How can I determine the current directory name in R? - r

The only solution I've encountered is to use regular expressions and recursively replace the first directory until you get a word with no slashes.
Is there anything slightly more elegant? (and more portable?)

Your example code doesn't work for me, but you're probably looking for either basename or dirname:
> getwd()
[1] "C:/cvswork/data"
> basename(getwd())
[1] "data"
> dirname(getwd())
[1] "C:/cvswork"

If you didn't know basename (and I didn't), you could have used this:
tail(strsplit(getwd(), "/")[[1]], 1)


Substring by specific character [duplicate]

I would like to extract filename from url in R. For now I do it as follows, but maybe it can be done shorter like in python. assuming path is just string.
in R:
in Python:
Maybe some sub, gsub solution?
There's a function for that...
[1] "fooXbar.xls"
#SimonO101 has the most robust answer IMO, but some other options:
Since regular expressions are greedy, you can use that to your advantage
sub('.*/', '', path)
# [1] "fooXbar.xls"
Also, you shouldn't need the [] around the / in your strsplit.
> tail(strsplit(path,"/")[[1]],1)
[1] "fooXbar.xls"

Extract only folder name right before filename from full path

I have the following path
filePath <- "/data/folder1/subfolder1/foo.dat"
I'd like to get subfolder1 which is where foo.dat locates. I saw solutions in other languages but haven't found one in R. What is the simplest way to do it? Thank you!
What I tried
> basename(filePath)
[1] "foo.dat"
> dirname(filePath)
[1] "/data/folder1/subfolder1"
This may solve:
filePath <- "/data/folder1/subfolder1/foo.dat"
This may not be the prettiest answer, but it will work for you:
unlist(strsplit(filePath, '/'))[length(unlist(strsplit(filePath, '/')))-1]

How to modify i in an R loop?

I have several large R objects saved as .RData files: "this.RData", "that.RData", "andTheOther.RData" and so on. I don't have enough memory, so I want to load each in a loop, extract some rows, and unload it. However, once I load(i), I need to strip the ".RData" part of (i) before I can do anything with objects "this", "that", "andTheOther". I want to do the opposite of what is described in How to iterate over file names in a R script? How can I do that? Thx
Edit: I omitted to mention the files are not in the working directory and have a filepath as well. I came across Getting filename without extension in R and file_path_sans_ext takes out the extension but the rest of the path is still there.
Do you mean something like this?
i <- c("/path/to/this.RDat", "/another/path/to/that.RDat")
f <- gsub(".*/([^/]+)", "\\1", i)
f1 <- gsub("\\.RDat", "", f)
[1] "this" "that"
On windows' paths you have to use "\\" instead of "/"
Edit: Explanation. Technically, these are called "regular
expressions" (regexps), not "patterns".
. any character
.* arbitrary number (including 0) of any kind of characters
.*/ arbitrary number of any kind of characters, followed by a
[^/] any character but not /
[^/]+ arbitrary number (1 or more) of any kind of characters,
but not /
( and ) enclose groups. You can use the groups when
replacing as \\1, \\2 etc.
So, look for any kind of character, followed by /, followed by
anything but not the path separator. Replace this with the "anything
but not separator".
There are many good tutorials for regexps, just look for it.
A simple way to do this using would be to extract the base name from the filepaths with base::basename() and then remove the file extension with tools::file_path_sans_ext().
paths_to_files <- c("./path/to/this.RData", "./another/path/to/that.RData")
## Returns:
## [1] "this" "that"

How to extract specific characters in R String

I have a file name string:
How can I extract all the "\" and replace it with "\"? In other languages, you can loop through the string and then replace character by character, but I don't think you can do that in R.
I tried
but it is highly optimized to this can it be more general?
gsub is the general tool for this, but as others have noted you need a confusing four slashes to account for the escapes: you need to escape for both R text and the regexp engine simultaneously.
An alternative, if using Windows, is to use normalizePath and setting the winslash parameter:
[1] "C:/Users/me/Dropbox/Work/"
Though this may perform additional work on expanding relative paths to absolute ones (seen here by prepending with C:).
In theory this would do what you want
gsub("\\\", "/", directoryLocation)
R> directoryLocation<-"\\Users\\me\\Dropbox\\Work\\"
R> directoryLocation
[1] "\\Users\\me\\Dropbox\\Work\\"
R> gsub("\\\\", "/", directoryLocation)
[1] "/Users/me/Dropbox/Work/"
At least on windows one needs to escape all of the backslashes, but gsub is what you want.
[1] "/Users/me/Dropbox/Work/"

How do I extract a file/folder_name only from a path?

Unfortunately I suck at regexp. If I have a path like so:
/long/path/to/file, I just need to extact file.
If someone supplies file/ I just need file.
If someone supplies /file/, I still need just file.
I've been using stringr functions as a crutch but this seems like straight up grep territory. Help, please?
If I understand correctly, you could use the basename function.
f <- "/long/path/to/file"
# [1] "file"
What about this?
> path <- "/long/path/to/file"
> require(stringr)
> str_extract(path, "[^/]*$")
[1] "file"
Sorry for giving an answer to a very old question, but I was led here searching for a way to extract only the directory part of a full filename.
So here is, how you extract the directory:
> f <- "/long/path/to/file"
> dirname(f)
[1] "/long/path/to"
