applications running without IIS -

I have been using windows XP. I installed visual studio 2008 and sql server 2005. It has been removed suddenly due to some system corruption. I installed it again the visual studio 2008, IIS is not enabled in control panel too, but my applications is running.. whats going behind?Is it possible to run applications without enabling the IIS?
Will this cause any problems while developing the application?

Yes, Visual Studio comes Built in web server for development purposes, you may be using it.


Crystal reports v12 doesnt show the report after hosting

I am working on a project in 3.5 (with VB script) and Crystal Reports 2008 (V12). It works fine when I run my solution in visual studio(2008) but after publishing it to local IIS(7) it doesnt show the report in the report viewer. I don't see any error either.
I have placed the 'aspnet_client' folder under wwwroot folder that contains crystal report related files.
I had used crystal report 10.5 previously but then I had converted it to V12 as my host doent't support old versions.
Your support in this regard would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance :)
I recently faced this issue and successfully managed to get the reports running. I am using Visual Studio 2005 but I published my project on a local server with Windows 2008 Server R2 Enterprise.
I fixed the issue by changing the Application Pool settings of IIS 7. I changed it to Classic ASP.NET for .NET 2.0 Framework. I guess you may not require this setting, but I am not sure.
Secondly, when you open your report in Visual Studio 2005, check that you are using OLE DB Provider for SQL Server and not SQL Native Client, just in case you are using SQL Server database.
Which OS you are using? I hope you are not using Windows XP. Windows XP has issues with the Integrated Security thing mentioned in your Connection String.

Setting up an ASP.NET MVC development enviornment with software from Dream Spark

I need help figuring out what programs I need to setup a development enviornemnt on my new Windows 7 laptop. I have a LAMP background and I have only used ASP.NET once. The first time using ASP.NET I installed all the nessassary software along with Visual Studio Express with one click from
This time around I qualify for free software from Dream Spark. I'm not sure what programs I need to download in order to get eveything up and running correctly.
These are the programs I think I need and are available from Dream Spark:
Visual Studio 2010 Professional
Windows Server 2008R2 Standard
SQL Server 2008R2 Developer
I have a few questions:
Would this be correct?
Am I missing anything?
Should I use the Windows Server 2008R2 Standard in this way or should I save this key for use in a production enviornment?
PS: Main effort here is to get more aquainted with ASP.NET programming web applications but I would also like to dabble in Windows desktop application programming.
no, Windows Server 2008R2 Standard is not compulsory to install to use Visual Studio 2010 Professional & SQL Server 2008R2 Developer,
you can install both in any os ( windows 7 too ).

Debugging HTTPS ASP.NET site in Visual Studio 2008?

How do other people debug HTTPS sites from Visual Studio 2008? This link seems to indicate that Visual Studio's built in web server does not support HTTPS, but there must be some way to debug these sites, right? If not the integrated server, can IIS7 be set as the debugging web server?
Yes, you may set IIS as the debugging server by clicking Properties on the project, (waiting patiently while it slowly loads), then go to the Web tab and choose Use IIS Web server instead of Use Visual Studio Development Server.
-- Edit
More generally, to answer the question, I typically just disable SSL while debugging. It's rare that I need to test how I'm dealing with things via SSL, and depending on how I'm creating the SSL links, it can be modified pretty simply, with an #if DEBUG.
This article Using Visual Studio 2008 with IIS 7.0, gives an overview of using Visual Studio 2008 Web development features with IIS 7.

Using IIS6 as ASP.NET development host in Visual Studio 2008 on Win7

I've inherited a ASP.NET 1.1 webapp that runs in production on win2k3 under IIS6. I'd like to closely match this environment during development and testing. For reasons I won't go into, using Cassini/VS Development Server isn't ideal so I'm trying to set up my Visual Studio environment to use IIS6. I do my development on VS 2008 on Win7, and from what I can tell, IIS6 is only supported on Win2k3 and XP Pro x64. Am I stuck using Win7's built-in IIS7?
You will have to use IIS7 but if it is run in classic mode then it will closely emulate the IIS6 way of working. For the differences I wouldn't bother with the overhead of a VM, there aren't enough incompatibilities that I know of to warrant it.

Correct installation order to a clean development enviroment

I want to setup a Win7 virtual machine to develop using Visual Studio 2008 and ASP.Net 3.5.
I don't know what the best order to install what I need. I will need to install:
a) Visual Studio 2008
b) IIS
c) Service Packs for Visual Studio and/or .Net Framework
My last try was bad, I cannot do my old ASP.Net 3.5 web app to work on Win7 (works fine on Win2003).
Another questions are, if I choose to use Visual Studio 2010 (to develop ASP.Net 3.5), it's recommended? And the installation order will change?
Thanks for all
Your best bet is to actually use the Microsoft Web Platform Installer. This tool will walk you through installing ALL of the components you need to host a web application. Pick your platform (PHP, ASP.NET, etc), an optional application (DasBlog, etc), and even choose to download Visual Studio 2008 Web Developer + SQL Express. It will install everything for you seamlessly. I've used it and I highly recommend it for a "clean" install.
I'd install IIS first, then Visual Studio 2008. The framework will come with VS.NET 2008. If all goes wrong learn to use aspnet_regiis.exe
