Are there any preset I18n word lists / resource files? - dictionary

I'm creating a web application that uses I18n. As I don't want to translate very common basic strings like "forgot password?" on my own I'm asking you if there are already any resource files or word lists containing these strings. One option is to download an existing framework and extract somehow these strings but this might be a hassle?
Especially I'm looking for translation regarding user authentication and translations from English to Italian, French and German. The file format doesn't matter.

Professional translators use a tool, TMX is the generic term i think, Translation Memory Exchange, that does what you are talking about by building up standard phrase lists in other languages so when they translate they can bring these phrases in to speed up their job and reduce the repetitive tedium. So these lists exist.
There is a free plugin for MS Word that does this and may come with lists (sorry cannot remember the name although Rosetta rings a bell).
There is an FOSS TMX tool called Okapi at Sourceforge. It may come with the dictionaries but if not it is a point where you can investigate.
You could also approach a site called Proz which is a site for translators and might be able to point you in the right direction
Take care over MT like Google API as it can give some weird results but you could use it to build you list and then double check. Remember that when you check a language that you need to do it with a native speaker who can pick up on the nuances and colloquialisms.

You can use google translator api. and your custom resource bundle


How to reuse reviewed documents in further translations?

Our instruction manual is in markdown format. We improve the manual daily or weekly and then we would like to translate to other languages. Until now, this process is manual and we use TRADOS (a assisted translation software)
We are studying to improve the process. What we want to do is to translate it using Microsoft translator and then a human reviewer do the fine tune. The problem is how we can reuse the corrected document in Microsoft Translator for the next translation.
Many times we only change 2 or 3 words of a topic and then the translator would create a complete new translation, doing the reviewer work very tedious if the translation is not accurate.
I know that we can train the model, but I think that there is not a 100% of probabilities that the translator uses the review. Also, it seems very time consuming to maintain the distortionary after reviewing the document.
I was wondering if somebody has solved this kind a problem.
We can automate the translation of the document using Microsoft Flow. In Microsoft flow we can use the SharePoint service to store the file which we need to translate and then we can create a flow of operation.
Need to create a folder in SharePoint and mention the site address
Mention the folder name and to which language you need to translate it when the file is available in the SharePoint folder
Give the destination folder. Again, it can be a SharePoint folder.
Note: Can't assure that the meaning after translation will be the same as the original statement.
You are looking for a translation memory system (TMS). A TMS will store your human edits to documents and reapply them to future translations of documents where a paragraph is repeated. A TMS will also help your human translator find close matches of a new segment with a previously translated one, highlighting the change the human will have to perform.
Most TMSes integrate machine translation systems like Microsoft Translator and others as a suggestion to the human editor, who can then approve or edit the suggestion.
When selecting a TMS here are some features to consider:
Integration with the content management system (CMS) your business uses for storing, maintaining and publishing documents
Collaboration: Multiple people working on a shared set of documents
Workflow management: Initiate a translation job, track the progress of it, and execute payments to the collaborating humans
Ease of use and translator acceptance of the human-facing CAT component of the TMS
Pretranslate with your favorite machine translation system from inside the TMS
Once you have collected a significant amount of domain-specific human translations, you can train a custom translation system directly from the content of your TMS, tuning future machine translations in the direction of the terminology and style that are exemplified by your human translations.
You said you already use Trados. So why don't you create a Translation Memory in Trados, and save your corrected work to that Translation Memory. Then the next time you create your project in Trados, presumably also using the MS Translator plugin that is freely available from the RWS AppStore you will pre-translate using your translation memory AND MS Translator. Any work you translated before and is in your translation memory will be used in preference to the machine translation result.
If you have the professional version of Trados you can also use Perfect Match. If you do this then when you receive your updated document with only a few words to change you match it against the bilingual file from your previous translation. Everything that remains the same receives a Perfect Match status and is optionally locked making it simple to identify what needs to be changed by the translator.

English dictionary needed for a word game

I'm looking for a way to include a full blown English dictionary in an iPhone app (a word game), the database must be able to include all conjugation possibilities for verbs, must include singular and plural spellings. So my app can query the database to check if the spelling is correct.
Is there a free or commercial database that would include those data?
You can use UITextChecker for spell-checking.
Regarding a dictionary, when I built an iOS dictionary library sometime ago ( I used WordNet. WordNet contains a lot of interesting semantic info ...
NSSpellChecker is your easiest option, but it might be more complete to use the online Scrabble official dictionary as well and check it against both (only one match required.)
You could do a web-service request using
Change min letters to get different results
The best place to find a database for a spell-checker is probably a free text processing application. So, I'd try with Open Office version of Word. Download it, install it and simply find the dictionary file.
Open Office is licensed under LGPL, so it should be fine, just check if the licence covers the data as well (i.e. the dictionary file).
Maybe this English corpus helps:

Where can I get bilingual dictionary for my application?

I'm wondering if there is a place where I can get a bilingual dictionary in open format for my program.
So far I'd like to have just few language pairs: eng-esp, eng-frn, ger-esp, let's say.
I googled and lurked without success so far.
I've done translation for an application using BabelFish and it came out ok, especially when you keep captions and messages short. To display different languages I used 'Chilkat's Charset' to render the different languages. I kept all the language translations in an excel file, good thing because customers have added to this language collection for us. The program has all the translations in text files that it uses to populate captions and messages prompts.
Would a google translate API work?:

Localization - First Steps

I'm pretty much after people opinions/best practices and nuggets of experience here.
I need to produce a new website in C# which has the requirement of changing the language based on the user profiles.
I've done a couple of simple samples before but I'm curious on a slightly lower level. I'm after resources which I can read and review really.
What design patterns are in place for doing things like translating grids of data into different cultures.
If I'm going to store currency info, is it standard practice to store the exchange rates also?
If I'm going to down the route of a standard web application can I use URL routing to help pick the culture to use? for instance
Wisdom/Thoughts welcome.
Thanks for looking and thanks more for answering,
A couple of things that I've learned:
Absolutely and brutally minimize the number of images you have that contain text. Doing so will make your life a billion percent easier since you won't have to get a new set of images for every friggin' language.
Be very wary of css positioning that relies on things always remaining the same size. If those things contain text, they will not remain the same size, and you will then need to go back and fix your designs.
If you use character types in your sql tables, make sure that any of those that might receive international input are unicode (nchar, nvarchar, ntext). For that matter, I would just standardize on using the unicode versions.
If you're building SQL queries dynamically, make sure that you include the N prefix before any quoted text if there's any chance that text might be unicode. If you end up putting garbage in a SQL table, check to see if that's there.
Make sure that all your web pages definitively state that they are in a unicode format. See Joel's article, mentioned above.
You're going to be using resource files a lot for this project. That's good - ASP.NET 2.0 has great support for such. You'll want to look into the App_LocalResources and App_GlobalResources folder as well as GetLocalResourceObject, GetGlobalResourceObject, and the concept of meta:resourceKey. Chapter 30 of Professional ASP.NET 2.0 has some great content regarding that. The 3.5 version of the book may well have good content there as well, but I don't own it.
Think about fonts. Many of the standard fonts you might want to use aren't unicode capable. I've always had luck with Arial Unicode MS, MS Gothic, MS Mincho. I'm not sure about how cross-platform these are, though. Also, note that not all fonts support all of the Unicode character definition. Again, test, test, test.
Start thinking now about how you're going to get translations into this system. Go talk to whoever is your translation vendor about how they want data passed back and forth for translation. Think about the fact that, through your local resource files, you will likely be repeating some commonly used strings through the system. Do you normalize those into global resource files, or do you have some sort of database layer where only one copy of each text used is generated. In our recent project, we used resource files which were generated from a database table that contained all the translations and the original, english version of the resource files.
Test. Generally speaking I will test in German, Polish, Hebrew or Arabic, and an Asian language (Japanese, Chinese, Korean). German and Polish are wordy and nearly guaranteed to stretch text areas, Asian languages use an entirely different set of characters which tests your unicode support, and Hebrew and Arabic are both right to left languages.

Recommendations for a multi-language spell checking control for ASP.NET

Looking for recommendations for a control which make can do spell checking for various languages.
You should check out the NetSpell as it is free first:
Here is a quick description:
The NetSpell project is a spell
checking engine written entirely in
managed C# .net code. NetSpell's
suggestions for a misspelled word are
generated using phonetic (sounds like)
matching and ranked by a typographical
(looks like) score. NetSpell supports
multiple languages and the
dictionaries are based on the
OpenOffice Affix compression format.
The library can be used in Windows or
Web Form projects. The download
includes an English dictionary with
dictionaries for other languages
available for download on the project
web site. NetSpell also supports user
added words and automatic creation of
user dictionaries. It also includes a
dictionary build tool to build custom
If you want a good one that is not free I would recomment KarmaSoft UltimateSpell:
Top 10 Features of Karamasoft
UltimateSpell for ASP.NET
Spell check as you type
Grammar check and synonyms
Spell check TEXT and HTML
Spell 1500 words per second
Auto correct misspelled words
Auto find all editable areas
Lookup online dictionary
34 dictionaries for free
Add to custom dictionary
Windows Forms support
Have a look at Telerik RadSpell:
We use UltimateSpell. Price is very reasonable and has a clean/easy to use interface.
Hunspell works well, and the price is right - free!
