keeping sites looking the same in IE, Chrome and Firefox -

Can anyone tell me the best way to ensure sites look the same when view in IE, Chrome or Firefox?
I've just finished one which in testing seems fine in IE but not the other 2.
I have not used CSS on this site as its not that big, I just formatted the masterpage as I wanted it.
Could that be the problem?

I usually code for Firefox first. That makes things match almost 100% in Chrome, Safari and IE9 usually. Then I go through and test in IE 8 and 7. Minor adjustments are typically made within the same CSS file. For example, IE7 usually needs to have dimensions of a container explicitly set, where most modern day browsers don't require it and render things properly.
In those rare cases that you do need to style something specifically for one or more versions of IE, use conditional comments. Here are some good links on conditional comments and how to target specific browsers and versions:

Unfortunately you will need to use CSS to get this to look similar in all browsers. I say similar as it is unlikely you will ever get it looking exactly the same.
Basically you will need to use the conditional CSS tags
I would recommend spliting out the style to the a CSS and getting that working in Chrome and Firefox. Then use the tutorial linked and add in IE hacks to make it look better.

There isn't an easy way of making a site look the same in all the browsers. As caveman_dick said, maybe it's even impossible. You have to use CSS and sometimes javascript...
But to help you, you can use some programs that simulate different browsers engines, so that you could see how your site behaves. Just google browser simulator. :)


Tool for converting a browser specific CSS to cross browser CSS

One of my development teams have written a couple CSS files that work flawlessly with IE. However, the UI is all messed up when rendered on other browsers.
Is there a tool that can take these CSS files and convert them into cross browser version? Unfortunately, these CSS files are too large and the expertise desirable to cook cross browser CSS and test it is lacking in the team at present.
The most recent versions of all prominent browsers need to be supported.
No, because that would require a tool to understand your design intent and then fix it. If it was so easy to create cross browser compatible css by just using a magic tool we would all be using it.
Usually I see this done the other way around. Get it to work in all browsers and then hack in fixes to IE. My guess is that a few simple simple things are grossly affecting the layout. I would fix it for a more standards compliant browser like Firefox and then hack in fixes to old versions of IE as necessary.
You might want to try Prefixr. It did help me with some CrossBrowser issues, but I programmed for Chrome. Don't know how great the compatibility is the other way around.

"fix internet explorer" stylesheet

I have a website that I've developed and tested using Firefox 9 exclusively. I'm pretty happy with the layout/styles when viewed in this version of Firefox. I'm now facing the unenviable task of making it display equally well (or as close as possible) in IE7+ (I'm not supporting IE6). Naturally, I'd also like it to display well in Chrome & Safari, but I think they implement the standards reasonably well, so I'm not so worried about them.
I'm using JQuery for JavaScript, which hopefully means I don't have too many differences in JavaScript behaviour, so my chief concern is the CSS. I imagine many others have been down this path, so I'm hoping there's a stylesheet available which when (conditionally) included will fix most common CSS problems seen when viewing a website in IE that has only been tested with Firefox. Does such a thing exist?
A catch-all miracle.css file which cures all IE-related ills? If only! The solution will probably boil down to a selection of some or all of the following:
Normalize (
Brings most browser default settings to a more consistent baseline (think of this as an alternative to the popular Eric Meyer reset.css)
Modernizr (
Seeing as you're already using javascript, including modernizr will give you additional methods of detecting browser capabilities. Also auto-injects .ie7 / .ie8 etc classes into your markup where necessary, allowing you to target IE in your styling, e.g.
.standard { ... }
.ie7 .standard, .ie8 .standard { ... }
Progressive Internet Explorer - allows for styling which typically fails on IE (e.g. linear gradients, radiused corners, etc.)
IE7.JS (
Probably the closest to what you were after, as an alternative to CSS fixes (which no doubt will still be necessary). Should help get you closer to the desired end result though.
I don't think there is any sort of stylesheet that does this for you.
You may look into a js script that look at solving IE issues. Or You can always do it the old fashion way using IETab and targeting the areas where you know there is going to be issues.
Most of them are described here:
Hope it helps :)

Filters, IE, body and fonts

Here's something interesting, turnsout that many people out there had this problem, but i couldn't find a solution:
Problem is related (and observed) only with IE8 and IE7:
If i add filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient( startColorstr='#FFEEBB', endColorstr='#FFEEBB',GradientType=0 ); to css "body" then all fonts on my page are messed up! If i remove "filter", font's are back in normal.
What's wrong?
P.S. Messed up -> Fonts look jagged, exactly like there's no cleartype!
Internet Explorer disables ClearType rendering in all elements that use a DXTransform.
There's a workaround described here that involves a relatively positioned wrapper element. It seems to be working in IE8 at least.
That looks very much like a proprietary Microsoft filter. Unless you know that 99% of your website users use ie, don't use those filters. Of course, if you are using this in an ie-specific style-sheet, to complement another style-sheet for proper browsers, you can use that filter without ruining your market.
Either way, I would highly recommend not using an ie-specific filter (or anything ie-specific really). Instead you should recommend to your users subtly to change to a more compliant browser, with less security holes and privacy-concerning back doors.
I"m no expert, but it sounds like you are using something that is IE specific. If so, I could not recommend highly enough that you find another way. Gone are the days of IE being the only browser to develop for and doing so will turn away numerous people.

CSS Browser Detection

I dont understand why the HTML5 website I am working on is different in all browsers. I know it must be CSS, but I dont know what.
on Chrome:
on Safari:
on IE 7:
on FireFox Mac:
the style sheet can be found here:
Can anyone shed any insight?
Many are saying that browser detection is not a good method, but I dont see what to do to make this all work in the various browsers
without using a CSS reset:
with using a CSS reset:
Have a look at using a CSS reset stylesheet
My personal favorite is Meyer's:
The only real problem with browser detection is the fact that if newer version of browser will support some new features (rounded borders for example), but you still will be doing some workarounds.
Better approach is to use feature detection, so you will be able to use some specific browser capabilities if it has support of them and some graceful degradation pattern when something isn't supported.
For CSS most pragmatic approach is to have reset CSS included for all browsers, then have some common CSS rules which look the same in all browser and additional CSS files for different browsers which contain rules that should be different for different engines.
From my latest experience it's almost always possible to maintain only two versions of these DIFF files - one for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and another for IE family. And use feature detection for JS.
First of all, no version of IE can handle the new elements of HTML5 without javascript help. Only modern browsers can and IE is not a modern browser.
As far as the other browsers go, I'll have to look more but I've not had any issue with any sites I've done but, then, I don't use CSS resets and set all the CSS on the elements myself.

What is the correct way to deal with css browser compatibility?

Is it better to have a different CSS file for each user-agent or is it better to use CSS Hacks that only certain browsers can see?
The best is to write code that works in all browsers without the need of browser specific code or css hacks. It's of course not quite as easy to accomplish, which is why many people use the other methods.
The key is to avoid things that some browsers (very often Internet Explorer) has problems with. One such thing is to use padding rather than margin, because IE doesn't handle margin collapsing correctly.
Some methods that is in the border line of being hacks is using code that doesn't affect browsers that work correctly, but fixes problems for a specific browser. That could be things like specifying a height for an element that normally shouldn't need one, or specifying display:inline on a floating element.
The page Position is everything has examples of some bugs and suggested fixes. (Often the fix is some kind of hack, so you should of course also consider if you can avoid the problem altogether.)
It's better to do neither.
A good css-reset and css that works the same cross-browser is a much better solution.
If your design absolutely precludes that, then (and only then) would I try hacks or IE conditional comments.
I haven't yet seen the need for mutliple css files (beyond a few IE6 corrections addressed via a conditional comment).
Neither if possible. Now that the old Netscape, IE <= 6 etc. are not longer really that much in use, I try to use features which work in all those browsers (e.g. FF >= 2, IE >= 7, Chrome, Opera).
Conditional comments for issues with Internet Explorer appear to be the norm. Combined with a little bit of JavaScript, like Dean Edward's ie7.js you can mitigate most cross browser issues without resorting to hacks within your CSS files.
its better to use a different css files for Internet Explorer 6-7 (include them via conditional comments), and a hacks for other browsers.
A sort of follow up is how to develop the single file that works.
The best approach that I've seen work is to start from nothing, slowly building it up and checking change by change that it's still compatible across your core browsers (especially the problematic ones).
When you get it fully working with one browser and then say "time to convert it" is when the pain really starts and where you have to start hacking.
My approach using a PHP class to detect os, browser and browser version. You can target any version of almost any browser on any operating system.
