FormView or not? -

I have an ASP.NET page with a Wizard control containing several pages of form fields. The data is collected and inserted to a database from the code behind page. I need to set this form up so you can not only insert, but edit a record as well. Since the form is long and complex, I would rather use the existing one and not make a duplicate one for editing, especially since I want to keep both forms exactly the same and any edits would have to be made to both. But it looks like this is what I need to do if I'm going to databind it. But this would also involve putting the Wizard inside of a FormView, and then I'd have to use FindControl to access any of the fields which would mean altering all my already-existing code (which of course would be time-consuming). So should I manually enter all the values from the code behind instead of databinding it? Which is better, to use a FormView and have duplicate forms (plus have to go in and redo the way I access the fields), or to do everything from the code behind?

I cheat in this circumstance. :)
Create each screen as 2 separate user controls
One for edit, and one for view
Then you get access to all you usual coding
Then embed the controls into the Wizard/FormView

I would suggest you to Go Ahead using FormView, as using DataBind control you have more control the functionality and layout Insert/Edit/View template. Since you have specified that your form is very complex and long, if you control from code behind you have to do lot of work to handle this in code behind and lot code required.
Since I have personal experience to develope very complex form using FormView and it was easy for me bind the Value in directly in formview instead if you assign/Get Values of each conrol in code behind and sometimes you have to hide.


Should listview/repeater/gridview data source be added on aspx page or code behind?

up till now i have always created and bind data source on code behind but now i have seen (and used) object date sources on aspx page and bind right there by mentioning listview DataSourceId. if i just want to display data without any change, does it make any difference? in performance or in term of good practice?
As discussed in one of SO question sqldatasource vs doing it in code behind
Embedding your SQLDataSource or any datasource within the page is coupling your presentation layer with your data access layer resulting in reduced testability and flexibility. I strongly suggest moving your data connections to their own classes and created a data access layer that your code behind pages could then draw from.
Ideally you'd seperate this even further into an N-Tier solution. Link
Some Useful links
populate gridview via code-behind or markup DataSource?
I would say that it depends on size and scalability of project.
If you want power and control then go for code-behind.
If you want ease-of-use and speed then do things on the page and let the object manage the CRUD
I would say you have alot more control over your control if you bind it in the code behind you can manipulate your results in many creative ways. If you do your databinding in the your markup like with a SelectMethod or OnInit. Every postback or reload will put that data back to what you have in that method. Which can be great for populating a drop down menu that you always want to show the same data. If you want your data to be responsive i would say you have to use DataBind() in your code behind.
I would also think this is a best practice for learning to do more advanced things with your data.

.net user control and page binding

I have a block of code that contains an updatepanel and gridview that I use repeatedly in 5 different .aspx files. Instead of trying to maintain all 5. I was hoping to create a user control that I could just include in each page.
After starting to write it, I realized that it might not work. The issue is, I will need to bind database data to the updatepanel and gridview inside the usercontrol using Eval. But I don't think this is possible since the code will now be in a .ascx file.
So I was wondering if there is anyway to solve this.

Dynamically creating many instances of ASP.NET usercontrols: How do I create it, and where will my conflicts be?

I haven't seen this implemented before in ASP.NET, but am thinking about a UI that would look and act like this:
Conceptual Overview
A TabControl is loaded and the first tab contains a grid
When a row is double-clicked, a new tab is created with the record detail
The content of the tab/record detail is created by a usercontrol
Many tabs could be created, and therefore many instances of the usercontrol will be created
I know ASP.NET will rename my (runat="server") ID's for me, and that I can use jQuery or ASP.NET server-side code to work with the ID's... My concerns are:
How can I ask ASP.NET to generate a unique ID for each Nth instance of my usercontrol (to be rendered in a placeholder)
How do I actually create that extra instance of the control?
What else do I need to keep in mind?
Since I don't want postbacks I'm considering basing my implementation off of ComponentArt's Callback Control, and using usercontrols to achieve this effect. This will allow me to do most things that require a postback, but won't refresh all the elements on a page... just the section that contains the user control. That being said, I'm not tied to a particular implementation.
You should look into the Page.LoadControl method. It works nicely and as far as I remember you put placeholders on your page and load the controls into the PlaceHolders, that's how you control the ids.
One thing that doesn't work out so well with this approach is when your control raises events that your Page object has to handle. If your control is selfcontained however you shouldn't have a problem.
This might help you get started: 2.0: update formview with jquery

I'm struggling with an issue I just can find a solution for.
First of all, I can't use AJAX or anything else thant standard 2.0 as the server admin won't install anything else.
So here is, what I try to do. (For the curious, skip to the bold question below)
My page consists of several parts, each of which gets loaded by jquery.load(url). One of these page parts gets filled with an aspx that contains a form view. As I don't want to have postbacks, I switch to the EditTemplate of the form view by a simple click on a regular html button that submits a parameter indicating the aspx page to switch to edit mode, e.g.
if(Request.Params["SwitchEditMode"]) SwitchEditMode();
This works perfectly! Now here the part where I'm stuck. The elements in the EditTemplate are based on a select from a database view and bound to the fields by <%# Bind("xx"). Then I have a html button (no asp control) that submits a parameter to the aspx page that tells it to invoke the DataSource update method. In the dataSource_updating method I look for the controls that contain the values I want to save. But these values are always the same, as when I switch to the edit view. No changes I make in the textboxes or dropdowns are preserved.
A long story short, the question how to save the values from EditTemplate back to the database with jquery?
Up to now I tried several approches, that didn't work out.
In the updating() method look for the controls by FindControl and set e.Command.Parameter["xyz"] = foundcontrol.SelectedValue;. The values are always the same as in the beginning.
Set <asp:parameter name="SampleValue" /> and in the EditTemplate <asp:TextBox Value='<%# Bind("SampleValue")#> The values are always null.
Set a hidden input field with the selected value via javascript. This doesn't work as the control within EditTemplate are only visible after the switch into edit mode
So maybe I'm totally wrong with my ideas, heading into a totally wrong direction and this can be accomplished much easier, but up to now I don't know how to achieve this. I could do it without ajax, but for the user experience I'd prefer the version with jquery.
For all that have read this far and not got confused :-), thanks for your effort!
Best regards,
I would forget using a form view and just use a regular html form with regular input controls. Return an object from your web service that has all of your values and populate the controls with ajax and then subjmit with ajax. Either do fully or fully html/jquery with asmx back end. Otherwise it's just too confusing.
If you load both "modes" of the FormView into the same page using AJAX, you're probably getting duplicate field names. One of them contains the unchanged values which are being saved. How will ASP.NET know the difference? You only want to submit the ones from the EditTemplate, which will require a separate form (or some other hack).
Or perhaps your HTML submit button isn't giving ASP.NET what it needs to repopulate the controls. Are you using ViewState in the page with the FormView?
All in all, this sounds like a hairy combination of technologies... as you well know.

Facebook Wall functionality using ASP.Net

I want to create something similiar to a facebook wall on my social site. I want to store the posts in an sql database and that should be rather simple. What I am looking for is a good way to display the posts? I guess I don't even really know where to start, as I can only think of using a loop to display asp:textboxes. Which obviously is not correct.
I want there to be multiple posts displayed on the page, which should include:
the user who posted,
the text posted,
the date posted,
and if I want to get crazy...a means of deleting/editing the post.
I really have no idea of how to implement this concept, so any ideas would help greatly.
To get started, view this article from on the Repeater control, or this great article.
The Repeater control lets you databind to a list of objects, and then define one template for how that object should be displayed. Then, ASP.NET will handle showing it as many times as necessary. You can write the code-behind for dealing with delete and edit as if there were only one instance on the page.
go ahead with jquery, use a lot of ajax. for the mark up, use a repeater control with all clean html mark up (instead of server side controls which would generate a lot of unnecessary mark up quickly creating performance issues)
only populate x number of items on initial load, and then using jquery pull data as required based on user action. you can serve this data via json, decode json on client side using jquery and perform a loop which converts this json into appropriate html and injects it into the correct html element
should be simple ;-)
ASP.NET gives you lots of ways to do this. A Repeater, DataGrid, GridView are the first that come to mind. If you'd rather use ASP.NET MVC, there's always the good old foreach loop.
Additionally, check out ListView too.
