How to set up file compare/diff in Xcode 4? - xcode4

Am looking for how to set up file compare/diff in Xcode 4, but have run into brick wall. Anyone can tell me how to do it?

If you're looking for comparing two different files (instead of comparing two versions of the same file), you can use the FileMerge tool included with Xcode. Spotlight can find it for you.

Richard Brightwell's answer is correct, although it threw me a bit as there is a step missing.
Select the file from project navigator then click the version editor button (top right).
Click the timeline icon between the two files to display a vertical bar representing the revisions (black bar with white indicators for each revision).
Drag the white arrows to the versions to compare.

There is a button above the code window that looks like two file folders inverted one over the other. Click that button to open a side by side view of your file differences.
It's the far right button in the red box drawn on this screenshot.


Pane layout in R studio : showing fully all four panes fully

Good afternoon
I am struggling getting my default pane layout i am used to in R studio (Version 1.3.1073) and view -> panes -> show all panes does not work.
The issue is, I can see all pane (source, console, environment and files) like on the image below. But Environment and File pane cannot be opened simultaneously (in red), i always have to expand one then the other hides . Clicking on the expand button (in green) just expands the other one but it is not possible to see both pane at the same time.
Clicking on the separation bar and get this symbol to shift the pane works only for the console and source pane, but not the environment and file pane, nor show all panes command works.
Does anyone know what i can get to what use to be the default in rstudio pane layout (where content of all panels can be seen without expanding), namely looking like this
Sounds like something pretty basic but i seem to be unable to fix it myself. Thanks a lot for your support.

Is there a way to get rid of the tab row in atom editor?

There was a change in base code of, so there is a tab row in all panel. It is still bearable in my file tree view, but I do think it is really annoying to have the tab in linter warning panel too.
Is there a way to get rid of it?
netizen's answer will work, but it will cause a potential problem for you later: if you end up with more than one component in one of your docks, you won't be able to see them, switch between them, close them, or rearrange them.
What you are seeing is that in Atom 1.17, a new UI building block was added, called Docks. You can read more about Docks in the blog post where they were announced, or in the deep dive written by the Nuclide team.
Instead of specific components written to sit in a special place in the window (such as tree-view, which sat on the left edge), now you have Dock areas: left, bottom, and right. Any component can sit in one of them, and more than one component fits into a dock.
This is like having multiple files in the editor window: you need a way to rearrange them, see all of them, and switch between them. Tabs are the answer to this problem.
Some people find it visually annoying to see the tabs when only one tab exists. Atom offers an option (in the tabs package) to change this behavior.
It turns out that this option covers all of the tab bars, not just the tab bar in the file editor.
You can find the option in the settings for the tabs package.
Open Atom preferences
click "Packages"
search for "tabs"
click "Settings" on the "tabs" package
Un-check "Always Show Tab Bar"
As I mentioned above, this will affect both your editor tabs and the tabs in Docks. When only one tab exists, the tab bar is hidden, and it is shown again when more than one tab exists.
Insert this into yous styles.less file:
.atom-dock-inner .bottom .tab-bar { display:none; }
Edit: As the comment below from #dan-lowe points, this solution has important drawbacks. It should be applied as a last resort and only to this version both of Atom editor and linter-ui-default, as the docks API is new and prone to changes.

Can't re-open project files sidebar anymore in Atom Editor

Sorry if this is the wrong place to answer but I found no other community which could help me with this. I accidentally closed the left-sidebar that shows the currently open project and it's files. Not sure what it's called, maybe navigation, folder view, either way, I tried pressing nearly every key combination to no results. I tried searching in the command palette for something that looked like "open project sidebar" but nothing. Now I'm stuck having no idea how to restore my primary navigation means when working with Atom. I tried opening multiple projects but I just get a black screen without the project sidebar, like it was hidden.
Any ideas?
I'm talking about this sidebar:
It is called "Tree-View".
You should be able to enable it via command pallete or ctrl + ,
It depends on your OS. On Mac OS X, it's CMD-\ (Command-Backslash) to toggle it. The option located on the View menu, called Toggle Tree View (the last menu option).

Small exclamation icon over my STS project icon

I am working on Struts project using the Spring Source Toolsuite IDE.
When there are complier errors or something, a red X mark or yellow exclamation mark appear over the icon for my project.
But even after I made sure there are no complier errors, I got this exclamation mark in my project icon. My project is building and running successfully and I am getting the proper output.
Why is it there? How can I find out what it is complaining about?
Click Window -> Show View -> Problems and you'll see the list of errors/warnings and you can take it from there.
As ptsw pointed out, too:
If the Problems item isn't visible in Window -> Show View menu, choose Other... instead and select Problems in the General group to view the Problems pane:

Custom Application Icon for processing app

I've written a small Processing App which I'm planning to release soon. What's still missing is a sweet custom icon for Titlebar/Taskbar (Win) and Dock (Mac). Any suggestions how to do this?
Meanwhile I figured it out on my own:
Obviously this works for Mac OS by replacing the sketch.icns file within the exported app, for win & liunx is done by adding this line to your setup method:
frame.setIconImage( getToolkit().getImage("sketch.ico") );
It depends if you have any artistic ability or not.
If not, then you can hire an icon designer to do one, or search the web for free icons - there are billions.
If you have a modicum of artisticness, then you could grab a free icon that is almost what you want and then tweak it. IcoFX is a great free application for doing this sort of thing.
If you think you have what it takes to draw an icon from scratch, then a good plan is to use a vector art package. This allows you to export the same graphic at multiple resolutions so you can get top quality at every icons size you need (from 16x16 to 256x256). Alternatively, draw a large (512x512) verison in a bitmap editor and then downscale it as required. As long as you start big and downscale, you shouldn't have any problems (although to get a good icon at 16x16 and 32x32 you will still need a good eye and a lot of manual tweaking).
In your code, just type this line:
frame.setIconImage( getToolkit().getImage("sketch.ico") );
For Windows/Linux, this will do it. For Mac/OSX, follow these steps:
Find your sketch in Finder
Right click > info, or CmdI
Find your icon and open it in Preview
In Preview, click on your icon and press CmdA or right click > select all
In Preview, press CmdC, or right click > copy
Go back to Finder. Click on the current icon of your sketch. You'll know you've selected it when a blue outline appears. Press CmdV, or right click > paste
The standard icon size is 512x512
When making your icon, make sure that your transparencies are working
