I made the following example code to give you an idea of my real dataset. I have 2 datasets, a factor variable List and a logical variable ok.
df1 <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g")
df2 <- c("a","d","e")
List <- factor(as.integer(df1 %in% df2))
The List and the ok variables has both a length of 7. I want to remove all the samples in List with the condition TRUE in ok. For example: the first, fifth and seventh variables need to be removed in the List variable.
Can anyone help me with this?
Easier than you think.
Perhaps List[!ok]? BTW, you don't need as.logical as vector ok will be saved internaly as logical.
I am trying to take df1 (a summary table), and merge it into df2 (master summary table).
This is a snapshot of df2, ignore the random 42, just the answer to the ultimate question.
This is an example of what df1, looks like.
Lastly, I have a vector called Dates. This matches the dates that are the column names for df2.
I am trying to cycle through 20 file, and gather the summary statistics of that file. I then want to enter that data into df2 to be stored permanently. I only need to enter the Earned column.
I have tried to use merge but since they do not have shared column names, I am unable to.
My next attempt was to try this. But it gave an error, because of unequal row numbers.
df2[,paste(Dates[i])] <- cbind(df2,df1)
Then I thought that maybe if I specified the exact location, it might work.
df2[1:length(df1$Earned),Dates[i]] <- df1$Earned
But that gave and error "New columns would leave holes after existing columns"
So then I thought of trying that again, but with cbind.
df2[1:length(df1$Earned),Dates[i]] <- cbind(df2, df1$Earned)
##This gave an error for differing row numbers
df2 <- cbind(df2[1:length(df1$Earned),Dates[i]],df1$earned)
## This "worked" but it replaced all of df2 with df1$earned, so I basically lost the rest of the master table
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Something like this might work:
df1[df1$TreatyYear %in% df2$TreatyYear, Dates] <- df2$Earned
df <- data.frame(matrix(NA,4,4))
df$X1 <- 1:4
df[df$X1 %in% c(1,2),c("X3","X4")] <- c(1,2)
The only solution that I have found so far is to force df1$Earned into a vector. Then append the vector to be the exact length of the df2. Then I am able to insert the values into df2 by the specific column.
temp_values <- append(df1$Earned,rep(0,(length(df2$TreatyYear)-length(df1$TreatyYear))),after=length(df1$Earned))
df2[,paste(Dates[i])] <- temp_values
This is kind of a roundabout way to fix it, but not a very pleasant way. Any better ideas would be appreciated.
I need to check whether data frame is "empty" or not ("empty" in a sense that dataframe contain zero finite value. If there is mix of finite and non-finite value, it should NOT be considered "empty")
Referring to How to check a data.frame for any non-finite, I came up with one line code to almost achieve this objective
nrow(tmp[rowSums(sapply(tmp, function(x) is.finite(x))) > 0,]) == 0
where tmp is some data frame.
This code works fine for most cases, but it fails if data frame contains a single row.
For example, the above code would work fine for,
tmp <- data.frame(a=c(NA,NA), b=c(NA,NA)) OR tmp <- data.frame(a=c(3,NA), b=c(4,NA))
But not for,
tmp <- data.frame(a=NA, b=NA)
because I think rowSums expects at least two rows
I looked at some other posts such as https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/6142/how-to-calculate-the-rowmeans-with-some-single-rows-in-data, but I still couldn't come up a solution for my problem.
My question is, are there any clean ways (i.e. avoid using loops and ideally one liner) to check for being "empty" for any dataframes?
If you are checking all columns, then you can just do
all(sapply(tmp, is.finite))
Here we are using all rather than the rowSums trick so we don't have to worry about preserving matrices.
I have a question regarding variables names in R.
In my dataset I have a list of 70 variable names as characters and I want to find the corresponding data (including the header) in the data.
For example I used the dataset iris. I don't want to select all variables by iris$Sepal.Length since I have 70 variables in the dataset that I use. In my code I can print the data but I am struggling with saving the data as a dataframe with the corresponding header names. Somebody any thoughts?
b <- list("Sepal.Length","Petal.Length")
for (i in 1:length(b)){
It sounds like you're trying to get a subset of 70 columns from a data.frame or matrix. The 70 columns you have are stored in a list. R will let you get columns named by a character vector, but not by a list. So, you can just use unlist.
b <- list("Sepal.Length","Petal.Length")
newTable <- iris[,unlist(b)]
I find dplyr the best for this. If you turn iris into a tibble
iris <- as_tibble(iris)
You can then use the dplyr::select function either selecting by name (no quotes) or by position. You can even use the 1:5 notation selecting columns 1 to 5. A great place to start is: http://r4ds.had.co.nz
Are you looking for this ?
b <- c("Sepal.Length","Petal.Length")
I created a random forest and predicted the classes of my test set, which are living happily in a dataframe:
row.names class
564028 1
275747 1
601137 0
922930 1
481988 1
The row.names attribute tells me which row is which, before I did various operations that scrambled the order of the rows during the process. So far so good.
Now I would like get a general feel for the accuracy of my predictions. To do this, I need to take this dataframe and reorder it in ascending order according to the row.names attribute. This way, I can compare the observations, row-wise, to the labels, which I already know.
Forgive me for asking such a basic question, but for the life of me, I can't find a good source of information regarding how to do such a trivial task.
The documentation implores me to:
use attr(x, "row.names") if you need to retrieve an integer-valued set of row names.
but this leaves me with nothing but NULL.
My question is, how can I use row.names which has been loyally following me around in the various incarnations of dataframes throughout my workflow? Isn't this what it is there for?
None of the other solutions would actually work.
It should be:
# Assuming the data frame is called df
df[ order(as.numeric(row.names(df))), ]
because the row name in R is character, when the as.numeric part is missing it, it will arrange the data as 1, 10, 11, ... and so on.
This worked for me:
new_df <- df[ order(row.names(df)), ]
If you have only one column in your dataframe like in my case you have to add drop=F:
df[ order(rownames(df)) , ,drop=F]
For completeness:
#BondedDust's answer works perfectly for the rownames attribute, but your example does not use the rownames attribute. The output provided in your question indicates use of a column named "row.names", which isn't the same thing (all listed in #BondedDust's comment). Here would be the answer if you wished to sort by the "row.names" column in example given in your question (there is another posting on this, located here). This answer assumes you are using a dataframe named "df", with one column named "row.names":
ordered.df <- df[order(df$row.names),] #this orders the df by the "row.names" column
Alternatively, to order by the first column (same thing if you're still using your example):
ordered.df <- df[order(df[,1]),] #this orders the df by the first column
Hope this is helpful!
This will be done almost automatically since the "[" function will display in lexical order of any vector that can be matched to rownames():
df[ rownames(df) , ]
You might have thought it would be necessary to use:
df[ order(rownames(df)) , ]
But that would have given you an ordering of 1:100 of 1,10,100, 12,13, ...,2,20,21, ... , because the argument to "[" gets coerced to character.
Assuming your data frame is named 'df'you can create a new ordered data frame 'ord.df' that will contain the row names of df as well as it values in the following one line of code:
>ord.df<-cbind(rownames(df)[order(rownames(df))], df[order(rownames(df)),])
new_df <- df[ order(row.names(df)), ]
or something similar won't work. After this statement, the new_df does not have a rowname any more. I guess a better solution is to add a column as rowname, sort by it, and set it as the rowname
you can simply sort your df by using this :
df <- df[sort(rownames(df)),]
and then do what you want !
I am having trouble turning my data.frame into a matrix format. Because I wanted to change my data.frame with mostly factor variables into a numeric matrix, I used the following code
UN2010frame <- data.matrix(lapply(UN2010, as.numeric))
However when I checked the mode of the UN2010frame, it still showed up as a list. Because the code I want to run (Ordrating) does not accept data in a list format, I used UN2010matrix <- unlist(UN2010frame) to unlist my matrix. When I did this, my first row ( which was formerly a row with column names) turned into NAs. This was a problem for me because when I tried to run an ordinal IRT model using this data set, I got the following error message.
> Error in 1:nrow(Y) : argument of
> length 0
I think it is because all the values in my first row are now gone.
If you could help me on any front, It would be deeply appreciated.
Thank you very much!
First, the correct use of data.matrix is :
as it converts automatically to numeric. The lapply in your code is the first source for the error you get. You put a list in the data.matrix function, not a dataframe. So it returns a list of matrices, and not a matrix.
Second, unlist returns a vector, not a matrix. So pretty sure you won't find a "first row with NA", as you have a vector. Which might explain part of your confusion.
You probably have a character column somewhere. Converting this to numeric gives NA. If you don't want this, then exclude them from the further analysis. One possibility is to use colwise() from the plyr package to convert only the factors:
Which returns a dataframe with only the factors. This can be easily converted by data.matrix() or as.matrix(). Alternatively you use the base solution :
id <- sapply(UN2010,is.character)
which will return you a matrix with all non-character columns converted to numeric.If you really want to keep the dataframe with all original columns, you can do :
UN2010frame <- UN2010
UN2010frame[!id] <- lapply(UN2010[!id],as.numeric)
Toy example code :
UN2010 <- data.frame(
F1 = factor(rep(letters[1:3],10)),
F2 = factor(rep(letters[5:10],5)),
Char = rep(letters[11:16],each=5),
Num = 1:30,
Try as.data.frame instead of data.matrix.