Customize CSS for Facebook Social Plugins - css

Facebook has these social plugins:
that can be plugged into a website very easily. They offer limited customization options, and I was wondering if it is possible to change the default CSS to allow custom fonts and colors, re-size images and re-arrange the placement of the buttons or comment.
The particular plugin that I'm looking at is the comments plug in.
Any help or reference that can help me out is greatly appreciated.

Using javascript, YES you can.
give the iframe a name and using prototype framework it can be done like this
frame1.$('mydiv').style.border='1px solid #000000'
and so on. It is possible with any framework.
Make sure you load this javascript after everything is loaded.
Try adding it just before the </body> ....

You're changing the style locally, not on the remote server. In other words, your browser retrieves the vanilla content from facebook and then the JS does it's work inside your browser w/o FB knowing about it... (might be counter-EULA?)


Liferay 6.1 force any "edit control" to appear in a popup

I'm having issues with the default css and the custom css written by some other company. I'm trying to merge those two but the one affects the other I managed to fix most of the issues but it is really bad written css and very generic.
In order to limit my issues I was thinking to force any type of web-content diplay and porlet edit controls to open into a popup.
Is this possible? google didn't help.
I'm not sure if I'm understunding your problem, but if the CSS is the cause, I suggest you to fix it instead to look forma a trick.
In order to load web content as dialog, you can create CSS for this purpose on a theme or on each content template.

Xpages Mobile CSS: iOS7

I have an Xpages app and I want to surface some pages from that app into my iPhone App. I want the Xpages pages to look like iOS7 so the users have the same experience in the app and don't know they are not in a native app.
IBM has not updated their mobile CSS yet.
But there is some CSS that goes a long way to fixing this:
I was able to make script library in my app and then I was able to get the CSS into a page, all using the instructions on the site.
What I don't get is how to make my app use the css theme? When I view the page on my iPhone some of the page is rendered like ios7, but much is not. Do I have to match up each individual element on the page to the class in the custom css?
It depends on your page I guess. Not every control has a "mobile renderer". DataView does for instance but viewPanel does not. So that could be why you're seeing it fine for some things but not others.
I believe in 9.01 with the latest extension pack it's easier to override the mobile them. It had been pretty difficult before. I think that's why your linked article mentions that the iOS7 theme can't be in the Head tag.
You might need to override styles for anything that doesn't look like iOS7.

Strange CSS issue with mobile app and JQM

I don't think this is related to JQM but maybe just the CSS.
I have a very basic mobile web page and it loads with the correct css. There is a link on this page that links to the a similar page but with a different css reference.. but it does not apply the css until I hit refresh. I tested this with iphone browser.
anyone having similar issue or seen this?
The way JQM works by default is that it loads each linked page, 'inside' the first page loaded, through ajax.
This is done behind the scenes.
If you want to load different content forced, the quickest way is to make the link an 'external' link using
click here
That's the way I know it will definitely not use ajax. unfortunately this disables the neat page change effects.
In the documentation it says you should use
$(document).ready(function() {
// disable ajax nav
$.mobile.ajaxLinksEnabled = false;
But this doesn't always work for me.
Remember though that Everything is reloaded, so you will have to include all of your javascript and css in the "new" page.
Another way to achieve what your asking is to load both Css files on all pages and use javascript to media tags to switch between them.
Hope this helps. I spend a long time coming up with a way to make jqm work like a classic website.

Custom css for entire Google Chrome browser

Is it possible to change CSS that google Chrome apply to websites.
I want to hide some elements for example on facebook to dont see it, becouse it eats half of my free time.
Something like
.facebook-wall{display:none;} -auto applied everytime I go to fb.
Assuming I understand you correctly...
This isn't for a website you're making
This is only for your own personal use
Use Tampermonkey.
It's supposed to work much like Greasemonkey (the Firefox add-on), and it should meet your needs.
Stylebot is a good extension. You can interactively build some custom CSS to apply to your choice of website.
It even seems to have an accompanying website where other people have shared their concoctions, so possibly somebody has already put together something to filter down Facebook feeds.

How do I hide WordPress from my source code?

Can I hide the code of html + javascript of wordpress pages ?
I mean when anyone hits view source he/she will not able to know that the website was developed using WordPress ?
It is not possible to prevent a user from viewing the source of a website. The web browser needs to be able to render it, so any form of "encryption" would cause the browser to miss-render the page.
There are HTML obfuscation tools online such as this. But you would not be able to use them in WordPress as it generates all it's HTML on the fly.
Rather than hiding the fact that you are using WordPress I would suggest that you ensure your WP install is kept up-to date and that you use sensible security plugins such as Bulletproof Security.
If you simply want to remove the <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 3.4.1" /> tag from your generated HTML, you can add this in your theme's functions.php.
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
If you want to remove the "Powered by WordPress" in the footer text, that'll depend the theme you're using. Some themes allow you to customize the footer text from the dashboard, others will need manual modifications in the footer.php.
It will probably still be obvious that you're using WordPress though. A lot of references to uploaded files inside wp-content will be visible and many class names will have the wp- prefix. You probably won't be able to change those without breaking your website.
In general, you can't stop users from viewing the source of your website. The HTML is what defines the markup and content of your website, and the browser simply renders it. The best you can do is obfuscate it in such way that you can't easily tell what each HTML element represents or what each JavaScript function does.
No it's not possible. It'll will always be possible to see it since the browser has to get it in plain text to render it.
Look at JavaScript obfuscation to make your code harder to reuse or understand : How can I obfuscate (protect) JavaScript?
I believe what you're trying to do is hide the fact that your site is powered by WordPress. For that, you can try the suggestions presented here:
How to Hide WordPress Info from Your Source Code
