Preventing Page Breaks in a Table When Printing - css

I have a page that I'm trying to set up for printing. This page contains a large number of individual tables. The tables are of varying size but, in general, I can fit 2.5 to 3 tables on each page. I'd like to be able to prevent the tables from being broken by a page break. Any idea how I can accomplish that?
I tried this:
.reportTable {
page-break-inside: avoid;
Unfortunately, page-break-inside only seems to be supported in Opera (according to W3Schools - I verified that this doesn't work in Firefox 4.0.1).
I can do this to force a page break before after every single table:
.reportTable {
page-break-after: always;
This works to insert the page breaks and seems to be supported in all major browsers, but it leaves me with tons of wasted space on the printed documents (roughly half of each page is blank). I really only want a page break if the entire next table won't fit on this page.
I know that I have users utilizing Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari so I'd really like to support those as much as possible. Finding something that would also work in Chrome and Opera would be a very nice bonus.
Any ideas?

I've also been looking for an answer to this. The closest I came is to knowing approximately how many lines of output would fit on a page, then calculating how many lines of output the page had. In your case:
1) figure out how many lines of output you can fit on a page.
2) keep track of how many lines you've used already by displaying your first table.
3) calculate how many lines table 2 will take. Add it to table 1's lines and see if you're still below your approximate threshold. If you are, display the table, if not, put a div down with the page-break:always in it to force a new table.
This would give you approximately what you are looking for, but it won't be perfect. every once and a while, you'll have a table that "could" have fit on the previous page, but just didn't quite make the cutoff because you have to be on the low side of estimating how many lines fit on a page.
I haven't however figured out a way to facter in if the content inside a cell or something like that will wrap around into a new line when smushed into a printout page.
Hope that sparks an idea for you.

At present, there seems to be no way to force the browsers that don't support page-break-inside: avoid to do so.
However, since you can fit 2.5 to 3 tables on each page and prefer not to print just a single table using page-break-after: always;, you could opt to insert a special div that forces a page break after every two tables.
So you would include <div class="pageBreak"></div> and hide it for the screen but display it for printing. And you would give it a style of page-break-after: always;. In this way, you get at least two tables per page.
Another suggestion would be to let the user decide whether or not he/she wants to print one table per page or as many as can fit (with some possibly being split over the pages). You can toggle a checkbox to add the page-break-after: always; style to the tables.

to fix this just make

This is a very old question, so just wanted to update that page-break-inside: avoid; is now supported in most major browsers. Though there are some quirks to making sure page-break-xxx works (NO parent at any level can have position: fixed, the element and direct parent need to be position: relative and display: block, etc.).

Not all printers are created equally.
You are having problems because the printer is not controlled by either the web browser or the html code. It is controlled by the printer driver that came with the printer. This function (and its settings) belongs to the owner of the computer rendering the page, not to you.
Your code can not know in advance how many lines the printer attached to the user's system can put on a page, or how the printer will lay out a table. It will be different if a user with a different printer opens the page. Just like different screen resolutions, there are different printer pixel resolutions.
So all of the rules that apply to different screens (and their disadvantages) also apply to different printers. Not only can't you know where the printer will break a page, you can't even know how large the printed page is, in terms of how much content fits on a page.
To get all of a table (or multiple tables) onto a page, the user should select the parts he wants to print, and then use Print Selection on the printer dialog box.


Ext JS 4: Grid w/ GroupingSummary: print page per group

For an Ext JS 4.1 grid with GroupingSummary, I want to be able to print one page per group.
I am able to get a working solution on Firefox by adding a row after each summary, and setting its #media print style to page-break-before:always. However, this does not work on Chrome or Safari. As I understand it, the reason is that Webkit does not support page-break-before on table rows. I even tried setting the table row display style to block to try to force it, but the page top margins are messed up.
I also was able to get a working solution for all browsers by writing a special printer script, which basically extracts the grid html, clones grid html for each group, and moves each group's table rows to one of these new html grids. Then it takes all the html and writes it to an iframe that covers over the existing web page screen and calls window.print(). One nice thing is that the column headers are at the top of each new group's page.
My main two gripes with this solution are: (1) user can't print original web page using browser print function, i.e., user needs to click on my print button; and (2) it's hacky.
It seems like the best solution would be an Ext-native solution for rendering grouped grids, each its own html table. Does anybody have their own solution that they like?

How to grow a textbox to match size of input for data entry dynamically (ASP.NET)

I'd like to add a description field to an application that can be as long as several lines (or even paragraphs) or as short as a one-liner.
Instead of taking up a lot of screen real estate or have scroll bars, it would be preferable to have the textbox grow based on its input.
On IE6 adding Style="overflow-y:visible" accomplishes this nicely (both on display of read only, and if we are in edit mode).
However, it has no effect on Firefox, or IE7 for that matter.
Is there a relatively easy fix for this?
You can accomplish this using jquery if you want to go down that route. It's a nice effect, kind of like the comment textarea in facebook.

color of scrollbars within the page

I need help. My main page has a long table that will typically be approximately 2 screens "tall" (assuming a 1024x768 browser window).
I want
the user to be able to browse that table up and down, while always having a set of control buttons available in the currently visible portion of the page.
to retain control over the color scheme of all elements on the page.
The problem is that both solutions I could think of that address the first point (using an overflown div or a frame) involve scrollbars that I cannot style. (At least on Firefox they will invariably be gray.)
I cannot implement a "pager" which breaks the data on the table into chunks which are served one at a time (eg, having a "next 40 results" link at the bottom). The user needs to refer to the full table to find and compare multiple rows throughout the table.
What are my options? My head hurts when I think of moving this entire page to Flash for this reason...
thanks in advance...
i would use jquery and a scrollable div.
Here are some resources to get you started.
Don't change the styling of scrollbars unless you really know what you're doing! However, if you understand the usability implications (and try to make them as user-friendly as possible), try the following options:
If you use jQuery, try jScrollPane.
If you use MooTools, try MooScroll or MooScroller.
The following StackOverflow threads might also be useful:
How do I change the browser's scrollbar colours using CSS?
What's the deal with CSS and scroll bars?
How can one use scroll bar images?

How to design a webpage to be print friendly?

What are the right sizes for a webpage to be printed on A4 size paper? What other stuff should be considered?
*inline CSS is preferred in this case
Clarification: This web-page's only propose is to be printed, since it is a receipt.
Clarification # 2: This web-page is for the internal use of the company I'm working for. They would like it to look professionally designed receipt.
Clarification # 3: This web-page must be printed on one page -of A4 size- only.
I'd recommend using two different style sheets.
For viewing in the browser you could set the table width to the width of an A4 paper: 21cm. (Minus margins 18cm.)
For printing the size of the table should be "100%", which means the printer fills the whole width of the page, using the margins given by the browser's settings. (Those page margins are what makes it impossible for you to make a printout look exactly the same.)
Possibly working
Make the table narrow enough to be safe it's in the page margins. Then center that table vertically.
Solution for perfect layout
There's no way you're going to achieve that with HTML & CSS, it's just not designed to allow exact layouts!
Create PDFs online and let the users download them. Most browsers are able to render PDFs anyway.
the best way is use from #Media command in stylesheet
for example
#media print{}
use for print layout of all control and
#media screen{}
used for screen layout of control, just think you have a
<div class="wrapper">content</div>
and then in your media you should have
#media print{ .wrapper{width: 100%;background-color:Transparent;color:Black;}}
#media screen{ .wrapper{width: 100%;background-color:#cdebcd;color:Red;}}
with this #media you can style your layout totaly different for print and screen. you can also use
to hide ites in print.
let me know was it helpfull or not
Like the other guys said you need to use a print CSS, but remember one thing:
display:none; //is your friend!
You can use this to make sure elements such as your navigation etc are not printed out.
By the way A List Apart has this great article on print stylesheets, check it out.
Make your printable version as simple and free from page furniture as possible.
You should create a print-specific stylesheet that as a minimum removes any width restrictions on the page so the print page can flow the text to fit the output paper.
You should also be aware that most browser don't print CSS background images by default so don't rely on them being present on the printed page.
EDIT: In answer to your comment, I would make the receipt as simple as possible. The main issue is you don't have control over the end-user's printer so you can't know for sure exactly how wide the printable area is.
Design the page using a liquid/flowable layout and try and keep it simple. Amazon's receipt style that you get in the delivery box is probably worth using for inspiration.

Print Stylesheets for pages with long horizontal tables

I have a page that spits out db data in long horizontal tables.
I need to print it nicely so it does not cut off. Any tips ?
Change table into horizontal one with many rows (swap rows/columns)
Suggest users to switch to Landscape mode. AFAIK there's no way to do that programmatically in current browsers (CSS3 defines #page {size:landscape})
Split table every few columns (i.e. instead one with 100 columns, generate 10 tables with 10 columns each). Use CSS table {display: inline-table} to show them all side-by-side on screen. This trick works only if you don't have cells with varying heights.
If it doesn't fit on the paper in a readable font, it just doesn't.. In my opinion, huge horizontal tables (be it a HTML table or an Excel sheet with many columns) don't lend well to printing. For that matter, they don't lend well to viewing on a screen either. Remember vertical scrolling is much easier for your users than horizontal scrolling - all thanks to that little wheel on your mouse.
Worst case, you might need to write a seperate print version which uses a vertical layout.
To ensure your table won't disappear into the Printer Abyss, ensure that its container has a width set to 100%.
I assume you know how to use print specific CSS (<style type="text/css" media="print">).
Since printers and computer monitors can have very different resolutions,
do most of your size-setting in em's in the print CSS, and hide non-essential
elements when printing (display:none).
Also, to increase readability on paper, use a white background, black text,
and serif fonts (Times New Roman, etc.), which have a reputation for being more legible on paper.
Different browsers do printing their own way (even more than on screen),
so play around a bit and see if you can get better results from another browser.
That is, of course, if printing is not required to work perfectly across
the entire browser spectrum.
