I'm using a RichTextBox control. I need to get the formatted text(not the plain text) from the code behind. How can I do this?
I'm using the control in a email template
just use freeTextBox.Text. According to documentation, the Text property Gets or sets the HTML which should have the all the formatting.
Try this
string s = richTextBox.Rtf;
I have used asp.net ajax html editor and i saved data in database. But now i want to retrieve it and show it in grid view. But when i retrieve that, it also shows those html tags (generated by asp.net ajax editor). So, i want to trim those tags and show plain text in grid view. How do i do that?
Go to you db and look, how it is saved. Maybe it is save encoded. If it is not the case, you can use some simple regex to remove all those tags.
This shows you just plain text and removes all Tags
To stripe the html tags from text you can utilize the
RegEx.Replace("str","Pattern","replacementstring "); method which there exist in
System.Text.RegularExpressions namespace
for example
Plain_Body = Regex.Replace(txtBody.Text, #"<[^>]*>", string.Empty);
here i am replacing the html specific characters with String.Empty or "" you can add additional characters if you wish to pattern like #"<[^>]*>" and spaces( ) and Ampersand(&) etc
I have content that I want to load dynamically, the problem is it has some html formatting in it. What control should i pull the text into, is there a way to pull the text into a div or a label, along with the formatting?
You can use an asp:Literal:
Code behind:
myLiteral.Text = HtmlDecode(GetTextFromDB())
Please help me to get text (non html/ not formatted) from ajax text editor in asp.net i am using vs 2008.
i am using AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor
you can see same kind of at : ajax HtmlEditor
Well, the documentation on the page you linked to only shows that the HTMLEditor has a Content property, which is the html text, not the plain text. However, the editor itself, on the page, allows you to view either the rendered html, or the html code (the markup).
The editor uses an <iframe> to contain the rendered html. If you want to get the plain text (no html tags), you'll have to do it on the clientside. The <iframe> has an id. You could use something like jquery to do this:
var plainText = $("#iframeID body").text();
As long as someHiddenField is an <asp:HiddenField> control, it will contain the plain text of the editor when you post back. You just need to make sure you make the above assignment after you're done editing the HTMLEditor's content, but before you actually post back.
I answered another similar question, and my first answer might not actually get the text of the <iframe>. Try this:
var text = $("#iframeID").contents().find("body").text();
I have got a literal control on page (with some data on it). i want to access it in javascript and want to put some text on it. please tell me how can i access literal control in javascript. (i am using asp.net)
My code in javascript (but not working):
lths = document.getElementById("<%= lblhs.ClientID %>");
lths.innerHTML = 'this is text line"
You can find it using document.getElementById('<%= myControl.ClientID %>') or if you are using .NET 4.0 you can directly set the id field to be pulled by javascript. Alternatively you can use jquery's selectors. Your code isn't working because the Literal control doesn't render as an element, just static text. You can place a span around it, or use a Label control, which renders as a span for you.
I don't think that you can access a literal control from your javascript client code because a literal control just renders it's pure value without any surrounding tags. So you don't really have an element which you could get by id.
What you could to is changing the literal control to a label control. This renders out as a html span tag by default. Like that you can select it on the client side.
Another option would be to write a span or div tag in your literal control on the server side like this:
myLiteral.Text = "<div id=\"myDiv\">Some Text here</div>"
on the client you could select the elemnt by using:
var myDiv = document.getElementById('myDiv');
Just to rule out the obvious (since no one else mentioned it), this is a syntax error in JS:
lths.innerHTML = 'this is text line"
Not sure if this was a typing error here, or if you copied it from your code. You can use either " or ' but not both to surround a string. Also, you should use terminating semi-colons as best practice (although it's not required).
lths.innerHTML = 'this is text line';
The <%= myControl.ClientId %> technique does not work when you are using master pages. That could be the case.
What you can do is: Take a hidden field. Save the ID of the label in the hidden field. Access the value attribute to get the ID and then use document.getElementByID('HiddenField.Value') to get the control.
I need to send XML/HTML in an HTML email so that it displays unrendered. I'm using ASP.NET. What is the approach I should take?
HTML Encode it. You can use the HttpUtility.HtmlEncode method.
If I understand correctly, you want the HTML to be displayed as text and not interpreted. If so, then you can simply use the Server.HtmlEncode method to encode your string and then send that back to the browser.
text="<h1>Hello World</h1>";
textEncoded = Server.HtmlEncode(text);