How to automatically attach VS to another process for debugging? -

I'm debugging an ASP.NET application deployed on IIS 7.5 (VS 2010/Windows 7 x64) . After I make changes, I have to deploy it to the IIS folder and then do the following things (anyone of you should already know, I just list to demonstrate how boring and time-consuming they are):
Click on the Debug menu, choose Attach to Process
From the list, choose Show processes in all sessions
Choose the right w3wp.exe process
Click attach
Click attach again
well, it's load of unnecessary works. Due to our system architect, this is the only way, we can debug straightforward by F5 button, but I wonder that if there's a workaround about this, so I can do all these things in on-click or short-cut key.
Thank you very much.
Create a macro in visual studio with the following:
Option Strict Off
Option Explicit Off
Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports EnvDTE90
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Security.Principal
Public Module RecordingModule
Sub AttachToAspNET()
Dim dbg2 As EnvDTE80.Debugger2 = DTE.Debugger
Dim trans As EnvDTE80.Transport = dbg2.Transports.Item("Default")
Dim compName As String = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name
compName = compName.Substring(0, compName.IndexOf("\"))
Dim proc2 As EnvDTE80.Process2 = dbg2.GetProcesses(trans, compName).Item("w3wp.exe")
Catch ex As System.Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Module
change w3wp.exe to aspnet if thats what you want. Then go into the key shortcuts and just bind a shortcut to run that macro.

Why don't you just go to project properties and select Use Local IIS Web Server.
If this is remote server you can do this too: Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7
Although the article is about VS2008, the concept is the same in 2010.


Silk Test Visual Test Pressed Enter Key

Let's say there's only one textbox on a page (no confirm button). I have inputted the text. How do I press enter? (in mobile, I can press the "enter" key in the keyboard, but there's no keyboard in visual test).
Can anyone please help me?
So in the end I used .NET Script. But I can't integrate the script to Visual Test (the app reinstall itself from the beginning). It works if the scenario fully uses .NET Script, but then I need to change all the Visual Test to .NET Script (I need to make it all in Visual Test or .NET Script).
Does anybody know how to integrate this one function in .NET to Visual Test?
Here's my .NET Script:
Imports SilkTest.Ntf.Mobile
Public Module Main
Dim _desktop As Desktop = Agent.Desktop
Public Sub Main()
Dim map As IDictionary(Of String, Object) = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)()
map.Add("action", "Done")
_desktop.MobileDevice("Device").Invoke("executeScript", "mobile: performEditorAction", New Object() {map})
End Sub
End Module
====== the script's 'till here (I can't insert it into the code brackets) ======
Add a new command that does TypeKeys with an
I found the answer! So in properties pane in the .NET Script click the device name under Application Configurations and add ";noReset=true" in Connection String. Then, uncheck "Execute Base State".
With that, Silk Test will execute the inserted .NET Script in visual test without reinstalling the app.

ASP.NET unit testing Windows7/IIS7

Spent several hours today trying to write some unit tests against an ASP.NET project. It's Visual Studio 2010.
Using Windows 7 Enterprise with IIS7.
Steps I took were:
Added a new test project to the solution
Opened a class file as part of the web site (Member.vb)
Right clicked within the class file and "Generate unit tests"
Select the methods I wish to generate stubs for, choose to add to my test project, click OK
Open up the generated MemberTest.vb file in the test project, click within one of the generated tests, click "Run tests in curent context"
When following these precise steps on my Windows XP Professional with IIS6 machine it works fine.
However on the Windows 7 Enterprise machine on IIS7 I get:
The URL specified ('http://localhost/MyProject') does not
correspond to a valid directory. Tests configured to run in ASP.NET in
IIS require a valid directory to exist for the URL. The URL may be
invalid or may not point to a valid Web application.
So what's going on, I can confirm I can browse to http://localhost/MyProject and it displays perfectly.
I feel sure I'm missing some sort of config in Windows/IIS but I'm really at a loss.
Generated test method:
<TestMethod(), _
HostType("ASP.NET"), _
UrlToTest("http://localhost/MyProject")> _
Public Sub MyMethodTest()
Dim target As Member_Accessor = New Member_Accessor() ' TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
Dim CurrentVal As Short = 0 ' TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
Dim expected As Short = 0 ' TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
Dim actual As Short
actual = target.MyMethod(CurrentVal)
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.")
End Sub
(Cross-posted at ASP.NET Forums)
This could be a permissions issue.
If you're using the default directory (C:\users\\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects), the app identity pool does not have permissions there. You'd have to create a project in something like C:\webs and make sure app pool identity has permission to the folder.
Refer to Rick Anderson's blog post at and see if that helps.
If you have not done unit testing before, I would really recommend that you start by just testing the functionality of your classes as cleanly as possible. Try to break you you functionality into small pieces that can be tested individually without and dependencies to the web context.
Have a look at this question for an idea about What is unit testing
Here is an MSDN Magazine article about testing
You can also have a look at this Blog. The examples are using NUnit but the principal is the same if you are using MSTest.
I can also recommend Roy Osheroves Book Art of unit testing
In you case if the Member class does not have dependencies to web context you don't need the IIS and could instead just do something like this:
<TestMethod()> _
Public Sub MyMethodTest()
Dim target = New Member()
Dim CurrentVal As Short = 0 ' TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
Dim expected As Short = 0 ' TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
Dim actual As Short
actual = member.MyMethod(CurrentVal)
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
End Sub
I ran into the same problem today. After some research, I found this thread which suggested I check my event log. Upon doing that, I discovered numerous errors similar to the following:
(QTAgent32.exe, PID 12348, Thread 61) WebSites.GetWebServer: failed to
create AspNetHelper:
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Enterprise.Common.AspNetHelperException: The
website metabase contains unexpected information or you do not have
permission to access the metabase. You must be a member of the
Administrators group on the local computer to access the IIS metabase.
Therefore, you cannot create or open a local IIS Web site. If you
have Read, Write, and Modify Permissions for the folder where the
files are located, you can create a file system web site that points
to the folder in order to proceed. --->
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Unknown error
That lead me to this blog post which seems to have resolved the issue.
I just needed to go to "Turn Windows features on or off" and add IIS 6 Management Compatibility and all four subcomponents. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium which doesn't have the Windows Authentication option, but that didn't seem to be an issue. Give it a shot and see if that resolves the issue for you.
You may need to enable "Use IIS" in the project properties, then click "Create Virtual Directory". Do you have IIS Express installed?

Visual Studio Add-In To Automatically Attach to Development Server

Is anyone aware of a Visual Studio 2010 Add-In that will automatically allow you to attach to a running instance of the ASP.Net Development Server? And if there is more than one currently running, display a quick dialog that lets you choose from a list of just the ASP.Net Development Servers that are running?
Why do I want this? <-- feel free to skip this part.
The way I usually develop / debug web applications is to launch a browser and navigate through the application until I get to the page I want (could be many pages deep.) I don't want to have the debugger attached through these steps for various reasons (it is slower than not having it attached, extraneous break-points may be hit, I may have break when "thrown" turned on and not want to break earlier in the app when handled errors are thrown, etc...)
I navigate to the page I want, then use the Visual Studio menus to Debug > Attach to Process, and then from within the Attach to Process dialog, I have to scroll all the way down (pages and pages and pages of processes) until I find the WebDev.WebServer40.EXE process I want and choose that.
Doing this makes me take my hands off the keyboard and use a mouse (something I generally try to avoid.)
And doing this seems needlessly repetitive since, if I am debugging an ASP.Net Web Application, I always want to attach to an instance of the WebDev.WebServer40.exe.
I prefer to do the exact same thing and it IS possible to bind it all to a keystroke with a macro.
Goto Tools > Macros > Macro IDE
Add a new module and use this code (the funky comments are for syntax highlighting)
Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports EnvDTE90
Imports EnvDTE90a
Imports EnvDTE100
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Public Module AttachingModule
Sub AttachToAspNET()
Dim process As EnvDTE.Process
Dim listProcess As New List(Of String)
'' // uncomment the processes that you'd like to attach to. I only attach to cassini
'' // listProcess.Add("aspnet_wp.exe")
'' // listProcess.Add("w3wp.exe")
For Each process In DTE.Debugger.LocalProcesses
For Each procname As String In listProcess
If process.Name.ToLower.IndexOf(procname) <> -1 Then
End If
Catch ex As System.Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Module
Click on File > Close and return
Click on Tools > Options
Click on Environment > Keyboard
I put the macro in MyMacros, so I look for "Macros.MyMacros.AttachingModule.AttachToAspNET" in the "Show Commands Containing" textbox".
I prefer to use Ctrl+Alt+D but put whatever you want in the "Press Shortcut Keys" textbox and click Assign, then OK
Now all you have to do is hit Ctrl+Alt+D to attach to all cassini instances.
I've seen various versions of this around the internets and this was the most recent I found. I had to modify that slightly to remove the extra web processes and to drop the .exe from WebDev.WebServer.exe, so that it would debug .net 4.0 instances of cassini.
I don't know of any such add-in but you can more easily attach to the process using shortcut keys and pressing 'W' to scroll to the WebDev process.
Ctrl+Alt+P - Attach to Process
(process window now has focus)
Press W, which jumps to processes starting with W
Press Enter to attach
Not an addin but you can do it without touching the mouse.
Check this answer out: Attach To Process in 2012
This is a simple plugin that gives shortcuts to attaching to nunit agent, IIS and IIS Express. Its pure convenience as compared to Ctrl-Alt-P, but it is convenient.
Direct link to the plugin here

First time installation / deployment on clients machine

We have a silverlight ASP .NET web application which needs to be deployed on client's server along with Sql Server database. Once they deploy on their server, many workstation can access it and run silverlight client.
I was thinking to create a small deployment project, add necessary script files to the resources, and create an msi Once after installation is completed, we can execute the sql scripts to add database and its tables. I am not sure if this is feasible, is there a better way of doing it? Also, if there are any future updates to the app / db, how can it be done on the server (silent update/install)?
Any links / steps / procedure is highly appreciated.
You can create the scripts using the MSI, and then you should be able to run them as part of the installation using sqlcmd or osql command line utility, you'll obviously need to let the user capture server name, db name and credentials as part of the install.
With updates to the db schema, you can do it through code in your application, which means you'll need to maintain a database version somewhere for the app to know when to run the script, or just script the relevant alter statements, and run it on the server as part of deployment, once again using one of the command line utilities.
Thanks for the reply Baldy. This is exactly what I thought and did a small test. I have a simple ASP .NET web application with one label, one class library project which has an overrides method Install (creates a batch file and executes it), wand a WebSetup project which actually installs and during installation it will execute the Install method from class library project. Here's the code -
1) ClassLibrary Project - MyCustomAction
<RunInstaller(True)> _
Public Class SetupAction
Inherits Installer
Public Overrides Sub Install(ByVal stateSaver As System.Collections.IDictionary)
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("E:\SetupTest.txt", Environment.NewLine + "File created from MyCustomAction project", True)
'Shell("SQLCMD -S Dev1 -d Prac -i ""E:\Copy of CreateTable1.sql""", AppWinStyle.MinimizedFocus, True, 5000)
File.WriteAllText("E:\Test.bat", "SQLCMD -S Dev1 -d Prac -i ""E:\CreateTable1.sql""")
Catch ex As Exception
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("E:\ErrorLog.txt", Environment.NewLine + "Exception: " + ex.Message, True)
End Try
End Sub
End Class
2) ASP .NET Project - MyApplication
Partial Public Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Label1.Text = "Current Time: " + Now.ToString
End Sub
End Class
3) WebSetup Project - MyApplicationSetup
I have added the project output from the above projects to it
I have added a new "Tnstall" CustomAction referencing it to the output of MyCustomAction class library project
When I build the msi installer and install the Web Setup application it intalls (copies the output files), and also creates SetupTest.txt, Test.bat files but it neither executes the Shell command line statement nor Process.Start() successfully.
Once the bat file is created, if I manually double click it does execute the sql Script file.
As a side note, if I run CustomAction code in a separate Windows App, it executes perfectly fine. So, looks like while installation, its not able to execute the command line commands (though I do see cmd.exe / SQLCMD.exe in the task manager). I am not sure if this would be a permission issue, but I am in the admin group and have necessary permissions.
It may not be appropriate to write these comments in "My Answer" section, but wanted to give a detailed explanation of the situation. I am really stuck with this and would be very helpful if anyone can throw pointers on improving / alternate methods. Thanks in advance and really appreciate the help.

How can I debug faster in Visual Studio?

Every time I have to go to attach to process, then scroll down and find w3wp.exe
Is there a faster way to do this?
I have a macro for this very purpose. In the tools menu, open up Macros -> Macros IDE. In the lefthand pane, double-click MyModule (or create a new module) and paste in this code:
Imports System
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports EnvDTE90
Imports System.Diagnostics
Public Module MyModule
Sub AttachToIIS()
Dim dbg2 As EnvDTE80.Debugger2 = DTE.Debugger
Dim trans As EnvDTE80.Transport = dbg2.Transports.Item("Default")
Dim dbgeng(2) As EnvDTE80.Engine
dbgeng(0) = trans.Engines.Item("T-SQL")
dbgeng(1) = trans.Engines.Item("Managed")
Dim proc2 As EnvDTE80.Process2 = _
dbg2.GetProcesses(trans, Environment.MachineName).Item("w3wp.exe")
Catch ex As System.Exception
End Try
End Sub
End Module
Then, you can edit your keyboard shortcuts and set this to a new combination; I use Ctrl+Shift+A. The command to invoke will be Macros.MyMacros.MyModule.AttachToIIS.
EDITED: changed "COMPUTERNAME" to Environment.MachineName.
You should be able to debug IIS just as if you are using the Visual Studio web server (Cassini):
Show Properties for you ASP.NET project.
Select the Web tab.
In the Servers section select Use Local IIS Web server. Fill in the Project Url.
Run your project in the debugger by hitting F5 (Debug => Start Debugging).
If you are running on Vista or newer with UAC enabled you will have to run Visual Studio as administrator for this to work. Right click on the Visual Studio shortcut and select Run as Administrator.... Accept the prompt to elevate priviledges.
Debug->Attach to Process
Start typing the name of the process "w3wp" and it will immediately find it in the list.
You could write a macro and assign it to a toolbar button.
