Was there ever a proposal to include the URL fragment into the HTTP request? - http

In the current HTTP spec, the URL fragment (the part of the URL including and following the #) is not sent to the server in any way. However with the increased spread of AJAX, which uses the fragment to maintain some form of state, there are a lot of situations where it would be useful for the server to have knowledge of the URL fragment at request time.
For example, if you go to http://facebook.com, then click a user name in your stream, the URL will become http://faceboook.com/#!/username - to allow FB to update your page without reloading all of its bootstrap JS and HTML. However, if you were to reload this with your browser, the server would have no way of seeing the "#/!username" part of the URL, and therefore could not pre-render the content for you. This forces your browser to make an extra request once the client Javascript has loaded and parsed the fragment.
I am wondering if there have been any efforts or proposals towards creating a standard mechanism to achieve this.
For example, there could be a standard HTTP header, which would be sent with the value of the URL fragment - any server which cared about such things could then have access to it.
It seems like this would be a very useful thing for the web-application community as a whole, so I am surprised to not have heard anything proposed. Perhaps I missed it though.

Imho, the fragment identifier really is not a good place to store the state, it has been designed for something else.
That being said, http://www.jenitennison.com/blog/node/154 has a good discussion of the whole subject.

I found this proposal by Google to make Ajax pages crawlable, but it addresses a more constrained set of use cases. Specifically, it creates a way to replace the URL fragment with a URL parameter to obtain the same HTML output from the server as would be generated by a client visiting the equivalent URL with the fragment. However, such URLs are useless for actually running the Ajax apps, since they would necessitate a page reload every time.

Webkit Bug 24175 - URL Redirect Loses Fragment refers to Handling of fragment identifiers in redirected URLs which may be of interest.
A suggestion for a future version of HTTP may be to add an (optional)
Fragment header to the request, which holds the fragment identifier.
Even simpler may be to allow an HTTP request to contain a fragment


Securing HTTP referer

I develop software which stores files in directories with random names to prevent unauthorized users to download a file.
The first thing we need about this is to store them in a separate top-level domain (to prevent cookie theft).
The second danger is HTTP referer which may reveal the name of the secret directory.
My experiments with Chrome browser shows that HTTP referer is sent only when I click a link in my (secret) file. So the trouble is limited only to files which may contain links (in Chrome HTML and PDF). Can I rely on this behavior (not sending the referer is the next page is opened not from a current (secret) page link but with some other method such as entering the URL directly) for all browsers?
So the problem was limited only to HTML and PDF files. But it is not a complete security solution.
I suspect that we can fully solve this problem by adding Content-Disposition: attachment when serving all our secret files. Will it prevent the HTTP referer?
Also note that I am going to use HTTPS for a man-in-the-middle not to be able to download our secret files.
You can use the Referrer-Policy header to try to control referer behaviour. Please take note that this requires clients to implement this.
Instead of trying to conceal the file location, may I suggest you implement proper authentication and authorization handling?
I agree that Referrer-Policy is your best first step, but as DaSourcerer notes, it is not universally implemented on browsers you may support.
A fully server-side solution is as follows:
User connects to .../<secret>
Server generates a one-time token and redirects to .../<token>
Server provides document and invalidate token
Now the referer will point to .../<token>, which is no longer valid. This has usability trade-offs, however:
Reloading the page will not work (though you may be able to address this with a cookie or session)
Users cannot share URL from URL bar, since it's technically invalid (in some cases that could be a minor benefit)
You may be able to get the same basic benefits without the usability trade-offs by doing the same thing with an IFRAME rather than redirecting. I'm not certain how IFRAME influences Referer.
This entire solution is basically just Referer masking done proactively. If you can rewrite the links in the document, then you could instead use Referer masking on the way out. (i.e. rewrite all the links so that they point to https://yoursite.com/redirect/....) Since you mention PDF, I'm assuming that this would be challenging (or that you otherwise do not want to rewrite the document).

Where should http headers be set?

In a web application using an MVC layout, should HTTP Headers be set in the controller or the view? My thoughts:
Controller: Setting the header here seems appropriate, as this is part of taking a request, and setting necessary variables to handle it on the server side.
View: An HTTP header is really just a few lines of text above the rest of the content being served up, and that text is arguably the view.
I wouldn't gasp to see headers set in either location. What is the best practice?
The view’s responsibility is anything that is sent to the user. The format of the content doesn’t matter. The view doesn’t know how that content will be parsed – in a web browser, a console, Lynx …
An example: you want to debug your AJAX requests and send data about the inner processes to the browser. You don’t want to mangle that information into your DOM, so you use HTTP headers instead. These headers are meant to be viewed in the browser’s debugger. The view in your application just doesn’t know if you are actually looking at its output.
Basic rule: whenever you sent a single Byte to the user, use the view.

How to Read / Write or Preserve Fragment Identifiers on Post-back

I'm using fragment identifiers to run a tabbed browsing control and it would be nice if the post-back could preserve the tab as that is less jarring to the user. To that end I've been searching for a method to preserve the fragment identifier and am at a total loss.
Is there a way to read or save the fragment identifier from the referring url during a page post-back in ASP.NET?
You can't save/retrieve URL fragments on the server side because Browsers don't send them -and they aren't supposed to- to the server. See here.
Clients are not supposed to send URI-fragments to servers when they retrieve a document, and without help from a local application (see below) fragments do not participate in HTTP redirections.
You can use document.location.hash from javascript to read the fragment. You can use this to send something to the server in the POST, and then the server could include it in a 30x redirect.

Should I stop redirecting after successful POST or PUT requests?

It seems common in the Rails community, at least, to respond to successful POST, PUT or DELETE requests by redirecting instead of returning success. For instance, if I PUT a legal change to my user profile, the idiomatic response would be a 302 Redirect to the profile page.
Isn't this wrong? Shouldn't we be returning 200 OK from the request? Or a 201 Created, in the case of a POST request? Either of those, in the HTTP/1.1 Status Definitions are allowed to (or required to) include a response, anyway.
I guess I'm wondering, before I go and "fix" my application, whether there is there a darn good reason why the community has gone the way of redirects instead of successful responses.
I'll assume, your use of the PUT verb notwithstanding, that you're talking about a web app that will be accessed primarily through the browser. In that case, the usual reason for following up a POST with a redirect is the post-redirect-get pattern, which avoids duplicate requests caused by a user refreshing or using the back and forward controls of their browser. It seems that in many instances this pattern is overloaded by redirecting not to a success page, but to the next most likely place the user would visit. I don't think either way you mention is necessarily wrong, but doing the redirect may be more user-friendly at the expense of not strictly adhering to the semantics of HTTP.
It's called the POST-Redirect-GET (PRG) pattern. This pattern will prevent clients from (accidently) re-executing non-idempotent requests when for example navigating forth and back in browser's history.
It's a good general web development practice which doesn't only apply on RoR. I'd just keep it as is.
In a perfect world, yes, probably. However HTTP clients and servers are a mess when it comes to standardization and don't always agree on proper protocol. Redirecting after a post helps avoid things like duplicate form submissions.

Accessing Jump Links (the part of the URL after a hasch character, #) from the code behind

Anyone know if it's possible to access the name of a jump link in c# code?
I'm doing some url Rewriting stuff and I'm thinking I might not be able to see that part of the URL.
So basically, my URL looks a little something like this:
And I want to access "Term1". I can't see it in the ServerVariables...
Any ideas?!?!?
The hash character is meant for client side navigation. Anything after the # is not submitted to the server.
From the wikipedia article:
The fragment identifier functions differently than the rest of the URI: namely, its processing is exclusively client-side with no participation from the server. When an agent (such as a Web browser) requests a resource from a Web server, the agent sends the URI to the server, but does not send the fragment.
Its technical name is Fragment Identifier
Perhaps System.Uri.Fragment? Or what is it you don't see?
