Building a library using autotools from cmake - build-process

This is my first try with cmake and I would like to have, if possible, some feedbacks about what I did since some problems remain.
In the CMakeLists.txt of the library folder, I created two makefile targets: configure-antlr3c and antlr3c. The first target runs the autotools configuration shell script, the second one runs the make executable to build the library:
# CMakeLists.txt in libantlr3c-3.1.3
DEPENDS configure-antlr3c
The main problem is thatconfigure-antlr3c target is always "out of date", so it will always be executed even if no changes happened. Moreover, I necessarily need to generate my cmake makefiles in a separate directory (not in the root directory of my project) to avoid overriding the autotools Makefile of the library...
Has anyone had this problem (building autotools projects with cmake) ? And if so, what have been your solutions ?
Thank you.
EDIT : Solution
In the root CMakeLists.txt:
CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/libantlr3c-3.1.3/configure --prefix=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/libantlr3c-3.1.3
PREFIX ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/libantlr3c-3.1.3

I think that you'd be better off using the ExternalProject feature of cmake. I guess you have your project and have libantrl in a sub directory?
+- libantlr
+- mysrc
---- etc ----
If that's the case, you can do something like this in the top level CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
The <INSTALL_DIR> is expanded to something like libantlr-prefix, so things are installed in your build tree rather than in /usr/local, which is what autotools would do without a prefix.

I needed to do something similar but found it surprisingly difficult to get a working solution, despite the example provided here with the accepted answer, and code snippets provided in several other blog posts, the CMake support email listserv archives, etc. For the benefit of others who come across this question, here is my solution.
The external project we wanted to use is libmodbus, though I believe my solution is general enough to work with any project configured with the standard autoconf recipe of ./ && && make && make install.
We wanted to add libmodbus as a submodule of our git repository. We added to our repository at the path <root>/opt/libmodbus. The CMake code to configure it is located in <root>/cmake/modbus.cmake, which is included from our root CMakeLists.txt using
# libmodbus
The content of cmake/modbus.cmake is:
set(MODBUS_STATIC_LIB ${MODBUS_BIN}/lib/libmodbus.a)
DOWNLOAD_COMMAND cd ${MODBUS_DIR} && git clean -dfX && ${MODBUS_DIR}/
CONFIGURE_COMMAND ${MODBUS_DIR}/configure --srcdir=${MODBUS_DIR} --prefix=${MODBUS_BIN} --enable-static=yes --disable-shared
INSTALL_COMMAND make install
add_library(modbus STATIC IMPORTED GLOBAL)
add_dependencies(modbus libmodbus)
A component that uses libmodbus can declare its dependency as usual:
add_executable(hello_modbus main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(hello_modbus modbus)
A few notes:
This abuses the DOWNLOAD_COMMAND to perform the step. The git clean -dfX is probably not necessary (it is a leftover from an earlier version that used the BUILD_IN_SOURCE option. If you really want to download the code instead of using a git submodule, you'll need to modify this line appropriately.
We go to the trouble to force a static-only build of the library. Adjust your configure command line if you want shared libraries.
The set_target_properties command to set the IMPORTED_LOCATION will fail without the BUILD_BYPRODUCTS ${MODBUS_STATIC_LIB} declaration.
Likewise, the set_target_properties command to set the INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES will fail without the file(MAKE_DIRECTORY ${MODBUS_INCLUDES}).


CMake - Copy DLLs to the runtime output directory

I am trying to create a simple CMake that retrieves the DLLs of Qt and copy it in the directory in which cmake creates my executable.
It works great using g++ or clang, but MSVC (Visual Studio 2017) creates a Debug or Release directory.
I can't find a way to retrieve the path to the real directory in which the executable is written (${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} returns the directory parent of Release or Debug).
I've seen people using the target property RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY but it is empty when I use it.
Any idea how I can do this ? I do not want to change the output directory, I just want to know its path (so I do not want to change the value of RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)
In Visual Studio, during configuration step (when CMakeLists.txt files are processed) build type is not set, so no build-type-dependent variable or property is usable directly. Instead, generator-expressions should be used.
E.g., output directory for executable or library target can be extracted with $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:tgt> generator expression. It will return full directory, with "Release/" or "Debug/" already appended.
Note, that generator expressions can be used only when their usage is explicitly allowed in documentation. E.g., they cannot be used in message() command.
Alternatively, you may explicitely set variable CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, so for every build type will just append appropriate subdirectory to it. But for extracting this subdirectory, you should again resort to generator expressions: $<CONFIG>.
Technically, it is possible to set the same output directory for any build type. But this is not recommended, because a file from one build type will be overwritten by the file from another build type.
Example for Visual Studio 2022 and CMake.
Place this at the end of CMakeLists.txt:
if (WIN32)
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/external/c.dll" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}"
See list of CMake variables.
Note the "qcpp" in the preceding command. This is the project name and should match this line at the start:
project ("qcpp")
Appendix A - Testing
To verify, if you generate a Visual Studio Project using mkdir x && cd x && cmake .., you can see that CMake has added a post-build step to the solution config:
As of CMake 3.21+, the $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:tgt> generator expression can help copy dependent DLLs to the build tree. Quoting the documentation:
List of DLLs that the target depends on at runtime. This is determined by the locations of all the SHARED and MODULE targets in the target's transitive dependencies. Using this generator expression on targets other than executables, SHARED libraries, and MODULE libraries is an error. On non-DLL platforms, it evaluates to an empty string.
This generator expression can be used to copy all of the DLLs that a target depends on into its output directory in a POST_BUILD custom command.
Docs link:
An example of how to use this (adapted from the docs) follows:
find_package(foo REQUIRED)
add_executable(main main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE foo::foo)
if (WIN32)
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_if_different
endif ()
The if (WIN32) check ensures that $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:main> won't be empty, which would cause the command to fail (rather than do nothing). COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS makes sure that the semicolon-delimited list returned by $<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:main> will be split into multiple arguments, rather than passed as a single argument with (escaped) semicolons in it.
Note also that UNKNOWN libraries will be ignored by this generator expression. These are common when using the built-in Find modules, rather than using a library's first-party CMake config-mode package. In these cases, you will have to manually inspect the module variables to find the library paths and add custom commands for each one yourself.
For Qt specifically, I would expect the newer CMake integration in Qt6 to "just work", though I haven't tested it. It might also work in Qt5, but again I haven't tested it.

How do I run a Makefile from a .pro-file?

I added a git submodule to my project (at
It already has a Makefile and according to the project documentation at
I will need to run make qt-lib to compile the library.
In other words, I need to specify in the pro file in the including project that I have an already existing Makefile and want to run gnumake on it with a certain target.
Is that possible?
Maybe with a custom target:
Something like = mapbox/
mapbox.commands = make mapbox/Makefile

With SBT, how do I a specify an alternate project root other than the current directory for running a main class?

Normally SBT looks for the build files at ./build.sbt and ./project/Build.scala. Is it possible to specify an alternate project root, so I can build a project not in the current working directory? I'm looking essentially for an equivalent to mvn -f /path/to/pom.xml but the docs have not provided me with any obvious answers.
(I should note that I want to do this at runtime rather than compile time. Essentially, I want to use sbt run-main to run arbitrary classes from my project, since I hate manual classpath wrangling. For various boring reasons I may need to do this from arbitrary location since the code may need the working directory to be something other than the project directory, so using cd might not do what I want. It's so trivial in Maven - I just assumed, perhaps unfairly, that there would be a simple equivalent in SBT)
I have something like this. I have project definition at X/build.sbt, X/MyOtherDefinitionWithSpecialThing/build.sbt, X/MySuperPublishConfig/build.sbt.
But my point of view to the problem is opposite. Instead of specify location of ./build.sbt and ./project/Build.scala I specify location of path to resources. The result is the same. It looks like:
sourceDirectory <<= (baseDirectory) (_ / ".." / "src")
target <<= (baseDirectory) (_ / ".." / "target")
This is allow to create single project with multiple definitions. This is worked with nested/hierarchical projects. But I use symbolic links (Linux OS) for hierarchical projects.
There is a file tree of one of my SBT plugins. Multiple build definitions and only one src/...
If this not solution of your problem please elaborate why you don't want use 'cd' command ;-)
-- For the updated use case:
I use shell wrapper and I have symlink to this one in every SBT project:
here=$(cd $(dirname "$0"); pwd)
if [ ! -e "${here}/build.sbt" ]
echo build.sbt lost
cd ${here}
LOCAL_BUILD=true sbt-0.12 "$#"
I simply write /path/to/my/project/sbt 'show name' for example or /path/to/my/project/sbt run-main in your case.
As I discovered from this other answer, the sbt-start-script plugin is a better tool for this than sbt run-main. You can simply run sbt stage and you get an invocation script, with classpaths resolved, at target/start. According to the documentation, it needs to be run from the build root directory for inter-project dependencies to work, but for my simple use cases, this doesn't seem to be a problem.

Qmake: Avoid file name conflicts in different folders without introducing libraries

I have a project with some folders which happen to contain source files with the same names.
My source tree looks like this:
Per default, qmake generates a Makefile which will produce a build tree like this:
Where conflict.o is the object file resulting for both foo/conflict.cpp and foo/conflict.h.
I can't to change their names because they are generated using an external tool and forcing different file names would imply to change their contents, so this is not an option.
I also don't want to use qmake SUBDIRS template because this would imply that (1) every subdir is built separately as a library and thus very much complicate the overall build process (in my eyes at least) and (2) in the top level directory I can't have any source files. Or am I wrong?
Can't I just tell qmake to write the object files into separate directories within the build directory? So my build tree will look like this:
Or are there any other solutions neither requiring to rename the source files nor introducing something complicated like static libraries? I just can't believe that Qt didn't solve this (in my eyes simple) problem for years. (I already hat this problem 4 years ago but could rename the files in that project, while here I can't.)
If it's important: I use Qt 4.8 on both Ubuntu with G++ and Windows with mingw32.
Are you tied to qmake? If not, an alternative could be to use cmake. I just verified your usecase with a simple CMakeLists.txt like
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.6)
project (conflict)
add_executable(conflict foo/conflict.cpp bar/conflict.cpp main.cpp)
which even included a source file in the top level directory (main.cpp). This properly builds the executable - the object files are created in sub directories like
cmake also includes support for Qt4, to automatically pull in the required include paths and libraries. It might require some effort to migrate from qmake to cmake, but given the requirements you have I would give it a try.

cmake recursive

I am completely stuck with cmake. I am building big directory of
latex documents, so I want to get Makefile system with following
targets: prepare, build, archive. Main is that they must be recursive:
they present in every directory and run themself in all subdirectories.
But, unfortunally, if I manually say add_custom_target cmake complains
about duplicate targets. If I declare them only in root, then they do not
present in subdirectories. Unfortunately, I cannot reject cmake and start use
plain Makefiles.
Try using this:
