a* pathfinding - cost of successor - path-finding

I'm remaking an old warcraft 3 custom game that I used to play way back when and putting it on the iphone. Basically, you have a set amount of time to build a maze out of a set amount of blocks, and the longer it takes the creep to run the maze, the more points you get.
I'm doing this all in airplay with cocos2d, and right now I'm putting in the a* pathfinding algorithm. I'm using Justin Heyes-Jones' implementation and working on the node class right now.
However, a couple things are confusing me. The class looks like this:
class MapSearchNode
unsigned int x; // the (x,y) positions of the node
unsigned int y;
MapSearchNode() { x = y = 0; }
MapSearchNode( unsigned int px, unsigned int py ) { x=px; y=py; }
bool IsGoal( MapSearchNode &nodeGoal ) { return (x == nodeGoal.x && y == nodeGoal.y); }
bool IsSameState( MapSearchNode &rhs ) { return (x == rhs.x && y == rhs.y); }
float GoalDistanceEstimate( MapSearchNode &nodeGoal );
float GetCost( MapSearchNode &successor );
bool GetSuccessors( AStarSearch<MapSearchNode> *astarsearch, MapSearchNode *parent_node );
//void PrintNodeInfo();
I'm just not sure what GetCost means. In this example maze, where X's are walls and _'s are walkable areas, would the cost of going from (3, 1) to (3, 2) be 0? And then what would the cost of going from (3, 1) to (4, 1), since it's impossible?
X X _ X X
X _ _ X X
X _ X X X
X _ _ _ _
And then I guess I can just implement GoalDistanceEstimate by using the distance formula, correct?

The general A* is based on a weighted graph. In practical maze solving applications, all edges have the same finite weight (usually 1) for passable terrain and infinite (written as a very large number, just use 100000 or something) for impassable terrain.

To my understanding, the cost was the "combined total" that determined the "fastest path". The cost is added to for every square or node that they have to go to. This can also include things such as terrain limitations (such as slowing you down etc.).


Finding (a ^ x) % m from a % m. This is about utilizing a % m to calculate (a ^ x) % m. % is the modulus operator [duplicate]

I want to calculate ab mod n for use in RSA decryption. My code (below) returns incorrect answers. What is wrong with it?
unsigned long int decrypt2(int a,int b,int n)
unsigned long int res = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (b / 2); i++)
res *= ((a * a) % n);
res %= n;
if (b % n == 1)
res *=a;
res %=n;
return res;
You can try this C++ code. I've used it with 32 and 64-bit integers. I'm sure I got this from SO.
template <typename T>
T modpow(T base, T exp, T modulus) {
base %= modulus;
T result = 1;
while (exp > 0) {
if (exp & 1) result = (result * base) % modulus;
base = (base * base) % modulus;
exp >>= 1;
return result;
You can find this algorithm and related discussion in the literature on p. 244 of
Schneier, Bruce (1996). Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, Second Edition (2nd ed.). Wiley. ISBN 978-0-471-11709-4.
Note that the multiplications result * base and base * base are subject to overflow in this simplified version. If the modulus is more than half the width of T (i.e. more than the square root of the maximum T value), then one should use a suitable modular multiplication algorithm instead - see the answers to Ways to do modulo multiplication with primitive types.
In order to calculate pow(a,b) % n to be used for RSA decryption, the best algorithm I came across is Primality Testing 1) which is as follows:
int modulo(int a, int b, int n){
long long x=1, y=a;
while (b > 0) {
if (b%2 == 1) {
x = (x*y) % n; // multiplying with base
y = (y*y) % n; // squaring the base
b /= 2;
return x % n;
See below reference for more details.
1) Primality Testing : Non-deterministic Algorithms – topcoder
Usually it's something like this:
while (b)
if (b % 2) { res = (res * a) % n; }
a = (a * a) % n;
b /= 2;
return res;
The only actual logic error that I see is this line:
if (b % n == 1)
which should be this:
if (b % 2 == 1)
But your overall design is problematic: your function performs O(b) multiplications and modulus operations, but your use of b / 2 and a * a implies that you were aiming to perform O(log b) operations (which is usually how modular exponentiation is done).
Doing the raw power operation is very costly, hence you can apply the following logic to simplify the decryption.
From here,
Now say we want to encrypt the message m = 7, c = m^e mod n = 7^3 mod 33
= 343 mod 33 = 13. Hence the ciphertext c = 13.
To check decryption we compute m' = c^d mod n = 13^7 mod 33 = 7. Note
that we don't have to calculate the full value of 13 to the power 7
here. We can make use of the fact that a = bc mod n = (b mod n).(c mod
n) mod n so we can break down a potentially large number into its
components and combine the results of easier, smaller calculations to
calculate the final value.
One way of calculating m' is as follows:- Note that any number can be
expressed as a sum of powers of 2. So first compute values of 13^2,
13^4, 13^8, ... by repeatedly squaring successive values modulo 33. 13^2
= 169 ≡ 4, 13^4 = 4.4 = 16, 13^8 = 16.16 = 256 ≡ 25. Then, since 7 = 4 + 2 + 1, we have m' = 13^7 = 13^(4+2+1) = 13^4.13^2.13^1 ≡ 16 x 4 x 13 = 832
≡ 7 mod 33
Are you trying to calculate (a^b)%n, or a^(b%n) ?
If you want the first one, then your code only works when b is an even number, because of that b/2. The "if b%n==1" is incorrect because you don't care about b%n here, but rather about b%2.
If you want the second one, then the loop is wrong because you're looping b/2 times instead of (b%n)/2 times.
Either way, your function is unnecessarily complex. Why do you loop until b/2 and try to multiply in 2 a's each time? Why not just loop until b and mulitply in one a each time. That would eliminate a lot of unnecessary complexity and thus eliminate potential errors. Are you thinking that you'll make the program faster by cutting the number of times through the loop in half? Frankly, that's a bad programming practice: micro-optimization. It doesn't really help much: You still multiply by a the same number of times, all you do is cut down on the number of times testing the loop. If b is typically small (like one or two digits), it's not worth the trouble. If b is large -- if it can be in the millions -- then this is insufficient, you need a much more radical optimization.
Also, why do the %n each time through the loop? Why not just do it once at the end?
Calculating pow(a,b) mod n
A key problem with OP's code is a * a. This is int overflow (undefined behavior) when a is large enough. The type of res is irrelevant in the multiplication of a * a.
The solution is to ensure either:
the multiplication is done with 2x wide math or
with modulus n, n*n <= type_MAX + 1
There is no reason to return a wider type than the type of the modulus as the result is always represent by that type.
// unsigned long int decrypt2(int a,int b,int n)
int decrypt2(int a,int b,int n)
Using unsigned math is certainly more suitable for OP's RSA goals.
Also see Modular exponentiation without range restriction
// (a^b)%n
// n != 0
// Test if unsigned long long at least 2x values bits as unsigned
unsigned decrypt2(unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned n) {
unsigned long long result = 1u % n; // Insure result < n, even when n==1
while (b > 0) {
if (b & 1) result = (result * a) % n;
a = (1ULL * a * a) %n;
b >>= 1;
return (unsigned) result;
unsigned decrypt2(unsigned a, unsigned b, unsigned n) {
// Detect if UINT_MAX + 1 < n*n
if (UINT_MAX/n < n-1) {
return TBD_code_with_wider_math(a,b,n);
a %= n;
unsigned result = 1u % n;
while (b > 0) {
if (b & 1) result = (result * a) % n;
a = (a * a) % n;
b >>= 1;
return result;
int's are generally not enough for RSA (unless you are dealing with small simplified examples)
you need a data type that can store integers up to 2256 (for 256-bit RSA keys) or 2512 for 512-bit keys, etc
Here is another way. Remember that when we find modulo multiplicative inverse of a under mod m.
a and m must be coprime with each other.
We can use gcd extended for calculating modulo multiplicative inverse.
For computing ab mod m when a and b can have more than 105 digits then its tricky to compute the result.
Below code will do the computing part :
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
* May this code live long.
long pow(string,string,long long);
long pow(long long ,long long ,long long);
int main() {
string _num,_pow;
long long _mod;
//cout<<_num<<" "<<_pow<<" "<<_mod<<endl;
return 0;
long pow(string n,string p,long long mod){
long long num=0,_pow=0;
for(char c: n){
for(char c: p){
return pow(num,_pow,mod);
long pow(long long a,long long p,long long mod){
long res=1;
if(a==0)return 0;
return res;
This code works because ab mod m can be written as (a mod m)b mod m-1 mod m.
Hope it helped { :)
use fast exponentiation maybe..... gives same o(log n) as that template above
int power(int base, int exp,int mod)
if(exp == 0)
return 1;
int p=power(base, exp/2,mod);
p=(p*p)% mod;
return (exp%2 == 0)?p:(base * p)%mod;
This(encryption) is more of an algorithm design problem than a programming one. The important missing part is familiarity with modern algebra. I suggest that you look for a huge optimizatin in group theory and number theory.
If n is a prime number, pow(a,n-1)%n==1 (assuming infinite digit integers).So, basically you need to calculate pow(a,b%(n-1))%n; According to group theory, you can find e such that every other number is equivalent to a power of e modulo n. Therefore the range [1..n-1] can be represented as a permutation on powers of e. Given the algorithm to find e for n and logarithm of a base e, calculations can be significantly simplified. Cryptography needs a tone of math background; I'd rather be off that ground without enough background.
For my code a^k mod n in php:
function pmod(a, k, n)
if (n==1) return 0;
power = 1;
for(i=1; i<=k; $i++)
power = (power*a) % n;
return power;
#include <cmath>
but my best bet is you are overflowing int (IE: the number is two large for the int) on the power I had the same problem creating the exact same function.
I'm using this function:
int CalculateMod(int base, int exp ,int mod){
int result;
result = (int) pow(base,exp);
result = result % mod;
return result;
I parse the variable result because pow give you back a double, and for using mod you need two variables of type int, anyway, in a RSA decryption, you should just use integer numbers.

Implementing equality function with basic arithmetic operations

Given positive-integer inputs x and y, is there a mathematical formula that will return 1 if x==y and 0 otherwise? I am in the unfortunate position of having to use a tool that only allows me to use the following symbols: numerals 0-9; decimal point .; parentheses ( and ); and the four basic arithmetic operations +, -, /, and *.
Currently I am relying on the fact that the tool that evaluates division by zero to be zero. (I can't tell if this is a bug or a feature.) Because of this, I have been able to use ((x-y)/(y-x))+1. Obviously, this is ugly and unideal, especially in the case that it is a bug and they fix it in a future version.
Taking advantage of integer division in C truncates toward 0, the follows works well. No multiplication overflow. Well defined for all "positive-integer inputs x and y".
(x/y) * (y/x)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
void etest(unsigned x, unsigned y) {
unsigned ref = x == y;
unsigned z = (x/y) * (y/x);
if (ref != z) {
printf("%u %u %u %u\n", x,y,z,ref);
void etests(void) {
unsigned list[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,100,1000, UINT_MAX/2 , UINT_MAX - 1, UINT_MAX };
for (unsigned x = 0; x < sizeof list/sizeof list[0]; x++) {
for (unsigned y = 0; y < sizeof list/sizeof list[0]; y++) {
etest(list[x], list[y]);
int main(void) {
return 0;
Output (No difference from x == y)
If division is truncating and the numbers are not too big, then:
((x - y) ^ 2 + 2) / ((x - y) ^ 2 + 1) - 1
The division has the value 2 if x = y and otherwise truncates to 1.
(Here x^2 is an abbreviation for x*x.)
This will fail if (x-y)^2 overflows. In that case, you need to independently check x/k = y/k and x%k = y%k where (k-1)*(k-1) doesn't overflow (which will work if k is ceil(sqrt(INT_MAX))). x%k can be computed as x-k*(x/k) and A&&B is simply A*B.
That will work for any x and y in the range [-k*k, k*k].
A slightly incorrect computation, using lots of intermediate values, which assumes that x - y won't overflow (or at least that the overflow won't produce a false 0).
int delta = x - y;
int delta_hi = delta / K;
int delta_lo = delta - K * delta_hi;
int equal_hi = (delta_hi * delta_hi + 2) / (delta_hi * delta_hi + 1) - 1;
int equal_lo = (delta_lo * delta_lo + 2) / (delta_lo * delta_lo + 1) - 1;
int equals = equal_hi * equal_lo;
or written out in full:
(For signed 31-bit integers, use K=46341; for unsigned 32-bit integers, 65536.)
Checked with #chux's test harness, adding the 0 case: live on coliru and with negative values also on coliru.
On a platform where integer subtraction might produce something other than the 2s-complement wraparound, a similar technique could be used, but dividing the numbers into three parts instead of two.
So the problem is that if they fix division by zero, it means that you cannot use any divisor that contains input variables anymore (you'd have to check that the divisor != 0, and implementing that check would solve the original x-y == 0 problem!); hence, division cannot be used at all.
Ergo, only +, -, * and the association operator () can be used. It's not hard to see that with only these operators, the desired behaviour cannot be implemented.

How to calculate Least common multiple of {1, 2, 3, .........., n}?

How to find LCM of {1, 2, ..., n} where 0 < n < 10001 in fastest possible way. The one way is to calculate n! / gcd (1,2,.....,n) but this can be slow as number of testcases are t < 501 and the output should be LCM ( n! ) % 1000000007
Code for the same is:
using namespace std;
#define p 1000000007;
int fact[10001] = {1};
int gcd[10001] = {1};
int main()
int i, j;
for( i = 2;i < 10001; i++){
fact[i] = ( i * fact[i-1]) % p;
for(i=2 ;i < 10001; i++){
gcd[i] =__gcd( gcd[i-1], i );
int t;
cin >> t;
while( t-- ) {
int n;
cin >> n;
int res = ( fact[n] / gcd[n] );
cout << res << endl;
return 0;
But this code is not performing as well. Why?
Your current solution is not correct, as has been mentioned in the comments.
One way to solve this is to realize that the LCM of those numbers is just the product of all the "largest" powers of distinct primes less than or equal to n. That is, find each prime p less than or equal to n, then find the largest power of each of those primes such that it's still less than or equal to n, and multiply those together. For a given p, said power can be expressed in pseudocode as:
p ** math.Floor(math.Log(n) / math.Log(p))
Here's an implementation in Golang that returns immediately:
$ time go run lcm.go
<several lines later>
real 0m0.225s
user 0m0.173s
sys 0m0.044s
For completeness, the full code from that playground link is pasted here:
package main
import (
func main() {
n := 10001
primes := make([]int, 1, n)
primes[0] = 2
for i := 3; i <= n; i++ {
for _, p := range primes {
if i%p == 0 {
continue SIEVE
primes = append(primes, i)
logN := math.Log(float64(n))
lcm := big.NewInt(1)
for _, p := range primes {
floatP := float64(p)
e := math.Floor(logN / math.Log(floatP))
lcm.Mul(lcm, big.NewInt(int64(math.Pow(floatP, e))))
I would calculate this in completely different way: the LCM of {1,...,n} is a product of all primes p[i]<=n, each in power floor(log(n)/log(p[i])). This product is divisible by all numbers up to n, and this is the least such number. Your main trouble is to calculate table of primes then.
I'm going to suggest something less dynamic, but it will increase your speed dramatically. Set up a factorial table (perhaps an array) and store pre-calculated factorial integer representations there. That way, it's a simple O(1) operation, versus O(n). Here's a reference table, but you may also precalculate those yourself: http://www.tsm-resources.com/alists/fact.html It's okay to do so, because those values will never change. If we're talking optimization for speed, then why not store the values we know, rather than calculate them each time?
If, however, you're opposed to storing these calculations beforehand, I suggest looking at optimized algorithms and work your way from there:
Here are two excellent resources for faster factorial calculation algorithms:
This is very simple but it seems to run fast enough. Probably Amit Kumar Gupta's idea is faster. Stack overflow around n = 9500 on my machine but that could be fixed by memoizing the function and building up the memo from small numbers to larger numbers. I didn't take the modulus but that fix is easy, particularly if the modulus is prime. Is it?
import java.math.BigInteger;
public class LCM {
// compute f(n) = lcm(1,...n)
public static BigInteger f(int n) {
if (n == 1) return BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger prev = f(n-1);
return prev.divide(prev.gcd(BigInteger.valueOf(n)))
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
System.out.println("f(" + n + ") = " + f(n));

Perlin noise for terrain generation

I'm trying to implement 2D Perlin noise to create Minecraft-like terrain (Minecraft doesn't actually use 2D Perlin noise) without overhangs or caves and stuff.
The way I'm doing it, is by creating a [50][20][50] array of cubes, where [20] will be the maximum height of the array, and its values will be determined with Perlin noise. I will then fill that array with arrays of cube.
I've been reading from this article and I don't understand, how do I compute the 4 gradient vector and use it in my code? Does every adjacent 2D array such as [2][3] and [2][4] have a different 4 gradient vector?
Also, I've read that the general Perlin noise function also takes a numeric value that will be used as seed, where do I put that in this case?
I'm going to explain Perlin noise using working code, and without relying on other explanations. First you need a way to generate a pseudo-random float at a 2D point. Each point should look random relative to the others, but the trick is that the same coordinates should always produce the same float. We can use any hash function to do that - not just the one that Ken Perlin used in his code. Here's one:
static float noise2(int x, int y) {
int n = x + y * 57;
n = (n << 13) ^ n;
return (float) (1.0-((n*(n*n*15731+789221)+1376312589)&0x7fffffff)/1073741824.0);
I use this to generate a "landscape" landscape[i][j] = noise2(i,j); (which I then convert to an image) and it always produces the same thing:
But that looks too random - like the hills and valleys are too densely packed. We need a way of "stretching" each random point over, say, 5 points. And for the values between those "key" points, you want a smooth gradient:
static float stretchedNoise2(float x_float, float y_float, float stretch) {
// stretch
x_float /= stretch;
y_float /= stretch;
// the whole part of the coordinates
int x = (int) Math.floor(x_float);
int y = (int) Math.floor(y_float);
// the decimal part - how far between the two points yours is
float fractional_X = x_float - x;
float fractional_Y = y_float - y;
// we need to grab the 4x4 nearest points to do cubic interpolation
double[] p = new double[4];
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
double[] p2 = new double[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
p2[i] = noise2(x + i - 1, y + j - 1);
// interpolate each row
p[j] = cubicInterp(p2, fractional_X);
// and interpolate the results each row's interpolation
return (float) cubicInterp(p, fractional_Y);
public static double cubicInterp(double[] p, double x) {
return cubicInterp(p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3], x);
public static double cubicInterp(double v0, double v1, double v2, double v3, double x) {
double P = (v3 - v2) - (v0 - v1);
double Q = (v0 - v1) - P;
double R = v2 - v0;
double S = v1;
return P * x * x * x + Q * x * x + R * x + S;
If you don't understand the details, that's ok - I don't know how Math.cos() is implemented, but I still know what it does. And this function gives us stretched, smooth noise.
The stretchedNoise2 function generates a "landscape" at a certain scale (big or small) - a landscape of random points with smooth slopes between them. Now we can generate a sequence of landscapes on top of each other:
public static double perlin2(float xx, float yy) {
double noise = 0;
noise += stretchedNoise2(xx, yy, 5) * 1; // sample 1
noise += stretchedNoise2(xx, yy, 13) * 2; // twice as influential
// you can keep repeating different variants of the above lines
// some interesting variants are included below.
return noise / (1+2); // make sure you sum the multipliers above
To put it more accurately, we get the weighed average of the points from each sample.
( + 2 * ) / 3 =
When you stack a bunch of smooth noise together, usually about 5 samples of increasing "stretch", you get Perlin noise. (If you understand the last sentence, you understand Perlin noise.)
There are other implementations that are faster because they do the same thing in different ways, but because it is no longer 1983 and because you are getting started with writing a landscape generator, you don't need to know about all the special tricks and terminology they use to understand Perlin noise or do fun things with it. For example:
1) 2) 3)
// 1
float smearX = interpolatedNoise2(xx, yy, 99) * 99;
float smearY = interpolatedNoise2(xx, yy, 99) * 99;
ret += interpolatedNoise2(xx + smearX, yy + smearY, 13)*1;
// 2
float smearX2 = interpolatedNoise2(xx, yy, 9) * 19;
float smearY2 = interpolatedNoise2(xx, yy, 9) * 19;
ret += interpolatedNoise2(xx + smearX2, yy + smearY2, 13)*1;
// 3
ret += Math.cos( interpolatedNoise2(xx , yy , 5)*4) *1;
About perlin noise
Perlin noise was developed to generate a random continuous surfaces (actually, procedural textures). Its main feature is that the noise is always continuous over space.
From the article:
Perlin noise is function for generating coherent noise over a space. Coherent noise means that for any two points in the space, the value of the noise function changes smoothly as you move from one point to the other -- that is, there are no discontinuities.
Simply, a perlin noise looks like this:
_ _ __
\ __/ \__/ \__
But this certainly is not a perlin noise, because there are gaps:
_ _
\_ __/
___/ __/
Calculating the noise (or crushing gradients!)
As #markspace said, perlin noise is mathematically hard. Lets simplify by generating 1D noise.
Imagine the following 1D space:
Firstly, we define a grid (or points in 1D space):
1 2 3 4
Then, we randomly chose a noise value to each grid point (This value is equivalent to the gradient in the 2D noise):
1 2 3 4
-1 0 0.5 1 // random noise value
Now, calculating the noise value for a grid point it is easy, just pick the value:
noise(3) => 0.5
But the noise value for a arbitrary point p needs to be calculated based in the closest grid points p1 and p2 using their value and influence:
// in 1D the influence is just the distance between the points
noise(p) => noise(p1) * influence(p1) + noise(p2) * influence(p2)
noise(2.5) => noise(2) * influence(2, 2.5) + noise(3) * influence(3, 2.5)
=> 0 * 0.5 + 0.5 * 0.5 => 0.25
The end! Now we are able to calculate 1D noise, just add one dimension for 2D. :-)
Hope it helps you understand! Now read #mk.'s answer for working code and have happy noises!
Follow up question in the comments:
I read in wikipedia article that the gradient vector in 2d perlin should be length of 1 (unit circle) and random direction. since vector has X and Y, how do I do that exactly?
This could be easily lifted and adapted from the original perlin noise code. Find bellow a pseudocode.
gradient.x = random()*2 - 1;
gradient.y = random()*2 - 1;
normalize_2d( gradient );
Where normalize_2d is:
// normalizes a 2d vector
function normalize_2d(v)
size = square_root( v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y );
v.x = v.x / size;
v.y = v.y / size;
Compute Perlin noise at coordinates x, y
function perlin(float x, float y) {
// Determine grid cell coordinates
int x0 = (x > 0.0 ? (int)x : (int)x - 1);
int x1 = x0 + 1;
int y0 = (y > 0.0 ? (int)y : (int)y - 1);
int y1 = y0 + 1;
// Determine interpolation weights
// Could also use higher order polynomial/s-curve here
float sx = x - (double)x0;
float sy = y - (double)y0;
// Interpolate between grid point gradients
float n0, n1, ix0, ix1, value;
n0 = dotGridGradient(x0, y0, x, y);
n1 = dotGridGradient(x1, y0, x, y);
ix0 = lerp(n0, n1, sx);
n0 = dotGridGradient(x0, y1, x, y);
n1 = dotGridGradient(x1, y1, x, y);
ix1 = lerp(n0, n1, sx);
value = lerp(ix0, ix1, sy);
return value;

Math Problem: Scale a graph so that it matches another

I have 2 tables of values and want to scale the first one so that it matches the 2nd one as good as possible. Both have the same length. If both are drawn as graphs in a diagram they should be as close to each other as possible. But I do not want quadratic, but simple linear weights.
My problem is, that I have no idea how to actually compute the best scaling factor because of the Abs function.
Some pseudocode:
float[] table1= ...;
float[] table2= ...;
float factor= ???; // I have no idea how to compute this
float remainingDifference=0;
for(int i=0; i<length; i++)
float scaledValue=table1[i] * factor;
//Sum up the differences. I use the Abs function because negative differences are differences too.
remainingDifference += Abs(scaledValue - table2[i]);
I want to compute the scaling factor so that the remainingDifference is minimal.
Simple linear weights is hard like you said.
a_n = first sequence
b_n = second sequence
c = scaling factor
Your residual function is (sums are from i=1 to N, the number of points):
SUM( |a_i - c*b_i| )
Taking the derivative with respect to c yields:
d/dc SUM( |a_i - c*b_i| )
= SUM( b_i * (a_i - c*b_i)/|a_i - c*b_i| )
Setting to 0 and solving for c is hard. I don't think there's an analytic way of doing that. You may want to try https://math.stackexchange.com/ to see if they have any bright ideas.
However if you work with quadratic weights, it becomes significantly simpler:
d/dc SUM( (a_i - c*b_i)^2 )
= SUM( 2*(a_i - c*b_i)* -c )
= -2c * SUM( a_i - c*b_i ) = 0
=> SUM(a_i) - c*SUM(b_i) = 0
=> c = SUM(a_i) / SUM(b_i)
I strongly suggest the latter approach if you can.
I would suggest trying some sort of variant on Newton Raphson.
Construct a function Diff(k) that looks at the difference in area between your two graphs between fixed markers A and B.
mathematically I guess it would be integral ( x = A to B ){ f(x) - k * g(x) }dx
anyway realistically you could just subtract the values,
like if you range from X = -10 to 10, and you have a data point for f(i) and g(i) on each integer i in [-10, 10], (ie 21 datapoints )
then you just sum( i = -10 to 10 ){ f(i) - k * g(i) }
basically you would expect this function to look like a parabola -- there will be an optimum k, and deviating slightly from it in either direction will increase the overall area difference
and the bigger the difference, you would expect the bigger the gap
so, this should be a pretty smooth function ( if you have a lot of data points )
so you want to minimise Diff(k)
so you want to find whether derivative ie d/dk Diff(k) = 0
so just do Newton Raphson on this new function D'(k)
kick it off at k=1 and it should zone in on a solution pretty fast
that's probably going to give you an optimal computation time
if you want something simpler, just start with some k1 and k2 that are either side of 0
so say Diff(1.5) = -3 and Diff(2.9) = 7
so then you would pick a k say 3/10 of the way (10 = 7 - -3) between 1.5 and 2.9
and depending on whether that yields a positive or negative value, use it as the new k1 or k2, rinse and repeat
In case anyone stumbles upon this in the future, here is some code (c++)
The trick is to first sort the samples by the scaling factor that would result in the best fit for the 2 samples each. Then start at both ends iterate to the factor that results in the minimum absolute deviation (L1-norm).
Everything except for the sort has a linear run time => Runtime is O(n*log n)
* Find x so that the sum over std::abs(pA[i]-pB[i]*x) from i=0 to (n-1) is minimal
* Then return x
float linearFit(const float* pA, const float* pB, int n)
* Algebraic solution is not possible for the general case
* => iterative algorithm
if (n < 0)
throw "linearFit has invalid argument: expected n >= 0";
if (n == 0)
return 0;//If there is nothing to fit, any factor is a perfect fit (sum is always 0)
if (n == 1)
return pA[0] / pB[0];//return x so that pA[0] = pB[0]*x
//If you don't like this , use a std::vector :P
std::unique_ptr<float[]> targetValues_(new float[n]);
std::unique_ptr<int[]> indices_(new int[n]);
//Get proper pointers:
float* targetValues = targetValues_.get();//The value for x that would cause pA[i] = pB[i]*x
int* indices = indices_.get(); //Indices of useful (not nan and not infinity) target values
//The code above guarantees n > 1, so it is safe to get these pointers:
int m = 0;//Number of useful target values
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
float a = pA[i];
float b = pB[i];
float targetValue = a / b;
targetValues[i] = targetValue;
if (std::isfinite(targetValue))
indices[m++] = i;
if (m <= 0)
return 0;
if (m == 1)
return targetValues[indices[0]];//If there is only one target value, then it has to be the best one.
//sort the indices by target value
std::sort(indices, indices + m, [&](int ia, int ib){
return targetValues[ia] < targetValues[ib];
//Start from the extremes and meet at the optimal solution somewhere in the middle:
int l = 0;
int r = m - 1;
// m >= 2 is guaranteed => l > r
float penaltyFactorL = std::abs(pB[indices[l]]);
float penaltyFactorR = std::abs(pB[indices[r]]);
while (l < r)
if (l == r - 1 && penaltyFactorL == penaltyFactorR)
if (penaltyFactorL < penaltyFactorR)
if (l < r)
penaltyFactorL += std::abs(pB[indices[l]]);
if (l < r)
penaltyFactorR += std::abs(pB[indices[r]]);
//return the best target value
if (l == r)
return targetValues[indices[l]];
return (targetValues[indices[l]] + targetValues[indices[r]])*0.5;
