ASP.NET impersonation problem -

I am trying to get my IIS 7.5 to impersonate the account of the user accessing a site through a browser.
If I use...
<identity impersonate="true" userName="mydomain\myusername" password="mypassword" />
it works just fine. However, if I use...
<identity impersonate="true" />
It won't pick up the user. Am I missing some code? Or is this an IIS 7.5 configuration issue?

I posted a previous answer, but I think this one applies better
Try to select if you are using a specific user or pass through. Not 100% sure if this solves your problem, just trying to help!

On the enabling impersonation, check what types of security you have enabled:
Open IIS
Go to your site, click on it
Click on authentication (a blue guy with a lock icon)
Make sure you have ASP.NET impersonation enabled
Impersonation should be enabled

You have to configure IIS to pass the security token to ASP.NET. See here

Did you try turning on Windows Authentication?


User.Identity.Name with windows authentication

I have a very simple partial view in my header called AccountInfoPanel.
It only has one line:
Welcome: #HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
And in my Web.Config I have
<authentication mode="Windows" />
But the identity name is always empty.
If I debug through VS 2012, and break on the index action, I see it is empty.
If I run it through IIS with Windows Authentication Enabled and Anonymous Authentication diabled, I get a challenge.
So I try to plug in My account or a test1 and test2 account.
It comes back and says:
HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized
You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied.
I also tried setting Impersonation to true and get the same response from the challenge.
Does anyone know how to set this up?
And if all the setup has to done in IIS, how do you debug your code within Visual Studio?
One other question. My boss seems to think you don't even need a login box. IE would just know who you are. And you could "run as" in IE with a different account.
Check one of possible issues on my checklist
In short:
First, make sure that Anonymous Authentication is turned OFF for the site:
Second, enable integrated security in Interner Explorer (Options/Advanced and checkin the “Enable Integrated Windows Authentication” option).
Third, add your website to Local Intranet zone and select at least “Automatic logon only in Intranet Zone” option under Options/Security Settings/Local intranet/Custom level).
Fourth, make sure the user and application server are in the same domain.
To solve the problem, you have to enable the Windows Authentication feature. Follow the below steps:
-Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Open the Programs group.
-Under Programs and -Features, click Turn Windows Features on or off.
-Expand the item labeled Internet Information Services.
-Expand the item labeled World Wide Web Services. -Expand the item Security ->
Make sure to select Windows Authentication
Also you need to disable Anonymous Authentication from the IIS as follows: -Click on your application in IIS -Double click Authentication under IIS group -Click on Anonymous Authentication -Click on Disable on the right side under Actions. Hope this helps
Visual Studio installs IIS Express to serve web applications, so you have to configure it to use Windows Authentication.
Configuration file for IIS Express is usually here (more info: Where is the IIS Express configuration / metabase file found?):
Disable Anonymous authentication (enabled by default):
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="false" userName="" />
Enable Windows Authentication (disabled by default):
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true">
<add value="Negotiate" />
<add value="NTLM" />
I know this is an old question, but since it's not answered maybe someone could use my tip. I've been struggling with such an issue for some time and finally, I've discovered that one needs to have URL Authorization installed in order to make it work.
Navigate to the windows features and install the following feature:
Web Server (IIS) -> Web Server -> Security -> URL Authorization
I've also restarted IIS just in case, but I'm not sure if it's needed.

ASP.NET Windows Authentication Not Working/Not Accepting Credentials

I've been trying to resolve this question for a couple weeks now via Google and reading SO, and not had much luck, so I thought I'd finally try asking myself.
I'm setting up a very, very simple ASP.NET site on our intranet to generate some information for internal users. I'm using Windows authentication, rather than anonymous access, because based on what user hits the site I will be generating different information.
Long story short, this works perfectly in testing on my local Windows 7 machine where I developed the application. However, from the Windows 2008 R2 server where I want it to reside, when I hit the site I get a pop-up asking for my credentials, and even if I enter them it asks me for them again and again. This happens regardless if I'm hitting the site remotely or locally. If I try using anonymous access I can reach the site both ways but as I cannot identify the user I cannot generate the information I would like to provide.
In IIS, I have Windows Authentication and ASP.NET Impersonation
enabled for the site. Everything else is disabled.
For the sake of figuring it out, I currently have the web.config set to allow all users and am not denying any.
The host/URL I'm using for it is toolName.organization.local
I was concerned that it was an issue of the 2008 R2 server admin user residing in a different domain then my remote user that I was testing with but again it does not work locally either.
In the AppHost file, I currently have windowsAuthentication enabled.
<windowsAuthentication enabled="true">
<add value="Negotiate" />
<add value="NTLM" />
Admittedly, I typically use forms authentication on this server for all of our other internal sites so I'm a bit new to windows authentication and this issue. At this point I'm just not sure what to try or check next, so any advice would be helpful. Thanks.
I know this is a slightly old topic, but I had this exact same problem. Turns out I had the AppPool using Identity: ApplicationPoolIdentity instead of NetworkService. Once I switched that (under Advanced Settings in IIS7.5) I no longer got the server prompting for additional credentials and the pass-through worked perfectly.
Hope that helps!
First, you should realize that Windows passthrough authentication only works with Internet Explorer, and then only if the site is in the trusted sites, or intranet sites security group. Firefox, Chrome, etc.. will always prompt for credentials.
Having said that, you have a couple of issues.
You should have an <authentication mode="Windows" /> element in your web.config
You should decide if you want the app to run in the context of the user, in which case you would also need an <identity impersonate="true"/> tag. If not it should be false (although this is the default).
You do not need to have any authorization rules in your web.config if the site itself is completely guarded by windows authentication.
Just in case it's helpful, the problem for me was that I had left my application pool in Classic mode, in order to try to use NTFS permissions. I never got that to work, but once I switched it back to Integrated mode, I could use <allow> and <deny> tags to configure specific users' access.

Configure IIS using integrated authentication to not allow ie users to use the automatic login option

Is there a way to always force users to have to enter in their usernames and passwords to a site that is using integrated windows authenticaton even if they have the option in internet explorer set to automatic logon? I know a domain policy can set the option for them in ie but due to other circumstances at the client this is not an option, I wont go into details. I just need it to always prompt for credentials regardless of if that option is selected in ie or not.
Add this section in your config file:
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
You can't do that, sorry. The only way to force user to enter login/password is to use forms-based authentication.

ASP.NET impersonation problem (part 2)

This is a follow on to a previous post about being unable to impersonate a currently logged in Windows user. There were many good suggestions, but the previous thread was getting messy, so I am resetting with this post. Hopefully with the current state documented below it will be obvious what the issue is. This is a well worn path, so I have to believe all I am missing is a little configuration step.
PROBLEM: I need to have ASP.NET impersonate the currently logged in user. When I run under IIS 7.5, it doesn't work. IIS Express works fine, but I believe that is because the debugging session is running under my user id.
I am using Environment.Username to determine who this user is. There was a suggestion that this property always returns the logged in user name, but from my testing it returns the impersonated user from IIS.
For example, if my web.config has…
<identity impersonate="true" />
When I run under IIS 7.5 with that setting, Environment.Username returns IUSR. I believe this is the IIS anonymous user account.
If I change web.config to…
<identity impersonate="true" userName="domain\jlivermore" password="mypassword" />
… then Environment.Username returns jlivemore. However, I need it to return jlivermore without me explicitly setting it in web.config.
Here are my IIS settings…
.NET Authorization Rules
One question, if I disable Anonymous Authentication, then I am prompted to login to the site. I thought if you were logged in with an Active Directory account on a domain then this challenge wouldn't appear? Even if I enter my username/password into this prompt, I still don't get the impersonation to work.
Basic Settings
I'm not sure if you've found an answer, but if anyone is having problems with it you will need the following in your web.config file
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"/>
And in IIS you will need Impersonation enabled as well as Windows Authentication enabled, the others should be disabled. And in Windows Authentication, go to Advanced Settings and UNCHECK the Enable Kernel-mode authentication. That should do it. Your site should now be set for Local Intranet apps and using any of the following will work
But using Environment.Username will only return the server name, hopefully this helps anyone struggling with this
I had a similar problem as you describe. The basic crux of the matter is that there is a difference between impersonation and delegation. My simple understanding of this is that impersonation will work when the client and server are on the same machine. If however, the client is on a different machine, you need delegation.
MSDN Reference
What is the difference between impersonation and delegation?
Impersonation flows the original
caller's identity to back-end
resources on the same computer.
Delegation flows the original caller's
identity to back-end resources on
computers other than the computer
running the service.
Related SO questions
Impersonation in ASP.NET MVC
Starting a console application from using authenticated user credentials
Have you tried using
HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name ?

anonymous access disabled but

My web app (asp VB 2005) uses Windows authentication. If the user isn't part of a specific AD security group they don't get to edit the data; instead I redirect the user to a read-only page.
The program works fine in the IDE.
I published the web app to my laptop and Disabled anonymous access. When I ran the program I got redirected to the read-only page. I added a write event to the application event log to see what was going on, and found that the WindowsPrincipal.Identity.Name contained my laptop's ID, not my user name.
I reassert: anonymous access is disabled in IIS and the web.config file has Windows Authentication.
Can anyone suggest what else to check? Or can you explain what's going on?
You probably need to set <identity impersonate="true" /> in your web.config:
<identity impersonate="true" />
See for more details.
