Using asp. Trying to format a decimal number to add commas. Are there simple to use functions or techniques in asp to go from a decimal value to currency format with commas?
DecimalValue = 3439.01 CurrencyValue = " 3,439.01"
DecimalValue = 3843838.38 CurrencyValue = "3,843,838.00"
use the vbscript function FormatCurrency
complete syntax is:
output = $20,000.00
example of setting number of decimals:
output = $20,000.00000
To expand on Carlton Jenke's answer, there are 2 functions you can use for this (you mentioned formatting as a currency in the question title but don't include currency symbols in the body of the question):
formatnumber returns an expression formatted as a number.
formatcurrency returns an expression formatted as a currency value
using the currency symbol defined in the system control panel.
Both functions take the same arguments, those being:
Expression [,NumDigitsAfterDecimal [,IncludeLeadingDigit
[,UseParensForNegativeNumbers [,GroupDigits]]]]
Expression is the only required argument, that being the number
you wish to format.
NumDigitsAfterDecimal is a numeric value specifying how many
decimal places you want to round to. The default value is -1, which
indicates that the computer's regional settings should be used.
IncludeLeadingDigit is a tristate constant (see below) which
specifies whether or not you want to include a leading zero for
values between -1 and 1.
UseParensForNegativeNumbers is another tristate constant which
specifies whether or not you want negative values to be enclosed in
parentheses, rather than using a minus symbol.
GroupDigits, which is the argument you're after, is also a
tristate constant and is used to specify whether or not you want to
group numbers using the system's group delimiter.
The tristate constants takes one of the following for the value:
-2 is the default and indicates that the default value from the computer's regional setting should be used.
-1 is true.
0 is false.
yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML()
test_yaml_file = open("test.yaml")
test_file = yaml.load(test_yaml_file)
# test = LiteralScalarString('*clvm')
test = "*testing"
test_file['test_perf'] = test
with open("test.yaml", 'w') as changed_file:
yaml.dump(test_file, changed_file)
In this the expected output was
test_perf: *testing
but the output has been
test_perf: '*testing'
how to achieve this using ruamel?
Your scalar starts with a *, which is used in YAML to indicate an alias node. To prevent *testing to be interpreted as an alias during loading (even though the corresponding anchor (&testing) is not specified in the document), the scalar must be quoted or represented as a literal or folded block scalar.
So there is no way to prevent the quotes from happening apart from choosing to represent the scalar as literal or folded block scalar (where you don't get the quotes, but do get the | resp. >)
You should not worry about these quotes, because after loading you'll again have the string *testing and not something that all of a sudden has extra (unwanted) quotes).
There are other characters that have special meaning in YAML (&, !, etc.) and when indicated at the beginning of a scalar cause the scalar to be quoted. What the dump routine actually does is dump the string and read it back and if that results in a different value, the dumper knows that quoting is needed. This also works with strings like 2022-01-28, which when read back result in a date, such strings get quoted automatically when dumped as well (same for strings that look like floats, integers, true/false values).
I was using tdstats.UDFCONCAT to aggregate result of the query,
This function trims the resulting output, upon looked at the definition of this function, it accepts VARCHAR(128) .
SPECIFIC udfConcat
EXTERNAL NAME 'SL!staudf!F!udf_concatvarchar'
Can anybody tell if there is any specific reason to keep it limited to 128?
Note: I have duplicated the function and increased the size from 128 to 256 and it worked in my case. If anybody wants to know my use case then I can update here but question is regarding the default character limit mentioned by TD in the in-built function, so have not added my use case here.
I am trying to build a regular expression in Qt for the following set of strings:
The set can contain all the set of strings of length 1 which does not include r and z.
The set also includes the set of strings of length greater than 1, which start with z, followed by any number of z's but must terminate with a single character that is not r and z
So far I have developed the following:
But it does not work.
The question mark in your regular expression causes the first alternative to either match lowercase strings of length 1 excluding r and z or the empty string, and as the empty string can be matched within any string, the second alternative will never be matched against. The rest of your regular expression matches your specification, although you will probably want to make your regular expression only match entire strings by anchoring it:
QRegularExpression re("^[a-qs-y]$|^z+[a-qs-y]$");
QRegularExpressionMatch match = re.match("zzza");
if (match.hasMatch()) {
QString matched = match.captured(0);
// ...
TALES expression is new to me. Can I get some good reference for the same? Actually I wish to define a content rule for numeric input field using ploneformgen. Something like:
python: request.form.get('amt', False) <= 5000
then apply the rule.
Here 'amt' is a numeric/whole number field on the input form.
For reference, you should look at the official TALES specification, or refer to the TALES section of the Zope Page Templates reference.
In this case, you are using a plain python expression, and thus the normal rules of python code apply.
The expression request.form.get('amt', False) would return the request parameter 'amt' from the request, and if that's missing, return the boolean False, which you then compare to an integer value.
There are 2 things wrong with that expression: first of all you assume that the 'amt' parameter is an integer value. Even a PFG integer field however, is still a string in the request object. As such you'll need to convert in to an integer first before you can compare it.
Also, you fall back to a boolean, which in integer comparisons will be regarded as the equivalent of 0, better be explicit and use that instead:
python: int(request.form.get('amt', 0)) <= 5000
Note that for a PFG condition, you can also return a string error message instead of boolean True:
python: int(request.form.get('amt', 0)) <= 5000 or 'Amount must be not be greater than 5000'
Usually form parameters are passed in as strings if they are not defined on the application level otherwise e.g.
Zope will under the hood use the fieldname amt:int in order to convert the value to an integer.
So you may want to try to put an int(....) around the first expression.
So, I have created a variable "batch" with datatype datetime. Now my OLEBD source has a column "addDate" eg 2012-05-18 11:11:17.470 so does empty destination which is to be populated.
now this column addDate has many dates and I want to copy all dates which are "2012-05-18 11:11:17.470"
When I put value of the variable as this date, it automatically changes to mm/dd/yyyy hh;mm AM format and hence in my conditional split transformation, it couldn't match the date with the variable and hence no records are getting copied to the destination !!
Where exactly is the problem?
I had this issue and the best solution I found is not “pretty”.
Basically you need to change the “expression” of the variable and the “evaluate as expression” to true (otherwise it will ignore the value on expression).
The secret is (and kind of the reason I said it is not a pretty solution) to create a second variable to evaluate the expression of the first variable because you can’t change the value of a variable based on a expression.
So let’s say your variable is called “DateVariable” and you have 23/05/2012, create a variable called “DateVar2” for example and set its expression to
(DT_WSTR,4)YEAR(#[User::DateVariable]) + "/"+RIGHT("0" +
(DT_WSTR,2)MONTH(#[User::DateVariable]),2) + "/" + RIGHT("0" +
That will give you 2012/05/23
Just keep going to get the date on the format you want
I found the easier solution. Select datatype as string. put any desired value.
Before conditional split, you need data conversion transformation.
convert it into DT_DBTIMESTAMP then run the package.
It works!