imagebutton not redirecting when site is live -

Ive an 4.0, c# site,
all the functionality works fine apart from one thing which is doing my head in.
I have 3 image buttons on the masterpage which link to the clients facebook, linkd in and twitter pages,
when I run it on my dev machine (IE 8) the open fine,
when I make the site live (IIS 6) they dontr appear to do anything, no error, no redirect, nothing in the event log.
I was about to bin them and do them from scratch but im wary that I'll install it and the same thing will happen - anything obvious I should check?

Did you checked whether you missed deploying any external CSS files or images if there are any which effectively causes image buttons to get hidden/unidentifiable?


Page in is not loading at all

I have a website project developed using Telerik's rad controls and Twitter's bootstrap in VS2010 (framework 4). I must say it is a large project and this problem was not there a couple of days ago. Problem is that I have few web pages under a particular folder which when requested to open on localhost, browser is in the loading state forever but page is not getting loaded. Earlier these pages were getting loaded without any problem whatsoever. And when I publish them on the IIS server, they work without any issue means there is no problem with the code.
I tried to debug on the Page_Load of code behind but I realized that server is never reaching there and I wonder what is causing this issue. I would also say that I had not changed any settings on OS or VS. I tried to copy the same page to an another folder to see if it works there but no luck. So folder does not seems to be any issue.
Any idea would be greatly appreciated as this is driving me crazy.
Nailed it down, finally:) Infinite loop was messing up, Exit While did the trick.

My js code doesnt work,from other pc,but run on well on the my main machine on IIS server

I have a IIS 7 webservice. My problem is this - I can open the web page on the my main machine, something like However when I try to reach this machine from another machine, it shows nothing.
My page uses the EXTjs scripts. Any HTML shows but the javascript (ext.js) doent work. It worked last week, but I dont know what happened. What could be the possible problem here?

IIS smooth streaming does not play a video on MVC 4 with Razor

I am trying to get a basic demo working but can't succeed, I've spent hours and hours on it..
I am building an iis smooth streaming player with no controls at first that auto plays the video, I am using "MMP"- Microsoft media platform which was formerly "SMF"- Silverlight media framework, the example I am using to build a smooth streaming player is here on the middle of this page:
A brief explanation of the issue I am facing:
I am sure I got everything right in terms of the player itself, I got the .ism file, i can view its manifest if I browse to it with the browser, I can even get everything to work and play the video in an html file that is running straight from an IIS website.
another key note: I can also run any test silverlight application for example, the main form with a button and a few radio buttons and I do get this application to run and display. the problem happens only when I try the smooth streaming player, it gives a black and blank page for the whole page and right clicking shows "silverlight".
so the problem starts when I try to run it from a Silverlight application that is hosted in an MVC 4 (with Razor) application.
I have an MVC project in visual studio and then I add a silverlight application to it and choose to host it in the MVC application, then I follow the same routin as for the silverlight application player building and it even renders and plays the video on the visual studio's silverlight XAML design page. I build the whole solutio and then I get a "silverlightApplication1.xap" file in a "ClientBin" new folder on the MVC application and also a test html file and an test aspx file again in the MVC application.
if I make sure the linking is correct I can take this html file to another IIS website and run it from there and it works and plays! but if I try to run it straight from within the application (view in browser) for the html/aspx files it says that it's not running on the platform/fabric of the website and for the silverlight application itself it opens the same blank silvelight application with a black screen and also a URL of file:// and not http://localhost.. etc', so what I was trying to do for a long time is to make the silverlight application work as a view in the MVC application.
so I took a view and deleted everything in it and gave it a property of Layout=""; (nothing) and then I put the content of the test html file the SL application produced earlier, modified the value for the silverlightapplication path etc', when built and ran, the page comes up, even the application comes up as I see "Silverlight" on a right click of the mouse but the whole screen is just plain black again and it doesn't play the video.
I had the .ism file on anther location or a an entirely different location like another online website.
I also can't get to view the manifest when I run the MVC application it says its 404 but I am not sure if it's an MVC platform thing that it won't let me get to it or it's just not getting to it but the files are there and the URL's are correct both in the code and also in the URL i am putting in.
I have also came to the understanding that I might need to make sure the silverlight application is allowing cross domain traffic and it has a Client access policy like seen on this page: , so I've added two XML files to the root folder for these two issues. trying to figure out what's going on with firefox's web developer gives nothing as for what happens..
Please Help! Thanks! :)
I don't know why and I have tried everything+making sure I get the manifest content if i browse to it.
it just worked with this URL for the ism file:
there was no need for cross domain xml and Client access policy xml.

Images are not showing up in application and even on the default iis website after new install of IIs7 on Vista x64

Seems like everything else works fine on my website but the images are not showing. No errors are being thrown either. Even the localhost default site image is not working. I have the static option turned on as well. Any ideas on how to fix this would be great.
You may have to turn Static Content on in World Wide Web Services / Common Http Features. This can be accessed via the 'Turn Windows Features on or off' section in the Control Panel.
See below for an example...
When I get images not appearing it is because the files themselves don't have correct permissions. Go in and make sure that the files are inheriting permissions from their parent.

ASP.NET theme not rendering correctly

I have a small web application which uses themes. The themes work on host, so on preinit, if the host = a, load x theme, if the host = b, load y theme.
In my code this looks like:
If"a") Then
Page.Theme = x
Else"b") Then
Page.Theme = y
I have a url which is and another which is (well it is this structure, but the letters are meaningful/company names). Problem is (and I have done host == ""), when I debug my site on localhost (another clause in the above if block where host = localhost), the style renders perfectly. Alignment of elements are perfect as I expect with the numerical values I have provided for width, margins, etc in the css. But when I use the publish tool of VS2008 (with updatable ticked), and upload to, which has the same stylesheet as localhost (a copy in its own folder), there are all sorts of alignment issues as if I have done no work. Why do my styles render incorrectly # runtime? If it helps, I am using VS2008 Pro Edition, IIS6 and Windows Server 2003.
What is frustrating is that the page source indicates the theme is loading ok, as it is referenced in HTML head. So when I publish, the theme for is loaded and referenced. Other than all this information, there is no obvious sign of what the problem is. I haven't tried to conventionally reference a single CSS file in the ASPX markup, but if I did and this worked, then it doesn't explain the problem either, anyway.
Are you setting the Theme early enough in your code? A Theme must be applied to a page very early in the request lifecycle, in the PreInit event, if you do it in code-behind.
Yep, it is on page preinit.
I think it is to do with forms authentication. If I view (not debug) the login page, it picks up the localhost theme and everything is displayed correctly. The login control is in the middle of the page, as it should be, etc.
But if I debug the page and, as you'd expect, the login page is the start/default page, the login control appears to the left as it does when I deploy and the source indicates the css for the appropriate host has been picked up - only when I debug, there is no style applied until I login.
Are you using the built-in web server? When running in ASP.Net Development Server, the styles in App_Themes won't be used on any unauthenticated page (such as Login.aspx or ForgotPassword.aspx). That's because the user doesn't have browse permissions on that folder yet, or the App_Themes folder lacks browsing permissions. Apparently, IIS handles this but Cassini doesn't.
Try adding this to web.config to let Themes and styles work before authentication.
Or, if possible, switch to running the app on IIS on your machine.
I have enabled and installed all the sub features in
Internet Information Services --> World Wide Web Services --> Common HTTP Features
This solved by Theme not working problem.
