Here's the code I am using to blur an image using BitmapData. The function is called on a Slider_changeHandler(event:Event):voidevent and the value of the slider is passed to the function as blurvalue.
The problem is the function works but seems to be cummalative (if that's the correct word!), that is, suppose I slide it to the maximum and after that try to reduce the blur by sliding it back towards the front the blur still keeps increasing. How do I make it to work so when I will slide it up blur increases and when I slide it back blur decreases and when slider is at 0, no blur is applied.
var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter();
blur.blurX = blurvalue;
blur.blurY = blurvalue;
blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.MEDIUM;
Rectangle(0,0,bitmapdata.width,bitmapdata.height),new Point(0,0),
return bitmapdata;
how about returning a clone of the original bitmapData with the filter applied ?
var result:BitmapData = bitmapdata.clone();
var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter();
blur.blurX = blurvalue;
blur.blurY = blurvalue;
blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.MEDIUM;
Rectangle(0,0,bitmapdata.width,bitmapdata.height),new Point(0,0),blur);
return result;
Also, if you're using the BlurFilter, you might need a larger rectangle, depending on the amount of blur. For that, you can use the generateFilterRect() method to get correct sized rectangle for the filter.
If I were you, I'd take the BitmapData and put it in a Bitmap object, then add the filters:
var bitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
var blur:BlurFilter = new BlurFilter();
blur.blurX = blurvalue;
blur.blurY = blurvalue;
blur.quality = BitmapFilterQuality.MEDIUM;
bitmap.filters = [blur];
By doing this (interchanging the filters array), you're not making the filters cumulative.
I have been using java 17 and I'm unable to add icons into the map as a layer. please help me.
void drawTarget(double x, double y) {
SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();
builder.setCRS( DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84 ); // set crs
builder.add("location", LineString.class); // add geometry
// build the type
SimpleFeatureType TYPE = builder.buildFeatureType();
// create features using the type defined
SimpleFeatureBuilder featureBuilder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(TYPE);
// GeometryFactory geometryFactory = JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory();
// Coordinate[] coords =
// new Coordinate[] {new Coordinate(79,25.00), new Coordinate(x, y)};
// line = geometryFactory.createLineString(coords);
// ln = new javafx.scene.shape.Line();
FontAwesomeIcon faico = new FontAwesomeIcon();
// TranslateTransition trans = new TranslateTransition();
// trans.setNode(faico);
SimpleFeature feature = featureBuilder.buildFeature("FeaturePoint");
DefaultFeatureCollection featureCollection = new DefaultFeatureCollection("external", TYPE);
featureCollection.add(feature); // Add feature 1, 2, 3, etc
Style style5 = SLD.createLineStyle(Color.YELLOW, 2f);
Layer layer5 = new FeatureLayer(featureCollection, style5);
// mapFrame.getMapPane().repaint();
I want to add a font-awesome icon to the map
Currently, your code is attempting to use an Icon as a Geometry in your feature. I'm guessing that's what isn't working since you don't say.
If you want to use an Icon to display the location of a Feature then you will need two things.
A valid geometry in your feature, probably a point (since an Icon is normally a point)
A valid Style to be used by the Renderer to draw your feature(s) on the map. Currently, you are asking for the line in your feature to be drawn using a yellow line (style5 = SLD.createLineStyle(Color.YELLOW, 2f);)
I can't really help with step 1, since I don't know where your fighter jet currently is.
For step 2 I suggest you look at the SLD resources to give you some clues of how the styling system works before going on the manual to see how GeoTools implements that.
Since you are trying to add an Icon I suggest you'd need something like:
List<GraphicalSymbol> symbols = new ArrayList<>();
symbols.add(sf.externalGraphic(svg, "svg", null)); // svg preferred
symbols.add(sf.externalGraphic(png, "png", null)); // png preferred
symbols.add(sf.mark(ff.literal("circle"), fill, stroke)); // simple circle backup plan
Expression opacity = null; // use default
Expression size = ff.literal(10);
Expression rotation = null; // use default
AnchorPoint anchor = null; // use default
Displacement displacement = null; // use default
// define a point symbolizer of a small circle
Graphic city = sf.graphic(symbols, opacity, size, rotation, anchor, displacement);
PointSymbolizer pointSymbolizer =
sf.pointSymbolizer("point","the_geom"), null, null, city);
But that assumes that you can convert your FontAwesomeIcon into a static representation that the renderer can draw (png, svg). If it doesn't work like that (I don't use JavaFX) then you may need to add a new MarkFactory to handle them.
the function .map applies a function to every individual image in an ImageCollection. And the function .iterate applies a function to one image and the output of the calculation done to the precedent image on an ImageCollection.
The first only works with one image each time, and the second implies modifying each image and utilize it to any calculation with the next one.
I need a function that works like .iterate, but does not modify the precedent image. I just need to do:
image (time -1) / image (time 0).
I can not find a way to do it,
thanks for your help
i have tried,
var first = ee.List([
ee.Image(1).set('system:time_start', time0).select([0], ['pc1'])
var changeDET = function(image, list) {
var previous = ee.Image(ee.List(list).get(-1));
var change = previous.divide('pc1'))
.set('system:time_start', image.get('system:time_start'));
return ee.List(list).add(change);
var cumulative = ee.ImageCollection(ee.List(imageCollection.iterate(changeDET, first)))
.sort('system:time_start', false)
What you can do is to convert your imageCollection into a ee.List object, then map over that list with an index variable to access the previous image. Example code is below:
var length = yourImageCollection.size();
var list = yourImageCollection.toList(length);
var calculated_list = {
var index = list.indexOf(img)
img = ee.Image(img);
var previousIndex = ee.Algorithms.If(index.eq(0), index, index.subtract(1));
var previousImage = ee.Image(list.get(previousIndex)):
var change = ee.Image(previousImage.divide(img)
.copyProperties(img, ["system:time_start"]));
return change;
I'm not sure what you want to do with the first image, so when map function reach the first image, previousIndex will equal to index. In other words, the first image will be divided by itself (as there is no image before it).
Hope this helps.
I have an openlayers map with markers added as geometry vector points. In the style option I set a size for each. However, the problem is, that if I zoom in or zoom out, they all become the same size until I load the entire page again. In other words, once I zoom in or out, they are all the same.
var layer_style = OpenLayers.Util.extend({},['default']);
var style = OpenLayers.Util.extend({}, layer_style);
var pointLayer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Point Layer");
map.addLayers([terrain, road, satellite, hybrid, pointLayer]);
var lonlat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(0, 140);
lonlat.transform(proj, map.getProjectionObject());
map.setCenter(lonlat, 2);
var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-40, -40);
point = point.transform(proj, map.getProjectionObject());
style.pointRadius = 10;
var pointFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point, null, style);
var point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(-40, -40);
point = point.transform(proj, map.getProjectionObject());
style.pointRadius = 40;
var pointFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(point, null, style);
When I load this, I get two markers, one size 10, the other 40. But when I zoom in or out, they all become same size.
You are overwriting the pointRadius property of the style object each time, so in the end the last value will be used as OpenLayers will only point to the style.
What you need to do is use a lookup to let the pointRadius depend on a given feature attribute.
See Rule-based Styling:
var snapshot:ImageSnapshot = ImageSnapshot.captureImage(someSprite);
var file:FileReference = new FileReference();,'abc.png');
In the above code I am able to capture an image.
But I also want to apply a scalingMatrix(for zoomIn/Out) and a clipping rectangle to it.
How to do it?
I tried capturebitmapdata too, but with that I can't even get a proper image. See here. So I don't want to use that.
sw = someSprite.stage.stageWidth;
sh = someSprite.stage.stageHeight;
var cr:Rectangle = new Rectangle(x,y,cw,ch);//you have to check that this clip rectangle should not overshoot your stage
//cr is the clip rectangle
var bmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData(sw,sh);
var bmp1:BitmapData = new BitmapData(cw,ch);
bmp1.copyPixels(bmp,cr,new Point(0,0));
var enc:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder();
var data:ByteArray = encoder.encode(bmd1);
new FileReference().save(data,'image.jpeg');
The above code allows you to draw only the portion inside the clip rectangle.
In my case I didn't have to take into account a scaling matrix, even though
I was using zoom In/Out features.
I've ran into a weird problem with getCharBoundaries, I could not figure out what coordinate space the coordinates returned from the function was in. What ever I tried I could not get it to match up with what I expected.
So I made a new project and and added simple code to highlight the last charater in a textfield, and all of a sudden it worked fine. I then tried to copy over the TextField that had been causing me problems, into the new project. And now the same weird offset appeared 50px on the x axis. Everything else was spot on.
So after some headscracthing comparing the two TextFields, I simply can not see a difference in their properties or transformation.
So I was hoping that someone might now what property might affect the coordinates returned by getCharBoundaries.
I am using Flash CS4.
I've just had exactly the same problem and thought I'd help out by offering what my findings are. With a help from this thread, I tried to find everything that wasn't 'default' about the textfield I was using. I found that when I had switched my TextFormatAlign (or 'align' in the IDE) and TextFieldAutoSize properties to 'LEFT' as opposed to 'CENTER', it solved the problem.
A little late in the game perhaps, but worth knowing for anyone running into the same problem. This was the only thread I could find that raised the right flag...
Well the getCharBoundaries returns the boundaries in the textfield coordinate system. Where the origin is topleft corner of the textfield.
getCharBoundaries does not take into consideration the scrolling. you need to check if there are scrollbars on its parent (textarea) and if so relocate. One quick way of doing it is using localtoglobal and globaltolocal. Use the first to translate from the textfield coordinate system to the application coordinate system and then use the second to translate from the app coordinate system to the coordinate system of the parent of the textfield which is the textarea. I'm fine tuning a my method to get char boundaries i will publish it today on my blog
Works For Me(tm) (Flex Builder AS3 project):
[Embed(systemFont="Segoe UI", fontWeight="bold", fontName="emb",
private var EmbeddedFont:Class;
public function ScratchAs3()
stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
stage.align = 'tl';
var m:Matrix = new Matrix(.8, .1, -.1, 1.1, 26, 78);
var t:TextField = new TextField();
t.autoSize = 'left';
t.wordWrap = false;
t.embedFonts = true;
t.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("emb", 100, 0, true);
t.transform.matrix = m;
t.text = "TEST STRING.";
var r:Rectangle = t.getCharBoundaries(8);
var tl:Point = m.transformPoint(r.topLeft);
var tr:Point = m.transformPoint(new Point(r.right,;
var bl:Point = m.transformPoint(new Point(r.left, r.bottom));
var br:Point = m.transformPoint(r.bottomRight);
graphics.beginFill(0xFF, .6);
graphics.moveTo(tl.x, tl.y);
graphics.lineTo(tr.x, tr.y);
graphics.lineTo(br.x, br.y);
graphics.lineTo(bl.x, bl.y);
graphics.lineTo(tl.x, tl.y);
To literally answer your question, it returns the coordinates in the TextField's coordinate system, not it's parent, and it is affected by DisplayObject.transform.matrix, which is the backing for the .x, .y, .scaleX, .scaleY, .width, .height, and .rotation properties.
What ever it was the solution was simple to add a new TextField, never found out what property screwed everything up.
The first answer is correct in most cases. However if your field is parented to another movie clip it may still return the wrong y coordinate. try this code:
//if this doesn't work:
myTextFormat = new TextFormat();
myTextFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
myFieldsParent.myField.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
myFieldsParent.myField.setTextFormat( myTextFormat);
//try this:
var x = myFieldsParent.myField.getCharBoundaries(o).x;
var y = myFieldsParent.myField.getCharBoundaries(o).y;
var myPoint:Point = new Point(myField.getCharBoundaries(o).x,myField.getCharBoundaries(o).y);
var pt:Point = new Point(myFieldsParent.myField.getCharBoundaries(o).x, myFieldsParent.myField.getCharBoundaries(o).y);
pt = myFieldsParent.myField.localToGlobal(pt);
//pt is the variable containing the coordinates of the char in the stage's coordinate space. You may still need to offset it with a fixed value but it should be constant.
I didn't test this code as I have adapted this example from code that is embedded into my project so I apologize if I'm missing something...