How to update a aprimary key field with linq to SQL? -

I have tbl_names with following fields:
Id int
Name nvarchar(10)
family nvarchar(20)
Id Name Family
1 John Smith
and suppose Id and name are primary key together(compound primary key).
and I want to update name field according to the value of Id field.
DataclassesContext dac=new DataClassesContext();
var query=from record in Dac.tbl_name where select record;"Raymond";
but I encounter following error:
Value of member 'co_Workshop' of an object of type 'Tbl_Workshop' changed.
A member defining the identity of the object cannot be changed.
Consider adding a new object with new identity and deleting the existing one instead.
Is it because of name field is primary key? why can't I update a primary key field using linq?

I am not sure that you should find a way around this. I cannot imagine why it would be a good idea to change a value in a PK. The entire nature of a PK is that it is a stable identifier of the row.
In your case, you should drop and recreate the PK to be just the "Id" field and then if you need to improve performance on queries filtering on "name" then just add an Index on the "name" field. The fact that you only use the "Id" field to find the record supports this idea.
I answered before there were comments to the Question. Now that I see the comment from the OP about "it is an old database and can't change it's structure", I would say that if there are no FKs pointing to this PK then this should be a fairly straight-forward change (to drop and recreate the PK with just the "Id" field as I mentioned above). If there are FKs pointing to it then an option (though not a great option and it might not work on all RDBMS's) is to:
Drop the FKs
Drop the PK
Create the new PK on just the "Id" field
Create a UNIQUE INDEX on "Id" and "Name"
Recreate the FK's to point to the UNIQUE INDEX
This will work on Microsoft SQL Server and as much as I dislike the idea of a FK pointing to a UNIQUE INDEX, it should allow for the same structure that you have now plus LINQ will just see the single field PK on "Id" and allow for the update.

Where possible, a workaround is to delete the record whose primary key value needs updating and create a new record in its place.

It looks like there are ways around it, like I mentioned above. Linq won't let you change the primary key.

Had the same problem. For legacy reasons, I couldn't remove the column I needed to update from being part of the primary key.
A simple solution was to not use Linq in this case, but use T_SQL and do a simple update.
update tbl_name set name = 'Raymond' where id = 1


Cassandra Select Query using Collection Primary Key in Where Clause

I'm new to Cassandra and I created a table with a frozen collection as the primary key
cqlsh> create table rick_morty (id uuid, name text, adventure text, instigator frozen<set<text>>, PRIMARY KEY((instigator), adventure, name, id));
Now I want to query based on the primary key (instigator) for all of the values held in the collection. I have found that if I just wanted to query on 1 value, I can use CONTAINS 'contained_value', but I want to query on the entire collection.
I've been looking all over to figure out how to do this but I can't find the answer.
Doing something like
const query = 'SELECT name from rick_morty';
retrieves all results but I want to do something like...
const query = 'SELECT name from rick_morty where instigator = ["Rick", "Morty", "Beth"]';
to retrieve all list of names associated with that array of instigators.
Is this possible?? Did I just create my table in an improper way?
Is this possible??
Yes. See #8 here.
"Filter data on a column of a user-defined type. Create an index and then run a conditional query. In Cassandra 2.1.x, you need to list all components of the name column in the WHERE clause."
This should work:
SELECT name from rick_morty where instigator = { 'Rick', 'Morty', 'Beth'};
The following query should work,
SELECT name from rick_morty where instigator contains 'Rick' AND contains 'Morty';
But, This may not be an efficient/proper way to implement as Sets are meant to be used to store/get a set of data for a given primary key.
So, I would recommend you to re-design the data model by denormolise the query into a an additional table in case if this requirement is one of your primary use case.

Choosing primary key value in LINQ to SQL

I'm creating an site that used linq to sql to create, edit and delete cars and race results. Each car has it's own number which has been set as the primary key. Each result has a result number, and there is a many-to-one relationship between the results and cars.
To create a new car object I use the Car DataContext, which automatically updates the database as requires using the DataContext.SubmitChanges() function. However it won't update the primary key, instead choosing a new one by incrementing the largest current value.
Since each car's number is important, is there any way to choose the primary key value using this method? Or should I make the car ID separate and use a separate piece of code to make sure the ID is unique?
As you aluded to in your question, keeping the Car number separate from its Id is the way to go. The reason for this is that it is possible that two cars could at some point have the same number, in addition to the fact that the database is choosing its own value for the Id anyway.
Just add another field to your Car table to record its number and you should be good to go.
See Update primary key value using entity framework for more information.

How should I go about making sure the value pairs in this table are unique?

I am using Visual Web Developer and Microsoft SQL server. I have a tag table "Entry_Tag" which is as follows:
I want to make the entry_id and tag_id pairing unique. A particular tag can only be applied to an entry once in the table. I made the two columns a primary key. They are also both foreign keys referencing the ids in their respective tables. When I dragged the tables into the Object Relationship Designer it only showed a relationship line between either "Entry_Tag" and "Entry" or when I tried again between "Entry_tag" and "Tag".
The "Entry_tag" table should have a relationship with both "Tag" and "Entry".
How do I go about doing this?
In general, you can add a unique constraint on the table that includes both columns. In this case, including both of the columns in the primary key should have already done this. If you have relationships set up for each field to other tables, then I believe those relationships should be displayed in the query designer... I see no cause for this given the information you've provided - perhaps you need to post more information.
Create an UNIQUE INDEX to for entry_id and tag_id.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table (entry_id, tag_id)

SQLITE: Unable to remove an unnamed primary key

I have a sqlite table that was originally created with:
PRIMARY KEY (`column`);
I now need to remove that primary key and create a new one. Creating a new one is easy, but removing the original seems to be the hard part. If I do
.indices tablename
I don't get the primary key. Some programs show the primary key as
Indexes: 1
The index name is typically in the [].
Any ideas?
You can't.
will give you a list of indices. This will include the automatically generated index for the primary key which will be called something like 'sqlite_autoindex_MyTable_1'.
But unfortunately you cannot drop this index...
sqlite> drop index sqlite_autoindex_MyTable_1;
SQL error: index associated with UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint cannot be dropped
All you can do is re-create the table without the primary key.
I the database glossary; a primary-key is a type of index where the index order is typically results in the physical ordering of the raw database records. That said any database engine that allows the primary key to be changed is likely reordering the database... so most do not and the operation is up to the programmer to create a script to rename the table and create a new one. So if you want to change the PK there is no magic SQL.
select * from sqlite_master;
table|x|x|2|CREATE TABLE x (a text, b text, primary key (`a`))
You'll see that the second row returned from my quick hack has the index name in the second column, and the table name in the third. Try seeing if that name is anything useful.

Unique record in Asp.Net SQL

I asked this question previously but the answers weren't what I was looking for.
I created a table in without using code. It contains two columns.
YourUserId and FriendUserId
This is a many to many relationship.
Heres what I want:
There can be multiple records with your name as the UserId, there can also be multiple records with FriendUserId being the same...but there cannot be multiple records with both being the same. For example:
Dave : Greg
Dave : Chris
Greg : Chris
Chris : Greg
is good
Dave : Greg
Dave : Greg
is not good.
I right clicked on the table and chose Indexes/Keys. I then put both columns in the columns section and chose to make the unique. I thought this would make them unique as a whole but individually not unique.
If you go to the Dataset, it show keys next to both columns and says that there is a constraint with both columns being checked.
Is there a way of just making sure that you are not inserting a duplicate copy of a record into the table without individual columns being unique?
I tried controling it with my sql insert statement but that did not work. This is what I tried.
INSERT INTO [FriendRequests] ([UserId], [FriendUserId]) VALUES ('"+UserId+"', '"+PossibleFriend+"') WHERE NOT EXIST (SELECT [UserId], [FriendUserId] FROM [FriendRequests])
That didn't work for some reason.
Thank you for your help!
You should create a compound primary key to prevent duplicate rows.
ALTER TABLE FriendRequests
ADD CONSTRAINT pk_FriendRequests PRIMARY KEY (UserID, FriendUserID)
Or select both columns in table designer and right click to set it as a key.
To prevent self-friendship, you'd create a CHECK constraint:
ALTER TABLE FriendRequests
ADD CONSTRAINT ck_FriendRequests_NoSelfFriends CHECK (UserID <> FriendUserID)
You can add the check constraint in the designer by right clicking anywhere in the table designer, clicking "Check constraints", clicking "add", and setting expression to UserID <> FriendUserID
You might want to look at this question
Sounds like you need a composite key to make both fields a single key.
I have a better idea. Create a new table. Called FriendRequestRelationships. Have the following columns
FriendRelationshipId (PRIMARY KEY)
Put a unique constraint to only allow one relationship wit UserId_1 and UserId_2. This table now serves as your many-to-many relationship harness.
Create a scalar function that can return the FriendUserId for a UserId, lets say it's called fn_GetFriendUserIdForUserId
You can now display your relationships by running the following query
SELECT dbo.fn_GetFriendUserIdForUserId(UserId_1) AS 'Friend1',
dbo.fn_GetFriendUserIdForUserId(UserId_2) AS 'Friend2',
FROM FriendRelationshipId
