Can't redirect to another page using ASP.NET and WF 4 -

I am using WF 4 with ASP.NET and as part of the workflow the system may need to redirect to other pages for the user to input additional information under certain circumstances. Once they have entered that information, the system needs to resume the workflow where it left off.
I have this code so far in the initial page that kicks off the process and an activity in the workflow that sets a bookmark.
static InstanceStore instanceStore;
static AutoResetEvent instanceUnloaded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static Guid id;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void btnStartWorkflow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
app = Session["applicant"];
Dictionary<string, object> workflowInputs = new Dictionary<string, object>();
workflowInputs.Add("Applicant", app.Applicant);
WorkflowApplication workflowApplication = new WorkflowApplication(new IdentityCheckActivites.IdentityCheckWorkflow(), workflowInputs);
workflowApplication.InstanceStore = instanceStore;
//returning IdleAction.Unload instructs the WorkflowApplication to persist application state and remove it from memory
workflowApplication.PersistableIdle = (a) =>
return PersistableIdleAction.Persist;
workflowApplication.Unloaded = (a) =>
workflowApplication.Completed = (a) =>
id = workflowApplication.Id;
Session["id"] = id;
workflowApplication.Idle = (a) =>
var bookmarks = workflowApplication.GetBookmarks();
if (bookmarks != null && bookmarks[0].OwnerDisplayName == "CC")
private static void SetupInstanceStore()
instanceStore = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(#"Data Source=xxx;Initial Catalog=SampleInstanceStore;User Id=xxx;Password=xxx;Asynchronous Processing=True");
InstanceHandle handle = instanceStore.CreateInstanceHandle();
InstanceView view = instanceStore.Execute(handle, new CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
instanceStore.DefaultInstanceOwner = view.InstanceOwner;
This seems to work very well in that it persists the workflow to the database and if the bookmark is set I want to redirect to a second page for the user to enter more data.
This is the part of the code that I am having problems with: -
var bookmarks = workflowApplication.GetBookmarks();
if (bookmarks != null && bookmarks[0].OwnerDisplayName == "CC")
If there's a bookmark set, I redirect to an intermediary page, if not and no user intervention was necessary, the page will just redirect to the final page.
This works if the bookmark is set, but if not the workflowApplication.GetBookmarks() statement throws an exception telling me that the workflow has completed.
I can't seem to find a way to detect at this stage which state the workflow is in so that I can redirect to the relevant page.
Maybe I have the wrong idea in general, as much as I search though, I cannot seem to find a lot of guidance on this subject.
Any ideas?

I don't think there is a way to directly determine if the workflow is completed from WorkflowApplication (except for catching and inspecting the exception that is thrown).
But you could set a flag in side your Completed delegate which is executed only if the there is no bookmark set and the workflow is completed. You could then check this flag before calling GetBookmarks().

Not sure if I understand exactly, but it seems that your page controller is looking at the state of the workflow to understand what page to redirect to? The problem is that the state may be non-existent if the WF instance has ended?
If the above is correct then perhaps the approach is wrong. A more appropriate approach might be to have a WCF WF service on AppFabric (correlated by session id) handle the website request directly. (If a user in a particular session visits the site, then the WF determines what page to render, and if the user hits a certain button, then send a WCF WF message using net pipe binding)

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and don't forget


How to capture custom parameters in firebase deep link in Unity?

I'm working for the first time ever in a Unity game project using Firebase.
We configure our deep link in Firebase console to open our game in a specific mode when te deep link was sent.
That part works well. But we have a big issue:
We need to get a value form a custom parameter in the URL, because our server generates a random username for our game to make a Leader Board sandbox everytime the deep link was sent.
So we configure our deep link in Firebase console like this:
But, in this case, the username will always be 123. However, the server will always send the link with a random user, for example:
If we leave the username parameter blank, even if the server sent the random username, we receive nothing in our link in Unity, just:
If I manage to get the link in a browser in my Android device, I get the random username properly. But when the game opens, this value was lost!
To receive the dynamic link, we just use the void OnDynamicLink(object sender, EventArgs args) in our Firebase Manager script in Unity.
So, my question is:
There is a way to receive the username parameter with a dynamic value? If the answer is 'yes', there's a method to get that custom value? Or I just missed up something in the firebase configuration or even the deep link in Firebase console?
Thanks in advance!
From Receive Dynamic Links with Unity you need to cast to ReceivedDynamicLinkEventArgs
void OnDynamicLink(object sender, EventArgs args)
var dynamicLinkEventArgs = args as ReceivedDynamicLinkEventArgs;
Debug.Log($"Received dynamic link {dynamicLinkEventArgs.ReceivedDynamicLink.Url.OriginalString}");
and then if there is only this one parameter anyway you could probably simply do e.g.
var query = dynamicLinkEventArgs.ReceivedDynamicLink.Url.Query;
var username = query.Split('=')[1];
or if there can be more parameter
var query = dynamicLinkEventArgs.ReceivedDynamicLink.Url.Query;
// first Split into the individual patamters
var patamters = query.Split('&');
string username = null;
foreach(var parameter in parameters)
// Then split into key and value
var keyValue = parameter.Split('=');
if(keyValue[0] == "username")
username = keyValue[1];
or if you happen to be a fan of Linq (not sure if this is the most elegant though)
var query = dynamicLinkEventArgs.ReceivedDynamicLink.Url.Query;
var username = query.Split('&').Select(parameter => parameter.Split('=').Where(keyValue => keyValue[0] == "username").Select(keyValue => keyValue[1]).FirstOrDefault();

New item added to session on every request

I found this behaviour by accident, as I return the count of items in a session in an error message and found that some sessions had as many as 120 items in them (they should have 1!). On further investigation I found that every request seems to add an item into the session. They are all negative integers, like -710, -140 -528. I can't seem to see a pattern in what number comes up.
I have checked my code for any interactions with the Session object and as far as I can tell it is not me. I store one item in the session which is my own object which has a number of other properties on it. My session state is SQL server, and I am only serialising a certain set of values that need to be kept.
Has anyone seen anything like this or has any advice on where I can troubleshoot further?
Thank you in advance.
-- Edit, as requested - first where I count the items in the session - this is done in the page load event of my master page. I loop through so I could inspect using the debugger.
int itemCount = Session.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
object o = Session[i];
-- here is where I add my custom object to the session. This is called at session start and in my master page. It runs on a "get, but if not there, create" principle.
HttpSessionState Session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
HttpRequest Request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
if (Session == null)
return null;
SessionData sessionData = (SessionData)Session[StaticNames.SESSION_NAME];
if (sessionData == null)
sessionData = new SessionData();
Session.Add(StaticNames.SESSION_NAME, sessionData);
I also have this to get the SessionData object from the session:
public SessionData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext ctxt)
this.IsManualLogin = (bool)info.GetValue("IsManualLogin", typeof(bool));
this.HasAskedUserForLocation = (bool)info.GetValue("HasAskedUserForLocation", typeof(bool));
// ... etc, more items for all users here
int? loginID = null;
loginID = info.GetInt32("LoginID");
this.LoginID = loginID.Value;
// ... etc, more items for logged in users only
There is also an equivalent method for adding this data to the SerializationInfo used for SqlSessionState.
Credit to the modest jadarnel27.
It turns out the Ajax Control Toolkit NoBot control adds an integer into your session on every request. My website has an auto 40 second refresh, similar to facebook, so this probably would have brought the whole thing crashing down at some point and I am lucky to find it now. Should anyone else consider using the NoBot control, be warned about this behaviour!

ASPNET 1.1 Session State Update

I'm planning to start using Out-Of-Proc Session State (to use NCACHE) for a web app that is very session-intensive (many things can be downgraded to viewstate). The initial review we need to do is kind of easy (just verify what objects are inserted) but the hard part is to verify what will happen if someone gets an object from session and then updates the object.
Question: Will that object update the session bag automatically? or will I have to update again the session bag with the new updated version? Does it make a difference if using State Server vs Sql Server?
Just some basic example:
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
MyClass c = (MyClass)Session["c"];
if (c != null)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
c = new MyClass();
c.Comments = "No Postback " + DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmmssff");
Session["c"] = c;
c = (MyClass)Session["c"];
if (c != null)
c.Comments = "Postback " + DateTime.Now.ToString("hhmmssff");
My believe is that the above code would not update the session (so on later postbacks I would always see the same value). However, it does!!!. So I'm not sure WHY? I read many urls where people say that the session does not get updated, and they need to do an explicit overwrite.
The test I'm doing is an ASPNET1.1 Web Application, where state server is configured to my LAN IP address (not localhost or
Thanks for the attention,

How can I place an ASP.NET menu control into cache?

I have a SharePoint2010 site that I have created an ASP.NET menu control for.
The ASP.NET menu's content is initially empty, and on Page_Load I load its content from standard HTML files on the server:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
string MenuPath = (string)ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["RootMenuPath"].ToString();
Menu1.Items[0].ChildItems[0].Text = File.ReadAllText(MenuPath + "\\About.htm");
I notice this is a horrible way to do things. It hits the disk every single time a user loads a page.
How can I either:
a) Cache the code and menu item so that it stays in memory?
b) Use another method to ensure it isn't loaded from the disk?
You can wrap data load into property and use at least page Cache there:
readonly object cacheLock = new object();
string AboutHTM
if (Cache.Get("page.about") == null)
lock (cacheLock)
if (Cache.Get("page.about") == null)
Cache.Insert(File.ReadAllText(MenuPath + "\\About.htm"));
return Cache["page.about"].ToString();
You could indeed use the cache or some variable that is initialized only once in Application_Start and reused later but I am afraid that you are doing some premature optimization here. You probably shouldn't be doing it unless you have identified that this is a bottleneck for your application performance. Reading files from disk is a fast operation especially if they are small.
If possible, I would store the menu data in an XML file, and cache the XML file.
XmlDocument xDoc = new XmlDocument();
if (Cache.Get("MenuData") == null)
Cache.Insert("SiteNav", xDoc, new CacheDependency(Server.MapPath("/MenuData.xml")));
xDoc = (XmlDocument)HttpContext.Current.Cache.Get("MenuData");

Postback problem for my custom control load wizard

I have some problem that happens when controls are loaded in init and it still doesn't help me to get proper postback event fired on time.
I am trying to create a rich wizard control that will enable switching, links with description, completely customized steps, integration of substeps - by using dynamic control load that is avoids standard wizard way of loading.
Idea is to have on left part navigation, on right part content, or substeps that are run from right part and that go over whole area.
Download source project
Ok, I re-read the question, and here is what you have to do. You have to re-load these controls on each postback, give them always the same "Id". This can be done in Page_Init or in Page_Load event. And of course, you have to re-attach event handlers on each post back.
Many thanks.. well i found the answer - id was the problem, in load control method. I was doing this wizard.. well most of things work now.
If someone is interested to see how does this works.. there are some updates:
public void LoadSplitViewControl(string path)
LastNavigationView = NavigationView.SplitView;
LoadControl(SplitControlLoader, path, "LoadedControlSplit");
public void LoadSingleViewControl(string path)
LastNavigationView = NavigationView.SingleView;
LoadControl(SingleControlLoader, path, "LoadedControlSingle");
public void LoadSingleViewControlAsClear(string path)
LastNavigationView = NavigationView.SingleView;
LoadControlAsClear(SingleControlLoader, path, "LoadedControlSingle");
private void LoadControl(PlaceHolder holder, string path, string ID)
UserControl ctrl = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl(path);
ctrl.ID = ID;
LastControlPath = path;
//as i am using steps loaded controls using splitview and substeps controls using single view sometimes viewstate will not be valid so error will be thrown but u can resolve this by using LoadSingleViewControlAsClear that will load below method.
private void LoadControlAsClear(PlaceHolder holder, string path, string ID)
UserControl ctrl = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl(path);
ctrl.ID = ID;
LastControlPath = path;
ctrl.EnableViewState = false;
/another cool idea i am using for such an wizard is that i am not using viewstate but rather session object for saving values collected over steps. My session object key is generated by authenticated username and pageguid - so u can have many loaded pages and each of them will handle different session object./
public Guid PageGuid
if (PageGuidField.Value == "")
var _pageGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
PageGuidField.Value = _pageGuid.ToString();
return _pageGuid;
return new Guid(PageGuidField.Value);
