counting unique factors in r - r

I would like to know the number of unique dams which gave birth on each of the birth dates recorded. My data frame is similar to this one:
dam <- c("2A11","2A11","2A12","2A12","2A12","4D23","4D23","1X23")
bdate <- c("2009-10-01","2009-10-01","2009-10-01","2009-10-01",
mydf <- data.frame(dam,bdate)
# dam bdate
# 1 2A11 2009-10-01
# 2 2A11 2009-10-01
# 3 2A12 2009-10-01
# 4 2A12 2009-10-01
# 5 2A12 2009-10-01
# 6 4D23 2009-10-03
# 7 4D23 2009-10-03
# 8 1X23 2009-10-03
I used aggregate(dam ~ bdate, data=mydf, FUN=length) but it counts all the dams that gave birth on a particular date
bdate dam
1 2009-10-01 5
2 2009-10-03 3
Instead, I need to have something like this:
bdate dam
1 2009-10-01 2
2 2009-10-03 2
Your help is very much appreciated!

What about:
aggregate(dam ~ bdate, data=mydf, FUN=function(x) length(unique(x)))

You could also run unique on the data first:
aggregate(dam ~ bdate, data=unique(mydf[c("dam","date")]), FUN=length)
Then you could also use table instead of aggregate, though the output is a little different.
> table(unique(mydf[c("dam","date")])$bdate)
2009-10-01 2009-10-03
2 2

This is just an example of how to think of the problem and one of the approaches on how to solve it.
split.mydf <- with(mydf, split(x = mydf, f = bdate)) #each list element has only one date.
# it's just a matter of counting unique dams
unique.mydf <- lapply(X = split.mydf, FUN = unique)
#and then count the number of unique elements
unilen.mydf <- lapply(unique.mydf, length)
#you can do these two last steps in one go like so
lapply(split.mydf, FUN = function(x) length(unique(x))) #data.frame is just a special list, so this is water to your mill
2009-10-01 2
2009-10-03 2

In dplyr you can use n_distinct :
mydf %>%
group_by(bdate) %>%
summarize(dam = n_distinct(dam))


How to use mice for multiple imputation of missing values in longitudinal data?

I have a dataset with a repeatedly measured continuous outcome and some covariates of different classes, like in the example below.
Id y Date Soda Team
1 -0.4521 1999-02-07 Coke Eagles
1 0.2863 1999-04-15 Pepsi Raiders
2 0.7956 1999-07-07 Coke Raiders
2 -0.8248 1999-07-26 NA Raiders
3 0.8830 1999-05-29 Pepsi Eagles
4 0.1303 2005-03-04 NA Cowboys
5 0.1375 2013-11-02 Coke Cowboys
5 0.2851 2015-06-23 Coke Eagles
5 -0.3538 2015-07-29 Pepsi NA
6 0.3349 2002-10-11 NA NA
7 -0.1756 2005-01-11 Pepsi Eagles
7 0.5507 2007-10-16 Pepsi Cowboys
7 0.5132 2012-07-13 NA Cowboys
7 -0.5776 2017-11-25 Coke Cowboys
8 0.5486 2009-02-08 Coke Cowboys
I am trying to multiply impute missing values in Soda and Team using the mice package. As I understand it, because MI is not a causal model, there is no concept of dependent and independent variable. I am not sure how to setup this MI process using mice. I like some suggestions or advise from others who have encountered missing data in a repeated measure setting like this and how they used mice to tackle this problem. Thanks in advance.
This is what I have tried so far, but this does not capture the repeated measure part of the dataset.
init = mice(dat, maxit=0)
methd = init$method
predM = init$predictorMatrix
methd [c("Soda")]="logreg";
methd [c("Team")]="logreg";
imputed = mice(data, method=methd , predictorMatrix=predM, m=5)
There are several options to accomplish what you are asking for. I have decided to impute missing values in covariates in the so-called 'wide' format. I will illustrate this with the following worked example, which you can easily apply to your own data.
Let's first make a reprex. Here, I use the longitudinal Mayo Clinic Primary Biliary Cirrhosis Data (pbc2), which comes with the JM package. This data is organized in the so-called 'long' format, meaning that each patient i has multiple rows and each row contains a measurement of variable x measured on time j. Your dataset is also in the long format. In this example, I assume that pbc2$serBilir is our outcome variable.
# install.packages('JM')
# note: use function(x) instead of \(x) if you use a version of R <4.1.0
# missing values per column
miss_abs <- \(x) sum(
miss_perc <- \(x) round(sum( / length(x) * 100, 1L)
miss <- cbind('Number' = apply(pbc2, 2, miss_abs), '%' = apply(pbc2, 2, miss_perc))
# --------------------------------
> miss[which(miss[, 'Number'] > 0),]
Number %
ascites 60 3.1
hepatomegaly 61 3.1
spiders 58 3.0
serChol 821 42.2
alkaline 60 3.1
platelets 73 3.8
According to this output, 6 variables in pbc2 contain at least one missing value. Let's pick alkaline from these. We also need patient id and the time variable years.
# subset
pbc_long <- subset(pbc2, select = c('id', 'years', 'alkaline', 'serBilir'))
# sort ascending based on id and, within each id, years
pbc_long <- with(pbc_long, pbc_long[order(id, years), ])
# ------------------------------------------------------
> head(pbc_long, 5)
id years alkaline serBilir
1 1 1.09517 1718 14.5
2 1 1.09517 1612 21.3
3 2 14.15234 7395 1.1
4 2 14.15234 2107 0.8
5 2 14.15234 1711 1.0
Just by quickly eyeballing, we observe that years do not seem to differ within subjects, even though variables were repeatedly measured. For the sake of this example, let's add a little bit of time to all rows of years but the first measurement.
# add little bit of time to each row of 'years' but the first row
new_years <- lapply(split(pbc_long, pbc_long$id), \(x) {
add_time <- 1:(length(x$years) - 1L) + rnorm(length(x$years) - 1L, sd = 0.25)
c(x$years[1L], x$years[-1L] + add_time)
# replace the original 'years' variable
pbc_long$years <- unlist(new_years)
# integer time variable needed to store repeated measurements as separate columns
pbc_long$measurement_number <- unlist(sapply(split(pbc_long, pbc_long$id), \(x) 1:nrow(x)))
# only keep the first 4 repeated measurements per patient
pbc_long <- subset(pbc_long, measurement_number %in% 1:4)
Since we will perform our multiple imputation in wide format (meaning that each participant i has one row and repeated measurements on x are stored in j different columns, so xj columns in total), we have to convert the data from long to wide. Now that we have prepared our data, we can use reshape to do this for us.
# convert long format into wide format
v_names <- c('years', 'alkaline', 'serBilir')
pbc_wide <- reshape(pbc_long,
idvar = 'id',
timevar = "measurement_number",
v.names = v_names, direction = "wide")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
> head(pbc_wide, 4)[, 1:9]
id years.1 alkaline.1 serBilir.1 years.2 alkaline.2 serBilir.2 years.3 alkaline.3
1 1 1.095170 1718 14.5 1.938557 1612 21.3 NA NA
3 2 14.152338 7395 1.1 15.198249 2107 0.8 15.943431 1711
12 3 2.770781 516 1.4 3.694434 353 1.1 5.148726 218
16 4 5.270507 6122 1.8 6.115197 1175 1.6 6.716832 1157
Now let's multiply the missing values in our covariates.
# Setup-run
ini <- mice(pbc_wide, maxit = 0)
meth <- ini$method
pred <- ini$predictorMatrix
visSeq <- ini$visitSequence
# avoid collinearity issues by letting only variables measured
# at the same point in time predict each other
pred[grep("1", rownames(pred), value = TRUE),
grep("2|3|4", colnames(pred), value = TRUE)] <- 0
pred[grep("2", rownames(pred), value = TRUE),
grep("1|3|4", colnames(pred), value = TRUE)] <- 0
pred[grep("3", rownames(pred), value = TRUE),
grep("1|2|4", colnames(pred), value = TRUE)] <- 0
pred[grep("4", rownames(pred), value = TRUE),
grep("1|2|3", colnames(pred), value = TRUE)] <- 0
# variables that should not be imputed
pred[c("id", grep('^year', names(pbc_wide), value = TRUE)), ] <- 0
# variables should not serve as predictors
pred[, c("id", grep('^year', names(pbc_wide), value = TRUE))] <- 0
# multiply imputed missing values ------------------------------
imp <- mice(pbc_wide, pred = pred, m = 10, maxit = 20, seed = 1)
# Time difference of 2.899244 secs
As can be seen in the below three example traceplots (which can be obtained with plot(imp), the algorithm has converged nicely. Refer to this section of Stef van Buuren's book for more info on convergence.
Now we need to convert back the multiply imputed data (which is in wide format) to long format, so that we can use it for analyses. We also need to make sure that we exclude all rows that had missing values for our outcome variable serBilir, because we do not want to use imputed values of the outcome.
# need unlisted data
implong <- complete(imp, 'long', include = FALSE)
# 'smart' way of getting all the names of the repeated variables in a usable format
v_names <-
expand.grid(grep('ye|alk|ser', names(implong), value = TRUE)),
1, paste0, collapse = ''), nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(v_names) <- names(pbc_long)[2:4]
# convert back to long format
longlist <- lapply(split(implong, implong$.imp),
reshape, direction = 'long',
varying = as.list(v_names),
v.names = names(v_names),
idvar = 'id', times = 1:4)
# logical that is TRUE if our outcome was not observed
# which should be based on the original, unimputed data
orig_data <- reshape(imp$data, direction = 'long',
varying = as.list(v_names),
v.names = names(v_names),
idvar = 'id', times = 1:4)
orig_data$logical <-$serBilir)
# merge into the list of imputed long-format datasets:
longlist <- lapply(longlist, merge, y = subset(orig_data, select = c(id, time, logical)))
# exclude rows for which logical == TRUE
longlist <- lapply(longlist, \(x) subset(x, !logical))
Finally, convert longlist back into a mids using datalist2mids from the miceadds package.
imp <- miceadds::datalist2mids(longlist)
# ----------------
> imp$loggedEvents

How can i add more columns in dataframe by for loop

I am beginner of R. I need to transfer some Eviews code to R. There are some loop code to add 10 or more columns\variables with some function in data in Eviews.
Here are eviews example code to estimate deflator:
for %x exp con gov inv cap ex im
frml def_{%x} = gdp_{%x}/gdp_{%x}_r*100
I used dplyr package and use mutate function. But it is very hard to add many variables.
df<-df %>% mutate(deflator_gdp=nominal_gdp/real_gdp*100,
Please help me to this in R by loop.
The answer is that your data is not as "tidy" as it could be.
This is what you have (with an added observation ID for clarity):
df <- data.frame(nominal_gdp = rnorm(4),
nominal_inv = rnorm(4),
nominal_gov = rnorm(4),
real_gdp = rnorm(4),
real_inv = rnorm(4),
real_gov = rnorm(4))
df <- df %>%
mutate(obs_id = 1:n()) %>%
select(obs_id, everything())
which gives:
obs_id nominal_gdp nominal_inv nominal_gov real_gdp real_inv real_gov
1 1 -0.9692060 -1.5223055 -0.26966202 0.49057546 2.3253066 0.8761837
2 2 1.2696927 1.2591910 0.04238958 -1.51398652 -0.7209661 0.3021453
3 3 0.8415725 -0.1728212 0.98846942 -0.58743294 -0.7256786 0.5649908
4 4 -0.8235101 1.0500614 -0.49308092 0.04820723 -2.0697008 1.2478635
Consider if you had instead, in df2:
obs_id variable real nominal
1 1 gdp 0.49057546 -0.96920602
2 2 gdp -1.51398652 1.26969267
3 3 gdp -0.58743294 0.84157254
4 4 gdp 0.04820723 -0.82351006
5 1 inv 2.32530662 -1.52230550
6 2 inv -0.72096614 1.25919100
7 3 inv -0.72567857 -0.17282123
8 4 inv -2.06970078 1.05006136
9 1 gov 0.87618366 -0.26966202
10 2 gov 0.30214534 0.04238958
11 3 gov 0.56499079 0.98846942
12 4 gov 1.24786355 -0.49308092
Then what you want to do is trivial:
df2 %>% mutate(deflator = real / nominal)
obs_id variable real nominal deflator
1 1 gdp 0.49057546 -0.96920602 -0.50616221
2 2 gdp -1.51398652 1.26969267 -1.19240392
3 3 gdp -0.58743294 0.84157254 -0.69801819
4 4 gdp 0.04820723 -0.82351006 -0.05853872
5 1 inv 2.32530662 -1.52230550 -1.52749012
6 2 inv -0.72096614 1.25919100 -0.57256297
7 3 inv -0.72567857 -0.17282123 4.19901294
8 4 inv -2.06970078 1.05006136 -1.97102841
9 1 gov 0.87618366 -0.26966202 -3.24919196
10 2 gov 0.30214534 0.04238958 7.12782060
11 3 gov 0.56499079 0.98846942 0.57158146
12 4 gov 1.24786355 -0.49308092 -2.53074800
So the question becomes: how do we get to the nice dplyr-compatible data.frame.
You need to gather your data using tidyr::gather. However, because you have 2 sets of variables to gather (the real and nominal values), it is not straightforward. I have done it in two steps, there may be a better way though.
real_vals <- df %>%
select(obs_id, starts_with("real")) %>%
# the line below is where the magic happens
tidyr::gather(variable, real, starts_with("real")) %>%
# extracting the variable name (by erasing up to the underscore)
mutate(variable = gsub(variable, pattern = ".*_", replacement = ""))
# Same thing for nominal values
nominal_vals <- df %>%
select(obs_id, starts_with("nominal")) %>%
tidyr::gather(variable, nominal, starts_with("nominal")) %>%
mutate(variable = gsub(variable, pattern = ".*_", replacement = ""))
# Merging them... Now we have something we can work with!
df2 <-
full_join(real_vals, nominal_vals, by = c("obs_id", "variable"))
Note the importance of the observation id when merging.
We can grep the matching names, and sort:
x <- colnames(df)
df[ sort(x[ (grepl("^nominal", x)) ]) ] /
df[ sort(x[ (grepl("^real", x)) ]) ] * 100
Similarly, if the columns were sorted, then we could just:
df[ 1:4 ] / df[ 5:8 ] * 100
We can loop over column names using purrr::map_dfc then apply a custom function over the selected columns (i.e. the columns that matched the current name from nms)
#Replace anything before _ with empty string
nms <- unique(sub('.*_','',names(df)))
#Use map if you need the ouptut as a list not a dataframe
map_dfc(nms, ~deflator_fun(df, .x))
Custom function
deflator_fun <- function(df, x){
nx <- paste0('nominal_',x)
rx <- paste0('real_',x)
select(df, matches(x)) %>%
mutate(!!paste0('deflator_',quo_name(x)) := !!ensym(nx) / !!ensym(rx)*100)
deflator_fun(df, 'gdp')
nominal_gdp real_gdp deflator_gdp
1 -0.3332074 0.181303480 -183.78433
2 -1.0185754 -0.138891362 733.36121
3 -1.0717912 0.005764186 -18593.97398
4 0.3035286 0.385280401 78.78123
Note: Learn more about quo_name, !!, and ensym which they are tools for programming with dplyr here

Manipulating variable values using values from another data frame

I have a dataset, df, where columns consist of various chemicals and rows consist of samples identified by their id and the concentration of each chemical.
I need to correct the chemical concentrations using a unique value for each chemical, which are found in another dataset, df2.
Here's a minimal df1 dataset:
df1 <- read.table(text="id,chem1,chem2,chem3,chemA,chemB
header = TRUE,
and here is a df2 example:
df2 <- read.table(text="chem,value
header = TRUE,
sep = ",")
What I need to do is to divide all observations of chem1 in df1 by the value provided for chem1 in df2, repeated for each chemical. In reality, chemical names are not sequential, and there's roughly 30 chemicals.
Previously I would have done this using Excel and index/match but I'm looking to make my methods more reproducible, hence fighting my way through with R. I mostly do data manipulation with dplyr, so if there's a tidyverse solution out there, that would be great!
Thankful for any help
We can use the 'chem' column from 'df2' to subset the 'df1', divide by the 'value' column of 'df2' replicated to make the lengths same and update the columns of 'df1' by assigning the results back
df1[as.character(df2$chem)] <- df1[as.character(df2$chem)]/df2$value[col(df1[-1])]
Using reshape2 package, the data frame can be changed to long format to merge with the df2 as follows. (Note that the example df introduce some whitespace that are filtered in this solution)
df1 <- read.table(text="id,chem1,chem2,chem3,chemA,chemB
header = TRUE,
sep=",",stringsAsFactors = F)
df2 <- read.table(text="chem,value
header = TRUE,
sep = ",",stringsAsFactors = F)
df2$chem <- gsub("\\s+","",df2$chem) #example introduces whitespaces in the names
df1A <- melt(df1,id.vars=c("id"),"chem")
combined <- merge(x=df1A,y=df2,by="chem",all.x=T)
combined$div <- combined$value.x/combined$value.y
chem id value.x value.y div
1 chem1 1 0.5 1.7 0.2941176
2 chem1 2 1.5 1.7 0.8823529
3 chem1 3 1.0 1.7 0.5882353
4 chem1 4 2.0 1.7 1.1764706
5 chem1 5 3.0 1.7 1.7647059
6 chem2 1 1.0 2.3 0.4347826
or in wide format:
> dcast(combined[,c("id","chem","div")],id ~ chem,value.var="div")
id chem1 chem2 chem3 chemA chemB
1 1 0.2941176 0.4347826 1.2195122 0.7692308 1.1111111
2 2 0.8823529 0.2173913 0.4878049 0.5769231 1.4814815
3 3 0.5882353 0.4347826 0.6097561 1.3461538 0.3703704
4 4 1.1764706 2.1739130 0.7317073 0.1923077 2.5925926
5 5 1.7647059 1.7391304 0.5609756 0.1346154 0.8518519
Here's a tidyverse solution.
df3 <- df1 %>%
# convert the data from wide to long to make the next step easier
gather(key = chem, value = value, -id) %>%
# do your math, using 'match' to map values from df2 to rows in df3
mutate(value = value/df2$value[match(df3$chem, df2$chem)]) %>%
# return the data to wide format if that's how you prefer to store it
spread(chem, value)

R count and substract events from a data frame

I am trying to calculate the families sizes from a data frame, which also contains two types of events : family members who died, and those who left the family. I would like to take into account these two parameters in order to compute the actual family size.
Here is a reproductive example of my problem, with 3 families only :
family <- factor(rep(c("001","002","003"), c(10,8,15)), levels=c("001","002","003"), labels=c("001","002","003"), ordered=TRUE)
dead <- c(0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
left <- c(0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0)
DF <- data.frame(family, dead, left) ; DF
I could count N = total family members (in each family) in a second dataframe DF2, by simply using table()
DF2 <- with(DF, data.frame(table(family)))
colnames(DF2)[2] <- "N" ; DF2
family N
1 001 10
2 002 8
3 003 15
But i can not find a proper way to get the actual number of people (for example, creating a new variable N2 into DF2) , calculated by substracting to N the number of members who died or left the family. I suppose i have to relate the two dataframes DF and DF2 in a way. i have looked for other related questions in this site but could not find the right answer...
If anyone has a good idea, it would be great !
Thank you in advance..
Logic : First we want to group_by(family) and then calculate 2 numbers : i) total #obs in each group ii) subtract the sum(dead) + sum(left) from this total .
In dplyr package : n() helps us get the total #observations in each group
In data.table : .N does the same above job
DF %>% group_by(family) %>% summarise( total = n(), current = n()-sum(dead,left, na.rm = TRUE))
# family total current
# (fctr) (int) (dbl)
#1 001 10 6
#2 002 8 4
#3 003 15 7
# setDT() is preferred if incase your data was a data.frame. else just DF.
setDT(DF)[, .(total = .N, current = .N - sum(dead, left, na.rm = TRUE)), by = family]
# family total current
#1: 001 10 6
#2: 002 8 4
#3: 003 15 7
Here is a base R option, aggregate(dl~family, transform(DF, dl = dead + left),
FUN = function(x) c(total=length(x), current=length(x) - sum(x))))
Or a modified version is
transform(aggregate(. ~ family, transform(DF, total = 1,
current = dead + left)[c(1,4:5)], FUN = sum), current = total - current)
# family total current
#1 001 10 6
#2 002 8 4
#3 003 15 7
I finally found another which works fine (from another post), allowing to compute everything from the original DF table. This uses the ddply function :
DF <- ddply(DF,.(family),transform,total=length(family))
DF <- ddply(DF,.(family),transform,actual=length(family)-sum(dead=="1")-sum(left=="1"))
Thanks a lot to everyone who helped ! Deni

processing of hospital admission data using R

I have a set of hospital admission data that I need to process, I am stuck when trying to loop the data and pick up the stuff I need, here is the example:
Date Ward
1 A
2 A
3 A
4 A B
5 A
6 A
7 A C
8 C
9 C
10 C
And I need them to be transformed into:
Ward Adm_Date Dis_Date
A 1 4
B 4 4
A 4 7
C 7 10
To put it in sentence, this is a admission record patient X who:
go to ward A from day 1 to day 4
go to ward B (maybe it's an ICU ward) for less than a day in day 4, and move back to ward A on that day
stay in ward A from day 4 to day 7
move to ward C from ward A from day 7 and stay in ward C till day 10
I am thinking of using ddply by filtering the ward but it is not OK since B will be "omitted" and the period of time for A is not broken down into 2 pieces.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
dat <- data.frame(Date=1:10,Ward=c(rep("A",3),"A B",rep("A",2),"A C",rep("C",3)))
dat$Ward <- as.character(dat$Ward)
# Change data to a "long" format
Date2 <- rep(dat$Date,nchar(gsub(" ","",dat$Ward)))
Ward2 <- unlist(strsplit(dat$Ward," "))
dat2 <- data.frame(Date=Date2,Ward=Ward2)
dat2$Ward <- as.character(dat2$Ward) # pesky factors!
# Create output
Ward3 <- unlist(strsplit(gsub("(\\w)\\1+","\\1",paste(dat2$Ward,collapse="")),""))
#helper function to find lengths of repeated characters, probably a better way of doing this
repCharLength <- function(str)
out <- numeric(0)
tmp <- 1
for (i in 2:length(str))
if (str[i]!=str[i-1])
tmp <- tmp+1
stays <- repCharLength(dat2$Ward)
Adm_Date <- c(1,dat2$Date[cumsum(stays)[1:(length(stays)-1)]])
Dis_Date <- dat2$Date[cumsum(stays)]
dat3 <- data.frame(Ward=Ward3,Adm_Date=Adm_Date,Dis_Date=Dis_Date)
> dat3
Ward Adm_Date Dis_Date
1 A 1 4
2 B 4 4
3 A 4 7
4 C 7 10
A bit more involved than I first thought, and there is probably a better way to get the stay lengths than using the helper function I wrote, but this seems to do the job.
In light of Spacedman's comment, there is a library function to calculate Ward3 and stays:
Ward3 <- rle(dat2$Ward)$values
stays <- rle(dat2$Ward)$lengths
It's not a complex answer but you can transform your data
X <- data.frame(
Ward=c("A","A","A","A B","A","A","A C","C","C","C"),
w <- strsplit(X$Ward," +")
n <- sapply(w, length)
X_mod <- data.frame(
Date = rep(X$Date, n),
Ward = unlist(w, FALSE, FALSE)
With X_mod you could write vectorized (=fast) solution. For start with(X_mod, c(0,cumsum(Ward[-1]!=Ward[-length(Ward)]))) gives you id of visit.
