How do you push an update to a non-HTML5 browser? -

We are considering a web application to provide users with frequent updates to system data. Initially, the data would be limited to system pressure, flow, etc. but the concept could apply to many areas of our business. The data is stored in SQL Server.
The question is, how do we force a table on a webpage to update when new data is inserted into the database. For example, a pump reports a new flow value. The updates to the database can be throttled but realistically we're looking at a new update every minute or two for our purposes.
This seems like a case where push notification would be used but what can we use with ASP.NET? HTML5 is out of the question although we've watched some push demos with web sockets.
Is there a push technology we can use for ASP.NET?
If not, or if it's a better solution, should we poll the database with jQuery / AJAX? Any suggestions for samples we should look at?

Using HTTP you can only send responses to client queries, so pushing content without web sockets is not possible.
The most common solutions are
polling the server for changes and updating the table if there are any
updating the page on the client often and having the server generate the page if there are new data.
The latter method is the closest to pushing content, as the client do not retrieve data, but if you want to manipulate the data client-side it will be better to retrieve only the data.
A bonus in the latter is that the server handles data and turns it into a plain file, that the server can easily serve to many clients instead of creating the page every time it's opened.

Polling via ajax is the best solution here.
Since you are using ASP.NET, some of the built in ajax controls can make this pretty simple:
If you want to make a better job of this, you might consider creating a web service and using raw JavaScript or the JQuery framework to handle the ajax request / update. I say this because ASP.NET ajax sends the full page view state back to the server, which is inefficient and usually unnecessary.

"Comet" is the technology you're looking for. It's basically a handful of techniques people have come up with to do the sort of thing you're asking for. The simplest of these techniques involve causing the browser to make constant requests to the server for any updates it should know about. The most versatile (but complex) technique involves clever use of an embedded <script> tag which references a dynamic script resource.

You can use an ASP.NET Timer control coupled with an UpdatePanel to periodically check for new data and then refresh the UpdatePanel.


Background task in ASP.NET

I am writing a web application using ASP.NET (not MVC), with .NET v4 (not v4.5).
I fetch some of the data which I must display from a 3rd-party web service, one of whose methods takes a long time (several seconds) to complete. The information to be fetched/prefetched varies depending on the users' initial requests (because different users ask for details about different objects).
In a single-user desktop application, I might:
Display my UI as quickly as possible
Have a non-UI background task to fetch the information in advance
Therefore hope have an already-fetched/cached version of the data, by the time the user drills down into the UI to request it
To do something similar using ASP.NET, I guessed I can:
Use a BackgroundWorker, passing the Session instance as a parameter to the worker
On completion of the worker's task, write fetched data to the Session
If the user's request for data arrives before the task is complete, then block until it it has completed
Do you foresee problems, can you suggest improvements?
[There are other questions on StackOverflow about ASP.NET and background tasks, but these all seem to be about fetching and updating global application data, not session-specific data.]
Why not use same discipline as in a desktop application:
Load the page without the data from the service ( = Display my UI as quickly as possible)
Fetch the service data using an ajax call (= Have a non-UI background task to fetch the information in advance)
this is actually the same, although you can show an animated gif indicating you are still in progress... (Therefore hope have an already-fetched/cached version of the data, by the time the user drills down into the UI to request it)
In order to post an example code it will be helpful to know if you are using jquery? plain javascript? something else? no javascript?
I am not sure if this was your plan but Another idea is to fetch the data on server side as well, and cache the data for future requests.
In this case the stages will be:
Get a request.
is the service data cached?
2.a. yes? post page with full data.
2.b. no? post page without service data.
2.b.i. On server side fetch service data and cache it for future requests.
2.b.ii. On client side fetch service data and cache it for current session.
Edit 2:
Bare in mind that the down side of this discipline is that in case the method you fetch the data changes, you will have to remember to modify it both on server and client side.

Best practices - When to use Server / Client code

I was searching for information about one of my doubts, but I couldn't find any. I'm working in an ASP.NET site and using AJAX to require data, since I'm currently working on my own, I don't know web programming's best practices.
I usually get all the information I need from the server and use Javascript to display / Modify it and AJAX to send it back to the server. A friend of mine uses PHP for most part of the programming, He rarelly uses any javascript and he told me it's way faster this way, since it does not consume the client's resources.
The basic question actually is:
According to the best practices, is it better for the server just to provide the data needed for the
application or is better you use the server for more than this?
That is going to depend on the expected amount of traffic for the site, the amount of content being generated, and the expectations of the end-user.
In a high-traffic site, it is actually "faster" for the end-user if you let javascript generate a portion of the content on the client side. Also, you can deliver a better user experience with long load times through client side scripting than you can if the content is loaded completely on the server.
In most cases you would need at least some backend code. E.g. when validating user input or when retrieving information from a real persistent database. Or what about when somebody has javascript disabled in his user-agent or somebody with a screenreader or searchengine crawlers?
IMHO you should at least (again in most cases) have the backend code which is able to do all the work and spit out a full webpage to the client. In addition to this you can add javascript functionality to make the user interface "smoother" by for example validating user data before submitting it to the server (remember to ALWAYS also check on the serverside) or by loading partial html (AJAX).
The point about being faster or using less resources when doing it serverside doesn't make much sense. Even if it does that it doesn't matter (but again I highly doubt this statement). If you use clientside scripting to only load parts that are needed it would rather use less resources on both the client- and the serverside.

How to dynamically keep track on button click count on ASP .NET

I want to make a form where people can sign up for a course. Number of people for a course is limited. I want to make a page where user can see how many places are still available and that number is dynamically updated, so if another user signs for a course the other one sees change. When number of available places reaches 0 the signup button should be disabled. Such task should be easy to implement but I am afraid it is not. I suppose some Ajax will be involved but how to handle server side counting? WebServices? I have a problem to design a logic behind all of this.
The technology/technique you're looking for is called Server Push.
Basic idea: Client should respond to some events happening on Server.
Possible solutions:
Polling some server action via AJAX in a timely fashion;
Keeping long-running AJAX request open on server-side until timeout occurs or event happens, then process acquired result on client (determine if it was server action or just timeout), reestablish connection from client if necessary.
and a couple of other solutions which are basically variations of the above two. Also solution will much depend on server-side technology you're using.
Google has a short yet very informative article on what this technique is and how it can be implemented here. It's (almost) technology agnostic so it should help you to understand concepts and possible solutions.
I'd use a database on the server. For the "courses" table, have an associated table containing the "bookings". Add them up in a SQL query.

Is ASP.NET AJAX's 'One request at a time' limitation limited to the use of UpdatePanels?

We just recently wrote an online job application that is made up of multiple, dynamic modules and each one has individual Create/Edit/Update modes that they invoke asynchronously to avoid full page postbacks. Basically you save the data in the different modules as you fill out the application and then you submit it at the end.
Being new to AJAX, we initially implemented the modules using UpdatePanels. Now that we have been using it for awhile we are better understanding some of the limitiations to the UpdatePanel approach. At any one time the application page has between 30-40 update panels.
So we are getting ready to update the code to be more client focused and use web service calls to get data, with the intent to decrease postbacks as much as possible. One of the issues that we are running into now is the fact that only one asynchronous request can be running at one time, so if a user answers one question and then answers another while the first one is still saving, the request for the first one is dropped and doesn't complete.
My question is whether this is just a behavior of UpdatePanels and that it will not be an issue when I move to making web service calls from javascript code. I'm assuming the page can make as many different asynchronous javascript calls at one time as it wants, but I wanted to make sure this was the case as that is a big point we are trying to resolve with a re-write.
Yes, that is only a limitation of the UpdatePanel. Its single-request limitation is necessary because the UpdatePanel's asynchronous postbacks are still just postbacks, with all the ViewState roundtripping that is normally associated with full postbacks. If more than one were allowed to execute simultaneously, the ViewState would quickly get out of sync between them and things would go downhill from there.
Using web services, you can perform as many simultaneous requests as the user's browser supports per-domain.

Flex - best strategy for keeping client data in synch with backend database?

In an Adobe flex applicaiton using BlazeDS AMF remoting, what is the best stategy for keeping the local data fresh and in synch with the backend database?
In a typical web application, web pages refresh the view each time they are loaded, so the data in the view is never too old.
In a Flex application, there is the tempation to load more data up-front to be shared across tabs, panels, etc. This data is typically refreshed from the backend less often, so there is a greater chance of it being stale - leading to problems when saving, etc.
So, what's the best way to overcome this problem?
a. build the Flex application as if it was a web app - reload the backend data on every possible view change
b. ignore the problem and just deal with stale data issues when they occur (at the risk of annoying users who are more likely to be working with stale data)
c. something else
In my case, keeping the data channel open via LiveCycle RTMP is not an option.
a. Consider optimizing back-end changes through a proxy that does its own notification or poling: it knows if any of the data is dirty, and will quick-return (a la a 304) if not.
b. Often, users look more than they touch. Consider one level of refresh for looking and another when they start and continue to edit.
Look at BuzzWord: it locks on edit, but also automatically saves and unlocks frequently.
If you can't use the messaging protocol in BlazeDS, then I would have to agree that you should do RTMP polling over HTTP. The data is compressed when using RTMP in AMF which helps speed things up so the client is waiting long between updates. This would also allow you to later scale up to the push methods if the product's customer decides to pay up for the extra hardware and licenses.
You don't need Livecycle and RTMP in order to have a notification mechanism, you can do it with the channels from BlazeDS and use a streaming/long polling strategy
In the past I have gone with choice "a". If you were using Remote Objects you could setup some cache-style logic to keep them in sync on the remote end.
Can't you use RTMP over HTTP (HTTP Polling)?
That way you can still use RTMP, and although it is much slower than real RTMP you can still braodcast updates this way.
We have an app that uses RTMP to signal inserts, updates and deletes by simply broadcasting RTMP messages containing the Table/PrimaryKey pair, leaving the app to automatically update it's data. We do this over Http using RTMP.
I found this article about synchronization:
It doesn't go into technical details but you can guess what kind of coding will implement this strategies.
I also don't have fancy notifications from my server so I need synchronization strategies.
For instance I have a list of companies in my modelLocator. It doesn't change really often, it's not big enough to consider pagination, I don't want to reload it all (removeAll()) on each user action but yet I don't want my application to crash or UPDATE corrupt data in case it has been UPDATED or DELETED from another instance of the application.
What I do now is saving in a SESSION the SELECT datetime. When I come back for refreshing the data I SELECT WHERE last_modified>$SESSION['lastLoad']
This way I get only rows modified after I loaded the data (most of the time 0 rows).
Obviously you need to UPDATE last_modified on each INSERT and UPDATE.
For DELETE it's more tricky. As the guy point out in his article:
"How can we send up a record that no longer exists"
You need to tell flex which item it should delete (say by ID) so you cannot really DELETE on DELETE :)
When a user delete a company you do an UPDATE instead: deleted=1
Then on refresh companies, for row where deleted=1 you just send back the ID to flex so that it makes sure this company isn't in the model anymore.
Last but not the least, you need to write a function that clean rows where deleted=1 and last_modified is older than ... 3days or whatever you think suits your needs.
The good thing is that if a user delete a row by mistake it's still in the database and you can save it from real delete within 3days.
Rather than caching on flex client, why not do caching on server side? Some reasons,
1) When you cache data on server side, its centralized and you can make sure all clients have the same state of data
2) There are much better options available on server side for caching rather than on flex. Also you can have a cron job which refreshes data based on some frequency say every 24 hours.
3) As data is cached on server and it doesn't need to fetch it from db every time, communication with flex will be much faster
