$ sign after each line in files(UNIX OS) - unix

I am new to vim editor and based on general reading from different forums, I was trying to customize vim by updating the .vimrc file to look something like this:
syntax on
set incsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set wildmode = list
that gives me a whole set of functionality I need. However, after having saved this content to .vimrc, suddenly all my files started to show $ as the ending character after each line.
i.e. Now even the .vimrc file looks like:
syntax on$
set incsearch$
set ignorecase$
set smartcase$
set wildmode = list$
and unfortunately I am not able to delete them in the editor. Are there any comments on how to get rid of these '$' signs? Has anyone else encountered this problem before?
Thanks in advance!

The line set wildmode = list is wrong, it should be set wildmode=list no spaces.
The line as it is queries the wildmode option and sets the boolean list option

It’s because you said set list.

Go check for init.vim file.
For me that file was at /home/user/.config/nvim/init.vim
And it was turn on "See invisible characters":
set list listchars=tab:>\ ,trial:+,eol:&
Delete or comment the line.


How to scroll up in Vim buffer with R (using Nvim-R)

I'm a happy user of the Nvim-R plugin, but I cannot find out how to scroll up in the buffer window that the plugin opens with R. Say for instance that I have a large output in console, but I cannot see the top of it - how do I scroll up to see this? In tmux for instance there's a copy mode that quite handily lets you do this, but how is this done in the R buffer?
An example below where I'm very curious to see what's on the line above the one begining with "is.na(a)...". How can this be achieved?
I have scoured the documentation found here, but without luck.
The answer is apparently to use Ctrl+\ Ctrl+n according to this answer on the bugreports for NVim-R.
Here's what my output looks like when I output mtcars:
When I hit Ctrl+\ Ctrl+n, I can move the cursor and I get line numbers:
To get back to interactive, I just use i, the same way I normally would.
Apparently, if you are using neovim, then you can add let R_esc_term = 0 in your ~/.vimrc file and you can then use the escape key, but if you don't use neovim, you are stuck using the two ctrl commands ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
As pointed out by ZNK, it is about switching to normal mode in Vim's terminal. This, however, can easily fail due to cumbersome keybinding. If such is the case, remap the default keybinding to something reasonable, say, by putting this in your .vimrc:
tnoremap jk <C-\><C-n>
This works for me in Linux running Vim 8.0 in terminal (e.g. does not require Neovim). As you can see, I use 'jk' to switch from insert to normal mode. One can use Esc instead of jk, however, this makes me unable to use up arrow to retrieve command line history as been reported elsewhere.

ZSH avoid adding empty commands to history?

In zsh (with oh-my-zsh, is that matters) when I enter empty commands (e.g. just press enter) I see empty lines added to my ~/.zsh_history:
: 1508496422:0;ls
: 1508496422:0;vim
: 1508496482:0;
: 1508496482:0;
: 1508496482:0;
: 1508496482:0;
: 1508496490:0;
: 1508496490:0;
: 1508496490:0;
: 1508496490:0;
: 1508496494:0;ls
I'm wondering if it's possible to avoid adding these lines. I checked http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Options.html but no luck. The reason why I'm trying to avoid adding empty lines is I'm using fzf and fzf lists these empty commands when I search in last commands in a directory.
If this is not possible in zsh side I'll try to search for a solution in fzf side.
There are a few Zsh settings to control what goes into your history
(though I'm surprised emtpies end up there; I can't reproduce that
despite also using fzf and hitting blank RETs a lot).
The man page for zshoptions(1) describes:
HIST_IGNORE_[ALL_]DUPS — This should at least reduce your
consecutive multiple empties down to one.
HIST_IGNORE_SPACE — Your empties might be treated as whitespace
and thus be eliminated. I like this feature anyway for intentionall
discarding commands by starting them with a space.
There is also the HISTORY_IGNORE option (not to be confused with
Bash's HISTIGNORE) — described in zshparam(1) with an example —
which lets you remove a set of patterns. An empty pattern may fix
your case. It also has a zshaddhistory hook that you could use to
more finely control exactly what goes into history.

Increase maxTokensPerLine in Atom.IO

How can I increase maxTokensPerLine in my own Atom.IO environment?
I've got some long lines causing syntax to not be recognized properly, for example not highlighted correctly and brackets not taken note of etc.
But this seems to be a current source containing it. It seems to be taken as a parameter which suggests it could be configurable?
I found
this.maxTokensPerLine = (_ref1 = options.maxTokensPerLine) != null ? _ref1 : Infinity;
on line 22 of /usr/share/atom/resources/app/apm/node_modules/first-mate/lib/grammar-registry.js
maxTokensPerLine also appears in
I tried adding maxTokensPerLine: 1000 in config.cson under *, core and editor, but it had no effect.
(old) maxTokensPerLine
You can use the package grammar-token-limit, which will handle changing it for you. All you need to do is specify which value you want in the package settings.
I guess if you want to do it yourself, this package would be the place to start looking.

Programmatically adding new line in mx:TextArea

I have a flex 4.5 application. I want to add new line in an mx:TextArea when certain event occurs. I have been searching for the proper way to add a OS independent line ending. I found out that the File class has lineEnding property. However the documentation states that this class is not exposed when running inside a browser (which is my case).
I have searched, but I couldn't find any other class, which can provide this information. Actually I am not sure if the TextArea line ending is OS dependent or not.
So actually I have two questions: Are TextArea line endings OS dependent or not? And if so, how can I get the proper line ending in flex?
You can use String.fromCharCode(13). This will return a line ending.
This is the equivalent of PHP's chr() method.
var address_str:String = "dog" + String.fromCharCode(64) + "house.net";
trace(address_str); // output: dog#house.net
From my experience, "\r" works in both Windows and Mac.
Quite simply, you just need to add the newline character to the text of the textArea.
myTextArea.text+="\n"; //This should work, if not try the other two

open graph image url problems with converted special chars XKB Symbols

I try to use the like-Button and therefor the open graph.
My problem is, that "&" and "$" chars are always replaced by & and %24
Of course, thats the normal case, but I need a clean $ and no entity there, becuase otherwise the link is not working for this image.
I could see, that facebook´s raw output produces \u0024 and so on (seems to be XKBSymbols). But if I try to put this symbols in the link in my typo3 meta-tag, it doesnt work either.
I already tried:
#page.headerData.12345.htmlSpecialChars = 0
#page.headerData.12345.htmlSpecialChars.preserveEntities = 1
#page.headerData.12345.rawUrlEncode = 0
to solve this problem, but none of those work.
Please give me a useful hint.
try to write to your php code trough htmlspecialchar php function and add it to header with
$GLOBALS['TSFE']->additionalHeaderData['somekey'] = '...'
