the issue? https://drupal.org/project/intel
I think I disable the google analytic api module. Maybe the problem is related to one of the Drupal SEO modules?
I am really not sure, and cannot connect my site..
Yesterday the site worked great! Restoring the site to yesterdays backup did not help - this is the weirdest thing!
Update: The problem was related to one of the two below (or both):
the error from the intel module
the session cache / cache
Now the site is working good, and the intelligence module is active. The weird thing that restoring the database did not fix the issue.
I am afraid to change the password again or disable the intel module. Do you think it can cause issues again?
Please help
Try to disable Drupal SEO module via database:
UPDATE system SET status='0' WHERE name='seotools';
Disable this module if you have it: https://drupal.org/project/intel
All the information you need is in this link: https://drupal.org/node/1023428
Just use ./scripts/password-hash.sh newpwd from your drupal root directory to generate a new hashed password and introduce this in the database using the following query
UPDATE users SET pass
Good luck!
