css framework and color schemes - css

I can't find a CSS frameowrk that lets me plugin my own color scheme.
For example, in my current project I imported blueprint/screen.css. To change the color of the font, I have to change body { color..}, h2 { color..}, h3 {color..}, etc.
Isn't there something out there that provides nice css defaults, but also lets may play around with color schemes?

You can try http://lesscss.org/.
It allows you to use things such as variables in your CSS, which sounds like exactly what you're after:
#color: #4D926F;
#header {
color: #color;
h2 {
color: #color;

Create your own CSS file that loads after Blueprint. You'll need to redefine everything, but the Blueprint defaults aren't far off from the browser defaults.
If you have multiple color schemes you want to quickly switch out, set the class on your <html> tag. Then use your CSS file to define custom styles for each.
.theme1 body {
font-family: Tahoma;
color: #500;
.theme2 body {
font-family: Verdana;
color: #050;
For the first theme:
<html class="theme1">
For the second theme:
<html class="theme2">

Couldn't you just edit the blueprint/screen.css file? You could also use something like SASS and then create all the defaults at the top of the stylesheet and then have it go throughout the stylesheet when it renders it.


Workaround for CSS variables in IE?

I'm currently developing a web application in Outsystems in which I have the need to customize the CSS, in which I'm using variables. I need to guarantee the app works cross-browser, including in Internet Explorer. IE doesn't support CSS variables, as you can see in the picture below from this source.
Since I have to use CSS variables, is there any workaround for the usage of variables in IE?
Yes there is a way, the same way you make any css compatible: use a specific css fallback that is supported by the browser.
body {
--text-color: red;
body {
color: red; /* default supported fallback style */
color: var(--text-color); /* will not be used by any browser that doesn't support it, and will default to the previous fallback */
This solution is incredibly redundant and 'almost' defeats the purpose of css variables....BUT it is necessary for browser compatibility. Doing this would essentially make the css variables useless but I implore you to still use them because it will serve as an important reminder to the fact that these values are referenced elsewhere and need to be updated in all cases, otherwise you forget to update every related occurrence of 'color' and then you have inconsistent styling because relevant css values are out of sync. The variable will serve more as a comment but a very important one.
There is a polyfill, which enables almost complete support for CSS variables in IE11:
(i am the author)
The script makes use of the fact that IE has minimal custom properties support where properties can be defined and read out with the cascade in mind.
.myEl {-ie-test:'aaa'} // only one dash allowed! "-"
then read it in javascript:
getComputedStyle( querySelector('.myEl') )['-ie-test']
From the README:
handles dynamic added html-content
handles dynamic added , -elements
chaining --bar:var(--foo)
fallback var(--color, blue)
:focus, :target, :hover
Inline styles: <div ie-style="--color:blue"...
cascade works
inheritance works
under 3k (min+gzip) and dependency-free
In case someone comes across this, has a similar issue where I had it set like this.
a {
background: var(--new-color);
border-radius: 50%;
I added the background colour before the variable so if that didn't load it fell back on the hex.
a {
background: #3279B8;
background: var(--new-color);
border-radius: 50%;
Yes, so long as you're processing root-level custom properties (IE9+).
GitHub: https://github.com/jhildenbiddle/css-vars-ponyfill
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/css-vars-ponyfill
Demo: https://codepen.io/jhildenbiddle/pen/ZxYJrR
From the README:
Client-side transformation of CSS custom properties to static values
Live updates of runtime values in both modern and legacy browsers
Transforms <link>, <style>, and #import CSS
Transforms relative url() paths to absolute URLs
Supports chained and nested var() functions
Supports var() function fallback values
Supports web components / shadow DOM CSS
Watch mode auto-updates on <link> and <style> changes
UMD and ES6 module available
TypeScript definitions included
Lightweight (6k min+gzip) and dependency-free
Custom property support is limited to :root and :host declarations
The use of var() is limited to property values (per W3C specification)
Here are a few examples of what the library can handle:
Root-level custom properties
:root {
--a: red;
p {
color: var(--a);
Chained custom properties
:root {
--a: var(--b);
--b: var(--c);
--c: red;
p {
color: var(--a);
Nested custom properties
:root {
--a: 1em;
--b: 2;
p {
font-size: calc(var(--a) * var(--b));
Fallback values
p {
font-size: var(--a, 1rem);
color: var(--b, var(--c, var(--d, red)));
Transforms <link>, <style>, and #import CSS
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/absolute/path/to/style.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../relative/path/to/style.css">
#import "/absolute/path/to/style.css";
#import "../relative/path/to/style.css";
Transforms web components / shadow DOM
.my-custom-element {
color: var(--test-color);
<div class="my-custom-element">Hello.</div>
For the sake of completeness: w3c specs
Hope this helps.
(Shameless self-promotion: Check)
Make a seperate .css file for your variables. Copy/paste the contents of the variable.css file to the end of your main.css file. Find and replace all the variable names in the main.css file to the hex code for those variables. For example: ctrl-h to find var(--myWhiteVariable) and replace with #111111.
Side note: if you keep the :root{ } in the main.css file and just comment it out, you can use that to track those hex codes later if you want to update your fallback colors.
Another way to do it is declaring colors in a JS file (in my case I'm using react) and then just use the variable you defined in the JS file.
For example:
in globals.js
export const COLORS = {
yellow: '#F4B400',
yellowLight: '#F4C849',
purple: '#7237CC',
purple1: '#A374EB',
in your file
import { COLORS } from 'globals'
and then just use COLORS.yellow, COLORS.purple, etc.
body {
--text-color : red; /* --text-color 정의 */
body {
color: var(--text-color, red); /* --text-color 정의되지 않으면 red로 대체됨 */
body {
color: var(--text-color, var(--text-color-other, blue));
/* --text-color, --text-color-other 가 정의되지 않으면 blue로 대체됨 */
There is no way yet in "normal" css but take a look at sass/scss or less.
here is a scss example
$font-stack: Helvetica, sans-serif;
$primary-color: #333;
body {
font: 100% $font-stack;
color: $primary-color;
I recommend setting your css variables as sass variables, then using sass interpolation to render the color in your elements.
:root {
--text-color: #123456;
$text-color: var(--text-color);
body {
color: #{$text-color};
If im not wrong there is a workaround, the CSS #ID Selector. Which should work for IE > 6 I guess.. So you can
.one { };
<div class="one">
should work as
#one {};
<div id="one">

LESS mixins vs classes

I'm looking into LESS because I definitely see some of their benefits. For instance colour declaration.
One thing I don't understand tho, and maybe I'm not getting the flow right is - why use the following LESS snippet
.radius {
When we can use the .radius class in the html file right away. I'm left with the impression that LESS will add a ton of duplicate code once it gets compiled.
I'm using the following, which makes more sense. Same with font-size, margins, etc... Aren't classes used in such cases?
<div class="btn-red radius">Cancel</div>
<div class="btn-green radius">Go</div>
The snippet above does not benefit from SASS/LESS capabilities that much. Lets have a closer look and check this SCSS snippet.
// Abstract placeholder.
%radius {
border-radius: 5px;
// Put your global styling here.
// I'm assuming that you can alter the markup and have button.btn.btn-green
.btn {
// Color modifier.
&-red {
#extend %radius;
background-color: red;
&-green {
#extend %radius;
background-color: green;
The CSS output will be:
.btn-red, .btn-green {
border-radius: 5px;
.btn-red {
background-color: red;
.btn-green {
background-color: green;
And then you have to pick up Autoprefixer and vendor-prefixes issue is solved once and for all.
Because now, you can just specify the class btn_red or btn_green and all the buttons will automatically have a radius.
Your HTML should contain only the semantics, and styling or classes referring to styling should not be part of it.
That applies to the other classes as well. If for instance, you would rename btn_red to btn_cancel, you have a meaningful classname that you can apply to any kind of cancel button. And in the CSS you can specify that a cancel button is red and a 'Go' button is green, and both have a radius, without needing to modify the HTML at all.
So, the ultimate goal is to have the HTML describe the structure and the CSS describe how that structure should look. And a CSS preprocessor is only their to make a bulky spaghetti-like CSS file more structured.
There are several benefits.
You can use more semantic class names. Rather than encoding style information directly in your class names, (btn-red, radius) you could use a single class that conveys the usage of the style, rather than its contents.
You can avoid repeating yourself.
#radius-size: 5px;
You can parameterize it so that you'd be able to use different radiuses (radii?) in different contexts.
.radius(#radius-size) { ... }
Because there are cases that developer has-no-access or don't-want to change the markup. and the only solution is to include all props from a predefined class.
for example:
you have bootstrap loaded (then you already have .has-success and .has-error classes) and if you want to use HTML5's native form validation using input's :valid and :invalid states, you have to use JavaScript to add/remove success/error classes based on input's states. but with this feature of LESS you can include all props of success/error class inside input's states. the code for this example could be something like this:
#myinput {
&:valid { .has-success; }
&:invalid { .has-error; }

Updating a Variable through a Mixin

So lets say I set the background of 10 elements on the page to #base, then a user lands on the "Foo" page which has the class on the body of the page.
How does one update the #base via a css declaration? I understand that variables are local to a function (or css declaration) but there must be a method to do this! (would make styling alternative pages so easy!)
#base: #00000;
#base = #FFF;
LESS is a Preprocessor so...
...it all has to be precompiled into CSS ahead of time. That means all possible class combinations need to be made into valid CSS ahead of time. If you wanted something like this, you would need to do something like the following in your LESS:
#base: #000000;
.setColorOptions(#className: ~'', #base: #base) {
#classDot: escape(`('#{className}' == '' ? '' : '.')`);
#class: escape(#className);
body#{classDot}#{class} {
someElement {color: #base;}
.someClass {color: #base;}
// etc.
.setColorOptions(foo, #fff);
.setColorOptions(bar, #ccc);
CSS Output
body someElement {
color: #000000;
body .someClass {
color: #000000;
body.foo someElement {
color: #ffffff;
body.foo .someClass {
color: #ffffff;
body.bar someElement {
color: #cccccc;
body.bar .someClass {
color: #cccccc;
Obviously if there were many elements and a lot of color dependent things going on, this could get big fast. Imagine 100 elements under body with three color variations as above, and you have 300+ lines of CSS, 200+ (two-thirds) of which do not apply to any one page. And this doesn't account for other changes, like background colors, etc. In such a case, it is best to set up different LESS files that import a different set of values for #base and build different style sheets to be loaded on the pages that need it. However, if you are just doing a small subset of color changes to a page, this could be a valid way to go.
There is no way to do that.
LESS has no way to know whether the selector body.foo will apply at compile time.

CSS a:hover keep original color

Is it possible to keep the color on a link with a class while other links do change.
For example I have a theme but i want it to support different colors set by the user.
Most links change color on :hover but some must stay the same color.
#red is generated by the theme. I want to 'inherit' the a.someclass:link color in the a.someclass:hover
color: #red;
a:hover {
color: #black;
The above part is generated which I cannot alter.
As suggested in answers and comments below I need to build this with jQuery
sure I can copy #red to the a.someclass:hover {} but then i have to hardcode the color and since the user should be able to change the color that is not an option.
I need something to overide the a:hover { color } if the class is someclass
You can make use of currentColor
a.no-color-change:hover {
color: currentColor;
Why not do this then?
a:link, a.someclass:hover
color: #red;
At least if I understand your question correctly.. This will make sure both your <a> tags will have the same color as the <a class="someclass"> ones when hovered.
Like maxisam said above you will probably have to use js to do this. Try using jQuery's .hover() or .mouseover() .mouseout() to change the css. You would of course have to trigger these functions somehow when the user switches themes. Good luck.
As suggested by #danferth and #maxisam here is my jQuery solution
I've written to make this work:
// getting the color before the color is changed ( not sure this is needed )
var thecolor = $('.article-title').css("color");
$(".article-title").mouseover(function() {
// setting the color previously picked
where .article-title is the class of the links I want to alter

Sifr3 - Is it possible to override CSS styling with parent selector?

I would like to override setting that already defined with selecting
parent selector but I don't know how.
Say, there are 2 pages on a website like the following...
-Home page-
<body><h1 class="sifr">Home</h1></body>
-About page-
<body class="about"><h1 class="sifr">About</h1></body>
then, I have these in sirf-config.js...
sIFR.replace(fontname, {
selector: 'h1.sifr',
css: '.sIFR-root { color: #666666; font-size:29px; }'
sIFR.replace(fontname, {
selector: 'body.about h1.sifr',
css: '.sIFR-root { color: #FFFFFF; font-size:29px; }'
but it doesn't work...
If anybody help me I would appreciate.
Run the replacements for body.about h1.sifr before h1.sifr. sIFR doesn't calculate specificity but executes the replacements in-order. Replacing h1.sifr replaces all such elements, so body.about h1.sifr only finds elements that have already been replaced.
Check the order your loading CSS vs issuing the replace commands ...
I don't use Sifr, so I don't know exactly how it works. I assume that the code creates CSS code like this:
h1.sifr { color: #666666; font-size: 29px; }
body.about h1.sifr { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 29px; }
If it does, that will override the color style for the heading in the about page, as the selector for the second line is more specific than the selector in the first line.
You can read more about specificity here.
If it doesn't work, it's because there is something in your code that doesn't look like you think it does, and it may very well be something in some other part of your code that you haven't shown here that is causing the problem.
You can use the Firebug plugin in Firefox to inspect the elements in the page to see exactly which css is affecting each element.
