Defining the Cache Manifest file within ASP.NET -

When using a cache manifest file within ASP.NET can I just add a standard text file called something like app.manifest? (which is then referenced from the html in each relevant page).
Or are there other considerations (such as mime type) that demand a more convoluted approach?
In this approach: then Stephen Walther sets up the manifest as a handler. Do I really have to do it that way in ASP.NET, or is there a 'simpler' way in ASP.NET? Just striving for less code!

Well, in sighted article, author has created a custom handler to server the manifest with correct MIME type. This is indeed a good way in ASP.NET where you don't have to touch web server configuration.
If you don't want to write such handler and wish to serve file directly such as "app.manifest" then you have to make sure to modify IIS configuration (for the web-site) map the correct MIME Type (text/cache-manifest) for manifest extension (see this and this for how to register a new MIME type in IIS)


Cannot route static files in ASP.NET WebForms

We have legacy code to maintain and, to solve a specific customer customization problem, we want to route calls to some files to other files. That is, when the app calls a particular ASPX, it will end up hitting another ASPX.
If you call:
It will actually hit:
This is not a good design but this is legacy code. We just want to solve this.
We are using the System.Web.Routing framework to solve it. This works fine when you set RouteExistingFiles to true, except for static files (CSS, JavaScript and Images).
When I first tried it, it retrieved this error:
There is no build provider register for the extension '.css'.
So I did register a build provider in the web.config file for the .css extension. I used this build provider: PageBuilderProvider because someone recommended it in the internet.
It works! But the CSS is being served with text\html content type.
How do I achieve this?
TL;DR: I want to use routes in ASP.NET Web Forms to make a call for a specific CSS file to actually retrieve another one. A customer needs this for customization.
Try coding a HttpHandler. I had to do something similar but for PDF files, I coded a custom HttpHandler in the end - works very well. You can even set the content type in the HttpHandler code and have a pattern matched path the handler will be used for in the web.config. You can also configure it in web.config not to execute if the path does not point to an existing file e.g. so a 404 is returned without having to code that in the handler itself. I can't post my code (VB.NET) ATM because I'm using a tablet but google search for tutorials. You will also probably need to use the TransmitFile function to actually write out the css file. Is it a web forms project or web site? If its a web site there is a special way of registering the HttpHandler in the web.config.

Unable to access resources in .net web project

How do I access resources in a .Net Web Project. I created a web project and then in App_LocalResources folder added a resx file "AstroWap.resx". Now how do I access values from that. The property My.Resources itself is not available.
Good reference reading to use resource files here
To create an access properties - right click your solution, select properties then click the link to create a resource file. You should see a excel type grid. Type your key value pairs in there.
To access it should be
The issue is probably how you have added the resource. It might have circumvented the auto generated code which gives you the above syntax
You can check if it has added the auto gen code by looking in your web project under properties -> resources.resx -> resource.cs.designer. The designer file is the autogenerated file and you can see the access code for the underlying resx file. This assumes you have used the default resx file as above. See image for example in solution explorer
In addition this SO question does give more options for accessing resx files if you have some project constraints. I appreciate not everyone can do the above due to team work practices etc.. It's just what I do. And it does work.
Use following code for it:
in aspx page.
If your page name is Test.aspx then your resource file must have name as Test.aspx.resx, otherwise you can not access the resource file value.

How does people make ASP.NET page in URL with html file name?

I seen an ASP.NET application, in the URL is saying:
How come it is html file? But not aspx file? How did they do it?
I heard from my manager that's an ASP.NET project he outsourced.
Sometime I seen people with their web page is ended in .html too, but obviously that is generated dynamically...
Files ending with .html are optional. These are static HTML-pages without any code-behind and can be included as part of any web application. They are not parsed and compiled by the server but rather just sent as good old predefined HTML.
You can also configure the web server so that it routes requests with different endings through the rendering engine. This way you can keep the widely recognized ending .html and still have dynamic page generation.
The file extension is not necessarily tied to the execution engine. You can make ASP.NET process .aspx, .html, .htm, .bob, .foobar, .css, etc.
There are multiple of ways to do this:
In IIS manager, set the file extension mapping for .html to point to ASP.NET. If you're using MVC, you can handle this via routing.
Use a rewrite engine to map anything with a .htm* extension to .aspx
There are probably other ways, but these are the most direct.
Also, the .html extension doesn't mean that the file was dynamically generated.
You can use URL rewriting. There are a lot of different rewriters most popular being the URL rewrite module ( ) and the built in (in ASP.NET 4.0) Routing Engine ( ).
The URL Rewrite module is external to your application and it translates incoming URLs to regular .aspx URLs. You are responsible for generating the links with .html. It is good if you are adding it to an existing application.
The built in routing can generate urls based on routes and is configured in Global.asax (usually) with code.
Right click on the project.
Add new...
pick the HTML file type.
Some people prefer to use a different extension (or even none at all) in order to hide the technology used to develop the site.
Bear in mind that you would have to properly configure IIS to let the .net engine handle the .html file types.

ASP.NET MVC - Non-Embedded Resource FIle

I currently have a local resource file in an ASP.NET MVC project. The goal of this file is to let a non-programmer edit the text on the webpage. The problem is that the resource file is an embedded resource and compiled on ASP.NET MVC Deployment. This means they would have visual studio to change site copy. This is non-optimal :)
Is there a way to make use of resource files in ASP.NET MVC that would result in a .resx file on the server for an admin-type person to be able to edit?
The other option is to put this in a database and have some front end to edit it, but I would really like to avoid this option as its overly complex for just a few text fields on a small site.
Once way of doing so, is to make sure the resources aren't compiled.
When you add a resource file (e.g. TextResource.resx) you can access the resources in a type safe manner.
For example:
ViewBag.Message = Resources.TextResource.MyMessage;
After you add a resource file (*.resx), select it in the solution explorer and view its properties. Clear the "Custom Tool" property. By default it contains the value "GlobalResourceProxyGenerator". Just delete this value.
This has a downside, however as you can no longer access the resources in a type-safe manner. You'll have to load them using the GetGlobalResourceObject and GetLocalResourceObject methods of the current HttpContext.
For example:
ViewBag.Message = this.HttpContext.GetGlobalResourceObject("TextResource",
"Hello", CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
This way you'll be able to manually alter the resource files (*.resx). You could then opt to build an application which can read and modify the contents of the resource files, which are just XML files.
For example:

What exactly does the staticcontent tag in the web.config file apply to?

I've been reading about the staticContent element in the web.config file but I'm having a bit of trouble figuring out exactly what ASP.Net considers static content. I assume it's going to include images, js files, css and static html files but I can't seem to find any articles that explicitly state this. Does anyone have links to documentation that explains this in detail?
I think this may be the information you're missing - Static Content MimeMap
Whilst this question is rather old and I expect Kiquenet got it sorted out none of the answers actually answer the question, I found this article looking for the answer, I expect others will to. This article answers the question:
IIS and Static content?
To paraphrase, static files are those IIS does not have a specific handler for. i.e. every file type listed in the .Net framework web.config section httpHandlers is NOT static.
Please look at Ben Swayne's most excellent answer, to quote:
You can inspect the list of file handlers in IIS by navigating to your website and then click 'Handler Mappings'. By default these are inherited from the .Net base web.config which is in a different location depending on your .Net framework version.
If a file being requested isn't already explicitly mapped to another handler it falls to a catch all handler (*) as the last option (System.Web.DefaultHttpHandler) which determines if it is a static file or a directory browsing request. So Static files are simply files not bound to another handler already.
As I understand it, the staticContent element in the web.config is where you can set how your site should cache it's static resource.
So as to your question of what kind of content can be specified here, it would be any file that you could benefit from caching, i.e. images, video, etc.
Also, just to provide some links I found useful:
How to configure static content cache per folder and extension in IIS7? says,
The <mimeMap> element of the <staticContent> element is included in the default installation of IIS 7.
IOW the list of 'static' file types is I suppose defined in the server's machine.config and/or overriden using web.config files.
You can select "Mime Types" in IIS Manager to view the list of MIME Types ... I see about 400 of these, from .323 and .aac through to .xslt and .zip, including .htm and .html but not including .aspx.
