R question about plotting probability/density histogram the right way - r

I have a following matrix [500,2], so we have 500 rows and 2 columns, the left one gives us the index of X observations, and the right one gives the probability with which this X comes true, so - a typical probability density relationship.
So, my question is, how to plot the histogram the right way, so that the x-axis is the x-index, and the y-axis is the density(0.01-1.00). The bandwidth of the estimator is 0.33.
Thanks in advance!
the end of the whole data looks like this: just for a little orientation
[490,] 2.338260830 0.04858685
[491,] 2.347839477 0.04797310
[492,] 2.357418125 0.04736149
[493,] 2.366996772 0.04675206
[494,] 2.376575419 0.04614482
[495,] 2.386154067 0.04553980
[496,] 2.395732714 0.04493702
[497,] 2.405311361 0.04433653
[498,] 2.414890008 0.04373835
[499,] 2.424468656 0.04314252
[500,] 2.434047303 0.04254907
yes, I have made the estimation before, so.. the bandwith is what I mentioned, the data is ordered from low to high values, so respecively the probability at the beginning is 0,22, at the peak about 0,48, at the end 0,15.
The line with the density is plotted like a charm but I have to do in addition is to plot a histogram! So, how I can do this, ordering the blocks properly(ho the data to be splitted in boxes etc..)
Any suggestions?
Here is a part of the data AFTER the estimation, all values are discrete, so I assume histogram can be created.., hopefully.
[491,] 4.956164 0.2618131
[492,] 4.963014 0.2608723
[493,] 4.969863 0.2599309
[494,] 4.976712 0.2589889
[495,] 4.983562 0.2580464
[496,] 4.990411 0.2571034
[497,] 4.997260 0.2561599
[498,] 5.004110 0.2552159
[499,] 5.010959 0.2542716
[500,] 5.017808 0.2533268
[501,] 5.024658 0.2523817
Best regards,
appreciate the fast responses!(bow)
What will do the job is to create a histogram just for the indexes, grouping them in a way x25/x50 each, for instance...and compute the average probability for each 25 or 50/100/150/200/250 etc as boxes..?

Assuming the rows are in order from lowest to highest value of x, as they appear to be, you can use the default plot command, the only change you need is the type:
plot(your.data, type = 'l')
Ok, I'm not sure this is better than the density plot, but it can be done:
x = dnorm(seq(-1, 1, length = 500))
x.bins = rep(1:50, each = 10)
bars = aggregate(x, by = list(x.bins), FUN = sum)[,2]
In your case, replace x with the probabilities from the second column of your matrix.
On second thought, this only makes sense if your 500 rows represent discrete events. If they are instead points along a continuous distribution function adding them together as I have done is incorrect. Mathematically I don't think you can produce the binned probability for a range using only a few points from within that range.

Assuming M is the matrix. wouldn't this just be :
plot(x=M[ , 1], y = M[ , 2] )
You have already done the density estimation since this is not the original data.


How to cleanly use interpolation between points to generate a mean in R

I am having issues trying to generate a code that will cleanly produce a mean (specifically a weighted average) based on a simple plot of points using interpolation.
For Example;
This shows the kind of information I am working with.
plot(ex, why, type="o")
At this point, I want to actually have each point "binned" so the lines between them are straight. To do this, I have been adding points to the x values manually in excel as (x+0.01).
This is the new output:
plot(ex, why, type="o")
So this is where my question comes in to play. I have to do this many times and do not want to generate a ton of new vectors and objects. To get a weighted average, I have been interpolating y values for increments of x at 0.01 using interpolation into a new object. I am then able to go into this new object and get a mean when a point falls between the actual ex values, i.e.
Because I made new y values for 100 increments of x that (basically) follow a straight line, I am getting a weighted average here for x= 1 to 2.45.
Is there an easier and more elegant way to embed the interpolate code into the mean code so I could just say "average of interpolated y for nonreal x to nonreal x?"
It doesn't do exactly what you want, but you should consider the stepfun function -- this creates a step function out of two series.
plot(stepfun(ex[-1], why))
stepfun is handy because it gives you a function defined over that interval, so you can easily interpolate just by evaluating anywhere. The downside to it is that it is not strictly defined on the range given (which is why we have to cut off the first value in ex).
Based on your second plotting example, I think you are probably looking for this:
qplot(ex, why, geom="step")
this gives:
Or if you want the line to go vertical first, you can use:
qplot(ex, why, geom="step", direction = "vh")
which gives:

Is there a way to plot a frequency histogram from a continuous variable?

I have DNA segment lengths (relative to chromosome arm, 251296 entries), as such:
The range goes from 0 to 2, and I would like to make a continuous relative frequency plot. I know that I could bin the values and use a histogram, but I would like to show continuity. Is there a simple strategy? If not, I'll use binning. Thank you!
I have created a binning vector with 40 equally spaced values between 0 and 2 (both included). For simplicity's sake, is there a way to round each of the 251296 entries to the closest value within the binning vector? Thank you!
Given that most of your values are not duplicated and thus don't have an easy way to derive a value for plotting on the y-axis, I'd probably go for a density plot. This will highlight dense segment lengths i.e. where you have lots of segment lengths occurring near each other.
d <- c(0.24592963, 0.08555043, 0.02128725)
plot(density(d), xlab="DNA Segment Length", xlim=c(0,2))

How to count line segment occurrences by pixel in R?

I am trying to convey the concentration of lines in 2D space by showing the number of crossings through each pixel in a grid. I am picturing something similar to a density plot, but with more intuitive units. I was drawn to the spatstat package and its line segment class (psp) as it allows you to define line segments by their end points and incorporate the entire line in calculations. However, I'm struggling to find the right combination of functions to tally these counts and would appreciate any suggestions.
As shown in the example below with 50 lines, the density function produces values in (0,140), the pixellate function tallies the total length through each pixel and takes values in (0, 0.04), and as.mask produces a binary indictor of whether a line went through each pixel. I'm hoping to see something where the scale takes integer values, say 0..10.
numLines = 50
# define line segments
L = psp(runif(numLines),runif(numLines),runif(numLines),runif(numLines), window=owin())
# image with 2-dimensional kernel density estimate
D = density.psp(L, sigma=0.03)
# image with total length of lines through each pixel
P = pixellate.psp(L)
# binary mask giving whether a line went through a pixel
B = as.mask.psp(L)
par(mfrow=c(2,2), mar=c(2,2,2,2))
plot(L, main="L")
plot(D, main="density.psp(L)")
plot(P, main="pixellate.psp(L)")
plot(B, main="as.mask.psp(L)")
The pixellate.psp function allows you to optionally specify weights to use in the calculation. I considered trying to manipulate this to normalize the pixels to take a count of one for each crossing, but the weight is applied uniquely to each line (and not specific to the line/pixel pair). I also considered calculating a binary mask for each line and adding the results, but it seems like there should be an easier way. I know that you can sample points along a line, and then do a count of the points by pixel. However, I am concerned about getting the sampling right so that there is one and only one point per line crossing of a pixel.
Is there is a straight-forward way to do this in R? Otherwise would this be an appropriate suggestion for a future package enhancement? Is this more easily accomplished in another language such as python or matlab?
The example above and my testing has been with spatstat 1.40-0, R 3.1.2, on x86_64-w64-mingw32.
You are absolutely right that this is something to put in as a future enhancement. It will be done in one of the next versions of spatstat. It will probably be an option in pixellate.psp to count the number of crossing lines rather than measure the total length.
For now you have to do something a bit convoluted as e.g:
numLines = 50
# define line segments
L <- psp(runif(numLines),runif(numLines),runif(numLines),runif(numLines), window=owin())
# split into individual lines and use as.mask.psp on each
masklist <- lapply(1:nsegments(L), function(i) as.mask.psp(L[i]))
# convert to 0-1 image for easy addition
imlist <- lapply(masklist, as.im.owin, na.replace = 0)
rslt <- Reduce("+", imlist)
# plot
plot(rslt, main = "")

Understanding what the kde2d z values mean?

I have two data sets that I am comparing using a ked2d contour plot on a log10 scale,
Here I will use an example of the following data sets,
This produces the following plot,
Now my question is what does the z values on the legend actually mean? I know it represents where most the data lies but 0-15 confuses me. I thought it could be a percentage but without the log10 scale I have values ranging from 0-1? And I have also produced plots with scales 1-1.2, 1-2 using my real data.
The colors represent the the values of the estimated density function ranging from 0 to 15 apparently. Just like with your other question about the odd looking linear regression I can relate to your confusion.
You just have to understand that a density's integral over the full domain has to be 1, so you can use it to calculate the probability of an observation falling into a specific region.

Probability distribution values plot

I have
probability values: 0.06,0.06,0.1,0.08,0.12,0.16,0.14,0.14,0.08,0.02,0.04 ,summing up to 1
the corresponding intervals where a stochastic variable may take its value with the corresponding probability from the above list:
How can I plot the probability distribution?
On the x axis, the interval values, between the intervals histogram with the probability value?
How about
x <- c(126,162,233,304,375,446,517,588,659,730,801,839)
p <- c(0.06,0.06,0.1,0.08,0.12,0.16,0.14,0.14,0.08,0.02,0.04)
for a quick answer? (With the rect included you might not need the lines call and might be able to change it to plot(x,p,type="n"). As usual I would recommend par(bty="l",lty=1) for my preferred graphical defaults ...)
(Explanation: "s" and "S" are two different stair-step types (see Details in ?plot): I used them both to get both the left and right boundaries of the distribution.)
edit: In your comments you say "(it) doesn't look like a histogram". It's not quite clear what you want. I added rectangles in the example above -- maybe that does it? Or you could do
b <- barplot(p,width=diff(x),space=0)
but getting the x-axis labels right is a pain.
