How to get raw request body in ASP.NET? -

In the HttpApplication.BeginRequest event, how can I read the entire raw request body? When I try to read it the InputStream is of 0 length, leading me to believe it was probably already read by ASP.NET.
I've tried to read the InputStream like this:
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream))
string text = reader.ReadToEnd();
But all I get is an empty string. I've reset the position back to 0, but of course once the stream is read it's gone for good, so that didn't work. And finally, checking the length of the stream returns 0.
Edit: This is for POST requests.

The request object is not populated in the BeginRequest event. You need to access this object later in the event life cycle, for example Init, Load, or PreRender. Also, you might want to copy the input stream to a memory stream, so you can use seek:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
MemoryStream memstream = new MemoryStream();
memstream.Position = 0;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(memstream))
string text = reader.ReadToEnd();

Pål's answer is correct, but it can be done much shorter as well:
string req_txt;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream))
req_txt = reader.ReadToEnd();
This is with .NET 4.6.

In ASP.NET Core 2:
using (var reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Request.Body)) {
var body = reader.ReadToEnd();

I had a similar requirement to get the raw content and struck the same issue. I found that calling Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin) solved the problem.
This is not a particularly good approach as it makes assumptions about how the underlying infrastructure operates, but it seems to work.

It is important to reset position of InputStream.
var memstream = new MemoryStream();
Request.InputStream.Position = 0;
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(memstream)) {
var text = reader.ReadToEnd();

Here's what I ended up doing:
//Save the request content. (Unfortunately it can't be written to a stream directly.)
context.Request.SaveAs(filePath, false);


How do I write an image's MemoryStream to the page body?

I'm converting ASP.NET WebForms code to ASP.NET Core Razor pages which is new to me. I'm trying to retrieve an image MemoryStream from a business class (based on SixLabors awesome ImageSharp) and have the page render the JPEG -- no HTML, just the image. I intend to use this page elsewhere as an <img> src, like <img src="Render?imageID=42&mode=invert" />
In Render.cshtml.cs:
public class RenderModel : PageModel
public void OnGet()
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
using (Image image1 = Image.Load(imagePath))
SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegEncoder encoder = new SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Jpeg.JpegEncoder();
encoder.Quality = 75;
image1.Save(stream, encoder);
//image.Save("/temp/xxx.jpg", encoder); //test to see image. it works
//Response.Headers.ContentLength = stream.Length;
Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
Response.Body = stream;
...but this is not working, I get:
System.InvalidOperationException: Response Content-Length mismatch: too few bytes written (0 of 135408).
135408 is the stream.Length.
I'm probably not doing this correctly in the ASP.NET Core/Razor way. Can anyone set me straight as to how to do this? Thanks!
EDIT: commenting out the Headers.ContentLength fixes the error. But now I get a broken-image icon in the browser. Closer...
You need to write to the Response.Body isntead of replacing it.
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
await stream.CopyToAsync(Response.Body);
await Response.Body.FlushAsync();
I think Razor pages are intented to return html content.
However it seems to be possible to return different types of result in OnGet e.g. you could return a new FileContentReset (FileStreamResult seems to have issues with contentlength)
// read as bytes
public FileContentResult OnGet()
var image = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(#"c:\temp\myimage.jpeg");
return new FileContentResult(image.ToArray(), "image/jpeg");
// example if image comes from stream
public FileContentResult OnGet()
using var imageStr = System.IO.File.Open(#"c:\temp\myimage.jpeg", FileMode.Open);
using var memStr = new MemoryStream();
return new FileContentResult(memStr.ToArray(), "image/jpeg");
Even better maybe it to not use a Razor page and to add a MVC controller to return the result.

"Cannot access a disposedObject" exception in Xamarin when attempting to send a byte[] to server

The old version of this question got too long so by the end of numerous attemts to solve this issue I came up that all can be taken down to a simple question. Why does this produce a SystemObjectDisposed.
private async void PickPhotoButton_OnClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
_globalStream = await DependencyService.Get<IPicturePicker>
_globalArray = StreamToByteArray(_globalStream);
var gal = new GalleryResource()
Pic = _globalArray
MemoryObjects.CurrentGallery = gal;
var ctr = HelperMethods.GetInstance<GalleryController>();
await ctr.Post();
public byte[] StreamToByteArray(Stream input)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
return ms.ToArray();
The stream arrives from the native side, I turn it into a byte array and pass it into my repository. Everyting work with a dummy byte array so something is wrong with the stream object that possibly gets closed or disposed at point.
The exception is thrown in the repository at this point:
var response = await _client.PostAsync(endPoint, _repService.ConvertObjectToStringContent(obj));
ConvertObjectToStringContent(obj) - not this part of it. From here it actually returns with a value and the byte array is seen inside the debug ie. the byte array stay with a valid lenght all way through.
The only event that does take place when we do finish picking the photo from the library is the following:
void OnImagePickerFinishedPickingMedia(object sender,
UIImagePickerMediaPickedEventArgs args)
UIImage image = args.EditedImage ?? args.OriginalImage;
if (image != null)
// Convert UIImage to .NET Stream object
NSData data = image.AsJPEG(1);
Stream stream = data.AsStream();
// Set the Stream as the completion of the Task
However it doesn't seem to dispose the stream and even if it did we already got a byte array from it.
Tried even doing this inside Native code
var client = new HttpClient();
var c = new MultipartFormDataContent();
c.Add(new StreamContent(image.AsJPEG(1).AsStream()));
var response = await client.PostAsync(Settings.EndPoint + "api/gallery/", c);
Same error.
I think your problem lies somewhere in this line _byteArray = ToByteArray(_array);
ToByteArray(stream) seems to return you the byte array maybe via conversion from a stream, and this stream might still have a reference to the bytearray. And it might have become disposed.
If it's inside this method, please post it, I wanna knowww
I'm not quite experienced enough to exactly tell what it is about, but maybe my suggestions will be hitting the right spot!
Btw your code looks real clean, I like it!
So, although this issue did come up in the first place with the CrossMedia plugin it did the same error.
However the error only comes up if you for instance pick a photo like this:
var _mediaFile = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync();
So, when I did this:
var _mediaFile = await CrossMedia.Current.PickPhotoAsync(new
PhotoSize = Plugin.Media.Abstractions.PhotoSize.Small,
CompressionQuality = 90,
The error went away. No idea why.

c# how to get a stream processed by httpResponse.BinaryWrite

I have the following method that writes a stream in a HttpResponse object.
public HttpResponse ShowPDF(Stream stream)
MemoryStream memoryStream = (MemoryStream) stream;
httpResponse.Buffer = true;
httpResponse.ContentType = "application/pdf";
return httpResponse;
In order to test it, I need to recover the processed stream.
Is there someway to read the stream from the httpResponse object?
I have two ideas... one to mock the HttpResponse, and the other is to simulate a web server.
1. Mocking HttpResponse
I wrote this before I knew which mocking framework you used. Here's how you could test your method using TypeMock.
This assumes that you pass your httpResponse variable to the method, changing the method as follows:
public void ShowPDF(Stream stream, HttpResponse httpResponse)
Of course you would change this to passing it to a property on your Page object instead, if it is a member of your Page class.
And here's an example of how you could test using a fake HttpResponse:
internal void TestPDF()
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream("C:\\deleteme\\The Mischievous Nerd's Guide to World Domination.pdf", FileMode.Open);
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
fileStream.Read(memoryStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)fileStream.Length);
byte[] buffer = null;
var fakeHttpResponse = Isolate.Fake.Instance<HttpResponse>(Members.ReturnRecursiveFakes);
Isolate.WhenCalled(() => fakeHttpResponse.BinaryWrite(null)).DoInstead((context) => { buffer = (byte[])context.Parameters[0]; });
ShowPDF(memoryStream, fakeHttpResponse);
if (buffer == null)
throw new Exception("It didn't write!");
2. Simulate a Web Server
Perhaps you can do this by simulating a web server. It might sound crazy, but it doesn't look like it's that much code. Here are a couple of links about running Web Forms outside of IIS.
Can I run a ASPX and grep the result without making HTTP request?

Spring MVC to open PDF as the view

Which is the appropriate View class to render existing PDF? AbstractView?
I am fetching PDF via a webservice ,so I'm not looking to subclass AbstractPdfView to render PDF.
I'd like to stay with the Spring controller classes which return a ModelAndView which means writing my own subclass of AbstractView to just write the PDF to a ServletOutputStream. Any other built in support available in Spring MVC?
I agree with #Biju Kunjummen's answer but using iText would be also nice to generate the PDF.
here is the code snippet of the controller method.
#RequestMapping(value = "/common/reportgenerator/generatePDF")
public void generatePdf(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)
ServletOutputStream outStream=null;
String calledFrom = req.getHeader("referer");
calledFrom += "?isPdf=yes&"+req.getQueryString();
InputStream input = new URL(calledFrom).openStream();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
CopyUtils.copy(input, writer);
res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=report.pdf");
outStream = res.getOutputStream();
ITextRenderer renderer = new ITextRenderer();
catch (Exception e)
new AbcException(e,exceptionHandlerService);
catch(Exception ex)
new AbcException(ex,exceptionHandlerService);
Hope this helps you. Cheers.
I think the best way is to simply stream it out using HttpServletResponse:
OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
out.write(..); //buffer and write..
There is no such class.
You have to manually write that file.
Please see answer here:
Display the PDF file stored on the webserver on Browser new window using Spring MVC
I have changed that code to:
// get absolute path of the application
ServletContext context = request.getSession().getServletContext();
String appPath = context.getRealPath("/");
// construct the complete absolute path of the file
String fullPath = appPath + "WEB-INF/pdfs/201507.pdf";
Also, see the answer for not downloading the pdf
and putting the inputStream in the finally block.

ASP.NET show PDF file to user instead of "save as" dialog

My ASP.NET application return PDF file to user using code below
Context.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
This code show Save As browser dialog, is it possible instead of Save As dialog load PDF file directly in browser?
You could append the Content-Disposition header:
"inline; filename=foo.pdf"
Is it a dynamically created file? If not, you can just hyperlink or Response.Redirect to it I believe.
I do not know for sure for classic but using mvc, streaming it to the user does what you want:
MemoryStream stream = PDF.GeneratePDFByStream();
stream.Flush(); //Always catches me out
stream.Position = 0; //Not sure if this is required
return stream;
public static MemoryStream GeneratePDFByStream() {
var doc1 = new Document();
//use a variable to let my code fit across the page...
string path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "PDFs";
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc1, stream);
writer.CloseStream = false;
// Actual Writing
// writing comes here, you will probably just load the PDF in a stream?
return stream;
And your MVC controller returns something like
return File(GetPDFStream(id), "application/pdf");
So, I know this is not the exact answer you are looking for, but maybe you should try to stream your PDF to the user as it will open it in a new tab as far as I ever tested it.
From the top of my head, you should get something like:
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";
Response.OutputStream.Write( objMemoryStream.ToArray(), 0,
try { Response.End(); } catch{}
