how to add CSS in this iframe - css

Can any one tell me how I can add my own CSS in an external site page through an iframe. So what code should I change here:
<iframe src="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="232px" width="514px" id="Dir-go" allowtransparency="true" title="WebDir"></iframe>

You can't. Nor can you add a stylesheet to it though Javascript. You can't edit the DOM of another domain's Iframe. (Very secure and all.)

External domains Iframes you cannot do anything but, internal iframes (using own domain) you can do this by using DOM javascript.


Youtube iframe fullscreen

hope everyone is ok.
I need to build a page in our company's website where we're putting some videos of our production.
The problem is, i can't seem to find a way to make the videos available in fullscreen mode for the visitors.
I've done pratically every solution that i've found, but none seems to work. I've done:
<iframe allow="fullscreen;">
<iframe src="your_page_url"
allowFullScreen="allowFullScreen" and frameBorder="0"
src="URL here"
But none of that worked.. Any help here is welcome!
its very easy if you wants to add youtube videos in iframe .you just have to add iframe in src embed word like that
<iframe src="" name="myFrame"></iframe>
after url

Lazy sizes does not show video

I am using lazy sizes for the lazy load of my youtube videos. On every page the lazy load does work, but not on these two, more precisely, the whole video just disappears/is not displayed. The two pages are in the same folder as all other pages, which do work. The link to lazysizes.js is there <script src="lazysizes.min.js" async></script>
Here is the iframe on one of the working pages with the video being displayed:
<iframe width="640" height="360" data-src="" importance="low" loading="lazy" frameborder="0" class="lazyload" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
and here the iframe that just won't work/does not display the video - it's identical:
<iframe width="640" height="360" data-src="" importance="low" loading="lazy" class="lazyload" frameborder="0" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I know this just doesn't make sense, but my hope is that one of you stumbled upon the same problem. I have tried copying and pasting (swapped them, so it is not really the iframe code) and changing it, reloading the js etc. but nothing helps. The iframe is identical with the other pages. I have no idea how to find out what's missing here.
I'm stupid, the console revealed it: the lazysizes.min.js was loaded into the directory of this particular URL. Since this URL (and its /.../ directory) is artificially created the lazysizes.min.js could not be found in that directory (though on the FTP server the js file is in the same directory as the source php file that loads it) it could not be loaded.
A simple line of extra code that includes the lazysizes.min.js above the iframe embedment with an absolute URL to the js file solved the problem!

Vimeo iFrame only loads occasionally

This vimeo video loads fine on its own with the iframe snippet below
<iframe src="" width="350" height="192" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
But once loaded as part of this page, it will only work some of the time. I disabled all applicable CSS rules to that iFrame element, but it still won't load.
This happens on Chrome, Firefox and Safari, cleared cache or not.
Any thoughts?
That's because your site is secure. Browsers have started blocking insecure elements loaded on secure pages. The easiest solution is to remove the "http:" from the src of the iframe:
<iframe src="//" width="350" height="192" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
That will load via the proper protocol where necessary. Note that we are still working on getting our video files loading over https, but the embed will still work in the meantime (you'll just see a warning in the address bar in some browsers).
Your iFrame source needs to be https://

Is not possible to toggle fullscreen in iframe for flash video?

I'm using embed code to do live stream and the embed code like youtube one works perfectly
but some of them I have to use code such as iframe the fullscreen feature doesn't work.
<iframe src="linkhere" width="600" height="450"/>
and I can not toggle the video into fullscreen
will it be any possible way to make it fullscreen if they click on the option?
or will it be any other embed code that similar to iframe to use?
Your problem could be that the flash plugin recognises iframe as your "fullscreen"..
When looking at the youtube embed code, i recognised a function "allowfullscreen" within the iframe definition
make sure you also have this part in your code..
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" **allowfullscreen**></iframe>
else there might be another option beside an iframe..

How can I play a URL in an iframe?

I want to play a URL in an iframe. When I place any other URL in the following line, it works fine, but when I enter the YouTube URL I get a blank page. Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong, or suggest any other method by which I can play the YouTube URL in an iframe?
<iframe width="100%"
Your code will open a normal YouTube page. If I'm correct you want to have an iframe with video in it.
Try this:
There's lot's of documentation there too.
