Visual Studio configures my local IIS website as an ASP.NET website -

We are using Visual Studio 2008 on IIS 7, and on some machines we are having trouble getting Visual Studio to recognize our website as an IIS website. On most machines it is configured properly, displaying and running under http://localhost/websitename. But on a couple of machines - using the same solution file - it loads it as a directory/ site: in VS it appears as c:...\foldername, and when running it, it comes up as http://localhost:randomportnumber/websitename.
We tried removing and then re-adding the site through the File-> Open Website-> Local IIS, but when we select the site it automatically changes it to a site.
Thanks in advance.

In the properties of the project, you can specify whether or not to use IIS or the built-in ASP.NET server.

When you debug a website and you see the odd port number after local, you are running the visual studio web server Cassini and not through IIS.
You can configure this when you go to property settings on your website.


Debug ASP.NET web forms in full IIS

I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate on a Windows 8.1 (with Update 1) laptop, and I would like to debug an ASP.NET web forms project against IIS, which is installed on the local Windows 8.1 instance.
Previous versions of Visual Studio had an option to use IIS Express or full IIS, but I cannot find that option in the Project properties anymore.
How do I deploy & debug my ASP.NET web forms project in full IIS?
EDIT: When I right-click on my project, I see this:
And then if I click on "Properties Window" I see this:
This is one way to have your project available in IIS:
Press Ctrl+X, type inetmgr
Open your IIS Manager Application.
Expand the tree on the left.
Add WebSite
Give a name to the website and port
For file location provide the same file location were your project is.
Assuming your port number is 3000 just simply type http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Now from Visual Studio go to:
file Open...
WebSite (you will see that IIS is available on the left).
Open your new web site
This will let you debug from IIS and any changes you make will be directly made on IIS as well.
I just double checked one of my local Web Forms applications locally running in Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate on Windows 8.1. The settings are still there. If you open the project properties for your Web Forms project, you should see the following:
After selecting Local IIS, setting a port, and saving, you should be walked through the process of configuring a Virtual Directory for your site (if one isn't already configured).
After looking at your edit, it looks like you've created a Web Site Project rather than a Web Application Project. You can read about the various differences here:
Web Application Projects versus Web Site Projects in Visual Studio
If you haven't written any significant code yet, I'd suggest deleting the Web Site Project and creating a new Web Application Project. You'll then see the settings as described above.
If you really want to keep the Web Site Project, you'll have to configure the site in IIS and then open it in Visual Studio using the 'Open Web Site...' dialog (and then choosing Local IIS as the source):

Where are my Visual Studio programs/applications/websites hosted by default?

Where are my Visual Studio programs/applications/websites hosted by default (/during debugging)?
I mean, when I run my project in studio or just do a right click and 'view in browser' on a page... where is the page hosted?
Someone at work mentioned 'Visual Studio server'. And also that we can direct the studio to use the local IIS.
Can anyone shed more light on this, or point to a blog/article where I can find more info?
Edit: I am asking this question because my WCF service authentication settings behave differently (service doesn't work) when I run the service on my local vs. on the dev server. And I am trying to figure where to look for those local settings.
Edit: I am using VS 2010, and have IIS 7 installed on my local.
It depends on which version you have installed. In VS 2012, if you setup a web app, it uses IIS express by default, which gives it a http://localhost:<port> (such as 2122 or something like that). You have to add it as a virtual directory for it to be hosted under IIS. You can very easily do that from your project's properties, under Web tab.
Previous versions used Cassini as the local web server.

Visual Studio can't create web site in IIS

After installing service pack 1 for Visual Studio 2010 cannot create web site in IIS. Here is error message:
Microsoft Visual Studio
Configuring Web http://localhost/MyWebSite for ASP.NET 3.5 failed.
You must manuallyconfigure this site for ASP.NET 3.5 in order for
the site to run correctly. Visual Studio cannot detect whether this
virtual root has been configured for use with ASP.NET 2.0. The likely
cause is that you do not have sufficient priviledges to access the
IIS metabase. You may need to manually configure this site for
ASP.NET 2.0 in order for your site to run correctly.
OK Help
Does anybody know how to fix it ? Thanks!
P.S. I'm using windows7 x64.
Have you tried run Visual Studio with "Run As Administrator" from right click?
This happened to me when I deleted the default application pool.
Thanks to a Microsoft Connect report, I was able to solve this by choosing a new default application pool under the "Web Site Defaults" properties of the Sites node in the IIS 7 Manager tree.
Try changing the .Net version your Application Pool is using.
Open IIS Manager from Administrative Tools.
Select Application Pools on the left.
On the right, double click 'DefaultAppPool' (or whichever you may have created)
Under .Net Framework Version select v3.5.
Click OK and restart IIS.
I don't know if you have to restart IIS or not, but it won't hurt.
I found the answer here:
Visual Studio 2013. You do not have sufficient privilege to access IIS web sites on your machine
IIS stores a config file on your personal drive. At my company our shared drive was down for maintenance and I was getting this error. Once the drive came back online VS.NET started working again.

Debugging HTTPS ASP.NET site in Visual Studio 2008?

How do other people debug HTTPS sites from Visual Studio 2008? This link seems to indicate that Visual Studio's built in web server does not support HTTPS, but there must be some way to debug these sites, right? If not the integrated server, can IIS7 be set as the debugging web server?
Yes, you may set IIS as the debugging server by clicking Properties on the project, (waiting patiently while it slowly loads), then go to the Web tab and choose Use IIS Web server instead of Use Visual Studio Development Server.
-- Edit
More generally, to answer the question, I typically just disable SSL while debugging. It's rare that I need to test how I'm dealing with things via SSL, and depending on how I'm creating the SSL links, it can be modified pretty simply, with an #if DEBUG.
This article Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7.0, gives an overview of using Visual Studio 2008 Web development features with IIS 7.

Unable to start debugging on the Web Server. Visual Studio 2008

I am running visual studio 2008 on vista business 64-bit. I am getting the following exception when I try to debug against IIS.
"Unable to start debugging on the web server. The object identifier does not represent a valid object".
IIS and Visual Studio are on the same box.
I've tried adding Windows Authentication but no luck (my app requires forms authentication, fyi).
Any thoughts? I have a binding on the Web Site. The IIS app is a Web SIte not a virtual directly.
You have switch on Windows Authentication in IIS
Is your pc and the webserver on the same Windows domain? If not, or there is a DMZ between your pc and the web server you could experience problems unless you've explicitly setup trust between the machines.
Go to IIS right click on your project go to Asp.Net tab change the version to your current verion you are using.
This problem comes when you are using a higher version and decided to switch to a lower version and vice versa changing to your version might solve the problem
