Object Data Source - asp.net

I'm creating a gridview using an objectdatasource and it works fine when pulling all records. But when I want to use the selectCountMethod the grid shows no values.
I Step through the code and my getInvoices (gets the requested data) returns data and the getInvoicesCount (gets the total record count). But then when I go through the rowdatabound of the gridview there's nothing in there and no data displays.
Here is my code to set the objectdatasource. Any reasons why it wouldn't work or something special that needs to be done for getting the selectcount to work?
Me.ODS.TypeName = "invoice"
Me.ODS.EnablePaging = True
Me.ODS.SelectMethod = "getInvoices"
Me.ODS.SelectCountMethod = "GetInvoiceCount"
Me.ODS.StartRowIndexParameterName = "startRowIndex"
Me.ODS.MaximumRowsParameterName = "maximumRows"
Me.ODS.SelectParameters.Add("strbu", strBusUnit)
Me.ODS.SelectParameters.Add("stremailAddress", emailAddress)
Me.ODS.SelectParameters.Add("startDate", search_startdate)
Me.ODS.SelectParameters.Add("enddate", search_enddate)
Me.ODS.SelectParameters.Add("sortExpression", sortExpression & " " & sortDirection)
With gvInvoices
.PageIndex = intPageIndex
.PageSize = 25
End With

Check if the count being returned is an integer . debug it . maybe it is null.
and if not null parse it to an integer

I was able to figure this one out. The count was being returned as a long instead of integer. I changed it to integer and all is working great


need help update a datatable cell value

I have a trivial question about updating a datatable MyDT. I googled and found several approach and got compile errors. Here is the code and here is what I tried with the error. Any help is greatly appreciated. BTW, I am using asp.net framework 2.0 and VB.NET
MyDT.Rows[1][4] = "4NF" ' Property access must assign to the property or use it value
row.Item("New_Column") = "4NF" ' Input string was not in a correct format.
Couldn't store <4NF> in New_Column Column. Expect type is Byte.
row["New_Column"] = "4NF" ' Expression is not a method
Dim StatusCode As String
For Each row As DataRow In MyDT.Rows
StatusCode= row.Item("ThisColumn").ToString()
If StatusCode= "NONF" Then
MyDT.Rows[1][4] = "4NF"
End If
Next row
You should either:
Store data as String in your DataTable
Do a conversion
Here how the conversion looks
MyDT.Rows[1][4] = Convert.ToByte("4NF")

How to remove duplicates in a listbox VB.net

I am trying to remove duplicates in a ListBox which is populated by a query pull. I use this code to prevent adding duplicates in VB 6.0 but does not work when converted over to VB.net. Is there a substitute method to prevent or remove duplicates.
colSchema = dr("Col_Schema").ToString
If Not lstSchema.Items.ToString.Contains(colSchema) Then
lstSchema.Items.Add(New ListItem(colSchema))
End If
colSchema = dr("Col_Schema").ToString
dim exists as boolean = false
for i as integer = 0 to lstSchema.items.count - 1
if lstSchema.items.item(i) = colSchema then
exists = true
end if
if exists = false then
lstSchema.Items.Add(New ListItem(colSchema))
end if
This code
is converting Items to a string. Items is most likely the type ListBox.ObjectCollection (if this is WinForms) or a similar collection type for other UI frameworks. Calling ToString on such classes will end up calling Object.ToString, which just returns the name of the class.
Instead, try
If that does not work for some reason, please update your question explaining exactly what you were trying to solve by calling ToString.

Looping through different dropdown lists

I have multiple controls on a page that are all similar and are all numbered. For instance, I have multiple month controls like this:
But when I have common code that works on all of the controls, I need a big Select Case statement like this:
Select Case Count
Case 1
Call Me.FillReplacements(rf.Replacements(0), Me.Replacement1MonthDropDownList, Me.Replacement1AmountTextBox, Me.ReplacementSaveButton)
Case 2
Call Me.FillReplacements(rf.Replacements(0), Me.Replacement1MonthDropDownList, Me.Replacement1AmountTextBox, Me.ReplacementSaveButton)
Call Me.FillReplacements(rf.Replacements(1), Me.Replacement2MonthDropDownList, Me.Replacement2AmountTextBox, Me.SplitButton1)
Is it possible to loop through the controls and get them by name--justreplacing the numbers in the name with the current Count in my loop?
Sorry, I'm very new to Visual Basic! :S
Yes, you can. The Page class (Me, in this case) has a FindControl method which allows you to find a control by name. So, for instance, you could do something like this:
Dim monthControl As Control = Me.FindControl("Replacement" & Count.ToString() & "MonthDropDownList")
Dim splitControl As Control = Me.FindControl("SplitButton" & Count.ToString())
If you need to cast them as a more specific type, you could use DirectCast. For instance:
Dim monthControl As DropDownList = DirectCast(Me.FindControl("Replacement" & Count.ToString() & "MonthDropDownList"), DropDownList)
Alternatively, and perhaps preferably, you could make an array of controls so you could access them by index. For instance, if you had an array like this defined:
Private monthControls() As DropDownList = {Replacement1MonthDropDownList, Replacement2MonthDropDownList, Replacement3MonthDropDownList}
Then you could access it by index like this:
Dim currentMonthControl As DropDownList = monthControls(Count)

Selecting a value in dropdownlist in asp.net, vb.net is code behind

I have a dropdownlist populating list of values in it in page_load .
I want to select a specific value
Me.DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.SelectedValue = ct.LocalOfficeName
Me.DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment has list of values.
Problem is: It always pointing to first item.
i tried this
For Each item As ListItem In Me.DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.Items
If item.Equals(ct.LocalOfficeName) Then
item.Selected = True
Exit For
End If
still pointing to the first item. i debugged, it should point to the last item.
ct.localoffice is containing the last item in the list. This is how i am populating the dropdown :
Dim DV As DataView = New DataView(CacheVariable.States.Tables(0))
Dim DRV As DataRowView
DV = New DataView(CacheVariable.LocalOffice.Tables(0))
If DV.Count > 0 Then
For Each DRV In DV
Me.DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.Items.Add(New ListItem(DRV("Name"), DRV("LocalOfficeID").ToString))
End If
Based on lengthy comments on the question...
You're looking for the wrong value when you try to set the SelectedValue. Take a look at how you create your ListItems:
Me.DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.Items.Add(New ListItem(DRV("Name"), DRV("LocalOfficeID").ToString))
When creating a ListItem, you pass it both its display text and its underlying value. In this case, you're setting them as:
Display Text = DRV("Name")
Underlying Value = DRV("LocalOfficeID")
According to your comments, the sample data looks something like this:
LocalOfficeID | Name
1 | abc
2 | def
3 | xyz
Then, when you try to manually set the SelectedValue, you're passing it the wrong value. You're essentially trying to do this:
DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.SelectedValue = "xyz"
None of the Value properties on the ListItems are "xyz". They're "1", "2", and "3". In order to set the SelectedValue, you need this:
DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.SelectedValue = "3"
So this line needs to change:
Me.DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.SelectedValue = ct.LocalOfficeName
On your ct object you need to get the identifier for the object, not its display name. Probably something like this (though without knowing what ct is I can't be certain):
DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.SelectedValue = ct.ID
If you don't have the identifier, then you can find it on the DropDownList by searching for the display name. Something like this should work, though there may be a more elegant way to do it:
DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.SelectedIndex = DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.Items.IndexOf(DropDownList_LocalOfficeAssignment.Items.FindByText(ct.LocalOfficeName))
Using the identifier would be much cleaner, though.
This is usually because the DropDownList does DataBind() after you set the SelectedValue. Do you have the DropDownList.DataSourceID property set? Are you calling DataBind() later in the page lifecycle?

SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items

I encounter this problem repeatedly, and haven't a clue what is causing it. I get an exception in the DataBind: SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.
Here are some important pieces of information:
I reload listOrgs periodically when the underlying data has changed.
The Organization.DTListAll call returns 2 Int, String pairs.
There are no duplicate or null values in the returned data
After the first two lines below, listOrgs.Items.Count is 0, and the Selected Value is 0
The selected value after the DataBind operation executes is the ID value from the first row in the data
This exception happens the very first time this code is executed after a fresh page load
listOrgs.SelectedValue = "0";
listOrgs.DataSource = new Organization().DTListAll(SiteID);
listOrgs.DataTextField = "OrganizationName";
listOrgs.DataValueField = "OrganizationID";
Apparently the solution I posted wasn't entirely effective... Eventually in my application I changed to this:
listOrgs.SelectedIndex = -1;
listOrgs.SelectedValue = null;
listOrgs.ClearSelection(); // Clears the selection to avoid the exception (only one of these should be enough but in my application I needed all..)
listOrgs.DataSource = new Organization().DTListAll(SiteID);
listOrgs.DataTextField = "OrganizationName";
listOrgs.DataValueField = "OrganizationID";
I kept getting this error.
Weird thing is that before I set the datasource and rebind after deleting an item the selected index = -1.
If I explicitly set the selectedIndex = -1; then it works and doesn't throw an error.
So even though it was already -1 setting it to -1 stops it from erroring.
Weird eh?
Try setting listOrgs.SelectedValue = "0" after you refresh the DataSource
At the moment you are trying to select the first item in an empty list.
Change the first two line with this :
listOrgs.SelectedItem.Selected = false;
In case you still have this problem this is how i resolved it:
listOrgs.SelectedIndex = -1; // Clears the SelectedIndex to avoid the exception
listOrgs.DataSource = new Organization().DTListAll(SiteID);
listOrgs.DataTextField = "OrganizationName";
listOrgs.DataValueField = "OrganizationID";
listOrgs.DataBind(); //Unless you have "listOrgs.AppendDataBoundItems = true" you don't need to clear the list
#PMarques answer helped me out and did solve my problem.
However whilst experimenting, it clicked in my head why I was gettign the error in the first place.
I was setting the "Text" attribute thinking that it might create an encompassing label or fieldset + legend, for me (which it doesn't).
The Text property for a list is infact the SelectedValue property for a ListControl.
So my mistake in misinterpreting what the text property did.
Not sure it is your case, but I had the same problem and apparently there was no explanation, then I realized doing a copy and paste on notepad of a field of database that at the beginning of the value there was a NULL.
Curious thing was that a select joining tables was working. I deleted the row and reinserted, after was working fine.
I was getting the same error repeatedly and try ending up by not setting the default selected value to Index -1.
I commented my code ddlDRIBidAmt.SelectedValue = -1
This value was set at the time where my Page Controls were reset to default values.
I know its too late to answer, but what I tried is an dirty solution but it worked.
After databinding, I am insert a item at index 0
ddl.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---Select---","-1"));
And on setting,
I am placing try catch, In catch i am setting Value to -1
