How to do an addition on a list with a condition? - functional-programming

I have a university course about functional programming, where I use SML. As a preparation for the exam, I am working on some of the older exam sets without solutions.
One of the only questions I really have problems with is the following question using foldl:
Consider the program skeleton: fun
addGt k xs = List.foldl (...) ... xs;
Fill in the two missing pieces
(represented by the dots ...), so that
addGt k xs is the sum of those
elements in xs, which are greater than
k. For example, addGt 4 [1, 5, 2, 7,
4, 8] = 5 + 7 + 8 = 20
I am sure this is really easy, but I have a very hard time understanding the foldl and foldr functions.
What I have now is the following (which seems to be very wrong if you ask my compiler!):
fun addGt(k,xs) = List.foldl ( fn x => if x > k then op+ else 0) 0 xs;
I would really appreciate some help with this question, and maybe a very short comment which would cast some light on the foldl and foldr functions!

A solution that I just though of is the following:
fun addGt(k, xs) = List.foldl (fn (x, y) => if x >= 5 then x + y else y) 0 xs;
But let me explain. First of all check the type of the List.foldl function, it's:
('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b
So List.foldl is a curried function that takes as first parameter another function of type ('a * 'b -> 'b). You used (fn x => if x > k then op+ else 0) which has type int -> int. You should instead provide List.foldl with a function that takes a tuple of type int * int and returns an int, so something like this: (fn (x, y) => do stuff). That's why your code didn't compile, you passed a wrong type of function in foldl.
Now you can think of foldl this way:
foldl f b [x_1, x_2, ..., x_(n - 1), x_n] = f(x_n, f(x_(n - 1), ..., f(x2, f(x1, b)) ...)) where f is a function of type ('a * 'b -> 'b), b is something of type 'b and the list [x_1, x_2, ..., x_(n - 1), x_n] is of type 'a list.
And similar for foldr you can think it in this way:
foldr f b [x_1, x_2, ..., x_(n - 1), x_n] = f(x_1, f(x_2, ..., f(x_(n - 1), f(x_ n, b))

If you call foldl f s ls on a list, ls = [x1, x2, ..., xn], then you get the result:
f(xn, ... f(x2, f(x1, s)))
That is, it starts by finding
a1 = f(x1, s)
a2 = f(x2, a1)
and so on, until it's through the list.
When it's done, it returns an.
You can think of the a-values as being a sort of accumulator, that is, ai is the result as it would be if the list was only [x1, x2, ..., xi] (or rather, the first i elements of the list).
Your function will usually have the form:
fn (x, a) => ...
What you then need to do is think: Okay, if I have the next element in the list, x(i+1), and the value ai, which is the result for the list [x1, x2, ..., xi], what do I need to do to find the value a(i+1), which is the result for the list [x1, x2, ..., xi, x(i+1)].
s can be thought of as the value given to the empty list.
foldr works the same way, only you start from the back of the list instead of from the front.


Finding the mode of an int list in SML and where it occurs without library functions

I'm trying to find the mode or value that occurs most frequently. I want a function like :
mode:' 'a list -> (''a * int) list
and it returns the mode and where it occurs, unless there is a tie then return all occurrences so something like:
mode([1,1,2,3,5,8]) ===> [(1,2)]
mode([1,3,5,2,3,5]) ===> [(3,2),(5,2)]
mode([true,false,true,true]) ====>[(true,3)]
I'm trying to do this without library functions in SML.
so far I got:
fun mode(L)=
if null L then nil
else if hd L= hd (tl L) then 1+mode(hd(tl L))
else mode(tl L);
I know this isn't right I guess I am curious on how you both keep the indices of where the mode occurs and what the mode is and return them as tuples in a list.
You're trying to solve an exercise in many parts with several easier exercises before it. Judging by your current progress, have you considered solving some very similar exercises that build up to the final goal? This is generally good advice when solving programming problems: Reduce your current problem to simpler problems and solve those.
I'd try and solve this problem first
Build a histogram : ''a list -> (''a * int) list over the elements of a list:
fun histogram [] = ...
| histogram (x::xs) = ...
Do this by inserting each x with its count into a histogram.
fun insert (x, []) = ...
| insert (x, (y, count) :: hist) = ...
And write some tests that you can execute once in a while.
Find the mode : ''a list -> ''a of a list:
fun mode xs = ... (histogram xs)
Do this by finding the element in the histogram with the biggest count:
fun findMax [] = ... (* what if the list/histogram is empty? *)
| findMax [(x, count)] = ...
| findMax ((x, count) :: (y, count) :: hist) = ...
and eventually try and solve this problem
When you have a good grasp of representing and navigating regular histograms recursively, you could create an annotated histogram : (''a * int * int list) list that doesn't just contain the frequency of each element, but also their positions in the input list:
fun histogram_helper ([], _) = ...
| histogram_helper (x::xs, i) = ... histogram_helper (xs, i+1) ...
Do this by inserting each x with its count and position i along with previously found positions is into a histogram:
fun insert (x, i, []) = ...
| insert (x, i, (y, count, is) :: hist) = ...
Find the (possibly multiple) mode : ''a list -> (''a * int list) list of a list:
fun mode xs = ... (histogram xs)
Do this by finding the (possibly multiple) element(s) in the histogram with the biggest count:
fun findMax ([], countMax, tmpModes) = ...
| findMax ((x, count, is) :: hist, countMax, tmpModes) = ...
with countMax : int being the frequency repeated in tmpModes : (''a * int * int list) list. Here countMax and tmpModes are accumulating result parameters. Do this by determining whether (x, count, is) should be thrown away in favor of all tmpModes, or it should be added to tmpModes, or it should be chosen in favor of all tmpNodes
I am curious on how you both keep the indices of where the mode occurs and what the mode is and return them as tuples in a list.
Yes, this is not trivial. Using my suggested division into sub-problems, answering this depends on whether we are in the histogram function or the findMax function:
In histogram you can store the indices as part of the tuple that contains the element and the frequency. In findMax, since you're potentially collecting multiple results, you need to keep track of both which frequency is the highest (countMax) and what the temporary modes of choice are (tmpModes); subject to replacement or addition in a later recursive call.
So to answer your question: In an accumulating parameter.
and a little feedback to your code snippet
fun mode(L)=
if null L then nil
else if hd L= hd (tl L) then 1+mode(hd(tl L))
else mode(tl L);
Use pattern matching instead of null, hd and tl:
fun count_4s [] = 0
| count_4s (x::xs) = (if x = 4 then 1 else 0) + count_4s xs
fun count_ns ([], _) = 0
| count_ns (x::xs, n) = (if x = n then 1 else 0) + count_ns (xs, n)
fun count_12 ([], ones, twos) = (ones, twos)
| count_12 (x::xs, ones, twos) =
if x = 1 then count_12 (xs, ones+1, twos) else
if x = 2 then count_12 (xs, ones, twos+1) else
count_12 (xs, ones, twos)
fun count_abc ([], result) = result
| count_abc (x::xs, ((a, ca), (b, cb), (c, cc))) =
count_abc (xs, if x = a then ((a, ca+1), (b, cb), (c, cc)) else
if x = b then ((a, ca), (b, cb+1), (c, cc)) else
if x = c then ((a, ca), (b, cb), (c, cc+1)) else
((a, ca), (b, cb), (c, cc)))
Building a histogram is sort of an extension to this where instead of a fixed value like 4, or a fixed amount of them like ones and twos, you have a whole list of them, and you have to dynamically look for the one you've got, x, and determine if it needs to be added to the histogram or incremented in the histogram.
The best way would be to do that in a helper function, so for example, if count_abc were made with a helper function,
fun insert_abc (x, ((a, ca), (b, cb), (c, cc))) =
if x = a then ((a, ca+1), (b, cb), (c, cc)) else
if x = b then ((a, ca), (b, cb+1), (c, cc)) else
if x = c then ((a, ca), (b, cb), (c, cc+1)) else
((a, ca), (b, cb), (c, cc)))
fun count_abc ([], result) = result
| count_abc (x::xs, result) =
count_abc (xs, insert (x, result))
only instead of the histogram representation
(''a * int) * (''a * int) * (''a * int)
you want
(''a * int) list
and insert should be recursive rather than how insert_abc is repetitive.

Anonymous recursive functions in OCaml

How do you make an anonymous recursive function (something simple for example factorial n?) I have heard it is possible but no idea how to make it work in OCaml.
let a =
fun x -> ....
I just don't know how to keep it going...
Here is a definition of factorial using only anonymous functions:
let fact =
(fun f -> (fun x a -> f (x x) a) (fun x a -> f (x x) a))
(fun f n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1))
It requires the use of the -rectypes flag.
Here's a session showing that it works:
$ rlwrap ocaml -rectypes
OCaml version 4.03.0
let fact =
(fun f -> (fun x a -> f (x x) a) (fun x a -> f (x x) a))
(fun f n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1));;
val fact : int -> int = <fun>
# fact 8;;
- : int = 40320
I cheated somewhat by looking up the Y Combinator here: Rosetta Code: Y Combinator
Disclaimer: you would do better to read up on lambda calculus, fixed points, and the Y Combinator than to get your info from me. I'm not a theorist, just a humble practitioner.
Following the actual computation is almost impossible (but definitely worth doing I'm sure). But at a high level the ideas are like this.
The first line of the definition is the Y Combinator, which in general calculates the fixed point of a function. It so happens that a recursive function is the fixed point of a function from functions to functions.
So the first goal is to find the function whose fixed point is the factorial function. That's the second line of the definition. If you give it a function of type int -> int, it gives you back another function of type int -> int. And if you give it the factorial function, it gives you back the factorial function. This means that the factorial function is its fixed point.
So then when you apply the Y Combinator to this function, you do indeed get the factorial function.
Let me try to expand a bit on Jeffrey Scofield's answer. A non-anonymous recursive definition of the factorial function could be
let rec fact n =
if n < 2 then 1 else n * fact (n - 1)
The first problem you encounter when you try to define an anonymous recursive function is how to do the actual recursive call (fact (n - 1) in our case). For a call we need a name and we do not have a name for an anonymous function. The solution is to use a temporary name. With the temporary name f, the definition body is just
fun n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)
This term does not have a type, because the "temporary name" f is unbound. But we can turn it into a value that does have a type by bounding f as well. Let us call the result g:
let g = fun f n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)
g is not yet anonymous at the moment, but only because I want to refer to it again.
Observe that g has type (int -> int) -> (int -> int). What we want (the factorial function) will have type (int -> int). So g takes something of the type we want (a function type in this case) and produces something of the same type. The intuition is that g takes an approximation of the factorial function, namely a function f which works for all n up to some limit N and returns a better approximation, namely a function that works for all n up to N+1.
Finally we need something that turns g into an actual recursive definition.
Doing so is a very generic task. Recall that g improves the approximation quality. The final factorial function fact is one which cannot be further improved. So applying g to fact should be the same as just fact. (Actually that is only true from a value point of view. The actual computation inherent in g fact n for some n is different from that of just fact n. But the returned values are the same.) In other words, fact is a fixed point of g. So what we need is something that computes fixed points.
Luckily, there is a single function that does so: The Y combinator. From a value point of view, the Y combinator (let us use y in OCaml, as uppercase is reserved for constructors) is defined by the fact that y g = g (y g) for all g: given some function g, the combinator returns one of its fixed points.
y : (`a -> `a) -> `a
In our case the type variable is instantiated by (int -> int).
One possible way to define y would be
let y = fun g -> (fun x -> g (x x)) (fun x -> g (x x))
but this works only with lazy evaluation (as, I believe, Haskell has). As OCaml has eager evaluation, it produces a stack overflow when used. The reason is that OCaml tries to turn something like y g 8 into
g (y g) 8
g (g (y g)) 8
g (g (g (y g))) 8
without ever getting to call g.
The solution is to use deferred computation inside of y:
let y = fun g -> (fun x a -> g (x x) a) (fun x a -> g (x x) a)
One drawback is that y does not work for arbitrary types any more. It only works for function types.
y : ((`b -> `c) -> (`b -> `c)) -> (`b -> `c)
But you asked for recursive definitions of functions anyway, not for recursive definitions of other values. So, our definition of the factorial function is y g with y and g defined as above. Neither y nor g are anonymous yet, but that can be remedied easily:
(fun g -> (fun x a -> g (x x) a) (fun x a -> g (x x) a))
(fun f n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * f (n - 1))
Defining y only works with the -rectypes option. The reason is that we apply x to itself.
There is also an "intuitive" way to accomplish anonymous recursion without resorting to Y combinators.
It makes use of a let binding to store the value of a lambda that accepts itself as an argument, so that it can call itself with itself as the first parameter, like so:
let fact = (let fact0 = (fun self n -> if n < 2 then 1 else n * self self (n - 1)) in (fun n -> fact0 fact0 n));;
It's anonymous only to the extent that it is not defined with let rec.

how to split a list into two lists in which the first has the positive entries and the second has non-positive entries-SML

I am a new to SML and I want to write a function splitup : int list -> int list * int list that given a list of integers creates from two lists of integers, one containing the non-negative entries, the other containing the negative entries.
Here is my code :
fun splitup (xs :int list) =
if null xs
then ([],[])
else if hd xs < 0
then hd xs :: #1 splitup( tl xs)
else hd xs :: #2 splitup( tl xs)
Here's the warning i get:
ERROR : operator and operand don't agree
ERROR : types of if branches do not agree
The function splitup(tl xs) should return int list * int list so i think my recursion should be all right.
What is the problem and how can i fix it ?
The problem is that
hd xs :: #1 splitup( tl xs)
hd xs :: #2 splitup( tl xs)
are lists – you can tell from the :: – not pairs of lists as the result should be.
For the non-empty case, you need to first split the rest of the list, then attach the head to the correct part of the result and add it the other part of the result in a pair.
It's also a good idea to get used to pattern matching, as it simplifies code lot.
Something like this:
fun splitup [] = ([], [])
| splitup (x::xs) = let (negatives, non_negatives) = splitup xs
in if x < 0
then (x :: negatives, non_negatives)
else (negatives, x :: non_negatives)
There is already List.partition: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list, a higher-order library function that does this. In case you want to split up integers into (negative, non-negative):
val splitup = List.partition (fn x => x < 0)

OCaml - Accumulator Using Fold Left

Learning OCaml from here.
I want to verify if I have understood how this snippet of OCaml code works
List.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc + x) 0 [ 1; 2; 3; 4 ]
I have an intuition that this is an equivalent to the reduce function in Python. Specifically, I think it is equivalent to
reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [1, 2, 3])
The anonymous function is taking two parameters - acc and x and returns a single value acc + x. I understand that initially, the first argument acc will be 0 but how does it know that the second argument has to be the first element of the list?
What I think is happening is that fold_left provides the two arguments to the anonymous function and then recursively calls itself with new arguments until the list becomes empty.
To confirm this I saw this.
When I define a function like let inc x = x + 1 I get something like val inc : int -> int = <fun> but in this case the signature is : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a = <fun>
What is 'a and how should I interpret this function signature so that List.fold_right f [a1; ...; an] b becomes f a1 (f a2 (... (f an b) ...))?
You are asking many questions.
I'm pretty sure that Python reduce is a fold, so your intuition is probably right.
You ask "how does it know that the second argument has to be the first element of the list?" Unfortunately, I don't think this is a well formed question. There's no "it" that knows anything. Most likely the answer is given by the definition of fold_left. It knows what to do because somebody wrote the code that way :-)
Here is the definition of fold_left from the standard library:
let rec fold_left f accu l =
match l with
[] -> accu
| a::l -> fold_left f (f accu a) l
In some sense, this should answer all your questions.
The type 'a in the type of fold_left is the type of the accumulator. The point is that you can use any type you want for the accumulator. This is why the fold is so powerful. As long as it matches the values accepted and returned by the folded function, it can be anything you want.
If I remember correctly, reduce is a simpler version of fold, which takes the first element of the list as starting element. I'd define it this way:
let reduce f = function
| x::xs -> fold_left f x xs
| [] -> failwith "can't call reduce on empty lists!"
If you enter it in OCaml, it will display its type:
val reduce : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a list -> 'a
You can contrast it with fold_left's type:
('b -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a list -> 'b
The type variables 'a and 'b here mean that they can stand for any type. In your example, both 'a and 'b become int. If we insert the types, fold_left has the signature:
(int -> int -> int) -> int -> int list -> int
That's what we expected: + is a function which takes two ints and returns a new one, 0 is an int and the [1;2;3;4;] is a list of ints. The case that fold_left has two type variables and reduce only has one already gives a hint that it is more general. To see why we can look at the definition of reduce. Since the starting element of the fold is an element of the list, the types 'a' and 'b must be the same. That's fine for summing up elements, but say, we'd like to construct an abstract syntax tree for our summation. We define a type for this:
type exp = Plus of exp * exp | Number of int
Then we can call:
fold_left (fun x y -> Plus (x, (Number y))) (Number 0) [1; 2; 3; 4]
Which results in the expression:
Plus (Plus (Plus (Plus (Number 0, Number 1), Number 2), Number 3), Number 4)
A benefit of this tree is that you can nicely see what is applied first (0 and 1) - in case of addition this is not a problem, since it is associative (this means a+(b+c) = (a+b)+c) which is not the case for subtraction (compare e.g. 5-(3-2) and (5-3)-2).
If you want to do something similar with reduce, you will notice that OCaml complains about type errors:
reduce (fun x y -> Plus (x, (Number y))) [1; 2; 3; 4] ;;
Error: This expression has type exp but an expression was expected of type
In this case, we can wrap each integer as an expression in our input list, then the types agree. Since we already have Numbers, we don't need to add the Number constructor to y:
let wrapped = map (fun x -> Number x) [1; 2; 3; 4] in
reduce (fun x y -> Plus (x, y)) wrapped
Again, we have the same result, but we needed an additional function call to map. In the case of fold_left, this is not necessary.
P.S.: You might have noticed that OCaml gives the type of fold_left as ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b list -> 'a. I guess you will quickly realize that the name of the type variables doesn't play a role. To make it easier to compare, I switched the names such that the function is always applied to a list of 'a.
A little late, but the comparison between OCaml's folds and Python's reduce may be easier if you incorporate reduce's initializer argument.
Summing a list of ints in OCaml using a fold:
let sum = List.fold_left (+) 0 [1; 2; 3]
And using reduce in Python.
from functools import reduce
sum = reduce(int.__add__, [1, 2, 3], 0)
Here you can see the order of arguments is a bit different, but they're all there.
Python feels it's less likely you'll need the initializer, so leaves it at the end as an optional argument as a convenience. OCaml features the list as the last argument also as a convenience, as partial application makes it easy to write something like a sum function.
let sum = List.fold_left (+) 0
Rather than:
let sum lst = List.fold_left (+) 0 lst

SML functional programming higher order function?

I need to implement a function
ziprev : 'a list -> 'b list -> ('a * 'b) list
- ziprev [1,2,3,4] [10,20,30,40];
val it = [(1,40),(2,30),(3,20),(4,10)] : (int * int) list
Using a function that I already created:
- zipW (fn (x, y) => x + y) [1,2,3,4] [10,20,30,40];
val it = [11,22,33,44] : int list
and the List.rev from the library.
I have no idea how to do a function with two libraries. Any suggestions?
Hint 1:
Compare the result of your ziprev with [1,2,3,4] [10,20,30,40]
You should see a fairly obvious pattern.
Hint 2:
List.rev reverses a list.
Hint 3:
Can you use zipW to implement
That is, if you want to say
normalzip xs ys = zipW something xs ys
what would something be?
