css positioning question - css

I'm trying for the life of me to figure out what should be an excruciatingly simple CSS task: aligning a block of text to the right of an image and vertically positioning the block so it aligns with the bottom of the image; and I'd prefer to not have to declare a height for the containing element as this is for a lengthy image listing and the dimensions will vary (but all with a certain max width/height). I've attempted to define a parent element with "position:relative" containing two left-floated divs, one with the image and the other with the text block, positioned "absolute" and "bottom:0" and I can't seem to get the text block to align with the bottom of the image...
any assistance here may very well help me stave off a fit of insanity ;)

If the text go to the right of the image, just use an element with display:inline-block after the image, and enclose everything in a block (like div). See it here


Blocks overlapping floats but content wraps

I have a layering issue with a site that I can't seem to figure out how to get around.
Essentially, I have a float:right div that contains some linked images and a bunch of block divs on the same page (in the same wrapper). The text (content) all wraps as expected, but the block elements overlap the floated elements making the image links non-clickable. It becomes quite obvious when viewed using chrome/firebug/whatever that the blocks are getting in the way of the floats but nothing I have tried as yet has floated them to the top.
example from: http://wanganuilibrary.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/280
What I need is a way of allowing the links on the images in the float to be clickable. The float can have a set width but not height, and the rest of the content needs to be free flowing and wrap under the float if/when required, so no forced padding or margins, e.g.: http://wanganuilibrary.recollect.co.nz/nodes/view/1519
Any ideas on how this could be achieved would be appreciated.
Usually columns like this are built using floats.
The left content column would be float: left with a set width.
The right content would be float: right with a smaller width.
Otherwise you can set the z-index of the anchors around the images to higher than the other content,

HTML/Prestashop, moving the category image to the left

In the normal prestashop theme, there is a box at the top of the category pages for a description of the category as a whole. The box has an outline and contains a picture and some text.
The text is normally below the image, so the block takes up a lot of room. I would like to float the image to the left, and wrap the text around it, so it's smaller.
I suspected this would be easy, because the image and text are in divs, and both of them are in another div for the outline. So I simply added float:left to the image's DIV.
The image moved to the right OK, and the text flowed too. However, the surrounding DIV did not resize properly, so the image now runs right out of the box.
How do I get the enclosing DIV to resize properly?
You need to force the containing div to wrap the floated contents. You can do this a few ways, one being to add overflow:hidden.
.content_scene_cat {overflow:hidden;}

Text position inline of a div

This is live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/9Y7Cm/5/
Everything is fine with that, until the text width there is higher than the div width.
If you will add some text there, the line will break and the text will be displayed under of the image instead of next to the image (as you can see in my first fiddle).
Here you can see what happends, it text width is higher than div container width:
Is there a way to fix that?
Give your right side content a width and float it to the right, like so:
For a cleaner result, i suggest you separate both sides of your content, left and right, with a class and width and then float them to set them side by side.
Just remove display:inline-block; from the CSS for the span element (jsFiddle example).
More information on display:inline-block.
inline-block: This value causes an element to generate an inline-level block container. The inside of an inline-block is formatted as a block box, and the element itself is formatted as an atomic inline-level box.
The problem is with display:inline-block for the span. Remove it, and the text will be on the same line

Putting a floated div on the bottom of the container

I have this code: http://jsfiddle.net/5RbrL/
As you can see, the text doesn't go over the .box div. I would like to achieve the same, but the .box div should be attached to the bottom of the container.
First thing I tried was setting the container's positioning context to relative and making .box absolute, but this takes it out of the document's flow and text is placed underneath .box, which is exactly what I don't want to happen.
I do not know the height of the container, as it will depend on the amount of text inside it.
Is there any way to make the text fill the entire container, but leave the bottom right square empty (for a background graphic)?
I apologise for not phrasing my question clearly: I would like the text to wrap around the .box.
Unfortunately what you ask can't be done with pure CSS.
You need a specific height to be able to float/position elements in this manner.
You could get around it be adding more elements, but this isn't preferable as then you'd have to invent some way to spread the last parts of text over to the empty element.
Well you could fake it by adding another element and somehow injecting the last lines of text into it.
Other than that, without a specific height I am not sure there is a real way to do it. HTML should come up with some kind of pathing system :D
After some thinking and experimentation I have an easier solution, just include the element within the text (inside the <p>.)
Have you tried moving the image div to the bottom of the container (underneath your text) and then clearing the container with either a clear div or overflow:hidden? http://jsfiddle.net/5RbrL/14/
What exactly do you want to do?
if do you want the box in the bottom, you can put an overflow hidden in the container, and then move the .box to the bottom > something like this >
or the structure can't changes?

a span floated right within a div - why a new line in IE?

I have 1 span within a container div. I want the span floated to the right. The content within the div and the span should be on one line.
In Firefox, that's how it displays.
But in IE, the span is displayed on a new line:
Why do the browsers display the content differently?
You should float the other content to the left. So have two floats; left and right.
Another approach could be using position absolute on the span, andposition relative on the surrounding div. Then you could put the positions (top, left, right and bottom) and position the elements as you should!
You could probably get away with specifying a width on your .catalogSelection#top #rss style definition. When setting the element to float it considers it a block level element and since your existing text is not floated, it wraps to the next line. Either this, or you need to float your Choose Catalog text to the left as well. Or as Kevin suggested, you can just put your Floated elements to the left of the non-floated, but this can be an issue when it comes to screen readers as it reads from left to right in your code, and is not semantically correct.
