ASP: integrating HTTPS -

I am trying to integrate https on my web application. This link describes what should I do in IIS. Is there any other thing i should do in my web application regarding web.config? seriously I have no idea at all on how to do this. Any support would be appreciated.

Nope all you need to do is get a certificate and install it in IIS, bind your host to port 443 and you should be good to go. Your app should run as-is on there.
Good resource here


use https on application running on localhost

I've created an web application with a web form called "Main.aspx" in it. I'm trying to run the application over https. Since I have no experiences with SSL, IIS etc. I googled how to achieve this but every solution didn't work for me.
I enabled SSL using the following steps: Enable SSL
My application is now running on https://localhost:59917/.
But if I start my application I get a Firefox error message: "Secure connection failed". So I followed the steps from Scott Gu's Blog Post but it didn't work neither.
Does anyone have experiences in SSL and web applications and can help me out?
If you followed the instructions, you should have configured your website on the port 443.
You should configure the binding on port 59917

Deploy web site without using a domain

I am new to the web world, so I apologize if this question is silly.
I have an ASP.NET web site I wish to deploy.
The server has IIS 7 deployed on it, and I've added the site
to that IIS server as a web site.
For the time being I don't have a domain mapped to the site,
I would like the users to browse for the site directly by using the server's IP.
Is that even possible? because I failed to do it.
The only option that worked so far is using the hosts file to declare
a fake domain.
It would be nice if someone could clarify that issue for me.
Thanks a lot,
If you set the site bindings to IP address: All Unassigned on port 80, and do not provide a host name, then any request that makes it through to IIS should be served by that site. Make sure you stop any other sites that might have that binding (e.g., "Default Web Site" is normally bound to this).
In order to access the site by IP, you can't have the host name populated in IIS. Your best bet would be to use the "Default Web Site" that's already in IIS, and point that to your application.
Using IP is possible, but you need to make sure your users can see this ip from their machines.

Applying SSL on the localhost

I am applying SSL in my sample web application using self signed certificate. The purpose is to test the session availability when I go from http to https or the other way round.
My localhost address is localhost:5366. I have done these as follows:
I have added a website in IIS. But confused that when binding using http, I give port 5366. I works fine but when I remove it and apply https, port 5366. The page doesnot load.
So, what should I do to accomplish this?
Its a bit confusing, but if i can bet, you are interchanging the debug mode from VS and the published site, correct me if am wrong.
I configured my https site in this way:
Configure your IIS to accept https through port 443.
Set the website file system place to a certain folder
Publish your website with VS to this folder
Reach it through https://localhost
Hope it works!
My project was not residing in the iis physical path. Therefore, it was not loading my desired pages. Thank you guys.

Programmatically or declaratively demand client certificate for a single page in IIS

The title pretty much says it, I've rolled out an IIS 7 website with an SSL certificate and now willing to set "SSL Settings/Client certificates/Accept" for a single page but programmatically or declaratively. I've found a way of doing this using the IIS manager but due to some infrastructure limitations we need to be able to configure it without having access to IIS Manager.
Any pointers shall be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks
Perhaps this can help?
It's the managed code sdk for IIS7. It can do most things to IIS, surely what you want is in there?

How to restrict asmx web services to be SSL Only

I've got an ASMX web service that works great through an SSL conection, but I would like to make these web services inaccessible without SSL.
In web forms, I would just use the following code:
if (!Request.IsSecureConnection) Response.Redirect ("SomeOtherPage.aspx");
I know that WCF promises to be better in every way, but it's a real PITA to get something simple done with a tool as complicated as WCF.
I have some other stuff on my site that is open to the public, so I chose not to take the IIS route. I did find a simple way in the asmx service to take care of the problem:
if (!this.Context.Request.IsSecureConnection)
return null;
Easy. Make a website in IIS that is only SSL and put this page in it.
Don't allow non-SSL connections to this website
In IIS (I can't remember exactly which version so it may have moved) under the security tab of the website or virtual directory you can set it to 'require secure channel'. This will force it to require https unless I'm mistaken.
