not able to retrieve subterm image in page-taxonomy.tpl.php - drupal

I want my taxonomy pages to be styled in a particular way. For this I have done the necessary in template.php. Now I have page-taxonomy.tpl.php ready and working. I am using taxonomy image module to upload images to taxonomy terms. I am retrieving the images of a corresponding term using taxonomy_image_get_url($term->tid);and displaying them. Now I want to retrieve the subterms of this term, which I have been able to do using _taxonomy_term_children($term->tid)
The problem is I am not able to retrieve its image.
<?php if ( arg(0) == 'taxonomy' && arg(1) == 'term' && is_numeric(arg(2)) ) {
$term = taxonomy_get_term(arg(2));
$image_url = taxonomy_image_get_url($term->tid);
print $image_url;
<div id="taxonomy_term_image"><img src="/sites/default/files<?php print $image_url;?>" /></div>
<div id="taxonomy_term_description"> <?php print $term->description;?> <?php print $images_url;?></div>
<?php print $feed_icons; ?><br/>
Sub Categories: <?php $taxonomy_children = _taxonomy_term_children($term->tid);
foreach ($taxonomy_children as $value) {
$tax_child = taxonomy_get_term($value);
print $tax_child->name;
print $tax_child->description;
$subterm_image = taxonomy_image_get_url($taxchild->tid);
print $subterm_image;

You're missing the HTML code to render the image. Need to put it in as you did the parent image:
<img src="/sites/default/files<?php print $subterm_image;?>" />


Medium size image by plugin called dynamic featured image

i am using dynamic featured image and adding multiple product images to a single custom post type name as products for a single product but and i am trying to get those images in my template but the array only return me only two sizes [thumb] [full] but i need medium as well below is my code
if( class_exists('Dynamic_Featured_Image') ) {
global $dynamic_featured_image;
$featured_images = $dynamic_featured_image->get_featured_images();
foreach($featured_images as $featured_image) {
<img width="60" src="<?php echo $featured_image['full'];?>"/>
<?php }
As you guys can see in the anchor tag $featured_image['medium'] this is how i want to echo this anchor tag but unfortunately it don't return me the medium size and i need help in getting the medium size as well. below is the array that i get where you can clearly see only [thumb] and [full]. please help
[thumb] =>
[full] =>
[attachment_id] => 254
You need to get medium sized image by calling get_image_url function. Try this:
if( class_exists('Dynamic_Featured_Image') ) {
global $dynamic_featured_image;
$featured_images = $dynamic_featured_image->get_featured_images();
foreach($featured_images as $featured_image) {
$mediumSizedImage = $dynamic_featured_image->get_image_url($featured_image['attachment_id'], 'medium');
echo "<img src = '" . $mediumSizedImage . "' />";
<img width="60" src="<?php echo $featured_image['full'];?>"/>
<?php }
All available functions are documented here.
PS: I am author of the plugin.

Wordpress - Can't output image (from custom field) for previous and next posts

I am working on a portfolio website. Whenever a portfolio piece is clicked, the user is taken to a page that shows details about that piece (i.e. more photos and information). There will also be previous and next navigation links to get to additional pieces. However, I want the previous and next navigation links to be a thumbnail photo of the next piece (custom field for that is thumbnail_photo). This is what I have so far:
$previous_post = get_previous_post();
$next_post = get_next_post();
$prev_value = get_post_meta( $previous_post->ID, 'materials', $single = true);
$next_value = get_post_meta( $next_post->ID, 'thumbnail_photo', $single = true);
<p><?php echo $prev_value; ?></p>
<p><?php echo $next_value; ?></p>
I used 'materials' in the call for $prev_value since 'materials' is another custom field. I just wanted to see if it was actually working. It outputs the materials just fine, but it only outputs the ID number of the thumbnail_photo. I can't get it to reference the file name so that I can output the actual image.
I am using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin, so each image is stored as an image object. So this is how I would typically output a thumbnail image:
$image = get_field('thumbnail_photo);
echo $image[sizes]["thumbnail"]; // thumbnail is a reference to wordpress' thumbnail media size
When you configure the ACF input field, be sure you set the return value to be an image object instead of the image ID after change this, or if you already changed, you have to update the post or posts you're trying to get. Because, if you set the field return value as image ID, created the posts and now you wanna change their values you have to modify all the posts because every post_meta is containing the ID of the image.
In the ACF website has a tutorial how you could get the values an turn into images:
With the ID
wp_get_attachment_image( $next_value, 'thumbnail' );
Another Example With the ID, but this time you have to create the image HTML, the function returns an array with the url, width and height
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $next_value, 'thumbnail' );
// url = $image[0];
// width = $image[1];
// height = $image[2];
<img src="<?php echo $image[0]; ?>" />
You could do a check for the returned value and then write the image, example:
if( is_int( $next_value ) ) {
wp_get_attachment_image( $next_value, 'thumbnail');
} elseif ( is_object( $next_value ) ) {
echo $next_value['sizes']['thumbnail'];
} else { ?>
<img src="<?php the_field('field_name'); ?>" alt="" />
<?php } ?>
I didn't test it, but I think it works fine.
I hope this help and sorry for the bad english

Custom Fields/Values displaying out of order

I'm using the Types Wordpress plugin to enable custom fields. The plugin allows you to rearrange the order of the images in the admin page editor. Here's my code in my single.php to display multiple images in the custom field and have a link to itself to also use Fancybox:
$mykey_values_img = get_post_custom_values('wpcf-image');
if ($mykey_values_img != null) {
foreach ( $mykey_values_img as $key => $value ) {
<img src="<?php echo $value; ?>" />
} //foreach
} //if
Right now this code works perfectly on my local copy running on MAMP. However, when I put it online hosted on iPage, the images are out of order. I don't know what's causing this discrepancy. When I use the shortcode from Types to display the images instead of the php above they are in order, but I don't have the option of using Fancybox. I was also wondering if there is a better way to display an image from Wordpress that will insert the alt tag for the image.
I just encountered this problem too, and your first answer led me to a tighter solution.
I also used types_render_field(), but if you include a 'raw' parameter, you can avoid the string manipulation.
$images_raw = types_render_field('image', array('raw'=>'true','separator'=>';'));
$images = explode(';', $images_raw);
foreach ($images as $link) {
echo '' . $link . '">"';
Then, if you're nasty, you can get the ID of the attachment from its SRC. Using that ID, you can get all the info you need about that attachment, like a caption, or whatnot.
I figured out a work around to get it working. Its not ideal but it works.
The Types plugin came with its own php function to display the custom field called types_render_field. It displayed my images in order. To get fancybox working I had to do sort of a hack on the string. Here's the code:
$images = ( types_render_field( "image", array( 'size' => 'full', 'alt' => get_the_title(), 'title' => get_the_title() ) ) );
$imgArray = explode(">", $images);
foreach ( $imgArray as $value ) {
$pos1 = strpos($value, 'src="', 0)+5;
$pos2 = strpos($value, '" ', $pos1);
$link = substr($value, $pos1, $pos2 - $pos1);
echo ''.$value.">";

ElseIf Custom Field different value (Wordpress)

(sorry for my English) and I hope to explain!
I'm looking for a solution to display different output for a custom filed, named "cw". The my theme of much use in custom filed, so I created a function to simplify your calls:
* Get custom field of the current page
* $type = string|int
function my_getcustomfield($filedname, $page_current_id = NULL)
$page_current_id = get_page_id();
$value = get_post_meta($page_current_id, $filedname, true);
return $value;
said this, I created the custom filed in my theme:
<?php $video_code = my_getcustomfield('cw',get_the_ID()); if(!empty($video_code)) : ?>
<div class="video_code"><?php echo $video_code; ?></div>
Since the custom value is a URL, type:, I need to extract just the ID. using this technique PHP Regex to get youtube video ID?, I modified my custom filed in this way:
<?php $video_code = my_getcustomfield('cw',get_the_ID()); $url = $video_code; parse_str(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY )); if(isset($video_code[0])){ ?>
<div cacaolink="<?php echo $f; ?>"></div>
<?php } else { ?>
<?php echo 'Video n.d.'; ?></div>
<?php endif; } ?>
In this way everything works perfectly.
Now, the custom value can be those listed below:
<div cacaolink=""></div>
<div cacaolink=""></div>
<div cacaolink=""></div>
**Finally here is the problem: How can I use an elseif according to the custom value?
any help is appreciated :)**
So what you need in short is extracting "video id" part from urls having one of 3 structures defined above. If I understood you right, you can just use the next code:
$video_id = preg_replace("/.*\?(videoid|f)=/", '', $customvalue);
Where $customvalue is the value extracted from your custom field with my_getcustomfield.

Wordpress Custom Value If/ElseIf - Doesn't Work

I'm outside the loop and want to call a custom value "featvideo" and display it. If there isn't "featvideo" then print an image...
The video displays, but when there isn't a video a blank box displays. You can see the the issue here:
(and yes, $images is a function defined in functions.php and works)
$feat_catbox_1 = new WP_Query("cat=$tt_feat_id&showposts=$tt_feat_postcount");
while ($feat_catbox_1->have_posts()) : $feat_catbox_1->the_post();
$key = 'featvideo';
$video_url = get_post_custom_values($key);
$featuredvideo = $video_url[0];
<div class="contentdiv">
<div id="featured-thumb">
<?php if ($key=="featvideo")
echo $featuredvideo;
elseif ($key=="")
echo $images('1', '390', '244', 'alignleft', true); ?>
Since you have set $key = 'featvideo' and then test if it is set later, it will always return true. You never change the value of $key anywhere in your code except when you set it.
I would suggest something like the following for your if statement:
echo $featuredvideo;
echo $images('1', '390', '244', 'alignleft', true);
