Bicubic Interpolation for Non-regular grids? - grid

I am working on a project where I have a set of known measurements (x,y,z,a) and an input (z,a). I need to be able to interpolate the (x,y,z) so that I can get a list of possible (x,y) coordinates from a given z.
I was looking at bicubic interpolation, but I can only find examples pertaining to regular grids, and my (x,y) pairs are most certainly not regular.
Basically I am looking for some guidance on algorithms/models to achieve this goal. I am considering a triangulated irregular network, which is attractive because it breaks down into planes which are easy to determine the (x,y) from a given Z. But I would like a little more finesse.
I know it sounds like homework, its not.
Efficiency is not a concern.

I actually ended up using Delauney Triangulation to break down the fields into 3 dimensional X,Y,Z surfaces with an Identifier. Then given a set of (Identity,Z) pairs I form a field line from each surface, and from these lines compute the polygon formed from the shortest edges between lines. This gives me an area of potential x,y coordinates.

Take a look at Kd-tree.
These first take a set of scattered points in 2d or 3d or 10d,
then answers queries like "find the 3 points nearest P".
Are your queries z a pairs ?
For example, given a bunch of colored pins on a map, a table of x y size color,
one could put all the [x y] in a kd tree, then ask for pins near a given x0 y0.
Or, one could put all the [size color[ in a tree, then ask for pins with a similar size and color.
(Note that most kd-tree implementations use the Euclidean metric,
so sqrt( (size - size2)^2 + (color - color2)^2 ) should make sense.)
In Python, I highly recommend scipy.spatial.cKDTree.
See also SO questions/tagged/kdtree .


Efficiently find a border around a binary group of points

This is more of a mathematical question.
I have a list of 2D coordinates of length N. (Nx2 list)
The coordinates are rounded numbers and form a region. The following is an example:
enter image description here
What I would like is to have a border around these points. Like the following:
enter image description here
One option to do this is to
go through the list, and for each coordinate i
check for the 8 possible neighbours j to see
if this point doesn't overlap with given coordinates k .
if this point doesn't overlap with already found border coordinates
This works well, nut needs N*N*8 calculations. For my N=1000 points: 8 million!
Does anyone know how this could be done more efficient?
Best regards,
If the size of the grid is constrained and is on the order of N as well, you could do better and get to O(N) by making a 2-D array of ints the size of the grid.
Initialize the grid to zeros.
For each point in the list of points, set the point itself to negative in the grid array and set each neighbor that isn't negative to positive.
When you're done, each point in the 2-D grid array that's positive is the border.
Make a sorted container that enforces uniqueness (in c++ STL, that's a std::set) of coordinates. Go through the points, adding each point's eight neighbors to the set if they aren't already in there. Then go though the points a second time, subtracting them from the set if they are in the set. The points that remain are the border. That's O(N*log(N)). In general that's the best you can do. But see my other answer for a better algorithm if additional criteria exist.

Find minimum set of rays intersecting all voxels

Okay first I wasn't sure if this was better suited to the MathSO so apologies if it needs migrating.
I have a 3D grid of points (representing the centers of voxels) with pitch varying in each dimension, but regular. For example resolution may be 100 by 50 by 40 for a cube shaped object.
Giving me nVox = 200,000.
For each voxel - I would like to cast (nVox - 1) rays, ending at the center, and originating from each of the other voxels.
Now there is obviously a lot of overlap here but I am having trouble finding how to calculate the minimum set of rays required. This sounds like a problem that has an elegant solution, I am however struggling to find it.
As a start, it is obvious that you only need to compute
[nVox * (nVox - 1)] / 2
of the rays, as the other half will simply be in the opposite directions. It is also easy in the 2D case to combine all of those parallel to one of the grid axes (and the two diagonals).
So how do I find the minimum set of rays I need, to pass from all voxel centers, to all others?
If someone could point me in the right direction that'd be great. Any and all help will be much appreciated.
Your problem really isn't about three dimensions in any specific way. All the conceptual complexity is present in the two dimensional case.
Instead of connecting points individually, think about the set of lines that pass through at least two points on your grid. Thus instead of thinking about points initially, think about directions. For 2-D these directions are slopes of lines. These slopes have to be rational numbers, since they intersect points on an integer lattice. Since you have a finite lattice, the numerator and the denominator of the slope can be bounded by the size of the figure. So your underlying problem is enumerating possible slopes for rational numbers of bounded "height" (math jargon).
There's an algorithm for that. It's the one used to generate the Farey sequence of reduced fractions. If your figure is N pixels wide, there will (in general) be a slope with denominator N in the somewhere, but there can't be a slope in reduced form with denominator >N; it wouldn't fit.
It's easier to deal with slopes between 0 and 1 directly. You get the other directions by two operations: negating the slope and by interchanging axes. For three dimensions, you need two slopes to define a direction.
Given an arbitrary direction (no necessarily a rational one as above), there's a perpendicular linear space of dimension k-1; for 3-D that's a plane. Projecting a 3-D parallelpiped onto this plane yields a hexagon in general; two vertices project onto the interior, six project to the vertices of the hexagon.
For a given discrete direction, there's a minimal bounding box on the integer lattice such that two opposite vertices lie along that direction. As long as that bounding box fits within your original grid, each of the interior points of the projection each correspond to a line that intersects your grid in at least two points.
In summary, enumerate directions, then for each direction enumerate where that direction intersects your grid in at least two points.

2d integration over non-uniform grid

I'm writing a data analysis program and part of it requires finding the volume of a shape. The shape information comes in the form of a lost of points, giving the radius and the angular coordinates of the point.
If the data points were uniformly distributed in coordinate space I would be able to perform the integral, but unfortunately the data points are basically randomly distributed.
My inefficient approach would be to find the nearest neighbours to each point and stitch the shape together like that, finding the volume of the stitched together parts.
Does anyone have a better approach to take?
IF those are surface points, one good way to do it would be to discretize the surface as triangles and convert the volume integral to a surface integral using Green's Theorem. Then you can use simple Gauss quadrature over the triangles.
Ok, here it is, along duffymo's lines I think.
First, triangulate the surface, and make sure you have consistent orientation of the triangles. Meaning that orientation of neighbouring triangle is such that the common edge is traversed in opposite directions.
Second, for each triangle ABC compute this expression: H*cross2D(B-A,C-A), where cross2D computes cross product using coordinates X and Y only, ignoring the Z coordinates, and H is the Z-coordinate of any convenient point in the triangle (although the barycentre would improve precision).
Third, sum up all the above expressions. The result would be the signed volume inside the surface (plus or minus depending on the choice of orientation).
Sounds like you want the convex hull of a point cloud. Fortunately, there are efficient ways of getting you there. Check out scipy.spatial.ConvexHull.

Getting scan lines of arbitrary 2d triangle

How would one go about retrieving scan lines for all the lines in a 2D triangle?
I'm attempting to implement the most basic feature of a 2D software renderer, that of texture mapping triangles. I've done this more times than i can count using OpenGL, but i find myself limping when trying to do it myself.
I see a number of articles saying that in order to fill a triangle (whose three vertices each have texture coordinates clamped to [0, 1]), i need to linearly interpolate between the three points. What? I thought interpolation was between two n-dimensional values.
NOTE; This is not for 3D, it's strictly 2D, all the triangles are arbitrary (not axis-aligned in any way). I just need to fill the screen with their textures the way OpenGL would. I cannot use OpenGL as a solution.
An excellent answer and description can be found here:
You can use the Bresenham algorithm to draw/find the sides.
One way to handle it is to interpolate in two steps if you use scanline algorithm. First you interpolate the value on the edges of the triangle and when you start drawing the scanline you interpolate between the start and end value of that scanline.
Since you are working in 2d you can also use a matrix transformation to obtain the screen coordinate to texture coordinate. Yesterday I answered a similar question here. The technique is called change of basis in mathematics.

How to determine ordering of 3D vertices

If I have 5 Vertices in 3D coordinate space how can I determined the ordering of those Vertices. i.e clockwise or anticlockwise.
If I elaborate more on this,
I have a 3D model which consists of set of polygons. Each polygon is collection of vertices and I want to calculate the norm of the polygon surface. To calculate the norm I have to consider the vertices in counter clockwise order . My question is given set of vertices how can I determine whether it is ordered in clockwise or counter clockwise?
This is for navigation mesh generation where I want to remove the polygons which cannot be walked by the agent. To do so my approach is to calculate the surface norm(perpendicular vector of the polygon) and remove the polygon based on the angle with 2D plane. To calculate the norm I should know in which order points are arranged. So for given set of points in polygon how can I determine the order of the arrangement of points.
polygon1 consist of Vertex1 = [-21.847065 -2.492895 19.569759], Vertex2 [-22.279873 1.588395 16.017160], Vertex3 [-17.234818 7.132950 7.453146] these 3 points and how can I determine the order of them
As others have noted, your question isn't entirely clear. Is the for something like a 3D backface culling test? If so, you need a point to determine the winding direction relative to. Viewed from one side of the polygon the vertices will appear to wind clockwise. From the other side they'll appear to wind counter clockwise.
But suppose your polygon is convex and properly planar. Take any three consecutive vertices A, B, and C. Then you can find the surface normal vector using the cross product:
N = (B - A) x (C - A)
Taking the dot product of the normal with a vector from the given view point, V, to one of the vertices will give you a value whose sign indicates which way the vertices appear to wind when viewed from V:
w = N . (A - V)
Whether this is positive for clockwise and negative for anticlockwise or the opposite will depend on the handedness of your coordinate system.
Your question is too poorly defined to give a complete answer, but here's the skeleton of one.
The missing part (the meat if you will), is a function that takes any two coordinates and tells you which one is 'greater' than the other. Without a solid definition for this, you won't be able to make anything work.
The rest, the skeleton, is pretty simple. Sort your list of vectors using your comparison function. For five vectors, a simple bubble sort will be all you need, although if the number of vertices increases considerably you may want to look into a faster sorting algorithm (ie. Quicksort).
If your chosen language / libraries provide sorting for you, you've already got your skeleton.
After re-reading your question, it also occurred to me that since these n vertices define a polygon, you can probably make the assumption that all of them lie on the same plane (if they don't, then good luck rendering that).
So, if you can map the vector coordinates to 2d positions on that plane, you can reduce your problem to ordering them clockwise or counterclockwise in a two dimensional space.
I think your confusion comes from the fact that methods for computing cross products are sometimes taught in terms of clockwiseness, with a check of the clockwiseness of 3 points A,B,C determining the sign of:
(B-A) X (C - A)
However a better definition actually determines this for you.
In general 5 arbitrary points in 3 dimensions can't be said to have a clockwise ordering but 3 can since 3 points always lie in a plane.
