Displaying data with ASP.NET - asp.net

I have a tbl_categories and a tbl_items. I want to display tbl_categories in a horizontal manner and list objects from tbl_items vertically below each category name. I am confused how to get all this data using TSQL stored procedures and displaying them using ASP.NET native controls.
Columns with headers of category names. rows of items keyed with category_id.
The db is set up correctly. It is the ASP.NET controls I have trouble with.

I would use a Repeater myself, and make it output an HTML Table. The categories row would be in the HeaderTemplate, the closing tags in the FooterTemplate, and the actual data inside the ItemTemplate

The best way to handle this is to setup business objects which support the data in a way you wish to present it, which may not always be the way it is handled by your database.
Then you can use those objects directly to bind or feed data into the UI.

You could use Pivot to do that. See this referece http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms177410.aspx


APEX 4.1 SQL Query using a page item to define FROM

I am trying to utilize a single tabular form to handle a couple minor tables since I cannot have multiple updateable reports on a single page. The easiest way I could figure to adjust what table I was modifying was to use a select list to choose which table I am viewing/editing.
The select list contains a display of "Supervisor" and "School"
resulting in SUPERVISOR and SCHOOL respectively
the items name is P8_TABLE
Region Source:
select *
from #OWNER#."G06_" || :P8_TABLE
The tables are named G06_SUPERVISOR and G06_SCHOOL
However the query returns:
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
I'm afraid that this won't work. As far as I can tell, tabular form is to be based on one table only (i.e. you can't have a JOIN in there; even if you're displaying values from some other table, you'd rather create functions which would return those values).
That being said, principle you'd like to use means that tabular form underlying table is unknown (as it can vary, depending on what you select in P8_TABLE select list item), which - in turn - means that column names also differ (unless all of those tables share the same column list).
If we presume that above is correct, then I'd suggest you to abandon that approach and maintain every "minor table" on its own tabular form page. It will be just a little bit more typing & clicking, but I wouldn't worry about it.
Hopefully, someone else knows how to do it the way you'd want it to.
You cant make a tabular form query source dynamic. And since the two tables you want to be displayed and be updatable doesnt have common number and usage of their columns, the only way I can think of is separating the two tables and diplaying one tabular form for each table. Though, Apex 4.1 or even the latest Apex 5 doesnt allow multiple tabular form, you can make this possible by using javascript's iframe. You'll need to use javascript since you want to modify the interface of the report/page.

Creating an expandable grid in MVC3 - data modelling

I am trying to create an expandable grid in MVC3. This is a follow up question to this .
Basically I have a complicated sql query that I need to use to populate a set of fields in a grid in MVC3. Also the grid elements must be expandable and on expansion should show additional data.
For example
I have two sql queries
Query A
select * from large tables joined
Query B
select data from selected row in query A
Query A represents my first query which I should use to populate the grid. On expansion of the grid I have to show the additional data by expanding the row from A with the query B.
I am creating a view model with all the fields I need in the first row of the grid that I can pass to the view.
1.) How do I directly use sql to pass the data into the views instead of joining the models
2.) How do I make the grid expandable to show additional data?
3.) How do I model my sql, do I create one query for both and then selectively show data?
Caveat: MVC3 noob
Answers inline
1.) How do I directly use sql to pass the data into the views instead of joining the models
This depends, either you pass in everything up front and write out hidden fields, or a hidden JSON object containing all the data and when the field is expanded, show it. so that is: Render all the data in your grid and hide each item until you need it, or dynamically load it from an array and show it when the user expands. You could also dynamically grab the required data when a user clicks on a row, but then you'd need to show a wait image while you grab the data by ajax (which would be fairly easy with mvc)
2.) How do I make the grid expandable to show additional data?
Plenty of expandable html grid results on the net :) Depend show you want to hide/show it.
3.) How do I model my sql, do I create one query for both and then selectively
This depends on the approach in 1 above. If you use ajax, you'd be returning one row at a time. In the other scenario you can have two queries you then merge into two view models or you join query A results with query b if theres a 1-1 mapping, assuming there isn't though so make two calls. Again, this is up to you. Do you want to pass all that data up front if the user will only expand two rows? not likely, in that case I like the ajax approach.

Filtering nested repeaters & paging correctly

I've got a Repeater displaying a list of Countries, and nested within this is another Repeater displaying categories, and nested within this is another Repeater displaying news articles.
This is working fine, however users should be able to enter a keyword and filter the search.
What is the best way of filtering this? Am I going to have to pass identical parameters to 3 different SQL Commands? I'd rather not..
Also, how can I then page this correctly so there are still x amount of articles per page?
Any help much appreciated.
If you store resultset from your DB in a DataTable, and then bind that table to the repeater you can filter the table by using DataTable.Select() method.

How do I use the ASP.NET grid view to instert new records?

Using the ASP.NET grid view. It displays 3 columns with 1 row for each, displaying an integer saved in the database. I would like to have a text input one for each column, so the user can add a new row of integers to the database. (The table only displays the last row updated, that part seems to be working OK)
Here is the code I have that displays data but without the input option I would like.
What is the way this is done in ASP.NET (3.5)? Are there more options in the control or do I need to manually bring in text input controls and give each one manual code to update the database? Any help is appreciated.
Thank You.
Do you know the asp.net website? There are a lot of tutorials, e.g. about data access. You might find the information you need, e.g An Overview of Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data.
Also check out the ASP.NET Dynamic Data section on the same page.

how do I create an array or list of ASP.NET checkboxlists

I know how to use the checkboxlist in ASP.NET to display options retrieved from a database. What I don't know how to do is to make this 2-dimensional. That is, I need a list of checkboxlists where I don't know how long the list is; both dimensions of the checkboxlist will be determined by
list of people (pulled from database)
list of tasks (pulled from database)
and the user of the web page will click in column/row to specify which people will be assigned which tasks.
Right now I'm thinking that my only option is to brute-force it by creating a table and populate each cell with its own checkbox. (yuck)
Is there a more elegant way to create a 2-dimensional array of checkboxes with labels for both rows and columns?
I would use a repeater along with a checkboxlist. Depending on how your database is setup you could have each checkboxlist databound.
I've done this before and resorted to the brute-force method you suggest.
It's not as nasty as you'd think. Other solutions that were declarative and databound would likely be just as convoluted and confusing.
I use the ASPxGridView from DevExpress. It has a control column type of Selected (or something like that) which will display a checkbox in the column with the other column populated from your bound datasource. The User can select any rows desired by checking the checkbox on the row and you can get all the selected rows easily inot a collection to process. DevExpress components really do get rid of a lot of brute-force programming.
You can programmitaclly use a GridView control. It's inherently two-dimensional and you can use databound CheckBoxFields for it.
If you're looking for a quick and dirty way, you can use the AJAX Control Toolkit with the two controls and can populate one based on the other. If that's not what you're looking for, I'd do it the brute force way.
