Unknown record property / related component "permissions" on "sfGuardUser" - symfony-1.4

There are a couple of other questions on here regarding this but they are old and have not been answered satisfactorily IMHO.
I am getting this error - "Unknown record property / related component
"permissions" on "sfGuardUser", referer:" - in my error_log when I
attempt to login to my symfony 1.4 app after deployment. I do not get
it on my local machine.
When I submit the login form, Symfony throws a 500 error. If I refresh
the page, the login form is reposted and I am logged in.
Can anyone suggest what might be causing this?

The answer can be found here: http://oldforum.symfony-project.org/index.php/m/102097/
The solution is:
rm ./lib/model/doctrine/base/BaseSfGuard*
./symfony cc
from http://oldforum.symfony-project.org/index.php/m/102097/
It seems that at some point I had this relation defined in my own schema file and this had been cached somewhere. When I moved the code to a new server without the cache, Symfony generated classes in a location which overrode the plugin's versions.

When I submit the login form, Symfony
throws a 500 error. If I refresh the
page, the login form is reposted and I
am logged in.
What browser do you use? I have same problem,but only in Opera...

I don't like using build all commands. If an SQL statement fails, building all can delete data. Never user build all commands on a production environment for Symfony.


Drupal - Disable SAML login in local instance

I am very new to Drupal. I have done the local setup and the front end is working fine. Now I need to login to the admin interface. Seems like there is a SAML configuration and when I try to access the /user/login page it is showing the following error :
The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.
I can see there is one simplesaml folder in the codebase and I think this is handling the SAML login. Now in the local setup, I don't need to use SSO, but not sure how to disable this extension. I have checked in the core.extension.yml, but the fllowing extensions set to 0 there and hence I think this is not activated.
basic_auth: 0
externalauth: 0
simplesamlphp_auth: 0
Also in my local configuration settings.local.php, it is set as false:
$config['simplesamlphp_auth.settings']['activate'] = FALSE;
It will be very much helpful if somebody can guide me in the right direction. I have access to the database, but not sure where I need to make changes. This might be a simple thing, but I am blocked here.
The Error I am seeing the logs is like this :
Uncaught PHP Exception SimpleSAML\Error\Exception: "Could not find the metadata of an IdP with entity ID 'localhost:default:entityId'" at /vendor/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/modules/saml/lib/Auth/Source/SP.php line 317
You can login to Drupal using a console command.
Open a terminal, navigate to the project folder like
cd ~/project/my-project/web/
Then run
drush uli
the output will be a one time login link.

Silverstripe Installation - no login informations

I just installed silverstripe (installer v4.7.3) freshly via Composer (v2.0.12) and set the .env file with my database data.
The database was then initialised by calling up the page. However, I was never asked for login information during the installation and none was displayed after the database initialisation was completed. However, the login in the CMS area requires user data, which I do not have now.
The database table "Members" is also empty, even after several installation attempts. (On Windows with XAMP v3.2.4)
How can I log in?
I finally found the solution.
You just have to add following lines in your .env-file

WSO2 5.3.0 Email template is not updating

I am using WSO2IS 5.3.0 version.
I updated all the configs but mistakenly i gave wrong password reset url in [IS_HOME]/repository/conf/email/email-admin-config.xml file. I started my server with RDBMS as datasource. Everything worked well.
Then I noticed my password reset url is wrong. Again I went to [IS_HOME]/repository/conf/email/email-admin-config.xml file and updated the url and restarted WSO2. But it is not working for all the users. Some users still getting old template with wrong url. I restarted my WSO2 multiple times and updated the xml file but no luck. I even tried to change the template through carbon admin UI but still it is sending wrong template.
The weird thing is it is sending right one immediately after i restart WSO2 but after sometimes it start using old template. How can I solve this issue without reconfigure everything from beginning?
Let's me explain how the email-admin-config.xml works. This file works as the bootstrap data required to populate email templates in WSO2 Identity Server. So whenever you create a tenant initial data related to email templates will be read from here.
So we basically read the file during the first startup (ie. creation of carbon.super tenant) and any new tenant creation of the server and write the content to the database. Thereafter any change you want to do needs to be done with the UI provided in the Managment Console.
Restarting the server won't make the changes apply to existing tenants that were created before changes were made to email-admin-config.xml. But if you create a new tenant the updated content will be read from the email-admin-config.xml.
Hope this clarifies your concerns.
Adding to #farasath's answer. You can also use a SOAP service to change the template programmatically. For that, you can use AccountCredentialMgtConfigService. The service contract can be accessed from.
However to access the WSDL, you have to set HideAdminServices property to false first at <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/carbon.xml and restart the server.
Also, in the management console, the email template management UI can be found under Manage section on the left side panel.

Drupal - White Screen of Death after updates (and login page returning 403 error)

I have just updated a site that is using Drupal and have now experienced the horrible WSOD.
I have searched through Google looking for any sort of solution/error log to help me find and fix the issue but nothing has worked. I have tried adding in the 'display errors' code in the index.php file and looked at the error_log file in the public directory and nothing.
I can not login to the admin page and check any modules as the login page for this is returning a 403 error.
Any suggestions?
Please go to Apache Error log. You will exact error messages there.
The log file's location is different for different OS and versions.
e.g httpd/log/error.log
Maybe your Drupal registry is broken.
Fix this using the registry_rebuild script (this is no module!)
There are times in Drupal 7 when the registry gets hopelessly hosed and you need to rebuild the registry (a list of PHP classes and the files they go with). Sometimes, though, you can't do this regular cache-clear activity because some class is required when the system is trying to bootstrap.
You might get something like:
PHP Fatal error: Class 'EntityAPIControllerExportable' not found in ...sites/all/modules/rules/includes/rules.core.inc on line 11
If this happens when you're trying to run update.php, and happens when you're trying to clear your cache, well, you have some trouble. That's what Registry Rebuild is for.
It also may happen that you've moved some module that Drupal requires to bootstrap, and you get a horrible error. Registry Rebuild will also rebuild the system table to get the modules in the right place so you can bootstrap.
You will need PHP-CLI or drush to run this.

vTiger doesn't recognize any user

I having a problem using vTiger.
Actually i had no problems but we had to format one of our servers and as the SQL has been backup'ed i had no worries about vTiger.
Just got vTiger folder backup'ed too, but when i had my server back and put the folder of vTiger into www and restored the database i had a few errors, mostly resolved by re-configuring config.inc.php because paths had changes. But after all the configuration is done again i can't login to my vTiger. He reachs the database but does not recognize any of the users. I alway get username or password is wrong. Have anyone experienced this? Is there any possible solution?
Had a similar problem a few days ago, it turns out my cookies were corrupt (Firefox). I cleared all related cookies, problem solved. Try first using some other browser to confirm. hth.
First I would check if the db is reached and populated with your data. Try connecting from the command line.
If you are working on Windows and have changed Vtiger's path, and you are using the bundled version, MySql path changes as well, but the Windows service can still be alive on the old path: in this case you must manually cancel the service and afterwards use the "Start Vtiger" button in order to create the new service.
Second, I would turn on the php debugging as explained here. In most cases, these steps should help you.
Have you checked user_privileges folder? in that you must have 2 files for particular user. eg. your user admin having id 1 in database then you must have user_privileges/sharing_privileges_1.php and user_privileges/user_privileges_1.php file
and open user_privileges_1.php file and check username/password in that file, if it's not same with your DB then change it manually.
Try this solution and let me know if it works.
