Static code analysis tool for Common Lisp? - common-lisp

I'm busy learning Common Lisp, & I'm looking for a static code analysis tool that will help me develop better style & avoid falling into common traps.
I've found Lisp Critic and I think it looks good, but I was hoping that someone may be able to recommend some other tools, and / or share their experiences with them.

Given the dynamic nature of Lisp, static analysis is everything from tough to impossible, depending on the type of source code.
For some purposes I would recommend using the SBCL compiler. Check out its manual for what features it provides. One feature is some form of type inference. It provides also a lot of standard warnings for things like undeclared variables, type problems, calling functions with the wrong number of args, using undefined functions, violating the ANSI CL standard in various ways and more.

The best way to learn about good style is to read a lot of code and ask for others to review your code. This isn't something that's specific to Common Lisp.

I think that one gray tool is use lisp-critic, you can get some information
and a remake that was done by #Xach


What is more in the spirit of the Julia language and philosophy?

I recently started programming in Julia for research purposes. Going through it I started loving the syntax, I positively experienced the community here in SO and now I am thinking about porting some code from other programming languages.
Working with highly computational expensive forecasting models, it would be nice to have them all in a powerful modern language as Julia.
I would like to create a project and I am wondering how I should design it. I am concerned both from a performance and a language perspective (i.e.: Would it be better to create modules – submodules – functions or something else would be preferred? Is it better off to use dictionaries or custom types?).
I have looked at different GitHub projects in my field, but I haven't really found a common standard. Therefore I am wondering: what is more in the spirit of the Julia language and philosophy?
It has been pointed out that this question might be too generic. Therefore, I would like to focus it on how it would be better structuring modules (i.e. separate modules for main functions and subroutines versus modules and submodules, etc.). I believe this would be enough for me to have a feel about what might be considered in the spirit of the Julia language and philosophy. Of course, additional examples and references are more than welcome.
The most you'll find is that there is an "official" style-guide. The rest of the "Julian" style is ill-defined, but there are some ways to heuristically define it.
First of all, it means designing the software around multiple dispatch and the type system. A software which follows a Julian design philosophy usually won't be defining a bunch of functions like test_pumpkin and test_pineapple, instead it will use dispatches on test for types Pumpkin and Pineapple. This allows for clean/understandable code. It will break tasks up into small type-stable functions which will allow for good performance. It likely will also be written very generically, allowing the user to use items that are subtypes of AbstractArray or Number, and using the power of dispatch to allow their software to work on numbers they've never even heard of. (In this respect, custom types are recommended over dictionaries when you need performance. However, for a type you have to know all of the fields at the beginning, which means some things require dictionaries.)
A software which follows a Julian design philosophy may also implement a DSL (Domain-Specific Language) to allow a simpler interface to the user. Instead of requiring the user to conform to archaic standards derived from C/Fortran, or write large repetitive items and inputs, the package may provide macros to allow the user to more heuristically define the problem for the software to solve.
Other items which are part of the Julian design philosophy are up for much debate. Is proper Julia code devectorized? I would say no, and the loop fusing broadcast . is a powerful way to write MATLAB-style "vectorized" code and have it be perform like a devectorized loop. However, I have seen others prefer devectorized styles.
Also note that Julia is very different from something like Python where in Julia, you can essentially "build your own standard way of doing something". Since there's no performance penalty for functions/types declared in packages rather than Base, you can build your own Julia world if you want, using macros to define your own "function-like" objects, etc. I mean, you can re-create Java styles in Julia if you wanted.

What are the main differences between CLISP, ECL, and SBCL?

I want to do some simulations with ACT-R and I will need a Common Lisp implementation. I have three Common Lisp implementations available: (1) CLISP [1], (2) ECL [1], and (3) SBCL [1]. As you might have gathered from the links I have read a bit about all three of them on Wikipedia. But I would like the opinion of some experienced users. More specifically I would like to know:
(i) What are the main differences between the three implementations (e.g.: What are they best at? Is any of them used only for specific purposes and might therefore not be suited for specific tasks?)?
(ii) Is there an obvious choice either based on the fact that I will be using ACT-R or based on general reasons?
As this could be interpreted as a subjective question
I checked What topics can I ask about here and What types of questions should I avoid asking? and if I read correctly it should not qualify as forbidden fruit.
I wrote a moderately-sized application and ran it in SBCL, CCL, ECL, CLISP, ABCL, and LispWorks. For my application, SBCL is far and away the fastest, and it's got a pretty good debugger. It's a bit strict about some warnings--you may end up coding in a slightly more regimented way, or turn off one or more warnings.
I agree with Sylwester: If possible, write to the standard, and then you can run your code in any implementation. You'll figure out through testing which is best for your project.
Since SBCL compiles so agressively, once in a while the stacktrace in the debugger is less informative than I'd like. This can probably be controlled with parameters, but I just rerun the same code in one of the other implementations. ABCL has an informative stacktrace, for example, as I recall. (It's also very slow, but if you want real Common Lisp and Java interoperability, it's the only option.)
One of the nice things about Common Lisp is how many high-quality implementations there are, most of them free.
For informal use--e.g. to learn Common Lisp, CCL or CLISP may be a better choice than SBCL.
I have never tried compiling to C using ECL. It's possible that it would beat SBCL on speed for some applications. I have no idea.
CLISP and LispWorks will not handle arbitrarily long argument lists (unless that's been fixed in the last couple of years, but I doubt it). This turned out to be a problem with my application, but would not be a problem for most code.
Doesn't ACT-R come out of Carnegie Mellon? What do its authors use? My guess would be CMUCL or SBCL, which is derived from CMUCL. (I only tried CMUCL briefly. Its interpreter is very slow, but I assume that compiled code is very fast. I think that most people choose SBCL over CMUCL, however.)
(It's possible that this question belongs on Programmers.SE.)
In general, SBCL is the default choice among open-source Lisps. It is solid, well-supported, produces fast code, and provides many goodies beyond what the standard mandates (concurrency primitives, profiling, etc.) Another implementation with similar properties is CCL.
CLISP is more suitable if you're not an engineer, or you want to quickly show Lisp to someone non-engineer. It's a pretty basic implementation, but quick to get running and user-friendly. A Lisp-calculator :)
ECL's major selling point is that it's embeddable, i.e. it is rather easy to make it work inside some C application, like a web-server etc. It's a good choice for geeks, who want to explore solutions on the boundary of Lisp and the outside world. If you're not intersted in such use case I wouldn't recommend you to try it, especially since it is not actively supported, at the moment.
Their names, their bugs and their non standard additions (using them will lock you in)
I use CLISP as REPL and testing during dev and usually SBCL for production. ECL i've never used.
I recommend you test your code with more than one implementation.

Prerequisite knowledge for understanding definition of standard ml

could anyone tell me what's the background theories in The Definition of Standard ML, found very interesting and beautiful, i did learn some sml a little, but i want more while don't know how to start (to understand TDSML)
3x in advance
For the old version of the Definition (SML'90) there actually was a separate book called "Commentary on Standard ML", which explained how to interpret the Definition. Both the SML'90 Definition and the Commentary are long out of print, but fortunately, are available as free PDFs.
The SML'90 Definition had some differences to SML'97, in particular regarding the module system. Overall, it was more complicated. But much of the Commentary should still apply, and if you have both versions side by side, it shouldn't be hard to figure out what's still relevant.
This is off the top of my head: In order to understand the methods employed in The Definition of Standard ML, you should some basic understanding of:
set theory
first-order logic
type theory
Additionally, you should be able to read and understand inference rules of which the book makes extensive use.

Goto is considered harmful, but did anyone attempt to make code using goto re-usable and maintainable?

Everyone is aware of Dijkstra's Letters to the editor: go to statement considered harmful (also here .html transcript and here .pdf). I was wondering is anyone attempted to find a way to make code using goto's re-usable and maintainable and not-harmful by adding any other language extensions or developing a language which allows for gotos.
The reason I ask the question is that it occurs to me that code written in Assembly language often used goto's and global variables to make the program work well within a limited space. The Atari 2600 which had 128 bytes of ram and the program was loaded from ROM cartridge. In this case, it was better to use unstructured programming and to make the most of the freedoms this allows to make the most of a very limited space for the program.
When you compare this with a game programmed today without the use of gotos, the game takes up much more space.
Then it occurs to me that perhaps its possible to program with the use of gotos if some rules or other language changes are made to support this, then the negative effects of gotos could be reduced or eliminated. Has anyone tried to find a way to make goto's NOT considered harmful by creating a language or some rules to follow which allow gotos to be not harmful.
If no-one looked for a way to use gotos in a non-harmful way then perhaps we adopted structured programming un-necessarily based solely on this paper? Perhaps there is another solution which allows for the use of gotos without the down-side.
Comparing gotos to structured programming is comparing a situation where the programmer has to remember what every labels in the code actually mean and do, and where there are, to a situation where the conditional branches are explicitly described.
As of the advantages of the goto statement regarding the place a program might take, I think that games today are big because of the graphic and sound resources they use. That is, show 1,000,000 polygons. The cost of a goto compared to that is totally neglectable.
Moreover, the structural statements are ultimately compiled into goto ("jmp") statements by the compiler when outputting assembly.
To answer the question, it might be possible to make goto less harmful by creating naming and syntax conventions. Enforcing these conventions into rules is however pretty much what structural programming does.
Linus Torvald argued once that goto can make source code clearer, but goto is useful in so very special cases that I would not dare use it as a programmer.
This question is somehow related to yours, since I think this one of the most common situations where a goto is needed.

What are the main issues in designing an interpreter for a functional language?

Suppose I want to implement an interpreter for a functional language. I would like to understand the issues involved in doing so and suitable literature that is available. This is a new language that is in early design stages, that is why the question is broad in scope.
For the purpose of this discussion we can assume that the purpose of the language is not important and that its functional features can be changed (even drastically) if it makes a significant difference in the ease of writing an interpreter.
The MIT website has an online copy of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs as well as videos of the MIT 6.001 lectures using Scheme, recorded at HP in 1986. These form a great introduction to language design.
I would highly recommend Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) as a starting point. This book will introduce the idea of what it means to write an interpreter (and a compiler), and is generally a must-read for anybody designing languages.
Implementing an interpreter for a functional language isn't likely to be too much different from implementing an interpreter for any other general purpose language. There's lexical analysis, parsing, AST construction, semantic analysis, plus execution (for a pure interpreter) or code generation and optimisation (for a compiler, even compiling to bytecode like Java/Perl/Python). SICP will introduce the difference between "applicative order" and "normal order" evaluation, which may be important for you in a pure functional context.
For just about any language interpreter or compiler, the main issues are the same, I think.
You need to decide certain basic characteristics of the language (semantics, not syntax), and the bulk of the design of the thing follows from that.
For example, does your language have
a type system? If so, what sorts of
types does it have? Is it going to be
statically typed, dynamically typed,
What sort of expressions are you
planning to support? Do you need to
define an order of operations? Will
you even have operators?
What will you use as the run-time
representation of the program? Will
you convert the text to a byte-code
representation, or an AST, or a
tokenized form of the source text?
There are toolkits available to help take some of the tedium out of the actual parsing of text (ANTLR and Bison, to name two), but I don't know of anything that helps with the actual interpretation part of the task. I'm sure somebody will suggest something.
The main issue is having a semantics for the language you're implementing -- with that, the implementation becomes straightforward. Otherwise, this question is incredibly broad and hard to answer.
I'd recommend Essentials of Programming Languages as a good complement to SICP, particularly if you're interested in interpreters: Official EOPL site. You may want to check out the third edition-- the site hasn't been updated for it yet.
Edit: spam prevention is making me choose between links, so the official page is now unheated. It's easily Google-able, though.
