Session lifecycle question -

I'm a little confused about the life cycle of the session in ASP.NET, here is my test case.
A user logs in, I save some info to a session variable (e.g. Session["bob"]="bob") then I do an "IIS reset". The user is still logged in, but the session data is null (e.g Session["bob"].ToString() throws a NullReferenceException.
I expected the session data to still be around. Is there something I can do, other than log out the user? I expected the session data to be around as long as the user is still logged in.
Any good links so I grok what's going on, as well as any help with the actual issue is greatly appreciated. I tried to Google this, but wasn't able to frame the question in a way to get what I wanted.

The behavior you are seeing - where the Session contents do not survive an IIS reset event - is due to where the Session values are stored. By default these values are stored within the memory of the ASP.NET "Worker Process", which is the program which runs your ASP.NET web site.
When you perform an "IIS reset" you shut down the entire IIS server, including the ASP.NET Worker Process. This means that the contents of the Session are removed from memory. Your user still appears to be logged in because that is controlled by the cookie stored in their browser. If the cookie is still valid, the login is.
If you wish your Session state to survive an IIS reset (or anything else which causes the ASP.NET worker process to restart) you'll need to store your Session objects in another place. This is fully supported by ASP.NET by using different Session storage "Modes". Read about those in the MSDN article "Session-State Modes".
For a general overview of the Session, check out the "ASP.NET Session State Overview" article on MSDN.

yah its right but some time its happen then session no remove properly at that time
you have to check session like
If Session("username") = nothing then
End if


what will happen after browser closing

We know that when we closed the browser, session gets destroy.
Please help me with below query.
Lets say i have clicked on submit button on my registration page and internally it get called SQL store procedure, which takes more time to execute..
on same time if i closed the browse what will happen?
Does my sql connection still available ? if yes then after closing browser still my store procedure is in execute mode?
when exactly the session get destroy?
Would like to know more about this life cycle , Thanks
First have this in mind.
The session is connected with a cookie on the users browser.
The session have a time out.
If anything of this two gone, the session is gone, so let see them analytically.
If the cookie is a session cookie (temporary), then is gone when the user close the browser, if its not temporary then is gone when it expires, or of course if the user clears it, or if the user is in private mode is not even saved.
So when the cookie that is connected with the session is gone, you lose the session
The session can be lost even if the browser is not been able to read the session cookie for other reasons.
Session Data on server
The session that is connected with the cookie, is a Dictionary of data that lives on server.
The session have a timeout, so if the user did not update the call to the server inside this time, the server kills the session data on server.
Also, note that the session can be served on the SQL Server, or in a service that runs on background and keeps that data in memory.
If you save the session data on the memory, then they can be lost even before the session times out, from IIS recycle, from the service itself that clears it for their reasons.
Server Side Time Out
If you call a long time function, and the users ends their connection, then the procedure will be continue to runs until either ends either gets a time out. This is not so safe if your process takes 10 minute to execute, you probably gets timeout and never ends correct, even if the user is still connected. If you talk for few seconds, then its relative ok, the procedure will executed even if the users close his browser side.
Check the time out of the page and the time out of the sql server side. If you end well with the user connected, you will end the same and if the user close their connection in the middle.
Have in mind that in a heavy multi user call situation you may have a problem from the session locks, read this q/a ASP.NET Server does not process pages asynchronously
So take care the procedure to not take more than few seconds.
Last words
The most "secure way" to not lost your session in a time period is to use well setup cookie, that is not temporary and keep their life for some months (google keeps their cookie for two years), and use SQL Server to saves your session data.
More details to read at:
ASP.NET State Management Recommendations
Session would not retain values and always return null
Keeping a related ASP.NET application's session alive from another ASP.NET application
ASP.NET Session State Overview

How does ASP.NET server know when a session is terminated?

I understand that Session object is used to store data per session. I did the following experiment:
Open browser and visit an aspx page A, which saves some data to Session object.
Keep the browser open and open another tab to visit an aspx page B which display the session data. And it displayed just as I stored in step 1.
I close the browser and re-visit the page B, the stored data is gone.
From 3, it seems server side somehow detect that I (the client side) has terminated a session. But as I checked with Fiddler, there's no bits sent to the server when I close the browser in step 3.
So how could the ASP.NET application possibly know my step 3 request is for a new Session?
And how is session defined? Do different tabs always belong to the same session?
Although the session data can be displayed in page A and page B, the session IDs displayed in them are different. Why?
The session id in page A and page B are the same. I am not using InPrivate browsing.
There's indeed a Cookie for session ID:
ASP.NET_SessionId=lmswljirqdjxdfq3mvmbwroy; path=/; domain=localhost; HttpOnly
It was set when a POST request is responded.
So I did another experiment, I close the browser (Fire Fox) and as expected, the Cookie no longer exist. I manually create the cookie in hope of "the faked Cookie could bring back the old session." But Fiddler indicates that the manual cookie didn't get sent at all.
Fiddler says:
This request did not send any cookie data.
So is it possible to fake a cookie and restore an previous session?
And how long does a session live on server?
When the server starts a new session, it generates a new identifier for the session. The session data is stored under this identifier / key in your session provider (can be in-memory, in SQL Server or something else entirely, depending on your configuration - this is usually configured in web.config).
At the same time, the server sends a cookie to your browser (at least in the default setup). This cookie contains the identifier for your session. That is how the server can correlate your requests to your particular session: in every request, your browser will send the session cookie along. The server retrieves the identifier from the cookie and looks up your session data using the identifier.
The session cookie is non-persistent, which means that the cookie will be deleted when the browser is closed. That is why it looks like the session was deleted: the session data still exists on the server, but because the session cookie has been deleted, the browser won't send along a session cookie, so the server will consider this to be the beginning of a new session, create a new session identifier etc. Thus, the server doesn't really know when a session ends, it just knows when a session begins. That is why, in the default SQL Server-backed setup, a scheduled job will purge inactive sessions - otherwise the session data would linger in the database forever.
For more on sessions, using sessions without cookies, session configuration, providers etc., see MSDN.
As to whether sessions are shared between browser tabs: this really comes down to whether cookies are shared between tabs. I think cookies are shared across tabs in all major browsers and I would assume it would be rather confusing if they weren't, but there is nothing preventing someone from creating a browser where cookies aren't shared across tabs.
If you delete the session cookie, you could in theory recreate your session by recreating the cookie. This is not a security issue per se, because you are recreating data you already have access to. However, if someone else were to recreate your session cookie, that would be a security issue. You can google "ASP.NET session hijacking" if you want to look into this.
The session basically lives on the server until something purges it. Thus, the lifetime of the session depends on where you store it. If you store it in memory, the session will be deleted when the application is recycled (could be because you recycle the app in IIS or because the server is restarted). If you store it in SQL Server, the session data will live until a job deletes it because it hasn't been accessed for a while (sorry, I don't remember the details, but you can probably google them). If you store your session data in Azure table storage, they will likely never be purged.
Two important details of ASP.NET session state are often overlooked:
When the session is stored outside the process (say, in SQL Server), the data you want to store must be serializable.
To prevent race conditions when accessing the session data, requests accessing the session will be serialized, that is, they will not execute concurrently.
Further details may be found in the MSDN article "Underpinnings of the Session State Implementation in ASP.NET"
This article provides more details about ASP.NET Session (
The idea is simple.
When you visit a page, a session ID is generated and set as a cookie. A timer is started for that session ID too.
As you keep coming back, the timer is reset. If you wait long enough before requesting another page, the timer will expire and your session will not be valid. At that point a new session will be generated.
To Answer your questions:
If you open multiple tabs, they will "share" the session. Because your browser is sending the session cookie from all those tabs.
However, if you open Firefox and Chrome. These two browsers will not share the session. Since, they don't share cookies.
When you close your browser, your session is still valid. And if you visit a page on the site before the session has expired, you will not get a new session. That is why, it is suggested to always log out. This way the site knows that you're leaving and it will destroy the session on your behalf.
Q: Although the session data can be displayed in page A and page B, the session IDs displayed in them are different.
A: Are you sure? The session ID should be the same for all pages. It will be different if you access page A from one browser and Page B from another browser.
It is possible your browser's setting is to destroy cookies on windows close. Please double check that in options it's set to remember history.
Cookies can be forged. If an attacker can get the session ID, they can forge a cookie at their end. I'm not sure if Fiddler allows you to create a cookie manually. You will need to dig through the docs. Or maybe someone else here can answer this questions.

ASP.NET session gets null unexpectly

I have a simple scenario. in one page of, I store a some values in session like
session("var") = "some string"
session("var1") = object of generic list of string
and then use response.redirect to goto another page.
on other page it shows things fine, but when we press a button to do an action on it, session gets null.
Remember, it doesn't always happen. Just sometimes it does so and other times it works fine. We do this practice a lot to move some values from page to page (by storing them into session and goto other page). We have very big application and all works fine, but from some days, have been having this issue on some sites with some users. Once again, it doesn't always happen. 99% it works fine but few times, we have this issue where session variable is no longer available.
Is there any way to know what is going wrong and where? We do store some other variables in the session as well, they seems fine at that time. only some of the session variables lose their values.
From my research, it seems people blames on the IIS worker process restart or Application Pool recycle. But I believe in such case all the session variables in the application must be voided, not selected few. Right?
also, is there any way to know in code if the pool or worker process was restarted?
Perhaps you're passing domain boundaries. Session is identified by a client cookie, which are usually stored on a per-domain basis. So, for example, a redirect from to will cause you to lose the session ID, which will appear to you as "voiding the session". So, be careful about sub-domains too. Going from to is fine, but the other way round, nope.
And yes, unless you're on a web farm IIS, restarting the worker process will kill all the sessions. Unless you store them in a database or something.

ASP losing session between two pages

I had to update an old ASP+COM application for a customer when they went from Windows 2003 to 2008R2. The process, while not 100% painless, was sucessful but one problem remains: the application seems to randomly lose the session state or, at least, the session variable where I save the session's COM object.
Basically, the app works like this:
Login form page -> login page (object is created there and saved in Session("MyObject"), user credentials are checked -> First actual application page (Session("MyObject") is checked at the top of the code).
The Second redirect only happens if the credentials are correct but the object is always created.
However, users are reporting that they are frequently being redirected to the logon form page after entering their credentials.
After some investigation, it seems that the application properly goes through the login page, creates and instance of the COM object and redirect to the first application page. And there, the session variable is empty again and so the user is sent back to the login form.
What's more is that it is by far not systematic: the problem happens rather frequently but definitely not all the time. When it starts, users have to log on 2 or 3 times before they can get through. If the application is recycled, it usually solves the issue for some times although this isn't systematic and this isn't even always necessary.
Anyone has any idea what could be going on here ?
Edit: some extra info:
ASP session handling is active
In no part of the code are errors being silently suppressed. They will go to a log file if they happen somewhere the COM object can catch them or the user otherwise.
No error can be seen in the COM object log file, in the IIS log or in the server's event log.
Tracing the process activity with ProcMon didn't turn up anything special.
Looking at the COM object log file, I clearly see the COM object instance being created, the "LoginUser" method being called from the login page and returning successfully and then the first application page being called and the check for the existence of the object stored in the session failing.
There is a single web server, no server farm.
I did have an asp website that did exactly the same thing in the past. You need to check the log files and see if this application or website is running on it's own dedicated application pool and that the application pool is not being auto recycled due to bad code. If the session is being created then dropped, then pass the initital session value to another session - say Session("MyObject2") and check for that in the main page. If the users are still getting logged off then I am sure that the application pool is being recycled due to too many failures such as a redirect infinite loop or something else.
Edit: One more thing. I used to see such errors a lot when using ASP with MS Access and could never figure that out.
As a debugging exercise, I'd be tempted to log info from the ASP Session events including the session OnStart, OnEnd and abandon. Maybe try and get as much info from the request and then work out a given lifecycle/page flow for sessions and then determine if there is anything in common that occurs when the session is either ended or abandoned.
Also, while looking up the Session_OnEnd event, I came across an article that suggests it behaves weirdly in IIS 7.0 See just in case this might be of use.
Good luck.

What is the difference between ViewState,Application and Session of a Page?

Please anyone explain me the difference between ViewState,Application and Session of a Page ?
Quick one liners - if you want more detail, just ask
ViewState is the variable that holds the current state of the page, which is held in a hidden field in the page (used frequently)
ApplicationState is a variable you can store values in during the life off the application (may get cycled periodically, and without your knowledge) (used less-frequently)
Session is the variable you can write to that will persist from the moment they hit your site until they close the browser. (barring any timeouts). (used frequently)
A great article :
How to Choose From Viewstate, Session, Application, Cache, and Cookies
Some good discussion about the difference between Session and Viewstate : Session Vs ViewState
Session state is saved on the server.
Session state is usually cleared after a period of inactivity from the user.
Can be persisted in memory, which makes it a fast solution. Which means state cannot be shared in the Web Farm/Web Garden.
Can be persisted in a Database, useful for Web Farms / Web Gardens.
Is Cleared when the session dies - usually after 20min of inactivity.
ViewState is saved in the page.
The view state is posted on subsequent post back in a hidden field.
Is sent back and forth between the server and client, taking up bandwidth.
Has no expiration date.
Is useful in a Web Farm / Web Garden
SESSION Variables are stored on the server, can hold any type of data including references, they are similar to global variables in a windows application and use HTTP cookies to store a key with which to locate user's session variables.
VIEWSTATE Variables are stored in the browser (not as cookies) but in a hidden field in the browser. Also Viewstate can hold only string data or serializable objects.
When we use view state to design a web application it retains it's state consistently, in it's current position. If we use session then it does not retain it's state, so when we refresh the browser it starts from the initial page.
