ASP.NET Session State Performance Benchmarks -

I have found a lot of great information comparing InProc, StateServer, and SQLServer for ASP.NET state management, but I can't seem find any performance benchmark comparisons. It is clear that InProc is faster than StateServer which in turn is faster than SQLServer, but it isn't clear how much faster. I realize that it's going to vary greatly by application and environment, but having a relative idea of how they compare would be valuable.
Do you know of any benchmarks that have been performed that you could share? or have any personal experience with this? Thank you!

I have personal experience but no benchmarks or actual recorded metrics to share. We initially created an Asp.Net site which stored a larger than usual user object in session using the InProc method. We found that the size of the object and the nature of our error handling libraries caused 2 undesired behaviors. The first was a recycling of the application pool at random intervals during processes. Because the w3wp.exe process would recycle itself midstream, it would essentially dump the session and the object would be lost. This caused other code to kick in and repair the session, and it increased the latency of our transactions. We also found (although it was not a terrible problem and I only discovered while attempting to debug the memory loss I just described) that the size of the object in session along with some of the objects being loaded in libraries for the page itself would cause the w3wp.exe to page itself in and out repeatedly. For smaller requests that only involved either the session object or these library objects but not both, there was no odd paging behavior on the process.
In moving from InProc to StateServer, we discovered an immediate return on the recycling. The pool actually ended up recycling less, and even when it did our session objects stayed in separate memory. We also noticed that this created a universal "library only" condition as described above with respect to paging and we did not experience it again (though admittedly I stopped checking after 1 month of uptime). We did pick up a very small latency in accessing certain framework libraries at the time, but when we upgraded from 2.0 to 3.5, these access anomalies disappeared entirely. We're hoping for similar behavior when we upgrade from 3.5 to 4.0 soon.
A test site using SQLServer as a state controller was attempted, and the only latency we found was the initial session creation/storage. Subsequent calls to update/access the session in SQL provided no real difference from the StateServer option. I don't have any metrics, but there was nothing on any of the systems that indicated a difference in behavior. Timestamps had comparable differences in all aspects. A benefit we did gain, though it was of rare usage potential, was that we were able to couple our user database directly with the session state server and compare timestamps, statuses, and other specialized session variables directly. We had no real need for this feature, and the StateServer option was already in full swing on our production servers, so a determination to leave it as it was.
In the end, it wasn't speed so much as memory usage that persuaded us to dump InProc for StateServer. The benefits of access speed definitely did not outweigh the need to have the data in memory in the first place.

There's a good benchmarks the DevOps Guys. comparing
ASP.Net In-Proc
ASP.Net Session State Server
ASP.Net Sql Server
Redis (this one, TheCloudlessSky, not this one AngiesList)
AppHarbor also recommends memcached, but doesn't have a benchmark.
and provides a Session Provider


Measure performance of ASP.NET SQL session state provider

We have a very large three-tier .NET 4.0 web application (ASP.NET, WCF, SQL Server 2008 R2) with some performance issues I'm trying to diagnose. The ASP.NET tier uses the SQL session state provider, and there is reasonably extensive use of session state.
<sessionState mode="SQLServer" sqlConnectionString="..." cookieless="false" timeout="20"/>
I'm trying to figure out how much time it takes to load and save the session to the database. Note that this is different than using SQL profiler or other database means to measure time on that tier; I want to measure total time taken from the ASP.NET tier. I.e. that would include session object serialization/deserialization, wire time, and SQL save/load time.
I am pretty experienced developer (since the early 80's), and I have Googled the web for hours now -- there are tons of articles contrasting session state approaches and general performance concepts etc, but I can find nothing on how to actually measure this total time for the SQL session state provider. I initially thought of using an HttpModule to hook events and use a stopwatch, but there doesn't appear to be a clean path to this. (I would settle for an approach that's reasonably accurate to few percent...)
Any ideas/suggestions are much appreciated, thanks.
Could you not just alter your session timeout to seconds, and then to a lower and lower amount, until it does not load and save the session?
The managed stack can be profiled in the VS profiler. See:
Find Application Bottlenecks with Visual Studio Profiler
How to: Profile a Web Site or Web Application Using the Performance Wizard
Analyzing Application Performance by Using Profiling Tools
For low level stuff use Xperf, see Two Minute Drill: Introduction to XPerf
For the SQL Server side there are many methodologies for performance troubleshooting, like Waits and Queues. For specific statement duration/IO cost you can use profiler trace, see Scenarios for Using SQL Server Profiler.
Now for a very specific and invasive way in your case you can use Performance Counters. Not the stock kind, but create your own. See Using XSLT to generate Performance Counters for an ease way to geenrate the plumbing needed to augment your app with its own perf counters, then hook up your code with performance tracing. Use the standard perofrmance counters tool chain (logman.exe, perfmon.exe) to capture and analyze.
The easiest way to do this is to profile the app and look at where the time is spent deep in the bowels of ASP.NET. You will be able to quickly spot session-related activity by class and method name.
Perfview is fine for this. It has a sampling profiler which means that it will give you accurate, unskewed profiling information. But it can't tell you how many seconds were spent in what method. All it tells you are percentages.
I'd spin up a load test against an empty page and let perfview run for 30s.
dottrace is a simple profiler that also shows you the amount of CPU time spent per call, I believe.
The first thing that comes to mind is to create a page that doesn't really do anything other than perhaps load/store the session state variables. From there you can set up a coded UI test that accesses the page a number of times and builds a statistical estimate for the variability and distribution involved in load times for the page.
WCAT (Web Capacity Analysis Tool) could also be used to see how performance changes under load...

Enforce serializable session state access for InProc?

I have heard advice in the past to use SqlServer / StateServer early on in a project, so when you scale you don't fall into the trap of a developer using non-serializable objects InProc and it breaking when moving to SqlServer / StateServer later.
For the moment we have no need to use InProc of SqlServer session state, as we're just launching, but we'll probably need to scale reasonably quickly.
Does anyone have any reccomendations in enforcing serializable objects when using InProc? Perhaps creating a wrapper?
The important thing to remember that using SqlServer / StateServer is not just about scaling out (web farms). Even on one server you can run into problems when just using InProc sessions. Basically when using InProc any sessions that are "live" when the app pool recycles are lost. To put this in context, you may be running a purchase funnel and are storing something in the session that is critical to the process (why that may be bad practise is another conversation). Anyway, if that session information is corrupt / lost then the user won't be able to continue. So the app pool recycles and loses any currently live sessions - so any customers currently in your purchase funnel drop out and are potentially lost.
For that reason alone I'd always recommend running SqlServer sessions at a minimum (even locally). Better architecture generally negates any performance issues. If you do run into performance issues you could potentially look at 3rd party StateServer implementations that I'd should be faster.
If after reading the drawbacks of running InProc on a live server you're still happy to be doing that (they're your reasons, so that's fine) the only thing I could recommend is to change your dev server (or test) to run using SqlState and leave Live running InProc. That way you see any problems in the environment that isn't using InProc and can fix them in a none live environment. Then if you decide to switch Live over, you'll know that it won't need any extra dev effort and everything should be OK.

Session mode in ASP.Net?

Which session mode in the following ,should i implement for my ASP.Net website?
1)InProc .
2)State Server.
3)SQL Server.
It depends entirely on your circumstances and the type of website you wish to operate.
I suspect your expected volumes of traffic and the hardware it is running on is also a large factor.
Can you give us more information.
Performance considerations
InProc - Fastest, but the more session data, the more memory is consumed on the web server, and that can affect performance.
StateServer - When storing data of basic types (e.g. string, integer, etc), in one test environment it's 15% slower than InProc. However, the cost of serialization/deserialization can affect performance if you're storing lots
of objects. You have to do performance testing for your own scenario.
SQLServer - When storing data of basic types (e.g. string, integer, etc), in one test environment it's 25% slower than InProc. Same warning about serialization as in StateServer.
InProc - Session state will be lost if the worker process (aspnet_wp.exe) recycles, or if the appdomain restarts. It's because session state is stored in the memory space of an appdomain. For details, see KB324772.
StateServer - Solve the session state loss problem in InProc mode. Allows a webfarm to store session on a central server. Single point of failure at the State Server.
SQLServer - Similar to StateServer. Moreover, session state data can survive a SQL server restart, and you can also take advantage of SQL server failover cluster, after you've followed instructions in KB 311029.
The above is an extract from an article by Peter A. Bromberg available here
There's no one clear answer. It depends on how your app works, how many servers you have, what your tolerance for failure is etc. I would read up on the differences and then make an informed choice.
Providing you make everything that you are storing in the session serializable from the beginning, it is usually fairly easy to switch from one mode to another, unless you are using things like the Session_End event, which only fires when using in proc mode.
The default is InProc, and that works fine for most small and moderate size web sites. You just use it, you don't have to implement anything at all.
If you have any special curcomstances, like load balanced servers or extreme amounts of users, you would need some of the other methods.

ASP.NET Masters: What are the advantages / disadvantages of using Session variables?

I've done a search on this subject already, and have found the same data over and over-- a review of the three different types of sessions. (InProc, Sql, StateServer) However, my question is of a different nature.
Specifically, what is the advantages/disadvantages of using the built in .NET session in the first place?
Here is why I am asking: A fellow .NET developer has told me to NEVER use the built in Microsoft Session. Not at all. Not even create a custom Session State Provider. His reasoning for this is the following--that if you have the Session turned on in IIS it makes all of your requests happen synchronously. He says that enabling session degrades the performance of a web server.
His solution to this is to create a session yourself-- a class that stores all values you need and is serialized in and out of the database. He advises that you store the unique ID to reference this in a cookie or a querystring variable. In our environment, using a DB to store the sessions is a requirement because all the pages we make are on web farms, and we use Oracle-- so I agree with that part.
Does using the built in Session degrade performance more than a home-built Session? Are there any security concerns with this?
So to sum it all up, what are the advantages/disadvantages?
Thanks to all who answer!
My experience has been that the session is a good means of managing state when you use it appropriately. However, often times it's misused, causing the "never ever use the session" sentiment shared by many developers.
I and many other developers have ran into major performance issues when we mistakenly used the session to store large amounts of data from a database, so as to "save a trip." This is bad. Storing 2000 user records per session will bring the web server to its knees when more than a couple of users use the application. Session should not be used as a database cache.
Storing an integer, however, per session is perfectly acceptable. Small amounts of data representing how the current user is using your application (think shopping cart) is a good use of session state.
To me, it's really all about managing state. If done correctly, then session can be one of many good ways to manage state. It should be decided in the beginning on how to manage state though. Most often times, we've run into trouble when someone decides to just "throw something in the session".
I found this article to be really helpful when using out-of-process modes, and it contains some tips that I would have never thought of on my own. For example, rather than marking a class as serializable, storing its primitive datatype members in separate session variables, and then recreating the object can improve performance.
Firstly, you colleague is implementing his own DB backed session management system, I do not see what advantage this has over using built in session state stored on a database (MS SQL is the default, there is no reason not to use Oracle instead).
Is his solution better than the built in one? Unlikely. It's way more work for you for a start. Here's a simple illustration of why. Let's say you use cookies to store your ID, how do you cope with a user who turns off cookies? If you are using ASP.Net's session state there's no problem as it will fall back to using the query string. With your colleagues idea you have to roll your own.
There is a very valid question as to whether you shold have session state at all. If you can design your application not to need any session state at all you will have a much easier time scaling and testing. Obviously you may have application state which needs to live beyond a session anyway (simple case beign user names and passwords), but you have to store these data anyway regardless of whether you have session state.
The MS implementation of Session State is not evil in and of itself... it is how some developers use it. As mentioned above, using the built-in session state provider means that you don't have to reinvent the security, aging, and concurrency issues. Just don't start jamming lots of garbage in the session because you're too lazy to figure out a better way to manage state and page transitions. Session doesn't scale really well... if each user on your site stuffs a bunch of objects in the session, and those objects take up a tiny bit of the finite memory available to your app, you'll run into problems sooner than later as your app grows in popularity. Use session in the manner for which it was designed: a token to represent that a user is still "using" your site. When you start to venture beyond that, either because of ignorance or laziness, you're bound to get burned.
You should be judicious in your use of Session, since multiple requests to the same Session object will usually be queued: see "Concurrent requests and session state"
Note that you can set EnableSessionState to ReadOnly to allow concurrent read access to session state.
This queuing is a good thing, as it means developers can use Session without being concerned about synchronization.
I would not agree with your colleague's recommendation to "never" use Session and I certainly wouldn't consider rolling my own.
First, a browser will only make two requests, to a given hostname, at a given time. For the most part these requests are for static content (JS files, CSS, etc). So, the serializing of requests to dynamic content aren't nearly the issue that one might think. Also, I think this may be confused with Classic ASP, where pages that use Session are definitely serialized, I don't believe this is the case with ASP.Net.
With ASP.Net session state (SQL mode, state server, or custom) you have an implementation that is standard, and consistent throughout an application. If you don't need to share session information this is your best bet. If you need to share information with other application environments (php, swing/java, classic asp, etc.) it may be worth considering.
Another advantage/disadvantage is that there has been a lot of developer focus on the built-in methodology for sessions with regards to performance, and design over rolling your own, even with a different provider.
Are there any security concerns with this?
If you roll your own you'll have to handle Session Fixation and Hijacking attacks, whereas using the built-in Session I think they are handled for you (but I could be wrong).
the home made session as you have described is doing nothing different "SQL" state of .Net sessions and in my experience i dont think session degrades your performance in anyway. building your own session manager will require putting in several other plumbing tasks along - security, flushing it out, etc.
the advantage with in-built sessions is its easy to use with all this plumbing already been taken care of. with "SQL" mode you can persist the session data in database thus allowing you to run your app on web-farms without any issues.
we designed a b2b ecommerce app for fortune 57 company which processes over 100k transactions a day and used sessions [SQL mode] quite extensively without any problems whatsover at all.
Correct me if I am wrong:
The primary advantage of storing Session state in a db, e.g., SQL Server, is that you are not consuming memory resources, but instead storing it to disk in a db.
The disadvantage is that you take an IO hit to retrieve this info from the database each time you need it (or maybe SQL Sever even does some magic caching of the data for you based on recently executed queries?)
In any event, this the price an IO to retrieve the session info from a db per trip to the web server seems like a safer strategy for sites that encounter a lot of traffic.

Allowing Session in a Web Farm? Is StateServer Good Enough?

First of all to give you a bit of background on the current environment. We have a number of ASP.NET applications, all of which use session for certain aspects. We are "Load Balanced" over multiple servers due to traffic levels, however, our load balancing is set to use "Sticky Sessions" as currently all web applications are set to use "InProc" for session state.
We are looking at being able to remove the "Sticky Sessions" configuration on our load balancer, as due to our traffic loads servers can and do get overloaded. We want to go with a more balanced approach, but must be able to use session.
I know that SqlServer for session state will work, but for reasons beyond our control, we cannot use SqlServer to store our state. In researching it seems that StateServer is our best bet. We have an additional server, with loads of memory sitting around. This server could be our StateServer for the entire Web Cluster. We just want to know the following things.
1.) Besides any potential serialization issues with the switch from InProc to StateServer, are there any major known issues with losing session objects or generating errors with the above listed environment?
2.) Aside from the single point of failure, and slighly slower performance are there any other gotchas that we need to be aware of with using StateServer.
3.) Are there any metrics that show the performance differences between the three types of state storage?
Here is a decent FAQ on state:
From that Article, here is some information on StateServer:
In a web farm, make sure you have the same MachineKey in all your web servers. See KB 313091 on how to do it.
Also, make sure your objects are serializable. See KB 312112 for details.
For session state to be maintained across different web servers in the web farm, the Application Path of the website (For example \LM\W3SVC\2) in the IIS Metabase should be identical in all the web servers in the web farm. See KB 325056 for details
I have only used sql and in-proc. But these 3 that apply when using sql server apply as well:
Avoid storing too much information in the session, as it affects both in serialization and data transmitted over the network.
Make sure you don't have anything that depends on the Session_onEnd. This is just not available for out of process sessions.
Turn off session on pages that doesn't uses it. This don't make a difference for in-process session, but for out of process it will save you a lot.
Make sure your server etag ids are synchronized across the web farm otherwise caching at client browsers will be upset.
Have you reviewed your code in detail to make sure everything can be serialized out of process and across a LAN efficiently?
Are you solving the main performance problem within your system? I ask because the database is the typical source of contention.
My main motivation for moving away from sticky sessions was operational flexibility i.e. cycle down a problematic server or to deploy a software upgrade. So having implemented a central session state service make sure you take full advantage from an operational stand point.
In my experience we've found out that native state server or even using SQL Server for sessions is a very scary scenario as both have issues (mainly performance). By the way, we are also using sticky sessions.
I think you can explore other products for this to achive the absolute best. A free option would be Velocity but it is still not released.
And another comprehensive but proven product will be (Very expensive actually) NCache. THis will even help in your serilizations with less cost, If you use their API's it will be even better results.
Take a look and see which looks best for you.
About SQL Server, you server will die very soon if you have enough number of hits coming in (I belive you have some hits already which yielded you to do Web Farm or you do it just for the sake of redundancy)
Bottom line: We are evaluating Velocity because NCAchce is really expensive. However advantages are huge.
We are using StateServer for a very small web farm with only two nodes for a few hundred users.
I'm not responsible for its operation but I remember only two issues in two years where the service had to be restarted because it crashed.
I would like to another one more point to the accepted answer:
Make sure the version of framework dlls is the same.
In my case the System.Web dll versions were different as a few windows updates were skipped on one of the servers of the farm.
