ASP to database connection -

I am new to ASP. I have two databases production and developer databases.
I need to check developer site is going to developer database or not. Both databases have same data and same table names.
But i must work on developer database only how can I?

Generally you'd have an environment configuration file. If you're talking about ASP.NET then it would be the Web.config file. If you're indeed talking about classic ASP then it would probably be an included script with some constants.
If the databases are structurally identical (which they should be) then all you should need to change is the connection string. For classic ASP, you'd probably just store it in a variable:
Dim connString = "This is your connection string"
On the production server, the connection string would be set to your production database. On development machines, it would be set to a development database. (And so on for a test environment, etc.) All of the data access code would just use this connection string variable.
Even more to the point, this should not be the only thing that prevents a developer from using the production database. The DBA should set the permissions such that only the production application has only the access it needs to that database and others do not. Developers should never be able to accidentally modify the production database. So even if you did use the production connection string from your workstation, the database should simply deny you access.

Have two connection strings. Then create a constant variable which will act as your switch and pick the correct connection string:
Dim strCon
if(DEVELOPMENT = true) then
strCon = "Development connection string"
strCon = "Live connection string"
end if strCon
Then you can simply change the switch to true/false depending on which database to pick.

When you specify the database connection you know where you are pointing, so this should be straightforward. But it might be a good idea to use separate logins on dev and production.
So the answer is that you should use the connectionstrings in the config files to get what you need: the "database =.." setting should be set correctly and your problem is aolvedsolved To get extra certainty use different logins, which is recommendable in any case.
you can also use server tracing to monitor activity, but it is not easy on a multi user database and is only a diagnostics tool, not a cure.


what's the issue with AttachDbFilename

Apparently, using AttachDbFilename and user instance in your connection string is a bad way to connect to a DB. I'm using SQL server express on my local machine and it all seems to work fine. But what's the proper way to connect to SQL server then?
Thanks for your explanation.
Using User Instance means that SQL Server is creating a special copy of that database file for use by your program. If you have two different programs using that same connection string, they get two entirely different copies of the database. This leads to a lot of confusion, as people will test updating data with their program, then connect to a different copy of their database in Management Studio, and complain that their update isn't working. This sends them through a flawed series of wild goose chase steps trying to troubleshoot the wrong problem.
This article goes into more depth about how to use this feature, but heed the very first note: the User Instance feature has been deprecated. In SQL Server 2012, the preferred alternatives are (in this order, IMHO):
Create or attach your database to a real instance of SQL Server. Your connection string will then just need to specify the instance name, the database name, and credentials. There will be no mixup as Management Studio, Visual Studio and your program(s) will all be connecting to a single copy of the database.
Use a container for local development. Here's a great starter video by Anna Hoffman and Anthony Nocentino, and I have some other resources here, here, and here. If you're on an M1 Mac, you won't be able to use a full-blown SQL Server instance, but you can use Azure SQL Edge if you can get by with most SQL Server functionality (the omissions are enumerated here).
Use SqlLocalDb for local development. I believe I pointed you to this article yesterday: "Getting Started with SQL Server 2012 Express LocalDB."
Use SQL Server Compact. I like this option the least because the functionality and syntax is not the same - so it's not necessarily going to provide you with all the functionality you're ultimately going to want to deploy. Compact Edition is also deprecated, so there's that.
Of course if you are using a version < SQL Server 2012, SqlLocalDb is not an option - so you should be creating a real database and using that consistently. I only mention the Compact option for completeness - I think that can be almost as bad an idea as using AttachDbFileName.
EDIT: I've blogged about this here:
Bad Habits : Using AttachDBFileName
In case someone had the problem.
When attaching the database with a connection string containing AttachDBFile
with SQLEXPRESS, I noticed this connection was exclusive to the ASP.NET application that was using the database. The connection did block the access to all other processes on the file level when made with System.Data.SqlClient as provider.
In order to assure the connection to be shareable with other processes
instead use DataBase to specify the database name in your connection string
Example or connection string :
Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;DataBase=PlaCliGen;User ID=XXX;password=ZZZ; Connect Timeout=30
,where PlaCliGen is the name (or logical name) by which SQLEXPRESS server knows the database.
By connecting to the data base with AttachDBFile giving the path to the .mdf file
(namely : replacing DataBase = PlacliGen by AttachDBFile = c:\vs\placligen\app_data\placligen.mdf) the File was connected exclusively and no other process could connect to the database.

Need to set multiple DSN when connecting DB

It's a DB connecting asp code.
Dim db
Set db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
db.Open ("dsn=book;uid=bookmgr;pwd=bookmgr;")
And need to connect to two DSN..(two different DataBase)
but dsn=book,book_adm; is wrong and
dsn=book;dsn=book_adm; takes effect only the last one.
Creating another Server object variable requires editing lots of asp files..
So I want to avoid that way.. It all started when older database is divided into two..
I googled it.. but found nothing useful..
Please help me out this problem. Thanks.
You can't access multiple DSNs from a single connection.
If both dsns point to different catalogs (databases) on the same server, you can use the single connection to access both catalogs by including the catalog name in your sql code in the asp files. Otherwise you will need to change the asp code to use 2 connections.

Moving SQL Server from local computer to server

I kind of new to SQL Server, I always used access db for my sites.
I created a SQL Server on my local computer and now I want to take this db and transfer it to the server. In access all I had to do is, take the mdb file and put it on the server and change the connection string. How can I transfer the SQL Server db to the server?
Is there any file to put on the server ?
Also the connection string isn't a folder but a local computer like this:
Data Source=my-PC;Initial Catalog=storeSQL1;User ID='my-PC\com';Password='';Trusted_Connection=YES;
Who can provide me this connection string for the server (the hosting company) ?
The easiest way would probably be to create a backup of the database on your local machine, then restore that backup on the new server.
Roadmap is:
Do simple backup-restore to move user databases to target server.
Create script on source server, that can recover permissions and login-users pairing
Restore the CLR and TRUSTWORTHY security for databases, that using unsafe assemblies, simpliest way is (in proper DB):
exec sp_changedbowner 'sa' --sa just for example
Depending on your version of SQL Server here is a good article that outlines all the ways to move a SQL Server Database.
As for getting the connection string yes the hosting company would provide you with that. Where is the database hosted, you could check their knowledge base articles or if it's an in house data base I'm sure a dba could provide you with that information. It won't change much from what you have but it will change.
I'm not sure what tools your using, but to start you need to do a dump or backup of your current database on your machine. After you do that then you can do and import which should create all the tables and import any data you have.
After the data exists on the server then as far as the connection string, you just need to say the Data Source is the server ip address or host name and change your User ID and Pass to match that server.
If you need more details on any part of this process, post what tools your using and what your environment looks like and I would be more than happy to assist you.
In my opinion the best way to do that is to detach the db from one server(pc), copy the files to the second one and then attach them on the second server/pc.
To detach:
USE master;
EXEC sp_detach_db #dbname = N'AdventureWorks2008R2';
To attach:
USE master;
ON (FILENAME = 'C:\MySQLServer\AdventureWorks2008R2_Data.mdf'),
(FILENAME = 'C:\MySQLServer\AdventureWorks2008R2_Log.ldf')

How to change data source in reportviewer control

I have a reportviewer (Microsoft.ReportViewer.WebForms) control on my page. All my reports use one data source. I want to be able to let my reports run on a different database when started from my UAT enviroment. So the location of the reports is the same, but the data comes from a different db. I cannot seem to find how this is done, is it even possible?
EDIT: They are server reports on SQL Server . I know you can set the dataset programmaticaly but I just want the reports to point to a different db and leave the rest of the report intact.
Did you want to pass a full connection string to the report as a parameter? You can do it but sometimes SSRS gets funny and make sure you delete the report off the server before you deploy a new copy when doing this...
1. Make a parameter - let's call ours connectionStr. Make it not null, not blank, single select and text as the data type. Eventually, you will want to hide this parameter but for testing please leave it visible.
2. So the value you will be using as the connection string... (for testing I set this as the default for the parameter, with nothing put under the available values section) Data Source=MySQLServerName;Initial Catalog=MyDatabaseName;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=MyUserNameForTheServer;Password=MyPasswordForTheServer;MultipleActiveResultSets=True
3. You need an unattended execution account on your report server or you get this: unattended execution account is not specified. (rsInvalidDataSourceCredentialSetting). I can't provide more details because my boss had to do this part for me.
4. Under your datasource properties in SSRS... check Embedded Connection, select the type (mine is just a normal MS SQL Server), for the connection string, open the expression box and put: =Parameters!connectionStr.value and then click credentials and make sure the last option for no credentials is selected.
5. Your datasets for that datasource will no longer be happy when you try to edit them in design view but you can switch the datasource connection properties back to how they were, not using the parameter based connection string, for editing them.
My reports are on different servers, with different instances of the Report Server, too. On some servers, they need to get their data from various databases depending on whatever, stuff. This way, with the connection string as a parameter, I can use the same reports everywhere and just deploy them to the different servers. If you are having to pass this connection string around your app or to a report viewer, I suggest using encryption.
Like I said... SSRS get's funny when you start doing this, though. Your reports should always work in preview mode after doing this, if they don't even when provided with the correct connection strings, then you have an issue that won't be solved by just deploying to the server. Trouble shooting problems with this once they are on the server but not working include checking permissions, making sure the report receives the correct connection string and making all your stored procedures and functions within the SQL database are all the same.
If you want to just pass the database name and everything else is the same (server name, username, password) then just set the connection string parameter equal to your database name and for the datasource expression value use
="Data Source=MySQLServerName;Initial Catalog=" + Parameters!connectionString.value + ";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=MyUserNameForTheServer;Password=MyPasswordForTheServer;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"
I needed to pass the whole thing in, and you can play around with the credential settings - you might be able to save the server username/password info in there for each report so that the unattended execution account is not needed.

How To Query A Database That's Being Used By Asp.Net

I have a Sql Server 2008 Express database file that's currently being used by an ASP.NET application, and I'm not sure how to query the database without taking the website down.
I'm unable to copy the database files (.mdf and .ldf files) to another directory, since they're in use by the web server. Also, if I attach the databases to an instance of the sql server (using the 'Create Database [DB name] on (filename = '[DB filename.mdf]') for attach;' command at the sqlcmd prompt), then the application pool user becomes unable to access the database (i.e. the webpages start producing http 500 errors. I think this might have to do with the username for the application pool becoming somehow divorced from the login credentials in the sql server database).
Any suggestions? I realize this is probably a newbie question, since it seems like a rather fundamental task. However, due to my inexperience, I really don't know what the answer is, and I'm pretty stumped at this point, since I've tried a couple of different things.
if I attach the databases to an instance of the sql server (using the 'Create Database [DB name] on (filename = '[DB filename.mdf]') for attach;' command at the sqlcmd prompt),
Don't do this to a live database - it's attempting to be setup an MDF to be written to by two different databases...
Use Backup/Restore
As you've found, Attach/ReAttach requires the database to be offline - use the Backup/Restore functionality:
MSDN: Using SSMS to Backup the Database
MSDN: Using SSMs to Restore the Backup
Be aware that the backup/restore doesn't maintain logins (& jobs if you have any associated with the database) - you'll have to recreate & sync if using an account other than those with uber access.
Maybe Linked Server would work?
Another alternative would be to setup another SQL Server Express/etc instance on a different box, and use the Linked Server functionality to create a connection to the live/prod data. Use a different account than the one used for the ASP application...
