ASP.NET Routing - GetRouteData does not work if path exists -

I have a HttpModule which intercepts all requests and loads data from the database based on routing rules. However, I run into one problem all the time; GetRouteData only works if the path does not exist:
var routeData = RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
Assuming a request comes in for the url http://localhost/contact, I get the correct routing data relating to that url if that path does not exist in the file system. The problem appears when I want to customize the page at that url which I do by creating an aspx page in the path ~/contact/default.aspx. Once I do that, GetRouteData return null.
I have even tried creating a new HttpContext object, but I still can not retrieve route data if the page exists.
Has anyone ever run into this problem? Is there a solution/workaround?
All help will be greatly appreciated.

Set RouteCollection.RouteExistingFiles to true.
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
// Cause paths to be routed even if they exists physically
routes.RouteExistingFiles = true;
// Map routes
routes.MapPageRoute("...", "...", "...");
Beware though. IIS7 behaves a little differently than the server used when debugging within Visual Studio. I got bit by this when I deployed my application to the web. Check out this feedback I submitted to Microsoft Connection.


Disable access to a Servlet

I'm developing a WebApp using JavaEE and I use a servlet to test some stuff.
Currently, my WebApp is set as when I go to my local url localhost:8080/myApp/test , I can run my test Servlet.
My plan is to deploy my project to a Web and I want to disable the Servlet, but not delete it. I mean, if in the future I visit my remote server via URL , I would like it throws an error od do nothing.
How could I do that?
There are many possible options here:
Option 1
Remove the mapping (annotation #WebServlet or url mapping entry in web.xml). In this case, any attempt to call this servlet will end with an error generated by the JEE container of your choice. It will try to map the servlet to URL, will obviously fail and throw an exception
The obvious drawback of this method is that you need to change the deployment configuration and if you'll want to run the same artifact in another envrironment where this servlet should work you won't be able to do so.
Option 2
Create some kind of configuration, load this configuration along with your application.
In the doGet (just for the sake of example) method do something like this:
public void doGet(request, response) {
if(config.isTestServletEnabled()) { // this is where the data gets read from configuration that I've talked about before
// do your regular processing here
else {
// this will happen when the servlet should not be activated
// throw an exception, return HTTP error code of your choice, etc
This way doesn't have a drawback of the first method that I've explained above, however involves some code to be written.

MVC 5 HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden on Manager Controller [duplicate]

Is DocumentationController reserved for system usage or something?
I created a blank MVC app, created a DocumentationController with corresponding view. It works if I go to but if I go to then I get a 403 forbidden.
Renaming DocumentationController to Documentation2Controller and associated views, it (the default route, etc.) works perfectly.
Is it a reserved keyword or could there be another reason why it doesn't pick up the default route?
Make sure you don't have an actual virtual/physical directory named Documentation.
You can also instruct MVC to 'take over' the request even when it matches a directory by setting the RouteExistingFiles flag to true (in your Routes configuration):
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
routes.RouteExistingFiles = true;
There is no problem using this word as controller name. (At least in ASP.NET MVC3)
The only reserve words are these:

Replacement for ASP.NET Virtual Directory for Multi-tenancy

I am working on an ASP.NET WebForms Application, using ASP.NET 4.5
The Application has multi-tenancy support. Each tenant has an own URL like:
Very simplified in the Login.aspx the application calls this method and translates this URL to an internal ID.
public static string getTenant(HttpRequest request)
return = request.Url.ToString();
The problem is now, we have more than 200 tenants, for each we need to define an WebApplication which is
a bunch of work :-)
probably very inefficient as an own worker process for each tenant is opend
I am looking for a smart replacement where I stay compatible to the old URLs.
I am looking for an idea how to solve this via URL Routing or maybe to mix WebForms with MVC and add a Login Controller?
Also open to other ideas...
I agree with what Alexander said, the proper way to do this would be with URL Routing.
But... If you are trying to save time...
First, remove all of your web applications;
So get rid of...
And then you need to make sure that typing in the following:
... takes you to the actual WebApplication you want to use.
Then, in the global.asax file... you need to capture 404 exceptions.
So when someone types in:
... it will throw a 404 exception which you could catch in your global.asax file like this:
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
string urlData = Request.ServerVariables["SCRIPT_NAME"];
// do some string splitting to get the DemoTenant1 value
// Response.Redirect("~Login.aspx?tenant=DemoTenant1");
Its a bit messy but I have done this in the past when I was in exactly the same situation as you. Although, you do now have the routing module built by Microsoft (which I did not have at the time). I am quite sure that you can use the Routing modules within Webforms, without having to use MVC.

Check for a static file during Application_BeginRequest?

I have a Global.asx file that needs to do custom authentication, auditing and profiling stuff. This is needed because it supports a SAML based SSO system and needs to override the normal .Net authentication (which doesn't support either SAML or mixed authentication)
I don't want to fire it for static files, such as .js, .css, .png, etc
In Cassini/WebDev and IIS7 it does.
What I want to have is some simple check, like a this.Request.IsStaticFile (which doesn't exist, unfortunately) to identify the static files.
I realise that this would be fairly simple to write, but it feels like something that must already exist - IIS has already applied caching policy stuff for the static files and so on.
I need a code solution, rather than an IIS config change one.
This is my current workaround:
/// <summary>Hold all the extensions we treat as static</summary>
static HashSet<string> allowedExtensions = new HashSet<string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
".js", ".css", ".png", ...
/// <summary>Is this a request for a static file?</summary>
/// <param name="request">The HTTP request instance to extend.</param>
/// <returns>True if the request is for a static file on disk, false otherwise.</returns>
public static bool IsStaticFile(this HttpRequest request)
string fileOnDisk = request.PhysicalPath;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileOnDisk))
return false;
string extension = Path.GetExtension(fileOnDisk);
return allowedExtensions.Contains(extension);
This works and is quick enough, but feels horribly clunky. In particular relying on extensions is going to be error prone if we add new static files not thought of.
Is there a better way without changing the IIS config?
You might be able to check which handler is dealing with the request.
In IIS6 only .net files, eg aspx are mapped to a handler that does stuff.
In IIS7 with the integrated pipeline, everything routes through .net, which is normally a good thing. Different handlers still deal with different file types though. In particular I believe the staticfilehandler is the one you need to check for. The httpcontext.handler property should allow you to figure it out.
You could create an extension method to add that IsStatic method...
There are a few options:
Adding authorization element and deny none for those paths that you do not need any authentication and contains your static files
You are using integrated pipeline. Turn it off on your IIS 7.
There is no doubt that you need to create a custom extension method because ASP.NET routing engine uses this code to decide whether a file exist,
if (!this.RouteExistingFiles)
string appRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath = httpContext.Request.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath;
if (((appRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath != "~/") && (this._vpp != null)) && (this._vpp.FileExists(appRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath) || this._vpp.DirectoryExists(appRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath)))
return null;
You will not able to decide whether the request is static in Application_BeginRequest using context.handler because Routing Module may change the handler and this module always execute after Application_BeginRequest. My suggestion is to use the similar code which ASP.NEt routing engine uses.

Get domain whatever local or webserver

I wrote an ASP.NET web application. My application created a request with returning URL other e-commerce server. I want to get this. -->
http://localhost/stackoverflow/question/ask --> http://localhost/stackoverflow
I used Request.Url.AbsoluteUri. But it's not OK for typing address by user.
How can this be done?
Look at the server variables collection. That is the source of this raw data that the HttpApplication gets from IIS.
I think the specific string you are looking for can be found with by "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"]
Looking at your question again, this won't work for the "http://localhost/stackoverflow". This is because it doesn't follow the same convention. If you are using the convention that the public site is and your development site is http://localhost/domainname, then you could write a function that gets the site name like
public static string GetDomainUrl(){
var servername = HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["SERVER_NAME"];
bool isLocalHost = serverName.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("localhost);
var domain = serverName.Split(new Char[]{'/'})[1];
return string.Format(#"http://localhost/{0}", domain);
return string.Format(#"http://{0}", serverName);
Note: I wrote this in the SO textbox, so check it.
