how to specify different IP addresses for different users in Tsung - ip

is it possible to specify users IP addresses in Tsung?
Because in Apache logs, the users have the same IP address, the IP of the machine from which testing have been done. I want to specify somehow in Tsung, that it should generate new users with unique identifiers for being possible to distinguish them on Apache logs.
Some ideas?

vhost is only supported by jabber/XMPP plugin not by HTTP or others. Visit to get more.
If you want to specify IP , maybe use more slave in your cluster ? But we can not specify IP per user .


Set custom port tcp, just to login cms

I want to set custom port tcp to login cms for example wordpress.
¿This is possible?
(but set normal port 80 to entire site)
For example in cpanel whm, there have different ports 2086 not ssl and 2087 ssl
With tool like ipset (iptables in linux) can I block entire contry according to range ip and port, for example can I just allow my country to request specified port.
Another better method is use layer 2 firewall like google compute engine and block ranges of ips relation to specified port.
Sorry for this question maybe is not good.
¿Can I do this in a cms like wordpress?
Note: I know about Deny all in .htaccess.
I know about set just ssl to wp-admin.
I know i can change to rute wp-admin another alias name.
You can develop a simple bash script to download ip addresses for a particular country (represented as a zone) from The bash command would be something like:
wget -qNP [dir]
Where [dir] is the directory you wish to store the zone file containing the list of ip addresses for the country; and XX is the two character country zone code.
You can then read the ip addresses into an ipset using the strategy described at: however, this strategy applies specifically to dynamically blocking malicious ip addresses (e.g., hackers) that are discovered during operations and blocking them immediately.
I successfully implement a tailored version of this strategy to automatically download ip addresses for certain countries once per day, and then read the ip addresses into an ipset defined for blocking inbound/outbound accesses by these countries.

Does an IP address always have a corresponding domain name/URL?

Apologizes if this is readily available somewhere but I'm not able to find it on google easily.
I'm wondering if an IP address will always have a corresponding domain name/URL. We are looking to remove acceptance of IP addresses and require our clients to pass a domain name instead but wanted to ensure that this is possible.
The answer is No.
An IP with a corresponding domain name/URL is strictly for readability purposes. You can map a particular IP to a domain name using a DNS server but it is entirely optional.
More info

static and dynamic host configuration approaches?

I'm currently revising for an exam and I'm stuck on a question which is:
"Explain the static and dynamic host configuration approaches."
I'm unsure if the answer is correct but what I've write is this:
static host configuration are hard-coded addresses that will only work on one specific network segment, which is intended for stationary computers
dynamic host configurations work best with portable computers like laptops that move between network segments.
that's my answer, could anyone help me to understand if this is correct or not?
You are correct about the difference. But there s a lot more than what you have stated.
DHC : Used to configure IP addresses automatically to the systems without any intervention of network administrator.
For Eg. When you register for a new internet connection, your ISP(network administrator, in this case) will provide you access to the DHCP server which ll allot you the IP address on the runtime.
To prevent the same IP address being assigned to two different computers
Also the main use is, ISP s will have a range of IP addresses with them. You ll be assigned any of their IPs dynamically by DHCP Server when your lease time expires for a particular IP that have been assigned earlier
SHC : Used to manually configure the IP addresses to systems.
When you knew how many systems are going to be present exactly inside the network
And when you want to uniquely identify a system in the ntwk using its IP address
For Eg. When you configure LAN in your house, between, say, around 4 computers. You will know exactly the number of systems in the group. So you don't have to allot a DHCP Server to allot the IP addresses for these 4 systems. YOu manually configure them
Hope that helps :)

Looking for a list of aliases

I have an IP address and I want to know all aliases within my organization that point to this IP. Is it possible?
For example I know the alias "TESTBOX" points to
How can by just knowing the IP come up with the "TESTBOX" ?
Short answer: You can't.
You can try a reverse lookup on the IP address, but that will only show you the address that has been specifically allocated in the reverse DNS to that IP address.
Remember, aliases might exist only as an entry on a single machine's hosts file. They might also exist in a DNS server on the other side of the planet. However, if you're only interested in local DNS aliases, and your DNS servers allow zone transfers, then you can try listing every entry in every domain (eg. with host -l and searching the results for the IP address in question.

Find Remote IP using .net

i need to find the remote users ip address using and also i need clarification whether multiusers have same ip address
Dim userIP As string = Request.UserHostAddress
Edit Caveat - the below is talking about an internet scenario. On a more limited (intranet) network, you may be able to assume a 1-1 User-IP Address mapping
Multiple users may appear to have the same IP address.
The same user may make two requests in a row from different IP addresses.
Whatever you're trying to do, using the users IP address for anything other than logging is probably pointless.
